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Talk:Robert H. Pierson

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Ideas on Collaboration


Sometimes a WP editor works mostly alone in the developing of an article. This being so in this case, it should not be considered any type of ownership. All interested editors are encouraged to help. Robert H. Pierson was an impressive leader within Adventism. He also dealt strongly, firmly, in the light of secularizing of church institutions. His forerunner, Figuhr, has been noted as being more flexible. If in editing this article, critical work can be cited, that too is encouraged. It is the story of Pierson's life which is to be valued, all aspects. DonaldRichardSands (talk) 21:14, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ideas to improve article on Pierson


Ideas to improve article on Pierson

  1. Include an info box
  2. Make use of facts found in this obituary: http://www.adventistarchives.org/docs/SAT/SAT19890301-V84-03__B.pdf#view=fit , page 6; also found at: http://www.adventistarchives.org/docs/SAT/SAT19890301-V84-03__B/index.djvu?djvuopts&page=6
  3. Use info in Johnsson's 1989 report Johnsson, William G. (February 9, 1989), "Church pays tribute to Robert H. Pierson, former General Conference president called church to revival" (PDF), Adventist Review, 166 (06): 6–7
  4. Use Wilbur James' account in the Review as source of early info about Pierson http://www.adventistarchives.org/docs/RH/RH19890323-V166-12__C/index.djvu?djvuopts&page=2
  5. Include a bibliography of selected writings by and about Pierson. This one is about a trip he made to Afghanistan reported in 1955: http://www.adventistarchives.org/docs/YI/YI19550705-V103-27__C.pdf#view=fit , page 3
  6. Examine the reported role of R. H. Pierson in dealing with Desmond Ford and other administrative challenges.
  7. Examine Pierson's writings used by current advocates to establish Pierson's legacy.
  8. More later...

DonaldRichardSands (talk) 17:47, 24 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Some information re: Pierson in India

  • N.C. Wilson and R.H. Pierson worked in the same field. Wilson (the father of G.C. President N.C. Wilson) was the President of the Southern Asia Division while Pierson was the pastor of the 25 member Bombay church. Their reports were published side by side in the Eastern Tidings. Pierson's pastoral report provides a window into his organizational strategy as a pastor. http://www.adventistarchives.org/docs/ET/ET19360101-V31-01__B/index.djvu?djvuopts&page=10

Pierson as Poet


This Poem appears in a 1937 edition of the Review and Herald

by R.H. Pierson
(2 Timothy 1:12)
I KNOW in whom I've placed my trust,
Who holds my hand alway,
Who guides me when the way is dark,
Who leads me day by day.
I met Him when my way was dark,
My heart was filled with fear;
His love, that bade the gloom depart,
Grows sweeter year by year.
Because I gave my all to Him,
He shares His love and power,
And keeps whate'er I trust to Him,
Against each trying hour.
There's power in that nail-torn hand
That freely gave its all,
To hold my own weak palm in His,
And keep me lest I fall.
"I know in whom I have believed!"
What soul could ask for more?
He has my heart, my life, my all,
I've tried Him o'er and o'er.

http://www.adventistarchives.org/docs/RH/RH19370121-V114-03__B.pdf#view=fit , page 6

alright, can you add the link to the references, and put somewhere in the publications that he also wrote poetry.Beefcake6412 (talk) 18:20, 25 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]