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Talk:Taha Bidaywi Hamed

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Whatever happened to Hamed?


He was still mayor by late May, 2003, and the US had for the time being given him the thumbs-up: http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/news/iraq/2003/05/iraq-030529-rfel-142846.htm

It appears likely that he was not around anymore in April, 2004, during "Vigilant Resolve", and almost certainly by "Phantom Fury" - that is, if he had not changed his opinion drastically and publicly regarding the US presence. But a cursory Google search turns up no evidence (spelling might be a caveat; one could try alternative transcriptions such as "Hamad" or "Tahha") Dysmorodrepanis 18:51, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Well it turns out he was elected April 30, so he may not have lasted more than a month, not really sure. I found two new sources I added, using the name "Taha Bidawi Hamed" which brought up Spanish articles. I imagine our best bet would be finding his Arabic name, and using that. Sherurcij (Speaker for the Dead) 22:15, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I found this on a German news site. Seems they go through mayors rather quickly these days down there. In any case, "Sami Naib el Dschumaili" (= al-/el-Jumaili) could be a lead to hangle back in time from. Gonna check it out sonner or later.

von AFP Der Bürgermeister in der westlich der irakischen Hauptstadt Bagdad gelegenen Sunniten-Hochburg Falludscha ist bei einem Anschlag getötet worden. Scheich Sami Naib el Dschumaili sei am Vortag vor seinem Haus im Viertel Golan erschossen worden, teilte die Polizei am Sonntag mit. Dschumaili war für seine Kritik am Terrornetzwerk El Kaida bekannt. Er ist der vierte Bürgermeister von Falludscha binnen 14 Monaten, der einem Gewaltverbrechen zum Opfer fiel.

Dysmorodrepanis 17:13, 22 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]