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Dissolution of ULI


One user who was himself excluded from ULI tries to spread false information about the organization ULI. Lets discuss here the facts and then decide according to community rules. I want to initiate a discussion about this please and ask for the help of a steward and administrator to investigate the following facts: Here you can find the statute of ULI: [1] According to that statute: §36 "La Uniono dissolvesas, se un triimo dil membro demandas lo e se du triimi dil membri aprobas la dissolvo. En kazo di dissolvo la Komitato decidos pri la havajo dil Uniono." It means in English "The Union is dissolved if one third of the members demand it and two thirds vote for this decision. In case of dissolution the Commitee decides on the property of the Union". There was never such a vote. There is no other way to dissolve the ULI according to the statute. So any claim of the ULI is dissolved is wrong or please provide evidence of such a vote.

  • The ULI issues the Ido-journal Progreso. The journal is still issued and its financially supported by the Röhnisch-Foundation where the ULI claimed financial means. A dissolved union can not claim money. You can verify this on the page of the Röhnisch foundation. On the webpage of the Röhnisch-Foundation you can see for example that ULI was granted money in 2018, please see [2]
  • The ULI has an active Facebook group: [3]
  • The bank account and the web-page are active. I recently transfered as member of the ULI money to that account. I certainly won't pay money to non-existing organizations. If needed I can send in a copy of my bank statement.
  • The ULI has a web domain and an active website, please compare this content, it was created 2020. [4] Valodnieks (talk) 19:41, 15 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The association ULI dissolved in December 2015

The user Valodnieks disseminates false information about the ULI, even in print magazines.

I have already clarified that the association ULI was dissolved by abandonment: when the committee stops serving, for the end of the validity period, and no elections are organized for a new steering committee, an association is dissolved.

  • According to the statute, the committee lasts four years, and afterwards it must be renewed with an election. See article 17 of the statute. This election did not take place. Article 36 is for the case in which the association is to be dissolved before the expiry of the four years. If the four-year period ends and there are no new elections, an association is automatically dissolved by abandonment. Then the newspaper Progreso spreads false information.
  • The newspaper Progreso is written by a person who has not been elected as an editor: according to article 19, the editor of the newspaper Progreso must be elected.
  • The Ido-Röhnisch foundation granted money to the association ULI because some former members of the ULI asked for funding, without saying that the association had dissolved. When I informed the foundation that they should not have given any money to the missing association, they deleted my information without proving the existence of the association ULI.
  • Of course, the ULI's Facebook group is fake: it is managed by the former members of the association.
  • The bank account is managed by Marion Kasper (cashier until 2015), who has not been re-elected, like the other members of the committee. So she manages the account without any rights.
  • The site http://www.ido.li/index.php/ULI/ULI is no longer the site of ULI, since 10 May 2013. It keeps the word "ULI" only in the URL, which cannot be changed. Nowhere else it is written that it is the ULI's website.

The fact that I was excluded from the association proves nothing: it only shows that I have no interest in hiding the truth.

Instead, user Valodnieks must tell who is now the ULI's secretary, if ULI exists.

Jopali (talk) 11:37, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The votes for the new DK has been made. The result will soon be announced. The function of secretary is executed by Hans Stuifbergen. All members of the Ido community accept this except of you. If you believe ULI is not existing why do you advertise your books on a website controlled by ULI [Website of ULI] Valodnieks (talk) 11:48, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The user Valodnieks must clarify who was the ULI secretary quick before this election, that is: who organized the election if there is no valid secretary? Read my clarifications above: ido.li is not the ULI website. Jopali (talk) 12:17, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

My version of the article has much more information than the question if ULI is still existing. This is pure vandalism. The current secretary is Hans Stuifbergen. His adress given in my article is the current address of ULI. Try send a letter to: ULI and then his address and it will reach its goal Valodnieks (talk) 12:23, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The article in the Ido-Wikipedia was under the same attack from the same user and has been now protected by the administrators of the Ido Wikipedia. [Article about ULI in Ido]. Please see the versions of that article Valodnieks (talk) 12:31, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

The user Valodnieks didn't answer the question: who was the ULI secretary quick before this election? Who organized the election if there is no valid secretary? I ask the administrator to protect this page against the attacks by Valodnieks. Jopali (talk) 12:36, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hans Stuifbergen is the secretary of the organization. Please write a letter to ULI and then his address, the letter will reach the ULI. I think the situation with the ULI will become clearer in the next months. The treasurer of ULI is Marion Kaspar and she has full control over the bank account of ULI. The members of the ULI voted in the elections, so the ULI is regarded by its paying membership as legitimate and as that it is accepted by the bank where the ULI account is located in Germany and the Roehnisch Foundation which gives money to the ULI not to private persons. The members pay their annual contributions to the organization so it is clearly existing and functioning. Maye we can find a compromise in a formulation we both agree not just deleting contribution as you did not only with my contribution, but also with edits of other people of this artcile. Valodnieks (talk) 13:35, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

You also deleted my contributions. I only deleted your false contributions. Stop spreading false information. Hans Stuifbergen cannot organize elections because he isn't the secretary. The bank account is of Marion Kasper, but she wasn't reelected. The ULI desappeared, and the present elections are not valid. Jopali (talk) 15:55, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]