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Archive 1Archive 2

Spider-Man's "spider-sense" seems more like clairsentience to me.

Actually, this can be both clairsentience and precognition, in that he can feel attacks coming. Not quite sure. However...

Kagome's ability to sense shards of the Shikon Jewel IS clairsentience, not precognition. So I deleted this. Should I stick it in "clairsentience"? Cleaning it up, of course. MasterXiam 06:31, 18 December 2005 (UTC)

Merging with prescience

FWiW, I've noted on the prescience talk page my objections to merging the two pages.--Anchoress 09:07, 25 January 2006 (UTC)


Hello. Is this the same as "Prognostication"? Or is that something else? Ewlyahoocom 13:08, 8 April 2006 (UTC)

Fictional precogs?

I feel that there are so many precognitive/precient characters in fiction, it demands its own category, and I'm surprised to find it doesn't have one. What should the categroy be called, for example, the telekinetic characters have the category Category:Fictional psychokineticists. The category could hold a lot of characters like Buffy Summers, Phoebe Halliwell, Cordelia Chase, Cassie Newton, Sam Winchester etc... there are literally hundreds... would anyone like to be a part of this? Feel free to discuss on my talk page too. Zythe 23:27, 4 July 2006 (UTC)

  • Sounds good to me...--[[User:Kiwi-chan|Kiwi}} 17:09, 20 September 2006 (UTC)

My parents call it coincidence, but I think otherwise

Since about 5th or 6th grade (I'm in 10th now), out of the blue a scene from an episode of any random TV show that I watched would pop into my head, and at any point in the next 48 hours (the record is 30 seconds) I'll see the episode that I had thought about. It's very sporadic however and there's no set pattern as to when I actually get the scenes in my head. Is this a form of precogniton, or something else? The most recent case was about a week ago, and that was the 30-second record, where the scene popped into my head and then immediately after, the episode aired. --Kiwi 17:09, 20 September 2006 (UTC)

It sounds like precognition to me, but also synchronicity. It seems like if it is psi, it probably manifests in other areas of your life. Does it? The problem with psi, I think, is that often it is very mundane, that is, it just doesn't give us useful information. Then, it misses usefull information. It gives us what we are open to, not what would help us. It also gets mixed up with unconscious patterns. Because psi is either weak, or pervasive but subtle, it is hard to tell what is happening.

Martinphi 19:14, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

How do we know? I am just an anonymous wikipedia editor, but for what it is worth, I do not know how to tell these things apart. I had a strong dream of receiving a letter from an English friend one night. She had not written me for more than a year, and my dreams usually wear off in the morning, if I even remember them. However, this particular dream felt so real that I ran to the door when the postman came, only to be disappointed that there was no letter. I later that day checked my e-mail and saw that she had written me a long e-mail that very night I had the dream. A friend of mine who is an internationally recognized children's pscyhologist told me that some of her friends had had the same experience. She called it a "communicative dream". All the other dreams of the kind that I have had were prophetic, so I have no clue whether it was telepathy, synchronicity or precognition.--Saddened 11:03, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

This article states beliefs as facts

This article is written entirely as if precognition, clairvoyance etc are real. They aren't. The 'evidence' cited is mostly pseudo-scientific, including an aeronautical engineer working far outside his field. This article needs to be rewritten to make it clear that, like fairies, some people believe in it. The phrase "The most popular theory" is one of the worst I've seen anywhere in this respect. The most popular theory is that most of us don't believe it, but we don't use the word theory. Emeraude 13:33, 24 December 2006 (UTC)

That is *your* prejudice and POV. For what it is worth, I have a Ph.D. and I am trained to think empirically and critically, but experience has shown me again and again that precognition is real (in the world as I experience it), albeit too rare and too capricious to be useful. Most people with Ph.D.s that I know are much more open-minded than you are and I can assure you that you would not be so prejudiced if you had been (un)lucky enough to have a series of personal experiences in this field, yourself.--Saddened 11:13, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

a person can have precognitions then why aren't they right all the time i belive that mistakes can be made but if you see whats you belive is going to happen, why doesnt it happen? 11:57, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

In my experience true premonitions always come as surprises and when you least expect it. If you *try* to have a premonition, you are more likely to fool yourself letting your imagination play tricks on you. If you have tried to have a premonition and it looks like wishful thinking, I bet my money that it is not a real premonition.--Saddened 12:04, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
I'd have to agree with Saddened. If you've had the experience of full bodied precognition (i.e. time plays out as normal and then you find yourself back at the start looking on as what you've already seen happens) then you have a problem with time and the current understanding of the universe. No it's not repeatable and no it's not provable but the individual who experiences it changes. If most of the world sees in black and white and you have an experience in colour does that mean colour doesn't exist? I'm not convinced that 'what is possible' should be based on a majority 'vote'... I've met two people other than myself who've had the experience and they are random and not useful plus things didn't seem changeable...so much for free will, eh!--JKsurfer 17:46, 22 April 2007

Please be careful not to imply that belief in clairvoyance isn't real, or that the terminology is disputed. Clairvoyance is a real term, it is only its existence as a phenomona that is disputed.

perfectblue 12:12, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

Yes, it's a real term, but the article must make clear that whether it's a real phenomenon is disputed, and is rejected by the scientific establishment. To take one blatant example from the current wording, the article cannot assert, as a fact, "Some people are able to do this via Astral Projection." No, they aren't. JamesMLane t c 00:24, 26 July 2007 (UTC)
Um what it probably should have said is, "Some people believe they are able to do this via astral projection. And your, "No, they aren't" should have read, "I don't believe they're able too". Science is about belief too - if it wasn't people wouldn't get so emotive about it... The difficulty with science is that it is based on repeatability, the nature of a lot of weird phenomena is that they are not regular and/or deliberately repeatable (e.g. a miracle by definition is very very rare). Assuming for sake of an argument that something is happening you'd have to have enough control over the causative factors to make it happen under laboratory conditions. Seeing as one currently doesn't even know what the causative factors could be and therefore one can't reproduce the phenomena (if they exist) you're left with anecdote and effectively faith one way or the other --JKsurfer 21:06, 10 September 2007
I had a precognition, it was a surpise because you don't think some dream you had will come true till it happens. I believe, you can not change what you see. You can only be surpised by it when you see it for yourself like Saddened said. It more of a Déjà vu thing, where you see it in your dream and then have a big case of Déjà vu when it happens. Precognition I believe is the ability to see objects in the future during a dream, you don't know it's a precognition till it happens. It's not the agility to change the future or see into the future to benefit yourself. It's nothing special really, it just gets you thinking... what else can humans do if they can see objects that haven't happen yet? I am don't have Ph.d, I am just a 3rd year college student. I am nothing special but I gotta say, I do believe the ability is real now and you won't till it happens to you. Just remember your dreams and watch out. I hope you got a good memory. I got a photpgraphific memory. I can remember memories from as earily as 5 years old. Hitting my head on the sharp edge of the coffee table, that hurt when I was younger heh. --Buraisu 16:04, 14 August 2007 (UTC)

I have been have premenitions ever since I can remember. When they first started, it would be like watching a play while I was dreaming, such that people in my life were used as actors in the event, simply because they held traits that related to the event. Now that I am in my thirties it happens not only when I sleep, but while I am awake. It is no longer with people in my life, and the people in my premenitions, speak directly to me. They are clear, and tell me what I ask. Sometimes its like slipping into another dream with the knowledge of the previous, and its a place where everything is still. Although I am still not lucid on what, and still spectical of my ability, I truly know its a premenitions. Sometimes it comes true right away, and sometimes its years until it happens. I also know that I can go against what is told, only to find it goes away for awhile to return again. I have grown to know its a gift, yet to this day and age it scares me to know, something, someone outside this world can speak to me directly. I wish to remain unnamed, since it sturrs uneasy and spectial thoughts, among people and even family.


Anyone ever had any Precogs dealing with 9-11 before? The day before the events or anything like that?The Cleveland Browns are awesome! 15:27, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

When I was a young boy, I moved to Queens, NYC. One night I had a dream I was surrounded in chaos, with people covered in smut, and scarred. Some of the people in my dream were no longer alive and would move slower than everone else. My goal on my dream was to find my mom. On the day of 9-11, I was working about 3 miles for ground zero in NYC. I went to work like ever normal day, because the news was reporting a small plane hit thw world trade center. I recall being on the E train dazed, to come out on Union Square to see people huddled wathing the event. About an hour later, the first tower came down, I packed a school bag with about 6 water bottles, and left my job with one intent.. to find my mother who was working at the time in Manhattan. Nothing stopped me as I went thru endless people in the streets and the chaos, when i arrived at her office there was someone who, somehow recognized me, yet I did not know them, who lead me to my mom. She was sitting there calm, yet scared. We grabbed a few thing and left the office and walked home over the 59 street bridge back to Queens. Something about that whole day was unnatural, with all the deaths, the smell of burning materials in the air, and the unreal view of a smoldering area on the tip of manhattan you can see as you cross the 59 street bridge. Maybe it was nothing more than a coincidence, but when I was searching for my mom, I had one goal in mind, and I knew I was going to succeed. I know now its a gift, and to this day I still have them, and they are getting stronger. I just wish I knew what it really was, or who or what was telling me all this.

Let's blame George Lucas. (That way we can report the event & someone else gets the bust) Clearly the Return of the muJEhadDIn foretells the attack on the partially completed Freedom Tower, by terrorists who must evade its fully functional missile defense to crash their plane into the vulnerable inner core... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:07, August 26, 2007 (UTC)

I have had precognitions

I didn't believe in such things till I seen it happen with something that was impossible to see. I started working on a small island off the coast and before this happen, about 4-6 months before, I think had a dream about the island and things that happen on my first day their. It was weird, it was like I have been their before but I know there was no way I have been. You need to take a boat to this island and I have never taken a boat off to the islands before. I asked if this island has been in a movie or something like that but I was told that their has been no movie of the island. I still search for this movie I "might" of seen but haven't seen it yet. I told my friend that works their that I had a big case of Déjà vu but it's impossible, I never been here before. It started right after the docks, I seen a small rundown church that was in my dream. You never know, it could not be precognition at all. Their was just one thing that really freaked me out later that day. In my dream, their was a ball bounceing and it happen on the first day, I seen the ball bounceing in the same spot as my dream. That freaked me out a little. Also, I walked in the same route as my dream and I stopped at the spot where my dreamed stopped. I wonder, if this spot where it ended means anything or did I just wake up? Their were many objects in my dream but I didn't think anything of the dream when I had it. I called it Far sight to myself. The ability to see objects in the future but not change it because you have no idea when it will happen nor the dream give you a reason to change it or somethin like that. Since then, I been noticing other connects between my dreams and other objects. I wonder if I am having precognitions or just making it up in my head now. lol I just had a dream and when I woke up, a small part of the dream came true. Some news reporter was talking about people dumping trash in some park and it happen in my dream and also he said the exact sentance in my dream. It was really weird, which is why I am here now. I came here to look up the word, I first searched for "Far sight" but that didn't work then I searched for "See into future" and it worked. From my expereince, this is real. I didn't believe till it happen nor will you. --Buraisu 16:04, 14 August 2007 (UTC)