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Abu Sayyaf

"The western parts of Mindanao were, at the time, the site of an Abu Sayyaf stronghold." - this information is utterly irrelevant until an actual connection is established between Terry Nichols and Abu Sayyaf. The fact that he made calls to a boarding house that sometimes contained residents from a region...and that that region was sometimes home to group...is not sufficient evidence of connection to that group. Mindanao also contained: Catholics, McDonalds restaurants, brothels, sporting associations, etc. Terry Nichols can be just as convincingly linked to any of these groups. Further, using the same "six degrees of separation" standards, Nichols can be "linked" to any existing terrorist group on Earth. For instance, did he once call a hotel that had a few Peruvian employees? Well, Peru is home to the Shining Path guerrillas - better add that to the article, too!

If irrelevant information like "the western parts of Mindanao were, at the time, the site of an Abu Sayyaf stronghold" reappears in the article, I will simply add information on all of the other things that the western parts of Mindanao contain. I will also add information on every terrorist/political/religious group that resided in any other part of any other country whose residents once may have had any contact with any person who may have had any contact with Terry Nichols. For instance, If Terry Nichols once made a phone call to a home or a boarding house or a hotel or a business that had an El Salvadoran resident/employee/owner, I will list all of the terrorist groups that have existed in El Salvador. If it had a Catholic resident, I will list all of the extremist/terrorist groups associated with the Catholic church. If it once had an Italian resident, all groups associated with Italy. If he once was driven in a taxi by someone who resided in a house where another person resided who was from Mexico, and that Mexican guy's father-in-law's barber once called someone who was from Japan, I will add information about Aum Shinrikyo. All of this would have equal relevance to the article. So, until a real and direct connection is established between Terry Nichols and a member of Abu Sayyaf, please keep that irrelevant stuff out of the article. 03:44, 13 March 2006 (UTC)

"Nichols made several trips to the Philippines in the months before the bombing," is equally irrelevant to the federal charges. It simply does not belong. These guys were totally home grown terrorists, there is not a shred of credible evidence to suggest otherwise. The tin hats need to learn to live with that.

Extraordinary Claims

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," and a citation is needed for all the stuff about possible meetings between McVeigh and Islamic terror groups. I've seen this crap peddled before, and it has no credibility. Credible sources need to be added, or this "information" (read: misleading speculation) must be removed.


The main article has an error in it. It says that Wes Lane was the one who made the decision not to prosecute McVeigh. That is rather strange given that McVeigh died on June 11, 2001. Lane took office on July 1, 2001. That decision was for both men was made by the person who was the Oklahoma Country District Attorney before Lane, Bob Macy. (I am actually suprised that Macy does not have a Wikipedia article given his importance in Oklahoma. Wow there is none for Joyce Gilchrist either.) In any event, someone might want to spend the time to make the article clearer in these respects. [This was posted on April 1, 2005 by the person (i.e. me) who later became user MichaelSH.

Wikipedia Bug?

This history page indicates the last edit to the Terry Nichols article was on "5 October 2005" though when I look at "my contributions" is see me edit of "15 October 2005" listed. The change I made is currently reflected in the article. (I removed the clause that was a rant that Lane did not press state charges against McVeigh. McVeigh was dead before Lane took office.) I have hit reload to see if that fixed it and and this is the second day which I see the problem. MichaelSH 04:22, 16 October 2005 (UTC)

Note also that additional evidence of bomb making was faound in Nichols Decker, Michigan Farm a year or two ago. - I need a wikipedia account

Terry Nichols

Did he like guns? shit yeah. Did he like taxes? Hell no. Did he hate collectivism? Damn straight. Would he argue that it was the right of a property owner to plant land mines on his front lawn in a urban neightborhood if he wanted to? Yes. Ergo he was a libertarian. 03:25, 25 February 2006 (UTC)

If you can support, with references, Nichols position on all of these issues I would certainly agree with you. Monkeyman(talk) 03:32, 25 February 2006 (UTC)

any person with just a bit of reason dislikes collectivism, it's killed so many people already. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:33, 17 January 2015 (UTC)

Earlier I sent a message

Earlier I sent a message - editing the main page - I was too harsh, the American people are not dumb ( weel some are but..) mostly they are uneducated and mislead. The particulars of explosives aren't, and have no reason to be, in their range of knowledge. But an article about Nichols should be weel enough researched to include the facts that farm fertilizer doesn't make a bomb without considerable pre-processing - way beyond a non-professional lab. Nichols may have been involved in OK but agr fertilizer is bogus - as is most of this article. 10:48, 28 February 2006

Further developments - it appears the "experts" (after being convinced that ANFO wouldn't work) have switched explosives to AMFO (,which wouldn't work either but...). What was Nichols' receipt for - or was it just blank(fill in whatever you want)? The testimony - tested for fertilizer in his truck ( in farm country no less ). The test must have been faulty or fraudulent - fertilizer ( bomb grade, garden grade) and the new methane stuff ain't close. How the hell could he get bomb grade AN where he lived, how the hell could he get the new stuff anywhere. If you even ask for that stuff the FBI is going to question you ( well sir I only wanted a ton or two to experoment with.....). 18:19, 31 May 2007 (UTC)

RE the receipt. If the receipt was a critical link in his prosecution it would appear that an appeal is in order. His brother wrote/cowrote a book on Terry. It was pretty good. If there is any evidence on Terry I hope it was some classified stuff that never say the light of day - otherwise his conviction is really bogus. 11:46, 1 June 2007 (UTC)

Please remember everybody that this pages isn't intended as a forum to discuss the subject. Its purpose is to discuss improvements to the article. If the above material can be found in a reliable source then it may be included in the article in some fashion. ·:·Will Beback ·:· 21:48, 1 June 2007 (UTC)

Long time has passed - checking up on Nichols et al. The article could be upgraded if anyone could show how fertilizer makes a bomb more powerful than anything short of a nuke.(garden ferlizer - or farm grade). Affter searching the web I have yet to hear any convinving - or even partly convinving - evidence. He may be guilty as hell, but not from making a bomb out of Agway Feed and Grain components, unless they stock some pretty refined stuff in Kansas. A claim - directly related to the articles claims - such as this needs a scientific citation. I am betting you never find one - I can't believe any scientist would put his name on anything that bogus - if he does I want to be invited to his demo, I'll bring the fertilizer and concrete pier. (talk) 14:23, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

ANFO is the stuff of choice in mining http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANFO specifically because it is so POWERFUL. The notion that ANFO would not have caused that damage is ridiculous.

I believe the Elgin Blast Effects Study has pretty much laid this whole article in the garbage. Thank God for the US Airforce. Their study says that no air blast ( like a bomb in the street) could do this kind or amount of damage. It had to be done from the inside - which noone has ever suggested Nichols or McVeigh had access to. If either of the afore mentioned men were involved their major contribution was as bystanders ( called suckers in some areas) to take the fall. Nichols is currently confessing to things that even the US Airforce says are impossible - who would have quesses. (talk) 19:35, 11 October 2010 (UTC) It would be nice if wiki could catch up with the latest science. Another government study that further confirms the something is rotten in Denmark - "Strategic Investment newsletter (20 March 1996) wrote: "A classified report prepared by two independent Pentagon experts has concluded that the destruction of the Federal building in Oklahoma City last April was caused by five separate bombs . . . Sources close to the study say Timothy McVeigh did play a role in the bombing but 'peripherally,' as a 'useful idiot.'"" (talk) 14:28, 12 October 2010 (UTC) What is most interesting is that the government knows that Mcveigh and Nichols were probably the "least" of this event - but everyone is going to let Nichols die in prison of course after doing a quickie execution for McVeigh.


Is it correct that Nichols & McVeigh were both as Soldier in the US-Air Base Ramstein, near Kaiserslautern? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:26, 26 April 2008 (UTC)

Michael Moore mentioned in Roger Moore robbery section

Should Michael Moore interviewing Terry Nichols brother be mentioned in the same section talking about the Roger Moore robbery? It seems like this should be moved. Davvolun (talk) 04:29, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

Military Awards, Medals, Whatnot?

Has Terry Nichols earned any military medals, awards, whatnot? Lowellt (talk) 21:27, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

At the moment, I have not seen any references to his having earned any. Being that he was in the Army for just one year, it's "iffy" in my opinion. Of course, any tidbits anyone finds from a reliable source concerning any should be added to the article with a citation of where the information was obtained. Cheers! Kentholke (talk) 22:33, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Recent edits

I am in the middle of revising the article. When I began working on it a few days ago, it needed some updating. It had a number of dead links, several unreliable sources and a confused chronology with gaps. Mainly I am adding to the article now, and I plan on making it more concise in a day or two once I have finished with the additions. — (talk) 11:23, 14 April 2010 (UTC)

Keep it up - these all seem like strong improvements to the article. ClovisPt (talk) 02:20, 15 April 2010 (UTC)
Thanks — (talk) 10:01, 19 April 2010 (UTC)

Guinness World Record?

He was sentenced to 161 consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole,[2][6] setting a Guinness World Record[11] and is incarcerated at ADX Florence, a super maximum security prison near Florence, Colorado.

If you are going to include some fact that his sentence was a world record, you should give some immediate mention as to exactly what that record was, right in the lede. Otherwise it's just stupid, as if he's made some kind of laudable achievement. Personally, in terms of style, I don't think it belongs in the lede, and absolutely hate it when some editors include other inane, stupid, pointless and non-encyclopedic factoids in the lede when they have no bearing to the article (such as the person's sexual orientation, physical abnormality or abuse they suffered as a child). It's stupid, and there should be some explicit policy on including these stupid and non-encyclopedic details within the first 500 words about the topic, as well as disciplinary measures for the half-wits and juveniles in a state of arrested development that insist on cluttering up the flow of an otherwise well-written article with their pointless, inane and irrelevant drivel.Jonny Quick (talk) 04:57, 12 June 2015 (UTC)