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https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/q71/1488059_530572647049805_1183335757_n.jpg -- (talk) 12:20, 5 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]



Stellaland ("land of the star") was established in Bechuanaland by a group of 'freebooters' (mercenaries) from the Cape Colony and Transvaal, who had helped the Koranna chief David Massouw win a war against the Batlapin chief Mankoroane. Massouw gave them the land as payment for their services. The freebooters laid out a town, which they named 'Vryburg', in September 1882.,[1] and in January 1883 they established an administration ('Bestuur') under Gerrit van Niekerk. The Bestuur proclaimed Stellaland to be an independent state on 6 August 1883.[1] In October 1883, Stellaland signed a treaty with the neighbouring freebooter territory of Goshen to unite the two territories as the 'United States of Stellaland', but the treaty was not carried out and they remained separate.[2][3]

The general instability of both Stellaland and Goshen was of concern to the British, Cape, and Transvaal authorities. In April 1884, the British high commissioner and the Transvaal government established a joint commission to try and stabilise the region. The British commissioner, the Rev John MacKenzie, exceeded his authority by declaring Bechuanaland, including Stellaland, a British protectorate in May 1884. The Stellalanders divided into pro-British and pro-Transvaal factions, and some of the latter, including Van Niekerk, moved to the Transvaal. In July 1884, MacKenzie (or the pro-British Stellalanders) hauled down the Stellaland flag and raised the Union Jack in Vryburg. The high commissioner immediately recalled MacKenzie, and appointed Cecil Rhodes as commissioner in his place.

MacKenzie took the Stellaland flag with him to Cape Town. Rhodes, and the high commissioner's secretary Graham Bower, took the flag back to Stellaland, handed it over to Van Niekerk, and persuaded him to resume office as administrator.

While this was going on, the German Empire annexed the coastal region to the west of Bechuanaland (now Namibia). To prevent German (or Transvaal) expansion into Bechuanaland, the British government despatched a military force under Col Sir Charles Warren to occupy the territory. Warren's forces arrived in Bechuanaland in January 1885. They entered Vryburg on 7 February, effectively ending Stellaland's independence. The Bestuur continued to function for a few months longer, as a local authority. A British protectorate was proclaimed over Bechuanaland on 23 March 1885.

Since 1885, Stellaland has been a district within British Bechuanaland (1885-95), the Cape Colony (1895-1910), the Cape Province (1910-94), and North West Province (1994- ). The district was called 'Vryburg' until 1980. From 1980, it was administered by a local authority called the Stellaland Divisional Council, later replaced by the Stellaland Regional Services Council. The current local authority is the Dr Ruth S. Mompati District Municipality but, although the name 'Stellaland' is not currently in official use, it is still used by a local school, the local rugby football union, and others.

— Preceding unsigned comment added by Kintetsubuffalo (talkcontribs) 08:25, 26 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

In case anyone else is wondering what this post is about, this content was removed from Flag of Stellaland ([1]). HelenOnline 10:56, 26 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ a b Bornman, H. (1982). Vryburg 1882-1982
  2. ^ Theal, G.M. (1919) History of South Africa from 1873 to 1884. Theal, who was the Cape government's official historiographer, stated that "nothing further ever took place in the matter".
  3. ^ Du Toit, A. (1983). Op 'n Storm van Drome. He attributed the failure to unite to Goshen's poor financial position, and the influence of Cecil Rhodes.

Why Botswana links?


Why are there Botswana-related links and categories? Stellaland was in the southern part of Bechuanaland, which is now part of the Republic of South Africa, not the northern part which is now Botswana. Arthur R (talk) 20:50, 9 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]