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Talk:Tulle bi telli

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telli is an exceedingly old Finnish word meaning 'hammer'.

  Kalevala 43.320 "I will keep hammering (tellittelen) ones like steel"

The oldest example I have found is in the Norse Eddas: Delling of Asgard married Nätti-Nat (night) and ruled over Hella's community Helheim, east of Asgard.

Delling is the Norse rendition of Tellinkylä meaning 'Hammer's Community', where Hammer was Mimir the Smith. Dellin comes from tellin (hammer's), while -ky comes from kylä (settlement, community).

Reacting to a catastrophic year or two when there was no summer, Delling and Nat left Asgard and moved far south with many others, where they became known as Enlil (Lord of the Dawn) and Ninlil. Stuhar (talk) 05:23, 25 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Merge proposal


It appears that there's enough material here to warrant a separate article. -- œ 02:58, 14 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]