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Talk:The Black Gryphon

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Editing article for length


I deleted the first section, Main Characters, as there is another section dedicated to characters later in the article. Here's the text I deleted, if anyone would like to re-insert it (hopefully with editing):

"Skandranon, or "Skan", the Black Gryphon, is a proud and somewhat arrogant young gryphon, who often rushes into battle or does reckless things. However, he always returns from his skirmishes. He adores compliments and has a somewhat sharp tongue. He loves Urtho as a father figure and Amberdrake as a valued friend. In fact, he is one of the very few who dare to argue or talk bluntly to the Mage of Silence. Skan is annoyed by particular questions, specifically ones about when he is going to "get a mate and settle down", as Urtho never shared with him the "formula" for gryphon fertility. (This formula is kept from the entire gryphon race, for some mysterious reason.) Skan doesn't think very far into the future. However, he is extremely good at making split-second decisions, and this makes him something of a leader among the other gryphons. The Black Gryphon usually enjoys his position of leadership, but despises incompetents and people who stubbornly continue to do the wrong thing, as in the case of Zhaneel's Sixth Wing assignment under General Shaiknam.

Kestra'chern Amberdrake, on the other hand, is a quiet Healer. He has the Gifts of both Healing and Empathy, so it was exceedingly difficult for him to be accepted by either group as a child. When it was discovered he had a Healing Gift, early in his life, his parents sent him to a hospital-school that didn't teach anything about traditional cures like herbs and massage. He did learn some good techniques, but it was basically torture to be a strong and untrained Empath (person who feels others' emotions) in a hospital, a place so full of sick and suffering people. Eventually he ran away from the school and tried to make his way back home while the country all around was being ravaged by the legions of Ma'ar. After miserable, fearful months of running and hiding he was found by a caravan. The coach he chose to beg at happened to hold the great kestra'chern Silver Veil. She took the boy Amberdrake under her wing and eventually adopted him into the Kaled'a'in clan, where he learned all that she knew about Healing with both Gifts."

-CaptainJae (talk) 21:03, 23 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Someone incorrectly listed Zhaneel as a misborn. It is made very clear in the story she is not on at least two instances. One instance is where Skan sees the model that Zhaneel is clearly based off of. I have since corrected that to state that she was thought of as a misborn which is correct.

Tydoni (talk) 00:53, 19 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]