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Talk:Outline of Nebraska

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Future usage


I'm place-holding this content here for future usage:

  • 1541 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado marched from Mexico in search of the Province of Quivira and touched the southern part of the present State of Nebraska.
  • 1599 Don Juan de Onate led an expedition from New Mexico searching for the fabled Quivira. Chroniclers think its possible he may have reached the Platte River Valley.
  • 1620 A large grant of land, including the present State of Nebraska, was made by the British crown to the Plymouth Company.
  • 1662 Penalosa left Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico with another expedition to search for Quivira in Nebraska.
  • 1682 Sieur de La Salk claimed all the territory drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries for France and gave the region the name of Louisiana. Nebraska was included in this claim.
  • 1739 Pierre Alallet and Paul Alallet discovered the Platte River not far from the present-day city of Grand Island now stands.
  • 1762 The Treaty of Fontainebleau led France to cede all of the Province of Louisiana west of the Mississippi River to Spain. Nebraska thus became a part of the Spanish possessions in America.
  • 1783 Conclusion of the treaty that ended the Revolutionary war and fixed the Mississippi River as the western boundary of the United States.
  • 1795 A Scotchman name McKay established a trading post on the west bank of the Missouri River, about twelve or fifteen miles below the present town of Dakota, and gave it the name of Fort Charles. This was probably the first white man's establishment within the present limits of Nebraska.
  • 1800 Conclusion of the Treaty of San Ildefonso, by which Spain ceded Louisiana back to France.
  • 1803 The Treaty of Paris concluded, by which the United States purchased Louisiana Treaty for $15,000,000. Nebraska by this treaty became the property of the United States.
  • 1804 Lewis and Clark hold two councils with the Otoe and Missouri Indians about where the town of Fort Calhoun now stands.
  • 1812 The Territory of Missouri, which included the present State of Nebraska, organized by an act of Congress.

Freechildtalk 18:23, 28 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Quick explanation of Wikipedia outlines


"Outline" is short for "hierarchical outline". There are two types of outlines: sentence outlines (like those you made in school to plan a paper), and topic outlines (like the topical synopses that professors hand out at the beginning of a college course). Outlines on Wikipedia are primarily topic outlines that serve 2 main purposes: they provide taxonomical classification of subjects showing what topics belong to a subject and how they are related to each other (via their placement in the tree structure), and as subject-based tables of contents linked to topics in the encyclopedia. The hierarchy is maintained through the use of heading levels and indented bullets. See Wikipedia:Outlines for a more in-depth explanation. The Transhumanist 23:58, 8 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]