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Chronoacupuncture 'ziwuliuzhu' 子午流注is acupuncture performed with guidance of the Enantiodromia 'Yin-Yang' Dual Time System combining acupuncture points into a prescription 'peixueguilu'配穴规律to deal with a specific clinical pattern 'Zhengzhou' 证候. It is a method of administering acupuncture created on the basis of many years of experience by the people and medical practitioners in ancient China in observing over protracted period the influence of time 'shijian' 时间and weather and climate 'qihou' 气候on the flow of 'qi' 氣and blood 'xue' 血 in the human body. Specifically, it is a method of choosing a set of acupuncture points in accordance with the flow of time 'an shi qu xue' 按时取穴 as as the flow 'liu' 流 and infusion 'zhu' 注of 'qi' and blood along the twelve meridians or acutracts. It is pre-modern acupuncture therapeutic method involving the use of sixty-six acupuncture points 'opening' at specific double-hour time periods 'shi chen' 时辰 in a day, lunar month, and year along the twelve primary meridians located distally beyond both elbows and knee joints. It is based upon the principle of the progressive welling ('Jing' 井),swelling ('ring' 荣), flowing ('Shu' 兪), overflowing ('Jing' 经) and entering and connecting ('he' 合) and infusion ('zhu' 注 of the 'qi' and blood along the endogenous organs , acupuncture meridians and acupoints in concert with the motions and transformations of the 'yin' and 'yang' 'qi' , the five elemental'qi' in rhythm with the flow of time (R. Tiquia, 'The Use of Chronoacupuncture and Chemotherapy in Treating Lung Cancer as 'Kesou' 咳嗽[Cough] In Melbourne, Australia: A Clinical Case Report' , Paper presented the First International Conference of Advances In Cancer Medical Research, Singapore, 18-19 November 2013.

Chrono-acupuncture is also referred to in English as the law of 'midday-midnight' (Chinese  biological clock pattern) which 'has many parallels with the circadian rhythm patterns demonstrated in modern western laboratories.' C. Bell ,Psychoneuroendocrinology,Biorhythm and Chinese Medicine',Journal of the National Medical Association 73:1(January 1981):31-5,101. Rtiquia (talk) 11:54, 29 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]