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Talk:Targeted killings in Pakistan

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  • Democide (target killings by govt)
  • Cultural genocide and Ethnocide (Self Cultural genocide: hate for own Hindu and Indian cultural civilizational roots. cultural Genocide of others is Ethnocide, e.g. Non-Punjabi Muslim ethnicities of Pakistan such as Bengali, Baloch, Sindhi, Mohajirs and Pashtuns)
  • Islamization (Wahabism, Islamic supremacism)
  • The Establishment (Pakistan), military-led Punjabi-dominated deep state
  • Parvenu (wannabes and social climber, e.g. by claiming false ancestry, history, heritage and identity)
  • Ashrafs (foreign origin Muslims and high caste ex-Hindu Muslims who are wannabe Arabs)
  • Summary: Democide and Self-Cultural Genocide by the Parvenu Punjabi Ashrafs (overwhelmingly Jats) led The Establishment of Pakistan.

A. Ignoring and trivializing this important topic with weasel words: The topic of article has been widely covered in the reputed domestic Pakistani and global press, as well documented in the reputed books, etc. yet this article is so ignored, it has only five citations and large sections and lede remains unsorced while using "Weasel word" such as "no one knows who is doing the targeted killing".

B. Scores of reputed citations in google search blame Military led THE ESTABLISHMENT of Pakistan for targeted killings: There is massive amount of media coverage which clearly pins the accountability for this democide (targeted killing of people by the government authorties) on The Establishment (Pakistan). The Establishment of Pakistan is comprised of top military officers led closed knit core. This clique also includes "selected (i.e. handpicked sootges)" politicians, corrupt bureaucracy and industrialists, as middle layer and peripheral layer.

C. Culprit is Military led THE ESTABLISHMENT of Pakistan, which is dominated by the Sunni Punjabi Ashrafs, among them jats are most numerous: The Establishment responsible for this is largely dominated by the Sunni Punjabi Ashrafs and few Pathans. In this "Sunni Punjabi Ashraf" Establishment, the Ashrafs are the foreign origin Muslims, later through social climbing process the "higher caste ex-Hindus converted to Islam" were included in Ashrafs category. Among "higher caste ex-hindus converted to islam" who were include among the Ashrafs Jats, Rajputs and Pathans. The Jats (ex-Hindu) are most numerous in Pakistan/Punjab, then Rajputs (ex-Hindu), and Pathans (ex-Hindu/Buddhist).

D. Cultural genocide of "culturally Non-Arab, Non-Muslims, Non-Sunni fiqhs, ethnically Non-Punjabi people" by THE ESTABLISHMENT of Pakistan: The Establishment aims at Islamization with the cultural genocide of all Pakistani, including Punjabi Pakistan by eradicating its own pre-islamic religion, and cultural heritage. It does so by de-institutionalizing and delegitimizing non-Islamic minorities rights, their constitutional persecution with Hudood Ordinances laws, constitutionalised denial of equal and modern human rights to Non-Muslims and Ahmadiyya (also called Qadiyanis).

E. Constitutionalised and institutionalised arabisation and radical-Islamization policies of persecution:" This "Sunni Punjabi Ashraf" Establishment has made policies, laws, rules, etc to engage in the systematic and contitutionalised and institutionalised cultural genocide of its Indian civilization roots including wiping out Hindu origin languages, scripts, customs, faith, value system, laws, etc. "kawwa chala hans ki chaal", pretending to be Arabs, imagine those Jats and Rajputs parvenus a large number of who were defeated and forcibly converted by Gaznavis/Ghauris/Tughlaqs (Arabs, Turks and Mongols) are now pretending to be the aulad of those very foreign invaders who defeated and forcibly converted them to assert Islamic supremacism. Pakistani-Canadian politician author Tarek Fatah calls such mindset "Arabo ki jabardasti ki najayaz aulad" ("jabardasti Arab ban ne ki chahat") .

F. Self loathing Establishment with cultural and historic amnesia and self denial mode:" Those defeated and forcibly converted ex-HinduBuddhist "Jat, Rajput, Pathans" were victim of Islamist Supremacism are now engaging in Hindu hatred and further imposition of Islamist Supremacism, i.e. victim turned perpetrator. The biggest bulk of Pakistani Establishment's "Crore" circle is comprised of "Ex-Hindu Sunni Punjabi Jats". These ex-hindus who dominate The Establishment of Pakistan are now making and implementing policies to eradicate their own native Hindu heritage and identity while hard to claim Arab ancestry makes. Basically, engaging in self-loathing of their Hindu/Indian civilizational roots, while dying to prove they are descendants of their attackers/invaders. This is called self cultural genocide by the Sunni Punjabi Jat dominated "Establishment of Pakistan.

G. Establishment specifically Non-Punjabis, Non-Sunni Muslims and especially Ahmadiyyas, and Non-Muslim minorities especially Hindus (extra hatred for own Hindu ancestors and so called "inferior than Islam Hindu civilization" is taught in Pakistani schools books):" This self-loathing (hindu/indian civilizational roots and heritage) Punjabi dominated estsablishment makes policies to

  • Homogenization of Pakistan by eradicating native ethnic, cultural, linguistic, heritage of all the ethnicities including banning of teaching Punjabi in schools in Punjab. it specifically targets non-Punjabis ethnic groups such as Baloch, Sindhis, Mohajirs, and more recently Pakistani Pashtuns/Pathans (and other people people of FATA). This is cultural genocide of ethnic heritage. This has led to persecution of Non-Punjabi Muslims.
  • achieve this by Islamizing the Pakistan radically, along the lines of Wahabist ideology. This has led to the large scale systematic persecution of not only Non-Muslims (Hindus deserve extra special hatred as they remind the Wannabe-Arab "Sunni Jats of Pakistani Establishment" of their own roots which they wish they never had), but also of Shias and Ahamadiyya Muslims.

H. Create Due Weight: Include victims without resident wikipedia articles Do include those victims in article even if they do not have the resident wikipedia article, because denying their inclusion reduces the WP:DUE WEIGHT of article which gives a false impression as if this is a minor and rare occurrence. In reality this is frequent and large scale targeted killing with several thousand victims. Allowing the inclusion of these will add due weight to the quantum of the killings. Once list grows large then a separate article can be forked out. Capture the ethnicity, month and year, any political and ideological association of the victims in a tabular form.

I. Sources: Best sources are Pakistani authors, many of them now work overseas for the reputed independent global think tanks or have globally top ranked ivy league PhD and work as professors overseas. Think of Professor Ayesha Siddiqa (PhD, professor), Husain Haqqani (former ambassador of Pakistan to United States) and thousands more like them, most of these people are forced to live overseas for the fear of persecution by The Establishment i.e. they fear their own targeted killing and Forced disappearance in Pakistan, because they write about these phenomenons because they "love" Pakistan and it hurts them Pakistan going down the path of self destruction (self cultural genocide, islamization, kashmir obsession and obsession to persecute Bengalis led to Pakistan being halved yet obsession to persecute baloch/sindhis/mohajirs/pashtuns/shias/ahmadiyyas/hindus/sikhs/christians has not stopped) and mutual destruction of neighbors (especially India and Afghanistan).

J. FURTHER ACTION: There is large amount of reputed citations on this topic. Please

  1. expand the article,
  2. stop using weasel words,
  3. place the accountability directly on Punjabi-led "Establishment of Pakistan" as perpetrators,
  4. clearly mention the targets are largely Baloch, Sindhi, Mohajirs and recently Pashtun ethnicities,
  5. include victims who who do not have the resident wikipedia articles.

Thank you. (talk) 17:44, 31 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

At the moment this article is little more than a list of names that link to other Wikipedia articles, so it has been rated as "Low", accordingly. Feel welcome to improve it in a constructive way. - Cameron Dewe (talk) 07:49, 12 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]