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Talk:Stanisława Leszczyńska

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Congratulations on appearing on Wikipedia's main page as a "Did you know..." listing. I've been involved in the DYK process and so I know the time it takes and the coordination required between between editors...let's just say it isn't the easiest thing to accomplish. You deserve recognition, appreciation and applause. Thank you very much to all the contributing editors who made this listing possible.:The Very Best of Regards,
  Bfpage |leave a message  22:47, 9 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

May 4, 2018


"However, Stanisława was caught red-handed, and brought to the Gestapo on February 18, 1943. Her younger children, Sylwia, Stanisław, and Henryk were also arrested. Her husband and son Bronisław managed to avoid capture and fled the city"

What a nonsense! The Polish wikipedia site states that ALL family members were arrested for partisan actions in the night from 19/20 february 1943! And further that the male and female family members were imprisoned in different prisons in Lodz before the women got sent to KL Birkenau and the men to KL Gross Rosen. This latter fact is also not mentioned here. Austrianbird (talk) 09:33, 4 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

  • The Polish Wikipedia provides no citation for the paragraph in question: "Cała rodzina została aresztowana w nocy z 19 na 20 lutego 1943 r." – Besides, WP:Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Your claim is false, User:Austrianbird (289 edits), and contradicted by testimonies of members of the Leszczyński family according to article by A. Murzańska who spoke with them in person:

W lutym 1943 roku wraz z córką i dwoma synami pani Stanisława została aresztowana przez gestapo, bo jej mąż, Bronisław, potajemnie wyrabiał dokumenty osobom zagrożonym przez gestapo. Synowie, Henryk i Stanisław, zostali osadzeni w obozach, w Gusen (kamieniołomy) i Mauthausen. Pani Stanisława wraz z córką została przewieziona do Oświęcimia, gdzie przez dwa lata pełniła posługę położnej. "W czasie aresztowania uciekłem" mówi pan Bronisław (Bronisław Leszczyński, lekarz, syn Stanisławy Leszczyńskiej).

Mengele podszedł do niej i zaczął mówić, że Oświęcim to nie pensjonat. Zagroził, że jak ujrzy pieluszkę, to ukarze śmiercią. Mama odpowiedziała, że nie wolno zabijać dzieci, że on to wie bo jest lekarzem, składał przysięgę. Argumentowała, jak umiała. Pytałem mamy, jak on wtedy wyglądał. Powiedziała, że widziała tylko taniec cholew, że doskakiwał do niej, ale w pewnym momencie odszedł, odwrócił głowę i krzyczał: "Rozkaz to rozkaz!"
— Aleksandra Murzańska, "W jednym pantofelku." PSOŻC, 2000/10-11.

Only Sylwia, Stanisław and Henryk were arrested. Her husband and son Bronisław managed to avoid capture and fled the city. The Nazis sent the two boys (Henryk and Stanisław) as slave labour to the stone quarries of Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp. Poeticbent talk 14:48, 4 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
You call the information from user Austrianbird false explaining that the Pilish Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Neither is your source reliable, it's just claims from family members.
Neither did a concentration camp with the name " Mauthausen - Gusen" exist! This PiS -nonsense was denied by the responsible authorities and the International Mauthausen Comitee. (talk) 00:02, 3 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]



The only source for the only sentence discussing Leszczyńska's cause for canonization is from more than a decade ago. Is there any more information on this? It seems like most other articles out there are simply repeating what's been said here, and there's no information anywhere on her status, whether she's been venerated or beatified for instance. Thanks! (talk) 22:43, 18 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

3,000 babies?


This woman delivered 3.000 babies in 24 months? 125 per month? Over four babies on average per day? (talk) 21:40, 10 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

It's only a claim from Polish propaganda sources without any evidence. Like the citation from Poeticbent who obviously believes that the quote from Murzanska's book is correct because the information did come from the Leszczyński family what is totally unreliable.
Hint: The Auschwitz prisoner and survivor Andor Stern (born in Brasil) claimed that he saw his mother coming out from the chimney in Birkenau in Oct. 1944 and that he reminds that situation so good while in fact he sat at this time since months in the concentration camp Dachau! Thank God the Arolsen Archives provided the archive material/evidence to refute this lie and other misinformation about his and his family fate (eg. deported to Auschwitz in April 44) spread by himself and "The times of Israel". (talk) 23:53, 2 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wrong url of second source


Here is the proper link, the used one is broken: https://catholicherald.co.uk/ten-catholic-heroes-of-the-holocaust/ Can not edit myself because of the protection.Cepice (talk) 15:58, 25 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Published works Stanisława Leszczyńska, Raport położnej z Oświęcimia (The Report of a Midwife from Auschwitz), Przegląd Lekarski, Nr 1, 1965.[10] This article, Leszczyńska's autobiographical account, is available in a full English translation entitled "A midwife's report from Auschwitz" on the Medial Review: Auschwitz website at https://www.mp.pl/auschwitz/journal/english/193055,a-midwifes-report-from-auschwitz

Published works Stanisława Leszczyńska, Raport położnej z Oświęcimia (The Report of a Midwife from Auschwitz), Przegląd Lekarski, Nr 1, 1965.[10] This article, Leszczyńska's autobiographical account, is available in a full English translation entitled "A midwife's report from Auschwitz" on the Medical Review: Auschwitz website at https://www.mp.pl/auschwitz/journal/english/193055,a-midwifes-report-from-auschwitz