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Talk:The Gift (2003 film)

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Rather inappropriate tone


Hello fellow Wikipedians,

I have substantially revised the material in this article, removing some of the most flagrantly unencyclopedic and colloquial language, such as "where the tops could do their thing," reworded statements which would require the reader to be unreasonably familiar with LGBT culture or sexuality, and added clarifying links where this was unfeasible (e.g. linking to the sexual practice of "fisting" for those unfamiliar with it.)

I grant that there are almost no actual references in this article, and so most of the material should be given citations or removed, but I don't want to let my bias censor Wikipedia or overreach in my treatment of any single article, particularly one on such a decisive and potentially inflammatory subject. That said, if no one else comes forward to provide citations and offer alternative viewpoints, I do feel it proper to remove the vast majority of this article.

Jamutaq (talk) 02:44, 17 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

And here comes the homophobe nazi hater. So sorry it doesnt conform to your white cishet normative outlook on the world. As KenBoy (RIP) said, he didnt want to worry about anything right now, like catching any STDs he just wanted to have fun.
The beautiful doc is in itself the source. Now please take your hate elsewhere and let Kenboy, Bill, and the other 100 -120 guys continue to florish in that dark room in the sky. (talk) 18:42, 30 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]
100-120 wikipedia talk entries, we'll find 2 or 3 the next day which arent tedious (talk) 10:24, 24 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]