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This template computes a Julian day for Songkran, using specified year (or system year, in case of blank argument). The number has to be converted back to corresponding date, using Template:JULIANDAY.DAY, Template:JULIANDAY.MONTH, Template:JULIANDAY.YEAR.

There are two key dates during Songkran: (1) Maha Songkran and (2) Thaloengsok. Maha Songkran is when the Sun enters Aries and marks the start of celebration, which ends as new year begins on Thaloengsok. The result matches most Songkran notice made by many astrologers and calendar made by Government Savings Bank of Thailand. This is still adhered by many people, including monks and astrologers today, rather than government's fixed date (13 - 15 April).



Use following syntax

  • Year in CE (or AD) must be specified if particular year is to be computed. It can be left blank and current system year will be used instead.
  • Mode specifies which date to be calculated.
    • Mode = 1 or m: Maha Songkran.
    • Mode = 2 or t: Thaloengsok.