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This template links the article to the relevant sections of the 3-volume, Italian language, biographical encyclopaedia, Enciclopedia dei Papi, which has been published in print as well as online at the website http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/. The online version does not have the iconographic system of the printed edition, however.

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* {{EnciclopediaDeiPapi|Verfasser=|ID=|Lemma=|Band=|SeiteVon=|SeiteBis=|Kommentar=|kurz=}}



The mandatory parameter for linking to the online version is:

  • ID= that part of the URL after the address:


Optional parameters that may be used as desired to enhance a reference are:

  • Verfasser=publisher of the article as shown under the lemma of the Enciclopedia dei Papi
  • Lemma= article name, as it is given in the Enciclopedia dei Papi
  • Band= volume (between 1 and 3)
  • SeiteVon= first page of the article
  • SeiteBis= last page of the article
  • Kommentar= for comments
  • kurz= ja/yes (abbreviated reference without institute and publisher)


* {{EnciclopediaDeiPapi|Verfasser=Zimmermann, Harald|ID=eugenio-iii_%28Enciclopedia_dei_Papi%29|Lemma=Eugenio III, beato|Band=2|SeiteVon=279|SeiteBis=285|Kommentar=|kurz=}}


  • Zimmermann, Harald: Eugenio III, beato. In: Massimo Bray (ed.): Enciclopedia dei Papi. Volume 2: Niccolò I, santo, Sisto IV. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2000, pp. 279–285 (treccani.it)
* {{EnciclopediaDeiPapi|Verfasser=Zimmermann, Harald|ID=eugenio-iii_%28Enciclopedia_dei_Papi%29|Lemma=Eugenio III, beato|Band=2|SeiteVon=279|SeiteBis=285|Kommentar=|kurz=ja}}


  • Zimmermann, Harald: Eugenio III, beato. In: Enciclopedia dei Papi. Volume 2, Rome 2000, pp. 279–285 (treccani.it)