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Talk:Papa Moll

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  1. Papa Moll ist eine schweizweit kulturelle Comicserie. Die das erstemal 1952 aufkam, welche keinen internationale Bekanntheit erreichte da sie als Alternative zu den ausländischen Comicserien vorgesehen war.
You have not identified a problem associated with producing an English version of the ST here. Chasa73a (talk) 17:53, 25 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Das Problem, welches sich hier ergeben könnte, ist dass man die Aussage der Alternative interpretieren könnte, dass die ausländischem Comicserien weniger gut angesehen worden sind als eben die schweizerischen evtl. dies auch der Grund war für den internationalen Misserfolg.
  1. Zur Verständigung sollte deutlich gemacht werden, dass die Geschichte von einem liebenswürdigen Familienvater und seinen coolen Abenteuer, ziemlich gut das Abbild einer typisch-schweizerischen Familie darstellt. Da sind die Eltern, die drei Kinder und ein Haustier.(Geburtenrate 1945 2.6)https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/bevoelkerung/geburten-todesfaelle.html
This would be useful information to add for the English target audience to understand the importance of Papa Moll in Swiss culture. What other information might also be helpful? Chasa73a (talk) 17:53, 25 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Die typische Rollenverteilung der typischen schweizerischen Familie und Haustier?

  1. Papa Moll wurde schon mal versucht übersetzt zu werden auf Französisch, jedoch wurde wegen Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten auf eine Herausgabe verzichtet. Was war damals das Problem? WIeso hatte man es nicht später versucht oder ist es nicht bei einem Versuch geblieben?
Is this information that you think should be included in the English entry? How is this meant to be a problem for your translation work? Chasa73a (talk) 17:53, 25 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Nein ich würde es nicht in meiner englischen Version erwähnen wollen. Aber für mich stellt sich die Frage wenn es damals nicht geklappt hat und man es auch nicht mehr versucht sollte es doch Gründe geben und kann ich das dann wirklich?
  1. Papa Moll die Geschichte wird der Bildergeschichte "Vater und Sohn" parallelisiert - Ähnlichkeiten sind unübersehbar. [und Sohn|https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vater_und_Sohn]
This aspect indeed represents a problem that you will have to deal with in the translation, since the German references will unlikely be familiar to the English target audience. Use the hyperlinks in the ST that have English versions as parallel texts to help you find good solutions. Chasa73a (talk) 17:53, 25 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

de:Template:Teilnehmender WMCH/IUED-ZHAW TN HS2021 de:Template:Teilnehmender WMCH/IUED-ZHAW HS2021



There is a problem with the way you have tried to incorporate the template box. Please refer to the course information or Wikipedia help.

I tried in many ways and it worked in all other articles just here... — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dibrable (talkcontribs) 15:29, 30 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]



The sentence "Papa Moll's external appearance follows the original, as does the size relationship to his children." is not very coherent. In the german version the sentence is not very coherent either. So I would delete it.--Margritly (talk) 10:14, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

The accusation of plagiarism was made by Südverlag as early as 1978, but was never legally confirmed. I was not sure about this sentence, but when I went on the google ngram viewer, as early as was used very seldom. So I replaced it by already. --Margritly (talk) 13:15, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

On the accusation Hannes Schmid writes in his biography of Edith Oppenheim-Jonas

This sentence is very german. The problem is, that the structure or syntax looks like you have copied it and just replaced the words in English. I would look into the whole text again, because there are various sentences that look like that. And also I would shorten the sentences or split them up into two. That is more common in the English language and more pleasant to read. --Margritly (talk) 13:19, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I took out all the links, that haven't a english wikipedia article until the section cinema movie. Please take out all the red links.--Margritly (talk) 14:04, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Write out all the words, for example December instead of Dec (section cinema movie). --Margritly (talk) 14:07, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Under the section weblinks you took the incorrect preposition before the word youtube. --Margritly (talk) 14:10, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

For the categories you need to use other templates. You can find them under https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Categorization --Margritly (talk) 14:15, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

The references have a lot of invalid hyperlinks (in red).--Margritly (talk) 14:18, 7 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]