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Talk:Spanish Golden Age/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Al-Andalus and time range

Wasn't the Umayyad caliphate also a Golden Age? Brutannica 01:25, 10 February 2007 (UTC)

What was the absolute time range for the Golden Age? --Nick Douglas 17:48, 24 February 2007 (UTC)


The following site says this:

The entry for the Spanish Golden Age does not even tell the reader when it occurred, but makes the doubtful claim that the Spanish Golden Age flourished in Latin America.

Now they might be a little crazy, but I'm interested in hearing what editors have to say about this. - Ta bu shi da yu 08:52, 27 February 2007 (UTC)

I copied some text from Siglo de Oro about the timing (starts 1492 or later, ends 1648 or earlier). --KarlFrei 11:57, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
All artiasts mentioned in the article are from Spain, nobody from Latinamerica. Latinamerican art (not counting the works by the natives) started flourishing centuries later. I'm changing it--Rataube 14:05, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
Huh? What about Sor Juana? What about the foundation in Lima of the National University of San Marcos (1551), certainly the first important institution of higher education in the hemisphere? Or the Real Universidad de la Nueva España (ancestor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico), also founded that year (though probably not as illustrious in that era)? - Jmabel | Talk 03:16, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

Some names

I put here some of the names of the 16th and 17th centuries that were important during the Spanish Golden Age. The names come from Julián Juderías' 1914 book La leyenda negra y la verdad histórica (The Black Legend and Historical Truth). There are many names missing and many are repeated, but these are a good start.

  • Military theory: Álava, Barroso, Escrivá, Menéndez Valdés, Diego de Salazar,
    • Artillery:Fernando del Castillo, García Céspedes
    • Fortification: Luis Fuentes, Medina Barba
    • Naval architecture: Tomé Cano, García de Palacios, Labaña, Fernando Oliver, Pedrarias Dávila
  • Science: Alonso de Santacruz, Pedro Núñez , Jerónimo Muñoz, Juan Molina, Andrés García de Céspedes, Juan de Rojas Sarmiento, Hernando de los Ríos, El Brocense, Simón de Tovar
    • Geography: Nebrija, Eduardo López, Pedro de Medina, Luís del Marmol, Juan de la Cosa, Antonio Herrera, Juan Martínez, Andrés García Céspedes, Fernández de Oviedo, Antonio de Herrera, Francisco Micó, Andrés Laguna, Juan Bautista Monardes, Juan Jaraba, Juan Gil Jiménez; y los cronistas de Indias: Fernándes de Oviedo, Gómara, Vargas Machica, Cortés, Cieza de León, Bernal Díaz del Castillo
    • Navigation: Enciso, Valero, Medina, Martín Cortés, Juan Escalante de Mendoza, Pedro Núñez, Pedro Menéndez de Avilés.
    • Medicine: Vallés, Mercado, Bruguera, Carmona, Díaz de Toledo, Fragoso, Huarte, Jiménez, Valverde, Servet, doña Oliva Sabuco de Nantes, Acosta
    • Mathematics and physics: Pedro Ciruelo, Martínez Siliceo, Fernán Pérez de Oliva, Fernando de Córdoba, Pedro Juan Oliver, Pedro Juan Monzó, Jerónimo Muñoz, Pedro Jaime Esteve, Andrés de Lorenzo, Lorenzo Victorio Molón, Miguel Francés, Gaspar Lux, Álvaro Thomás, Pedro Núñez, Antich Rocha, Francisco Sánchez, Pedro Chacón
    • Biology: Gabriel Alonso de Herrera, Francisco Micó, Andrés Laguna, Juan Bautista Monardes, Juan Jaraba, Juan Gil Jiménez, Hernández
    • Linguistics: Nebrija, Brocense, Piniciano, Barrientos, Alonso de Zamora, Arias de Montano, Díaz Paterniano, fray Juan López, Juan de la Cuesta, Bernardo de Alderete, Sebastián de Covarrubias, Liaño, padre Andrés de Ovieto, padre Paes, padre Caldeira, padre Luis de Acebedo, padre Diego de Ribero, padre Gaspar de Villela, fray Andrés de Olmos, fray Alonso de Molina, fray Juan de Córdoba, fray Luis de Villalpando, fray Antonio de Ciudad Real, fray Francisco Marroquín.
  • Engineering: Diego Rivero, Juanelo, Felipe Guillén, Martín Cortés, hermanos Rogetes, Juan de Arfe, Antonio Boteller, Bernardo Pérez de Vargas, Garci Sánchez, Carlos Corzo, Perdo de Contreras, Lope de Saavedra, fray Blás del Castillo, Álvaro Alonso Barba.
  • Architecture: Juan de Herrera, Juan Bautista de Toledo, Villacastín, Villalpando, Arfe, Bustamante
  • Eductation: Alejo de Venegas, Pedro Ponce, Juan Pablo Bonet
  • Philosophy and thinking: Fox Morcillo, Melchor Cano, Gómez Pereyra, fray José de Sigüenza, doña Oliva Sabuco de nanates, Pujasol, fray Domingo de Soto, fray Alonso de Sandoval, fray Juan de Vergara, Juan de Espinosa, fray Antonio Álvarez, fray Basilio Ponce de León, Pedro Ciruelo, Pedro de Valencia, Jerónimo de Urrea, don Artal de Aragón Cónde de Sástago, Pedro de Rivadeneira, fray Antonio Fuente de la Peña
    • Theology: Alfonso de Castro, Diego Láiñez, Salmerón, Maldonado, Suárez, Antonio Agustín, García de Loayasa y Mendoza, Alfonso de Zamora, Arias Montano
  • History: Florián de Ocampo, Ambrosio de Morales, Zurita, Garibay, Sandoval, Hurtado de Mendoza, Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, padre Mariana, fray Diego de Yepes
  • Laws: Palacio Rubio, los Covarrubias, Solórzano Pereira, Antonio Agustín, Sepúlveda, Costa, Victoria, Ramos del Manzano,
  • Politics and sociology: Quevedo, Mariana, Sepúlveda, Navarrete, Furió Seriol, Cerdán de Tallada, Polo de Ondegardo, fray José de Acosta, Pedro de Valencia, Alonso de Castrillo, Sancho de Moncada, Martínez de Mata, Fernández Navarrete, Álvarez Ossorio, González de Cellorigo, Caja de Leruela

Scholars that taught in foreign universities/schools:

  • Paris: Álvaro Thomas, Jerónimo Prado, Pedro de Lerma, the Coronel brothers, Juan Dolz de Castellar, Miguel Servet, Fernando de Encina, Juan de Celaya, Juan Gélida, Luis Baeza
  • Sorbonne: Gaspar Lux, Miguel Francés, Perdo Ciruelo, Juan Martínez Siliceo, padre Mariana, fray Gregorio Arias, Francisco Escobar, Fernán Pérez de Oliva
  • Leuven: Luis Vives, Antonio Pérez el jurisconsulto, Juan Vernoza
  • Dillingen and Inglostadt: fray Pedro de Soto, Martín de Olave, Alonso de Pisa
  • Prag: Rodrigo de Arriaga
  • Toulouse: Antonio Gouvea, Luis de Lucena, Sánchez
  • Warsaw and Kraków: Pedro Ruiz de Moros, Alfonso Salmerón
  • Padua: Bernardo Gil, Antonio Burgos, Juan Montes de Oca, Francisco de Valencia, Estéfano de Terraza, Rodrigo Fonseca
  • Bologna: Pedro Naranjo, Gonzálo Díaz, Pedro García de Atodo, Alfonso de Guevara, Pedro Carnicer,...
  • Oxford: Luis Vives, fray Pedro de Soto, Francisco Encinas
  • Bordeaux: Garbiel de Tárrega, Raimundo de Granoller
  • Lausanne: Pedro Núñez de Vela
  • Ancona: Jerónimo Muñoz
  • Naples: Miguel Villar, Juan López, Gonzalo del Olmo
  • Rome: Francisco de Toledo, padre Mariana, Juan de Maldonado, Pedro de Rivadeneira

Hope this helps to improve the article. --Ecelan 11:56, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


Its ridiculous to have a special section on Góngora without one for Quevedo who was considered by many (Jorge Luis Borges, to name just one) to be far superior. Juxstarr 16:49, 27 May 2007 (UTC)

Proposing new additions

I am new to Wikipedia editing but I would love to help out with this page. I noticed some things that I would be happy to work on in my spare time such as:

  • Adding wikilinks to the artists mentioned in the article
  • Adding wikilinking to more artists and playwrights
  • Adding a section describing dissenting points of view on the use of the term "Golden Age" in reference to this period
  • Adding a section that describes the status of laborers, hidalgos, and upper nobility

These are just some things off the top of my head that I see would help improve the page but, since I am new I'd thought it best to introduce myself and get another opinion on my proposed additions.

Thanks Hafabe (talk) 17:27, 24 April 2014 (UTC)

Hafabe's post moved from top of page.--220 of Borg 17:06, 26 July 2014 (UTC)