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Talk:Stoppa sabbet/GA1

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GA Review


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Nominator: AlexandraAVX (talk · contribs) 05:40, 2 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Reviewer: Mike Christie (talk · contribs) 21:53, 2 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I'll review this. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 21:53, 2 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Earwig is unresponsive at the moment so will try to run it later. The sources seem to be reliable as far as I can tell. The only image is appropriately tagged.

  • According to sv:Tidningen Folket, the paper was only published on Sundays by 2015, so the date given, 23 May 2015, which was a Saturday, is presumably wrong.

Here are some spotchecks -- footnote numbers refer to this version. If you don't currently have access to these sources let me know. Otherwise can you quote the material in these sources that supports these?

  • FNs 5 & 6 cite "For the 1989 entries, the winning class was selected by a panel of 20 sixth graders, one from each district, and the winning prize was a week-long class trip to London".
  • FN 8 cites "In 1986, Televerket commissioned Staffan Hildebrand to produce a film as part of the campaign, with the agency contributing kr 2,000,000 in funding to the project, resulting in the film Stockholmsnatt".
  • FN 10 cites "In early 1985 Televerket announced the ability for employees in Umeå to 'adopt' a payphone as part of the campaign, including cleaning up spills and littering in the booths as well as monitoring for vandalism and damage."

I'll continue with the review once these are resolved. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 22:04, 2 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for starting the review @Mike Christie!
Re: the date for the Folket article: The date is from the National Library of Sweden newspaper service where I got the article, I only have the page with the relevant info saved and it doesn't have a date printed. It's possible that for example the paper was sent to print on Saturday and thus that date is listed. I have no reason to question Sunday 24 May 2015 being the 'correct date' beyond the National Library listing.
OK, I'd leave it as you have it then; you have a reliable source for that date after all. It might be the story dateline rather than the publication date but that's OK. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 11:54, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Footnote 5:
"I går kväll avgjordes riksfinalen på Folkets Hus i Stockhlm. 20 sjätteklasser från lika många teleområden skulle tampas om förstapriset - en veckolång klassresa till London. [...] De 400 eleverna röstade med mentometerknappar under ledning av Claes af Geijerstam."
["The national final was held last night at Folkets Hus in Stockholm. 20 sixth-grade classes from as many telephone districts were to compete for the first prize - a week-long class trip to London. [...] The 400 pupils voted with mentometer buttons under the guidance of Claes af Geijerstam."]

(I notice now I misread the original source; I will go edit the article to reflect this)

OK -- looks good now you've fixed it. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 11:54, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Footnote 6:
"Nu drar televerket igång sin riksomfattande skoltävling 'Stoppa sabbet' igen. 10-årsjubileet firas med extra stor prissumma på 200 000 kronor, klassresor till Stockholm och finalresa till London."
["Televerket is once again launching its national school competition 'Stoppa Sabbet'. The 10th anniversary is being celebrated with an extra large prize of SEK 200,000, class trips to Stockholm and a final trip to London."]

Verified. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 11:54, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Footnote 8:

"I dagarna har Staffan Hildebrand börjat spela in sin nya film 'Stockholmsnatt'. [...] Televerket har beställt och finansierar också 'Stockholmsnatt' med 2 milj kr. Den ingår i verkets kampanj 'Stoppa sabbet'"
["In the last few days Staffan Hildebrand has started shooting his new film 'Stockholmsnatt' [...] Televerket has commissioned and is also financing 'Stockholmsnatt' with SEK 2 million. It is part of the agency's 'Stoppa sabbet' campaign"]

Verified. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 11:54, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Footnote 10:

"Bli fadder till en telefonkiosk! Det är televerkets senaste giv i kampanjen 'Stoppa sabbet'. [...] – I över ett års tid har jag skött dem. Torkat bort snusspottor och kondomer från golven. Tvättat myntintagen rena från Cocacola och ketchup. Sett till att mikrofoner och telefonkataloger är intakta. Marianne trivs trots allt med sin uppgift, eftersom hon vet att belöningen kommer. I form av glada och nöjda umeåbor. – Och så har jag fått en trädgårdskratta av min arbetsgivare, televerket, som uppmuntran. Förstörelsen av telefonkiosker kostar televerket över 15 miljoner kronor per år, så när denna fadder-idé kom upp, blev samtliga televerksanställda i Umeå, eld och lågor."
["Adopt a phone booth! It's Televerket's latest effort in the 'Stoppa Sabbet' campaign. [...] – I've been looking after them for over a year. Wiping snuff spits and condoms off the floors. Washed the coin trays clean of Cocacola and ketchup. Making sure the microphones and telephone directories are intact. Despite everything, Marianne enjoys her task, because she knows the rewards will come. In the form of happy and satisfied Umeå residents. – And my employer, Televerket, has given me a garden rake as encouragement. The vandalism of telephone booths costs Televerket more than SEK 15 million a year, so when this sponsor idea came up, all the employees of Televerket in Umeå were ecstatic." AlexandraAVX (talk) 08:08, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Verified. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 11:54, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Also noting that the start date is a bit unclear for the adoption concept in FN10. "Over a year" could mean it started in late 1983 but it could also have been just her as a 'test' before it was done widely. Could rewrite it as i.e. "It was reported that" or similar? AlexandraAVX (talk) 08:21, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
How about making it "By early 1985"? It's clear it was a public idea by then so that's not wrong, and it leaves the start date open. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 11:54, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That sounds better yeah, done. AlexandraAVX (talk) 13:10, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I've reformatted your text so I can put responses to each point, which I think makes it a lot easier to read and edit in the edit window. I hope you don't mind; if you'd prefer I didn't mess with your text like that, let me know and I'll put it back the way it was. Interspersing replies to bullet points is a pretty common thing to do in this sort of review and I think it makes it easier to pick out the different threads of conversation, so let me know if it's OK.

Since you had to make one change as a result of the spotchecks I'll ask for a couple more quotes (the spotcheck has to pass for GA), and then go ahead with a review of the content. It'll probably be this evening. Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 11:54, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Alright, thanks! AlexandraAVX (talk) 13:10, 3 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Second spotchecks. Can you quote the supporting text?

  • FN 3 cites "Televerket had been holding drawing competitions since 1977."
  • FNs 4 & 5 cite "Top submissions would appear as posters to be put up by payphones and on the front page of phone books."
  • FN 18 cites "Televerket stated to Dagens Nyheter in 1991 that vandalism had continued increasing throughout the 1980s but that the trend had begun to shift, crediting the campaign."

-- Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 01:19, 4 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

FN 3:
"Anledningen till att Ulla Martola är så säker att många kända personers bilder finns med i samlingarna är att dessa består av stora breda urval av barnbilder genom historien.
En av dessa gigantiska samlingar är Televerkets olika tävlingar genom åren. Mellan året 1977 och 1995 arrangerades mängder av tävlingar i det statliga telebolagets försorg."
["The reason Ulla Martola is so sure that many drawings by famous people are included in the collections is that they consist of a large number of childrens drawings throughout history.
One of these gigantic collections is Televerket's various competitions over the years. Between 1977 and 1995, a large number of competitions were arranged under the auspices of the state-owned telecommunications company."]
FN 4:
"Vinnarna får se sina alster på telefonkatalogernas förstasidor." ["The winners will get to see their works on the front page of the phone books"]
FN 5:
"En del av teckningarna kommer att hängas upp i telefonkioskerna." ["Some of the drawings will be displayed in the telephone booths."]
FN 18:
I år är det elfte året som televerket driver "Stoppa sabbet"-kampanjen. Under hela 1980-talet ökade vandaliseringen av landets telefonkiosker men nu kan televerket skönja en påtaglig bättring, enligt dess informationschef Kätie Strandberg. Klart är att sabotagen mot kioskerna minskat det senaste året. Ungdomar är uppmärksamma på hur kioskerna ser ut. Fotbollslag, som tar hand om kiosker och får 1000 kronor per kiosk, ser efter kioskerna och rapporterar till oss om vandalisering. Den så kallade kloskfaddringen finns nu över hela Sverige. berättar Kätie Strandberg. "
["This year marks the eleventh year of Televerkets "Stoppa sabbet" campaign. Throughout the 1980s, vandalism of the country's telephone kiosks increased, but now Televerket can see a noticeable improvement, according to its information manager Kätie Strandberg. "It is clear that sabotage of kiosks has decreased over the past year. Young people are paying attention to how the kiosks look. Football teams, which look after kiosks and receive SEK 1,000 per kiosk, look after the kiosks and report vandalism to us. The so-called kloskfaddring now exists in all of Sweden", says Kätie Strandberg."]
Apologies for the late reply and any typos, I'm on vacation and am writing this on my phone in the downtime. AlexandraAVX (talk) 06:01, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]


  • "Material associated with the campaign was printed in comic books as well as advertising posters among others." Suggest "Material associated with the campaign was printed in comic books, advertising posters, and elsewhere."
  • "These submissions would then be sent to a national selection": what is meant by "national selection"? If I understand the intended meaning, how about "These submissions would then be judged against each other at a national level".
  • Not a GA requirement, but you might consider redlinking Sankt Erikscupen -- there's an article in the Swedish Wikipedia so there might well be one on en-wiki one day.
  • "Televerket was corporatised as Telia in 1993": what does "corporatised" mean?

-- Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 01:30, 4 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Re: corporatisation
Televerket was a state authority which both provided telecom services and managed television broadcasting infrastructures, approved any new telecom equipment to be used in Sweden etc. in the 1990s the authority responsibilities were split off into new state authorities and other enterprises, with the telecom operations being turned into a corporation as the Aktiebolag Telia, which is seen as the successor (no idea about legally) to Televerket since they retained the infrastructure and consumer-facing operations. AlexandraAVX (talk) 06:07, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Since the stock was initially retained entirely by the state it wasn't a privatisation. AlexandraAVX (talk) 06:14, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
what is meant by "national selection"?:
There was some selection process at a national level among the winners in each district in all the years that I've read about. Your suggestion is more clear though, I agree. I'll make both your suggested edits. AlexandraAVX (talk) 06:09, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The fixes all look good, and the spotcheck passes. Earwig found no issues. I'm going to go ahead and pass this; you might change "corporatized" to "converted from a state authority to a public corporation", if you can source that, but I'm not going to hold up GA for that. Congratulations! Mike Christie (talk - contribs - library) 09:53, 5 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]