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Talk:William Ross Rust House

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Uncited Material


This material was in the original article. To get it up to wikipedia standards removed it from the article and put it here. I have no way to verify it. Maybe someone else can verify it. meatclerk 17:15, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Public References

  • TDL 6/18/1905 p.20 Handsome residence to be built
  • TDL 8/6/1905 p.21 (plans completed)
  • TDL 8/15/1905 p.7 W.R. Rust to build $50,000 residence
  • TDL 8/20/1905 p.17 (Miller & Biehn, contr. for foundation)
  • TDL 9/24/1905 p.21 (Charles Miller, contr. for roof and stone work)
  • TDL 11/5/1905 p.19 (plumbing by W.B. Coffee - largest plumbing contract ever in Tacoma)
  • TDL 11/26/1905 p.19 (il under construction)
  • TDL 12/10/1905 p.20 (progress)
  • TDL 12/17/1905 p.20 W.R. Rust's home warmed scientifically (Tacoma Plumbing & Heating, contr.)
  • TDL 1/7/1906 p.16 (Charles Miller, contr. for interior finishing, Electric Supply Co., contr. for wiring)
  • TDL 3/25/1906 p.14 W.R, Rust's 40-horsepower Packard (il)
  • TDN 5/12/1906 p.24 (il under construction)
  • TDL 5/13/1906 p.19 (Lindstrom & Berg, contr. for wood carving) p.23 (il)
  • TDL 12/2/1906 p.19 (Rust buys four adjoining lots)
  • TDN 7/25/1908 p.1 (interior il of den)
  • TNT 10/24/1965 Tacoma's mansions preserve moods and times (il)
  • TNT 11/26/1972 House that Rust built (il)
  • TNT 10/7/1979 Peek at Tacoma's past (il)
  • TNT 2/7/1982 Rust Mansion (il)
  • Senior Scene Nov. 2000 p.6 A brief history of the Rust Mansion (il)

These look like call numbers, possibly some library


720 T25T p.35 (il)

720.979 W693F

728 M117F p.687 (il)

917.97 D49 Mar. 1908 p.25 (il)

917.97 W52 1907 p.6 (il)

917.972 T11Co p.20 (color il)

917.972 T119L TDL Annuals (il in each issue)

917.972 T119N Tacoma New Herald 1908 p.43 (il)

917.9778 Ar75A (il)

917.9778 C498C (il)

917.9778 V679V (il)

979.7 B868B p.157

979.72 H91 Vol.II p.15,opp. 260 (il)

979.72 T11R (il)

979.778 H628H Vol.II p.48 (il)

979.778 K524K Vol.II

979.778 K524KE p.74 (il)

979.778 T119TA p.16 (il)

History of residents/history events


Geo. Milton Savage TDL 10/16/1910 p.36 Sold to Geo. Milton Savage and W.R. Nichols (il)

Dr. J.F. Bailey TDL 12/28/1913 p.19 Bailey home is sold for $75,000 (Bailey to sell house to Elmer S. Shank of Portland) TDL 7/12/1914 p.24 Gets Rust home (A.E. Grafton takes house from Bailey in court action/foreclosure)

A.E. Grafton -Grafton was in the real estate business and never occupied the house -other individuals reported to be occupants or owners of the house during the 1913-1917 time period include: Mrs. Berth M. Keady, M.H. Davis, Jeannette Hibbs

TNL 10/1/1916 p.24 Union Club may purchase... T.Tribune 10/8/1916 p.35 Union Club may take new home

Orville & Minnie Billings T.Tribune 11/12/1916 p.20 Palatial North End residence sold (Billings purchases house from A.E. Grafton) (il)

TNL 12/31/1916 p.27 (interior il of ball room)

TNL 2/25/1917 p.27 Billings makes I Street purchase; will remove buildings and landscape property opposite home

TNL 5/13/1917 p.29 (account of party)

TNL 3/24/1918 p.D3 (account of party)

TDL 6/9/1918 p.B5 (alterations)

TDL 4/23/1919 p.1 Orville Billings dies by his own hand

Billings Apts. City Directory (1919-1921) James E. Bell / Bell Mansion Apts.

TDL 10/16/1921 p.B5 Former Rust home sold for $25,000 (Bell purchases house from Minnie E. Billings) (il)

TDL 9/11/1927 p.B2 (ad for Radford Drama School) City Directory (1922-1927)

Samuel Krueger / Krueger Studio Apts.

TDL 12/24/1931 p.1 Holders of Rust "Fort" defy court (Krueger Family attempts to keep mortgage company out of house)

TNT 12/24/1931 p.6 For home and fireside; Tacoma family turns home into fort (il)

TNT 12/25/1931 All's quiet on "I" St. front

TDL 12/26/1931 p.1 Showdown today at ex-Rust home

TNT 12/26/1931 Battle of "I" St. called off for weekend

TDL 12/27/1931 p.A1 She holds property at old Rust home (interior il)

TDL 1/6/1932 p.2 "Fort Rust" case in court today (hard copy only)

TDL 1/7/1932 p.12 Fort Rust battle to continue today in superior court

City Directory (1929-1934) apts.

TNT 10/1/1939 p.A9 Award of merit (civic award for improvements)

TNT 12/17/1939 p.A10 (National Bondholders Corp. of New York sells house to unnamed party) City Directory (1935-1972)

Ten O One North I Street Apts. City Directory (1973-1984)

Edgar & Claudia Rombaur TNT 4/15/1983 p.A3 Pair plans mansion restoration (il)