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Template:Cite Argentine law/doc

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A template to cite primary and secondary Argentine legislation, at the federal and provincial jurisdictions.




{{cite Argentine law 
| jur = 
| l (or d, or dl, or r, or o) =
| date =
| sdate =
| pdate =
| bo (or adla, or edla) = 
| vol = 
| p =
| url =
| language =


General information
Parameter Parameter description
The code or abbreviation for the jurisdiction where the legislation was enacted (e.g. jur=CB for Córdoba Province)
Note1: HASC and ISO 3166-2 codes, and a few common usage abbreviations are supported
Note2: defaults to federal jurisdiction if not provided
The type and number of the legislation:
  • l: Law
  • d: Decree
  • dl: Decree Law
  • r: Resolution
  • o: Ordinance

(e.g. d=1800/2010 for decree 1800/2010). Usual name can be included too (e.g. d=1800/2010 – Declárase al Vino Argentino como Bebida Nacional)

The date (in Spanish, long format) when the legislation was published
The date (in Spanish, long format) when the legislation was sanctioned
Note: use only in cases where this information is meaningful
The date (in Spanish, long format) when the legislation was promulgated
Note: use only in cases where this information is meaningful
URL of online website with the legislation text
Note: overrides any auto link to online references
ISO 639 name of the legislation language, in case url links to a translation (e.g. language=en for English)
Note: defaults to Spanish if not provided
Reporter reference
Parameter Parameter description Sub-parameter Sub-parameter description
Boletín Oficial (B.O.) report issue number
(e.g. bo=32035)
Note: auto links to online references, if available
The number of the first page of the legislation text
Anales de Legislación Argentina (A.D.L.A.) report year number minus 1940
(e.g. adla=55 for 1995)
Letter of the report volume containing the legislation text
The number of the first page of the legislation text
El Derecho – Legislación Argentina (E.D.L.A.) report year number
(e.g. edla=1993)
Letter of the report volume containing the legislation text
The number of the first page of the legislation text

Jurisdiction codes and abbreviations


The |jur= parameter accepts the following codes and abbreviations. If not provided, it will default to federal jurisdiction.

Abbr. 1 Abbr. 2 Jurisdiction
BA B Buenos Aires
DF C CABA CDBA Buenos Aires City
CT K Catamarca
CC H Chaco
CH U Chubut
CB X Córdoba
CN W Corrientes
ER E Entre Ríos
FM P Formosa
JY Y Jujuy
LP L La Pampa
LR F La Rioja
MZ M Mendoza
Abbr. 1 Abbr. 2 Jurisdiction
MN N Misiones
NQ Q Neuquén
RN R Río Negro
SA A Salta
SJ J San Juan
SL D San Luis
SC Z Santa Cruz
SF S Santa Fe
SE G Santiago del Estero
TF V Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur
TM T Tucumán
FED ARG Federal



Federal law


Number, date, reporter (A.D.L.A.), and URL specified

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 26571
| date = 14 de diciembre de 2009
| adla = 70
| vol = a
| p = 99
| url = http://infoleg.mecon.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/160000-164999/161453/norma.htm

will display as: Ley No. 26571, 14 de diciembre de 2009, A.D.L.A., LXX–A, 99 (in Spanish)

Number and reporter (A.D.L.A.) specified

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 26571
| adla = 70
| vol = a
| p = 99

will display as: Ley No. 26571, A.D.L.A., LXX–A, 99

Number and date specified

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 26571
| date = 14 de diciembre de 2009

will display as: Ley No. 26571, 14 de diciembre de 2009

Only number specified

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 26571

will display as: Ley No. 26571

Number plus usual name, date, reporter (E.D.L.A.), and URL specified

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor
| date = 15 de octubre de 1993
| edla = 1993
| vol = b
| p = 1278
| url = http://infoleg.mecon.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/0-4999/638/texact.htm

will display as: Ley No. 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor, 15 de octubre de 1993, E.D.L.A., [1993–B–1278] (in Spanish)

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor
| date = 15 de octubre de 1993
| bo = 27744
| p = 34
| sdate = 22 de septiembre de 1993

will display as: Ley No. 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor, 15 de octubre de 1993, B.O., (27744), 34 (in Spanish); sanc.: 22 de septiembre de 1993

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor
| date = 15 de octubre de 1993
| bo = 27744
| p = 34
| pdate = 13 de octubre de 1993

will display as: Ley No. 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor, 15 de octubre de 1993, B.O., (27744), 34 (in Spanish); prom.: 13 de octubre de 1993

{{cite Argentine law
| l = 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor
| date = 15 de octubre de 1993
| bo = 27744
| p = 34
| sdate = 22 de septiembre de 1993
| pdate = 13 de octubre de 1993

will display as: Ley No. 24240 – Defensa del Consumidor, 15 de octubre de 1993, B.O., (27744), 34 (in Spanish); sanc.: 22 de septiembre de 1993, prom.: 13 de octubre de 1993

Federal decree

{{cite Argentine law
| d = 1800/2010
| date = 25 de noviembre de 2010
| bo = 32035
| p = 1

will display as: Decreto No. 1800/2010, 25 de noviembre de 2010, B.O., (32035), 1 (in Spanish)

Number plus usual name, date, reporter (B.O.), and URL override specified

{{cite Argentine law
| d = 1800/2010 – Declárase al Vino Argentino como Bebida Nacional
| date = 25 de noviembre de 2010
| bo = 32035
| p = 1
| url = http://www.boletinoficial.gov.ar/Inicio/Index.castle?s=01&idAviso=9706025&IdRubro=438&f=20101125

will display as: Decreto No. 1800/2010 – Declárase al Vino Argentino como Bebida Nacional, 25 de noviembre de 2010, B.O., (32035), 1 (in Spanish)

Provincial law


Number, date, reporter (B.O.), and URL specified

{{cite Argentine law
| jur = MZ
| l = 8632/13
| date = 23 de enero de 2014
| bo = 29555
| p = 1
| url = http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20140123-29555-normas.pdf

will display as: Ley No. 8632/13 de la Provincia de Mendoza, 23 de enero de 2014, B.O., (29555), 1 (in Spanish)

Municipal ordinance


Number plus place, and dates (sanctioning, promulgation)

{{cite Argentine law
| o = 3390 de la ciudad de Ushuaia
| sdate = 10 de septiembre de 2008
| pdate = 26 de septiembre de 2008

will display as: Ordenanza No. 3390 de la ciudad de Ushuaia; sanc.: 10 de septiembre de 2008, prom.: 26 de septiembre de 2008

Supporting templates


See also
