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Tauricianus was the second[1][2] bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nevers. The same Tauricianus was among the bishop of Nevers listed by Demochares in the book of the du divin Sacrifice de la Mefle.

Taurianus was said by Rufticus, to have ruled his bishopric in the time of Pope Vigilius and Childebert King of France about the year of the Lord 538.[2]

He attended the council, held at Epone in 517.[3] There he signed the deeds of the council with Tauricianus civitatis Nivemensis episcopus, relegiet subscripsi.[4][5]


  1. ^ Mr. Jean-Baptiste La Rochelle, Pierre Gillet, Jean François Née de La Rochelle, Mémoires pour servir à l'his
  2. ^ a b Guy Coquille, Oeuvres contenant plusieurs traitez sur les liberter de l'Eglise gallicane, l'histoire de France et le droit français(Labottière, 1703) p448.
  3. ^ Mr. Jean-Baptiste La Rochelle, Pierre Gillet, Jean François Née de La Rochelle, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire civile, politique et littéraire, Volume 1 (1827) p154.
  4. ^ Guy Coquille, L'Angelier, Histoire du pays et duché de Nivernois, (1612). p394.
  5. ^ Duchesne, Louis (1910). Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule: II. L'Aquitaine et les Lyonnaises. Paris: Fontemoing. pp. 483.