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|1= Short title of the legislation, or if there is no official short title, a popular title or short description. This is wikilinked.

|link= alternative wikilink for short title

|note1= A note to place after the short title (put references here)

|2= Type (public, private, personal, local, asp (Act of the Scottish Parliament), asc, anaw (Acts of the Welsh Parliament), nawm, ania (Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly), mnia, church (Church Measure) etc.); changes the citation style (italic for private, roman numerals for local)

|3= Citation number (chapter, etc.). Always use normal numbers, not roman numerals.

|note2= A note to place after the citation number (put references here)

|4= Regnal/Arabic citation

|5= Date (dd-mm-yyyy format - must have two digits for day and month)

|note3= A note to place after the date (put references here)

|maintained= y/n - places a link icon to legislation.gov.uk. Defaults to n if not specified.

|url= url for Legislation.gov.uk link

|archived= y/n - places a link icon to Parliamentary archives. Defaults to y if not specified.

|repealed= y/n

|6= Long title

|note4= A note to place after the long title

|po1= - short title of Provisional Order (or long title if no short title, see po1short below)

|po1short= y/n - does the PO have a short title? If n, then po1 is used unlinked, and po1long and po1note2 aren't used.

|po1note1= - note to follow short title

|po1year= y/n - if y, adds a footnote explaining the difference in years between the Act and the PO

|po1long=y/n - if no, the long title argument isn't required (or displayed)

|6= long title

|po1note2= - note to follow long title