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Talk:Tadeusz Schaetzel

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Name, migration to Australia, and death.


Hello, I believe that Tadeusz was my maternal great-grandfather or great uncle. My grandfather was Stanislaw Schaetzel de Merxhausen, who, at this time, I know was his son or nephew. I'm currently trying to trace and elaborate on my family history. The record of his arrival in Australia is found as following this reference - http://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/SearchNRetrieve/Interface/DetailsReports/ItemDetail.aspx?Barcode=4343683&isAv=N

I do not want to impose on the excellent entry made by the first contributor, but I would like to add the 'de Merxhausen' as I believe it referred to his noble house.

Regards, The Baron de Merxhausen (talk) 10:53, 13 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, I've discovered that the Australian National Archive record is inaccessible unless in an active session, and therefore I'm not sure how to create a working permalink to the record. Searching for 'Schaetzel' results in a small number of records of which Tadeusz Schaetzel de Mervhausen (sic) is one. I need to find more records, but I know with certainty that Mer[v]hausen is a typo.

Regards, The Baron de Merxhausen (talk) 11:48, 13 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]