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Template:Connecticut Plants/doc

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • {{Connecticut Plants|numerical id}}
  • {{Connecticut Plants|numerical id|taxon, if different from page title}}


  • {{Connecticut Plants|id=numerical id}}


|1=, |id=
Numerical ID in URL. For instance, 625 in http://www.ct-botanical-society.org/Plants/view/625.
Scientific name, for link text. Automatically italicized as needed.
Display the name of the site, but not the taxon name. For external link sections.
|access-date=, |accessdate=
As in other citation templates.
Changes the citation mode to Citation Style 2. The default is cs1, Citation Style 1.


  1. {{Connecticut Plants|38|Apocynum androsaemifolium}}
  2. {{Connecticut Plants|38|Apocynum androsaemifolium|link=1}}
  1. "Apocynum androsaemifolium". Connecticut Plants. Connecticut Botanical Society. 2015.
  1. Connecticut Plants, Connecticut Botanical Society