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Template:Cite Argentine court/doc

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A template to cite Argentine jurisprudence at the federal and provincial jurisdictions.




{{cite Argentine court
| jur = 
| court =
| room = 
| date =
| cnum =
| cvol =
| cname =    
| cletter = 
| f (or ll, or ed, or ja) = 
| vol = 
| p =
| pinpoint =
| quote = 
| tquote = 
| notes = 
| url =
| language =


Ruling information
Parameter Parameter description
The code or abbreviation for the jurisdiction where the ruling was issued (e.g. jur=CB for Córdoba Province)
Note1: HASC and ISO 3166-2 codes, and a few common usage abbreviations are supported
Note2: defaults to federal jurisdiction if not provided
The standard abbreviation of the court issuing the ruling
Note: defaults to National Supreme Court if not provided
The courtroom issuing the ruling
The date (in Spanish, long format) when the ruling was issued
URL of online website with the ruling text
ISO 639 name of the ruling language, in case url links to a translation (e.g. language=en for English)
Note: defaults to Spanish if not provided
References, quotes and notes
Parameter Parameter description Sub-parameter Sub-parameter description
Identifies specific grounds of the decision
Original Spanish quote(s) of pinpointed grounds tquote
English translation of the original Spanish quote(s)
Any notes pertinent to the decision, in English (e.g. summary of the ruling, list of concurrences and dissents, etc.)
Case information
Parameter Parameter description
The case number
The case volume
The case name, usually including litigants, either in full or abbreviated form without quoting marks
Usually the first letter of the case name
Reporter reference
Parameter Parameter description Sub-parameter Sub-parameter description
Colección Oficial de Fallos de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Fallos) report volume number
Note: exclusive for National Supreme Court rulings
The number of the first page of the ruling text
La Ley (L.L.) report year vol
The number or letter of the report volume containing the ruling text
The number of the first page of the ruling text
El Derecho (E.D.) report year vol
The number of the report volume containing the ruling text
The number of the first page of the ruling text
Jurisprudencia Argentina (J.A.) report year or issue number vol
The number of the report volume containing the ruling text
The number of the first page of the ruling text

Jurisdiction codes and abbreviations


The |jur= parameter accepts the following codes and abbreviations. If not provided, it will default to federal jurisdiction.

Abbr. 1 Abbr. 2 Jurisdiction
BA B Buenos Aires
DF C CABA CDBA Buenos Aires City
CT K Catamarca
CC H Chaco
CH U Chubut
CB X Córdoba
CN W Corrientes
ER E Entre Ríos
FM P Formosa
JY Y Jujuy
LP L La Pampa
LR F La Rioja
MZ M Mendoza
Abbr. 1 Abbr. 2 Jurisdiction
MN N Misiones
NQ Q Neuquén
RN R Río Negro
SA A Salta
SJ J San Juan
SL D San Luis
SC Z Santa Cruz
SF S Santa Fe
SE G Santiago del Estero
TF V Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur
TM T Tucumán
FED ARG Federal



Federal courts


Case info (with full name), date and reporter (Fallos) specified

{{cite Argentine court
| cletter = Y
| cnum = 25
| cvol = 21
| cname = Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales c/ Mendoza, Provincia de s/ repetición 
| date = 22 de octubre de 1996
| f = 319
| p = 2458

will display as: C.S.J.N., Y. 25.XXI., "Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales c/ Mendoza, Provincia de s/ repetición", 22 de octubre de 1996, Fallos 319:2458

Only reporter (Fallos) specified

{{cite Argentine court
| f = 239
| p = 459

will display as: C.S.J.N., Fallos 239:459

Full case name, date, reporter (Fallos), pinpoint, quote (with English translation), note, and URL specified

{{cite Argentine court
| cname = Siri, Angel s/interponer recurso de Habeas Corpus
| date = 27 de diciembre de 1957
| f = 239
| p = 459
| pinpoint = 9, Jueces Orgaz, Argañarás, Galli y Villegas Basavilbaso en voto de la mayoría
| quote = [...] las garantías individuales existen y protegen a los individuos por el solo hecho de estar consagradas por la Constitución e independientemente de las leyes reglamentarias.
| tquote = [...] personal rights exist and protect individuals just because of being consecrated in the Constitution and independently of regulating laws.
| notes = A singular aspect of this ruling is that the Supreme Court had been appointed by a ''[[de facto]]'' government.
| url = http://www.infojus.gov.ar/resource/kbee:/saij-portal/content/jurisprudencia/fallo/federal/679331b0-00d5-11e2-b7c1-0000c0a83463/1957/12/57000001/57000001.PDF

will display as: C.S.J.N., "Siri, Angel s/interponer recurso de Habeas Corpus", 27 de diciembre de 1957, Fallos 239:459 (in Spanish), consid. 9, Jueces Orgaz, Argañarás, Galli y Villegas Basavilbaso en voto de la mayoría "[...] las garantías individuales existen y protegen a los individuos por el solo hecho de estar consagradas por la Constitución e independientemente de las leyes reglamentarias.", (English: "[...] personal rights exist and protect individuals just because of being consecrated in the Constitution and independently of regulating laws.")
A singular aspect of this ruling is that the Supreme Court had been appointed by a de facto government.

Short case name, reporter (L.L.), and pinpoint specified

{{cite Argentine court
| cname = Siri
| ll = 1958
| vol = 89
| p = 531
| pinpoint = 9, Jueces Orgaz, Argañarás, Galli y Villegas Basavilbaso en voto de la mayoría.

will display as: C.S.J.N., "Siri", L.L., [1958–89–531], consid. 9, Jueces Orgaz, Argañarás, Galli y Villegas Basavilbaso en voto de la mayoría.

Short case name, reporter (J.A.), and URL specified

{{cite Argentine court
| cname = Siri
| ja = 1958
| vol = 2
| p = 476
| url = http://www.infojus.gov.ar/resource/kbee:/saij-portal/content/jurisprudencia/fallo/federal/679331b0-00d5-11e2-b7c1-0000c0a83463/1957/12/57000001/57000001.PDF

will display as: C.S.J.N., "Siri", J.A., [1958–II–476] (in Spanish)

Provincial courts


Jurisdiction, court, case info (with short name), date and note specified

{{cite Argentine court
| jur = MZ
| court = C.S.
| cnum = 20649 
| cletter = b
| cname = Biritos
| date = 5 de octubre de 1956
| notes = Law 11.719, Art. 102. 22/9/1933 only sets a maximum for professional fees; it does not rule against agreeing for a lesser sum.

will display as: C.S. de la Provincia de Mendoza, B. 20649., "Biritos", 5 de octubre de 1956
Law 11.719, Art. 102. 22/9/1933 only sets a maximum for professional fees; it does not rule against agreeing for a lesser sum.

Jurisdiction, court, room, date and short case name specified

{{cite Argentine court
| jur = CH
| court = S.T.J.
| room = Casación
| date = 25 de agosto de 1976
| cname = Bogado

will display as: S.T.J. de la Provincia de Chubut, Sala CASACIÓN, "Bogado", 25 de agosto de 1976

Court and reporter (J.A.) specified

{{cite Argentine court
| court = Cám.Apel. Mercedes
| ja = 1954
| vol = 3
| p = 335

will display as: Cám.Apel. Mercedes, J.A., [1954–III–335]

Supporting templates


See also
