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Talk:Regular sound correspondences between Hungarian and other Uralic languages

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Law not so


A law metioned in the text is broken in an example. Finnish "kyynel" has an "l", corresponding to nothing in Hungarian.

Good point. However, there is apparently another law here. Hung. könny shows a special development depending on the consonant context: there was a change -nyl > -nny-. There's another word showing the same law: menny 'heaven, sky' (this is cognate with Mordvin men'el', but the word is not found in Finnish). But maybe the example könny could be replaced with some other word, so this exception won't have to be explained in the article.-- (talk) 04:39, 28 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]



In Finnish kusi is a vulgar word so piss would be a better translation for it than the more formal urine. --Mika1h (talk) 19:19, 29 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]



While technically not incorrect, IMHO the title doesn't really reflect the topic of the article. "Regular correspondances of Hungarian to two major Balto-Finnic languages" might be more accurate. If Finnish and Estonian are representative of the Uralic languages in the discussed sense, then this should be supported somehow (or at least claimed...) — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:10, 6 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

True. To an extent, yes, Finnic perhaps is particularly representative of Proto-Uralic (the branch retains many archaisms), but I imagine the scope of the article will have to be adjusted sooner or later. Indeed, there are several details concerning the history of Hungarian which cannot be demonstrated to be regular by comparision with Finnic data alone (e.g. for Hung. -gy- : Finnic -s- ← Proto-Uralic *nś, about the only example is "urine").
The main question to be answered is what this article aims to do:
  • convince skeptics of Hungarian's Uralic affinity? (IMHO this would be better handled by showcasing a good analysis against any other theories.)
  • act as an appendix to History of the Hungarian language? (A needlessly robust approach for that.)
  • make up an oddly Hungarian-centric demonstration on how to reconstruct Proto-Uralic? (An odd but workable premise, perhaps better expanded into a more general Uralic sound laws article though.)
--Trɔpʏliʊmblah 19:50, 6 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]