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Talk:Sahar (name)

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Soul Urge:
People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.
People with this name tend to be quiet, cooperative, considerate, sympathetic to others, adaptable, balanced and sometimes shy. They are trustworthy, respecting the confidences of others, and make excellent diplomats, mediators and partners. They are often very intuitive. They like detail and order, and often find change worrisome. They may sometimes feel insecure or restless.
Sahar's are ladies with character: they are strong and self-assured whilst remaining undeniably feminine... Forthright and outspoken, they can also be rather aloof, with ice around the edges at times. Self-controlled as well as impulsive; they can be domineering and occasionally very hot-tempered. This duality is the reason for a certain amount of inner-conflict. Sensitive and touchy, they can be known to lose their cool if their ego feels threatened as they are somewhat unsure of themselves. This disconcerting tendency to bounce from one extreme to another in a matter of seconds can be observed in all spheres of their lives. For example, People named Sahar are capable of living their lives with great discipline, scrupulous and focused for a length of time, then allow themselves to drift aimlessly into apathy and indifference. Shy and retiring one day, plucky and defiant the next. Depending on the moment, they can imitate the raving mad Virgo of the zodiac or the level-headed and unshakable Scorpio...
At the same time, these are women of great strength and courage who are extremely determined: once they have set their hearts and minds on something there is no point in trying to convince them otherwise, you´ll be wasting your breath! With them, anything is possible - anything and it´s opposite that is. They are quite highly-strung and need to be active, and physical exercise can provide an excellent outlet for this excess nervous energy. Even as children they are prone to mood swings and loathe being told what to do. They can often be jealous, and are genuine but uncompromising and intense in their relationships with others. They will probably prefer building dens to playing with dolls, especially if they have a birthday on the 5th, 8th, 14th, 17th, 23rd or 26th of the month, if their life Path Number is equal to 5 or 8, or if they were born in May or August. Furthermore, and especially if they were born on the 4th, 7th, 13th, 16th, 22nd, 25th or 31st, or during the month of April or July, they are likely to experience significant setbacks and complexes. These are virtuous creatures and their parents should take care to ensure that they are conscious of their value, helping them to overcome their lack of self-confidence.
What do they like?
They have a love of power and were born to fight. Not indifferent to material life, actually far from it: Money can indeed be very useful and they are certainly not oblivious to this fact. They even have great business sense, and are down-to-earth and practical. Romantically, they are not always easy to live with: they can be stern, rigid and overbearing as well as possessive and argumentative... They intend to be in charge and do things the way they see fit... However, gentlemen, these are strong women who can be depended on, and they are anything but wishy-washy.
What do they do?
People named Sahar are not exactly model housewives even though they could be if they wanted to with such talents for cooking and gardening. However, if they find themselves encumbered with this role, they will be happy to satisfy their ambition and craving for power through their partner´s career. However, more often than not they will have their own career, and are likely to be drawn towards occupations in connection with power or involving some personal risk (law enforcement, sport, military...), business (accounting, economy, finance, banking, management), the land (agriculture and livestock), property management and construction.

This may come from the comments on this name at BehindTheName.com, which was cited as a reference. (talk) 22:35, 11 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Proper etyomology


Sahar (meaning "dawn") is an ancient Semitic name (not originally Turkish or Persian, though frequently used in those countries nowadays). The Hebrew name is etymologically unrelated to the Arabic name and comes from a different word which means "moon". This is well documented. Nonetheless, this page page continues to be edited by anonymous users to erroneously ascribe an ultimate Persian or Turkish origin to the Arabic name and to erase the separate name of Hebrew origin altogether. Eblashko (talk) 19:45, 12 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]