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This template is used to create arrows pointing in the four cardinal directions, in various colour options. See the tables below for all currently-available values.

Plain arrows


Syntax: {{arrow}} or {{arrow|direction}}

Parameter 1 Output
r or right[a]
l or left
u or up
d or down
r-l or right-left
  1. ^ leaving the first parameter blank will also show the "right" arrow

Coloured arrows


Syntax: {{arrow|colour}} or {{arrow|colour|direction}}

Parameter 1 Parameter 2
right[a] left up down
green → ← ↑ ↓
purple → ↓
grey → ← ↑ ↓
red → ↑ ↓
orange → ← ↑ ↓
blue → ← ↑ ↓
light_blue →
turquoise →
  1. ^ leaving the first parameter blank will also show the "right" arrow
  2. ^ "white" gives the left-right white arrow Unicode position 2B04; it has no second-positional parameter

See also


{{Arrow2}}, a variant which allows for diagonal arrows as well as optional sizing.