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Samuel S. Epstein is a medical doctor, and currently professor emeritus of environmental and occupational health at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health. He is known internationally for his scientific contributions on avoidable causes of cancer[citation needed]. These include carcinogenic effects of environmental pollutants in air, water, soil and the workplace. They also include ingredients and contaminants in consumer products—food, cosmetics, personal care products, and household products[citation needed]. Besides 270 scientific articles[citation needed] on these concerns, he has published 12 books, including his latest Toxic Beauty 2009, 90 press releases, and letters and editorials in leading newspapers.

His past committee and society involvements include[citation needed]: Chairman of the Air Pollution Control Association Committee on Air Pollutants; President of the Society of Occupational and Environmental Health; Founder and Secretary of the Environmental Mutagen Society; advisor to a wide range of public interest, environmental, citizen activist and organized labor groups; Co-Chairman of the Commission for the Advancement of Public Interest Organizations; and President of the Rachel Carson Council, Inc. In 1993, he founded the non-profit international Cancer Prevention Coalition of which he is the Chairman.

Dr. Epstein’s activities in the interface between science and public policy include: the lead expert witness involved in banning DDT[citation needed]; consultant to the U.S. Senate Committee on Public Works[citation needed]; drafting Congressional legislation[citation needed]; frequent invited Congressional testimony[citation needed]; and membership of key federal agency advisory committees[citation needed].

Genetically Engineered Milk


According to the documentary The Corporation, Epstein received private and secret documents from Monsanto Company delivered anonymously. These documents indicated a cover up to conceal from the public the extent of harm and potential harm to the public and cattle from their chemical Posilac designed to increase milk production in dairy cattle. Epstein was instrumental in alerting the public and helping the case against Monsanto. [citation needed]

Epstein was interviewed in the documentary and discussed the "epidemic of cancer" which he believes is caused by the proliferation of artificial and harmful chemicals created by industry which are increasingly found in our environment. [citation needed]

Twenty years ago when Frank Young, M.D. was Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC), Dr. Epstein sent him a report entitled "Potential Public Health Hazards of Biosynthetic Milk Hormones." This warned of the dangers of drinking milk from cows injected with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, known as rBGH, in order to increase milk production[citation needed].

As of 2009, rBGH is injected in about 20% of U.S. dairy cows to increase milk production[citation needed]. Injection of cows with rBGH, sharply elevates levels of a natural insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in milk[citation needed].

Dr. Epstein warns: o rBGH makes cows sick. Monsanto has been forced to admit to about 20 toxic effects, including mastitis, on the label of Posilac, the rBGH product that when administered to cows makes them produce more milk. Monsanto's Posilac product was acquired by Eli Lilly in 2008. o rBGH milk is contaminated by pus, due to mastitis, an infection of the udder commonly induced by the hormone, and also by antibiotics used to treat the mastitis. o rBGH milk is chemically and nutritionally different than natural milk. o Milk from cows injected with rBGH is contaminated with the hormone, traces of which are absorbed through the gut into the blood of people who consume this milk or products made from it. o rBGH milk is supercharged with high levels of the natural growth factor (IGF-1), which is readily absorbed through the gut. o Excess levels of IGF-1 have been incriminated in well-documented scientific publications as causes of breast, colon, and prostate cancers. Additionally, IGF-1 blocks natural defense mechanisms against early submicroscopic cancers, technically known as apoptosis. Warnings of these risks were endorsed by the National Family Farm Coalition, representing 30 organizations, and also by the Campaign Against rBGH, representing 10 organizations[citation needed].

A 2007 Cancer Prevention Coalition petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), "Seeking Withdrawal of the New Animal Drug application for rBGH," was endorsed by the Organic Consumers Association, Farm Defenders, and the Institute for Responsible Technology. However, the FDA ignored that petition, and has remained indifferent to these risks, in spite of longstanding Congressional concerns[citation needed].

Illustrative is the 1986 Congressional report, "Human Food Safety and Regulation of Animal Drugs," by the House Committee on Government Operations. This report concluded that the "FDA has consistently disregarded its responsibility... has repeatedly put what it perceives are interests of veterinarians and the livestock industry ahead of its legal obligations to protect consumers - jeopardizing the health and safety of consumers of meat and milk."[citation needed]

Dr. Epstein says these risks are readily avoidable by consuming organic milk. According to The Hartman Group, a prominent Seattle consulting firm, organic milk is now among the first organic product that consumers buy. Organic milk is also becoming increasingly available, with an annual growth rate of about 20%, while overall milk consumption is dropping by 10%[citation needed].

"Nevertheless," Dr. Epstein emphasizes, "only a few schools make organic milk available, nor do most state governments, under low-income food programs, particularly by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children."

Wal-Mart is now the biggest seller of certified organic milk, followed by Horizon Organic, owned by Dean Foods, the nation's largest dairy producer, and by Groupe Danone, the leading French dairy company[citation needed]. According to recent claims by Eli Lilly, which most recently bought rBGH from Monsanto[citation needed], only about 8% of consumers now buy organic milk exclusively.

In sharp contrast to the United States, the European Union nations as well as Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan, and Canada have all in the past banned the use and imports of hormonal milk and dairy products[citation needed].

Nuclear power


In 2009, Epstein argued that "nuclear reactors in the United States should be phased out, and replaced by technologies that don’t threaten public health with the emission of radioactive chemicals". About 80 million Americans across 37 states "live within 40 miles of a nuclear reactor, including residents of New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland, and Boston".[1]

Hormones in U.S. Beef


Beef produced in the United States is heavily contaminated with natural or synthetic sex hormones[citation needed], which are associated with an increased risk of reproductive and childhood cancers, warns Dr. Samuel S. Epstein.

"Increased residues of sex hormones are linked to the escalating incidence of reproductive cancers in the United States since 1975--60% for prostate, 59% for testis, and 18% for breast," Dr. Epstein says.

The hormones in past and current use include the natural estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and the highly potent synthetic estradiol, zeranol, trenbolone, and melengesterol[citation needed].

When beef cattle enter feedlots, pellets of these hormones are implanted under the ear skin, a process that is repeated at the midpoint of their 100-day pre-slaughter fattening period, Dr. Epstein explains. These hormones increase carcass weight, adding over $80 in extra profit per animal[citation needed].

Also, Dr. Epstein warns that contrary to longstanding claims by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), residues of these hormones in meat are in major excess of normal limits.

However, following a single implant in steers of Synovex-S, a combination of estrogen and progesterone, residues of these hormones in meat were found to be up to 20-fold higher than normal[citation needed]. Nevertheless, the FDA and USDA still claim that hormone residues in meat are within "normal levels." Disturbingly , still higher residues result from the not uncommon illegal practice of implanting hormones directly into muscle[citation needed].

The amount of estradiol in two hamburgers eaten in one day by an 8-year-old boy would increase his total hormone levels by up to 10%[citation needed].

These concerns are not new. As evidenced in a series of General Accountability Office investigations and Congressional hearings, FDA residue-tolerance programs and USDA inspections are in near total disarray, aggravated by brazen denials and cover-ups[citation needed].

A January 1986 report, "Human Food Safety and the Regulation of Animal Drugs," unanimously approved by the House Committee on Government Operations, concluded that "the FDA has consistently disregarded its responsibility, and has repeatedly put what is perceives are interests of veterinarians and the livestock industry ahead of its legal obligation to protect consumers, thus jeopardizing the health and safety of consumers of meat, milk and poultry."

On January 1, 1989, the European Community placed a ban on meat imports from animals treated with growth inducing sex hormones[citation needed]. This has had a direct impact on the U.S. beef industry[citation needed], which uses hormones in more than half of the cattle sent to market each year.

Twenty-years later, in May 2009, the European Union and the United States settled their long- running dispute over hormone-treated beef. Under terms of the four-year deal the EU will be permitted to maintain its ban on hormonal U.S. beef. In return, the EU has agreed to increase the amount of hormone-free beef that can be imported from the U.S. without duty.

It is well recognized that American women have a greater risk of breast cancer than women in countries that do not permit the sale of hormonal beef[citation needed].

However, as recently confirmed by studies of cancer rates in Los Angeles County, the most highly populated, ethnically diverse county in the U.S., the low risk in Japanese women living in Japan increases sharply in Japanese immigrants to the United States after one to two generations[citation needed].

This, and a wide range of other studies in migrant populations, is evidence that avoidable causes of breast cancer include adoption of Western dietary habits, particularly the consumption of hormone-laced beef.

Toxic Beauty, 2009


In the Foreword of Dr. Epstein's 2009 book, Toxic Beauty, Quentin D. Young, M.D. and Chairman of the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group in Chicago writes:

To varying degrees, the American public is exposed to carcinogenic and other toxic pollutants in air, water, and the workplace. At least minimally, these exposures are all subject to explicit federal regulation.

The entire American public remains exposed to carcinogenic and other toxic ingredients in consumer products-household, food, cosmetics, and personal care[citation needed]. They receive highly misleading information from the industries involved, while the Food and Drug Administration remains silent. Of particular concern are cosmetics and person-care products[citation needed]. These are regulated under the 1938 FDA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which requires that all ingredients in these products must be labeled on their containers. The Act also gives the FDA authority to protect consumers from dangerous products, including requiring that their labels must bear a clear warning statement to prevent any health hazard. However, seven decades after the Act was passed, the FDA still takes the reckless position that the industry is responsible and accountable for the safety of its products. Accordingly, the FDA fails to regulate the industry, let alone warn the public of the dangers of its products. It's no wonder that, at the 1997 hearings on the FDA Reform Bill, Senator Edward Kennedy warned that, "The cosmetics industry has borrowed a page from the playbook of the tobacco industry by putting profits ahead of public health."

Dr. Epstein warns of the wide range of toxic ingredients in currently marketed cosmetics and personal care products along with those ingredients' effects. The ingredients fall into five categories: frank carcinogens, hidden carcinogens (carcinogens that contaminate other ingredients that are precursors of carcinogens), endocrine disruptors (ingredients that are hormonally toxic, particularly to women and their fetuses), penetrating agents (ingredients that pass through the skin), and allergens. Other tables list the toxic ingredients in a wide range of common products.

Toxic Beauty also lists safe alternative products, including those that are certified organic. Concerned and responsible shoppers can readily download the book's five tables on toxic ingredients from the Cancer Prevention Coalition website, or from NaturalNews.com.

Board Memberships and Awards


1. Chairman, Committee on Biological Effects of Air Pollution, Air Pollution Control Association, 1963-1973.

2. Executive Secretary and Founding Member, Environmental Mutagen Society, 1969- 1972.

3. Consultant to the Committee on Public Works, United States Senate, 1970-1974.

4. Chairman, Health Effects Divisions, Air Pollution Control Association, 1970-1973.

5. Consultant, Center for Studies of Narcotic and Drug Abuse, National Institute of Mental Health, 1970-1973.

6. Consultant to the Panel on Polycyclic Organic Matter, National Academy of Science, National Research Council, 1970.

7. Consultant, U.S. Senate Sub-committee on Government Operations, 1971.

8. Founding Member, Society for Occupational and Environmental Health, 1972-1974.

9. Consultant on Occupational Cancer, Industrial Union Department, AFL/CIO, 1973.

10. Consultant Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers Union, 1968.

11. Consultant Textile Workers Union, 1972.

12. President, The Society for Occupational and Environmental Health, 1974-1976.

13. Consultant Office of General Counsel (on Aldrin and Dieldrin) Cancellation Hearings Environmental Protection Agency, 1974.

14. Consultant Office of General Counsel (on Chlordane and Heptachlor) Cancellation Hearings ~Environmental Protection Agency, 1975.

15. Consultant, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor

16. Consultant on Occupational Reproductive Toxicity, March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation,1977-1979.

17. Consultant, State of California Program on Toxic Substances, 1981.

18. Chairman of the Commission for the Advancement of Public Interest Organizations

19. President of the Rachel Carson Council

20. Founder and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition


1. Military Awards in Royal Army Medical Corps, 1953. (a) Montefiore Gold Medal in Tropical Medicine (b) Montefiore Prize in Tropical Medicine (c) Ranald Martin Prize in Military Surgery

2. Society of Toxicology, Achievement Award, 1969.

3. Fellow of the Royal Society of Health, England, 1971.

4. Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1976.

5. National Conservation Award, National Wildlife Federation, 1977.

6. Notable Book Award, "The Politics of Cancer," American Library Association, 1979.

7. Henry J. Kaiser Visiting Lectureship Award, "New Perspectives on Health", Institute for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University, 1981.

8. Doctor of 'Humane Letters, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois, 1983.

9. Robert van den Bosch Memorial Lecture and Medal, University of California, Berkeley, 1983.

10. Harold Levine Memorial Lecture Award, Chicago Lung Association, 1985.

11. Environmental Justice Award, Citizen's Clearinghouse for Hazardous Wastes Inc, 1989.

12. Rachel Carson Legacy Award for “Significantly Advancing Medical Research Into Effective Toxic Chemicals and Bringing His Knowledge Forcefully to World Attention, 1990.

13. Life-Time Achievement Award, National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, 1991.

14. Richard Jones Memorial Lecture Award University of Tasmania, Australia 1993.

15. American College for Advancement in Medicine, Annual Clarke Lecture Award, San Diego, California, 1994.

16. The 1998 Right Livelihood Award (the "Alternative Nobel Prize") for international contributions to cancer prevention.

17. The 1999 Bioneers Annual Award.

18. Humanitarian Award from the National Silver Haired Congress, 2000.

19. Project Censored 2000 Award (the "Alternative Pulitzer Prize") for Investigative Journalism for an article critiquing the American Cancer Society.

20. Albert Schweitzer Golden Grand Medal for Humanitarianism for International Contributions to Cancer Prevention. Warsaw, Poland, 2005.

21. 2007 Dragonfly Award Recipient. From Beyond Pesticides, 2007.

Press Releases


1. How the Clinton Administration Pesticide Proposal Addresses the Recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences Report Concerning Pesticides and Infants and Children Press Briefing, Cancer Prevention Coalition and Citizen Action, Washington, D.C. 9/8/93.

2. Forum on rBGH Milk and Breast Cancer Joint Legislative and Press Briefing with the National Family Farm Coalition. 3/14/94.

3. Breast Cancer Deaths Linked to Nuclear Emissions (Joint Presentation with Drs. Jay Gould, and Ernest Sternglass) Press Release. 9/8/94.

4. $4.25 Billion Implant Settlement Ignores Risk of Breast Cancer Press Release. 9/13/94.

5. Breast Cancer Unawareness Month (Joint Presentation with Dr. Jay Gould, Director, Radiation and Public Health Project) Press Release. 10/14/94.

6. National Mammoscam Day Press Release. 10/18/94.

7. Dusting With Cancer: Coalition Urges Chicago Drug Stores to Label Talc Press Release. 11/17/94.

8. Lice Won't Kill You, But Its Treatment Can. Experts Call for Ban on Lindane Shampoos (Joint with the New York Center for Constitutional Rights) Press Release. 1/17/95.

9. Cancer Expert Calls Dow Breast Implant Ads Deceptive Press Release. 5/11/95.

10. Cancer Groups and Ralph Nader Release First Annual "Dirty Dozen" Consumer Products List Press Release. 9/21/95.

11. National Mammography Day Press Release. 10/18/95.

12. New Study Warns Implants Pose Risk of Breast Cancer Press Release. 11/8/95.

10. New Study Warns of Breast and Colon Cancer Risks from rBGH Milk: Joint with Food & Water, Inc. Press Release. 1/23/96.

14. Europe's Ban on Hormone-Raised Beef is Based on Sound Science Press Release. 10/8/96.

15. Breast Cancer Unawareness Month Press Release. 10/14/96. 10. They Make You Smell, Feel, and Look Good, but Can Cosmetics Increase Your Risk of Cancer? Cancer Prevention Coalition Calls for Tough Cosmetic Standards. Press Release. 10/22/96.

17. New Challenges on the Safety of U.S. Meat: Oprah Right for Other Reasons Press Release. 2/2/98.

18. New Drug (Evista) Poses Risk of Ovarian Cancer Press Release. 2/4/98.

19. Major Cosmetic and Toiletry Ingredient Poses Avoidable Cancer Risks Press Release. 2/22/98.

20. Hormonal Milk Poses Prostate Cancer and Other Cancer Risks Press Release. 3/30/98.

21. Monsanto's Hormonal Milk Poses Serious Risks of Breast Cancer, Besides Other Cancers Press Release. 6/21/98.

22. FDA Advisory Committee Urged to Reject Zeneca's Application of Tamoxifen for Preventing Breast Cancer in Healthy Women as the Drug is Ineffective and Dangerous Press Release. 9/1/98.

23. The Cancer Drug Industry Misleads the Nation Press Release. 9/24/98.

24. Misleading Claims by an Industry-Sponsored Study on the Safety of the Pill Press Release. 1/27/99.

25. International Scientific Committee Warns of Serious Risks of Breast and Prostate Cancer from Monsanto's Hormonal Milk Press Release. 3/21/99.

26. FAO/WHO's Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives Report on Hormonal Meat is Scientifically Invalid and Fails to Warn Consumers of Cancer Risks Press Release. 5/4/99.

27. Monsanto's Genetically Modified Milk Ruled Unsafe by the United Nations Press Release. 8/18/99.

28. Postscript to August 18, 1999 Press Release on "Monsanto's Genetically Modified Milk Ruled Unsafe by the United Nations" Press Release. 8/23/99.

29. Statement on the Public Health Hazards of GE (genetically engineered) Milk and Food Press Release. 11/18/99.

30. Austria Urged to Take Initiatives to Protect the Public Against Cancer and Other Risks of Monsanto's Genetically Engineered Modified rBST Dairy Products Press Release. Vienna, Austria. 1/28/00.

31. Perfume: Cupid's Arrow or Poison Dart (Joint Statement with the Environmental Health Network, California) Press Release. 2/7/00.

32. Genetically Engineered Anti-Aging Medication Poses Undisclosed Cancer Risks Press Release. 3/14/00.

33. The Cancer Prevention Coalition and Public Citizen Charge Congress with Proposing Deceptive Labeling of Irradiated Food, Besides Ignoring Its Risks to Health and the Environment Press Release. 6/6/00.

34. The Food and Drug Administration Legalized Food Irradiation Without Adequately Evaluating Its Risks, Dismissed Evidence of Serious Public Health Hazards. Groups Call on FDA to Stop Irradiation and Congress to Investigate: Public Citizen, Institute for Health and Energy, Government Accountability Project, and Global Resource Action Center for the Environment Press Release. 10/3/00.

35. Undisclosed Carcinogens in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Pose Avoidable Risks of Cancer Press Release. 1/15/01.

36. "Trade Secrets:" The Latest in a Long Line of Conspiracies Press Release. 3/23/01.

37. Administration Proposal to Serve Irradiated Beef to School Children Poses Cancer, Genetic and Other Risks Press Release. 4/8/01. (Endorsed by 15 Leading Scientists)

38. "Reading, Writing and Ritalin" TV Program Overlooks Evidence on Cancer Risks in Children Press Release. 4/10/01.

39. The National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) is Urged to Consider Breast Examination as a Practical Alternative to Mammography Press Release. 5/3/01.

40. FDA, USDA Officials Dismiss Citizens' Concern About Irradiated Food at University of Illinois Symposium: Joint with Public Citizen Press Release. 6/18/01.

41. Carcinogenic Hazards of Mainstream Industry Personal Care and Cosmetic Products Press Release. 9/16/01.

42. American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines for Treating Behavioral Disorders in Children With Ritalin Ignores Evidence of Cancer Risks. Press Release. 10/4/01.

43. The Cancer Prevention Coalition and Illinois Food Safety Coalition Announce a Public Information Campaign to Warn of Serious Dangers of Food Irradiation Press Release. 1/17/02.

44. Mammography is Dangerous Besides Ineffective Press Release. 2/6/02.

45. Food Irradiation Threatens Public Health, National Security Press Release. 3/8/02.

46. Phthalates in Cosmetics Are Suspect, But Carcinogens Even More So Press Release. 7/11/02.

47. Groups Call for Labeling of Cosmetics and Toiletries, Citing Cancer and Other Health Risks Press Release. 8/15/02. (Endorsed by Friends of the Earth, Center for Environmental Health, Environmental Health Fund, National Center for Environmental Health Strategies, Oregon Toxics Alliance, Environmental Health Network, and Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League)

48. Breast Exams are Just as Effective as Screening Mammography Press release. 10/9/02.

49. Risks of Ovarian Cancer from the Commonly Prescribed Drug Evista Supported by Recent Evidence Press Release. 10/24/02.

50. USDA's Allowing Schools to Serve Irradiated Meat is Reckless Press Release. 11/1/02.

51. Jewel-Osco's Sale of SureBeam Irradiated Meat Threatens Consumer Health Press Release. 12/4/02.

52. Anti-Aging Medicine and Monsanto Milk are Major Risks of Breast Cancer Press Release. 5/19/03.

53. Beware of Irradiated Dietary Supplements Press Release. 5/23/03.

54. McDonald's is Leading the Way, But Hasn't Gone Far Enough Yet Press Release. 7/1/03.

55. Environmental Working Group Report on Personal Care Products: Ambitious, But Flawed Press Release. 7/1/04.

56. High Time to Label Fragrance Allergens Press Release. 8/6/04.

57. IBM's Corporate Recklessness: From the Holocaust to Occupational Cancer Press Release. 8/16/04.

58. Europe Leads the Way in Cosmetic Product Safety Press Release. 10/13/04.

59. The "Milk is Milk" Industry Campaign Threatens Public Health Press Release. 2/4/05.

60. Time to Protect Babies from Dangerous Products Press Release. 2/28/05.

61. The Look Good…Feel Better Program: But At What Risk? Press Release. 10/28/05.

62. More Than One Reason for the Threatened Beef Boycott Press Release. 11/7/05.

63. New York Times Whitewashes Environmental Causes of Cancer Press Release. 12/14/05.

64. National School Lunches: Unsafe At Any Eating Press Release. 4/10/06.

63. Hormonal Milk Poses Greater Risks Than Just Twinning Press Release. 6/27/06.

64. The Organic Milk Wars: It’s Not Just the Price Press Release. 9/22/06.

65. Estée Lauder’s Conflicted Marketing Strategies Press Release. 12/27/06.

66. What’s In Your Milk? Press Release. 01/03/07.

67. Leading Advocates Against Genetically Modified rBGH Milk File Citizen’s Petition with FDA Press Release. 02/21/07.

68. Avoidable Causes of Breast Cancer Press Release. 05/16/07.

69. The New York Times Ignores Information on Dangers of Sunscreens Press Release. 06/28/07.

70. The Double Standard on Trading Contaminated Chinese and U.S. Consumer Products Press Release. 07/30/07.

73. Breast Cancer Awareness Month Misleads Women Press Release. 10/17/07.

74. The FDA Still Ignores the Lethal Risks of Talcum Powder. Press Release. 03/24/08.

75. Talcum Powder Can Provoke Deadly Ovarian Cancer. Press Release. 05/15/08.

76. Petition Seeking a Cancer Warning on Cosmetic Talc Powder Products. Press Release. 05/19/08.

77. FDA Remains Asleep at the Wheel on the Dangers of Sunscreen, Besides Other Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Press Release. 08/07/08.

78. Responsibility of the FDA and National Cancer Institute for Cosmetics-Related Escalating Cancer Rates. Press Release. 08/15/08.

79. America’s Beauty Show Challenges Toxic Salons Press Release. 03/27/09.

80. Medical Experts Prescribe Legislation to Help Prevent Cancer Press Release. 06/15/09.

81. Prevent Cancer: Phase Out Toxics in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Press Release. 07/20/09.

82. Safe Breast Self Examination by Young Women vs. Risky Mammography Press Release. 07/22/09.

83. Push For New Nuclear Power Sputters, But Old Reactors Still Pose Cancer Risks Press Release. 07/27/09.

84. How to Fight Cancer Press Release. 08/11/09.

85. How to Sunbathe Safely Press Release. 08/14/09.

86. An Overdue Ban On A Dangerous Sweetener Press Release. 08/15/09.

87. Talcum Powder: The Hidden Dangers Press Release. 09/30/09.

88. Cancer: The Health Risk Behind the Cosmeceutical Mask Press Release. 10/06/09.

89. Unrecognized Cancer and Hormonal Risks of Avon Products Press Release. 10/08/09.

90. Cancer Expert Counters Reckless Claims That Hormonal Milk Is Safe Press Release. 10/14/09.

91. Hormones in U.S. Beef Linked to Increased Cancer Risk Press Release. 10/21/09.

92. Dr. Samuel Epstein's 20 Year Fight Against Biotech, Cancer-Causing Milk Press Release. 10/28/09.



1. Epstein, S, S and Legator, M. (editors) The Mutagenicity of Pesticides. M.I.T Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1971.

2. Epstein, S. S. (editor) Drugs of Abuse—Genetic and Other Chronic Non-Psychiatric Hazards. M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England, 1971.

3. Epstein, S. S. and Grundy, D. (editors). The Legislation of Product Safety. Consumer Health and Product Hazards. Vol. I. Chemicals, Electronic Products, Radiation. M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1974.

4. Epstein, S. S. and Grundy, ID. (editors) The Legislation of Product Safety. Consumer Health and Product Hazards. Vol. II. Cosmetics and Drugs, Pesticides, Food Additives. M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 1976.

5. Epstein, S. S. The Politics of Cancer. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1978.

6. Epstein, S.S. The Politics of Cancer (Abridged Japanese translation), 1978.

7. Epstein, S. S. The Politics of Cancer. (Revised and expanded edition).* Anchor/Doubleday Press, New York, 1979.

8. Epstein, S. S., Pope, C., and Brown L. Hazardous Waste in America. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, 1982.

9. Doyal, L. and Epstein, S. S. Cancer in Britain: The Politics of Prevention. Pluto Press, London 1983.

10. Steinman, D. and Epstein, S. S. The Safe Shoppers' Bible. MacMillan Publishing Company, New York, 1995.

11. Epstein, S. S. and Steinman, D. The Breast Cancer Prevention Program. MacMillan Publishing Company, New York, 1997.

12. Epstein, S. S., Steinman, D., and Levert The Breast Cancer Prevention Program, 2nd Edition MacMillan Publishing Company, New York, 1998.

13. Epstein, S. S. The Politics of Cancer, Revisited East Ridge Press, Fremont Center, N.Y., 1998.

14. Epstein, S.S. Got (Genetically Engineered) Milk! The Monsanto Milk Wars Handbook (E-book). Seven Stories Press, New York, 2001.

15. Epstein, S.S. Unreasonable Risk. How to Avoid Cancer from Cosmetics and Personal Care Products. Environmental Toxicology, 2001.

16. Epstein, S.S. Unreasonable Risk. How to Avoid Cancer and Other Toxic Effects from Cosmetics and Personal Care Products. 2nd edition. Environmental Toxicology, 2005.

17. Epstein, S.S. Cancer-Gate: How to Win the Losing Cancer War. Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., 2005.

18. Epstein, S.S. SHOPPER BEWARE. How to Avoid Cancer and Other Toxic Effects from Cosmetics and Personal Care Products. (published in Japanese) Lyon-sha Publishing, 2006.

19. Epstein, S.S. What’s In Your Milk? Trafford Publishing, 2006.

20. Epstein, S.S. Toxic Beauty. BenBella Books, 2009.

See also





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