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List one


Lyndon LaRouche has written hundreds of articles, pamphlets, and books[1][2] published mostly by his own press[citation needed] such as:

  • The Case of Walter Lippmann (1976)[1]
  • Now, Do You Sleep With One Eye Open? Inoculate the U.S. Against the Cult Epidemic(1978)[1]
  • Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites (1979)[1]
  • The Power of Reason: A Kind of An Autobiography (1979)[1]
  • Poetry Must Begin to Supersede Mathematics in Physics (1982)[1]
  • So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? A Text on Elementary Mathematical Economics (1984)[1]
  • There Are No Limits to Growth (1983)[1]
  • The Power of Reason (1988)[1]
  • The Science of Christian Economy, and other prison writings (1991)[1]
  • The Road to Recovery (1999)[citation needed]
  • The Economics of the Noosphere (2001)[2]
  • Beneath the Waters of Chappaquiddick[citation needed]
  • Why Jimmy Carter Is Not a Christian[citation needed]
  • Bush Demands His Own Impeachment.[citation needed]

List two


(This is the output from a search in WorldCat for [au:Lyndon LaRouche].) Leave this version intact and edit the "trimmed" version below.

  • Hall, Gordon, and Grace G. Hoag. LaRouche Groups Printed Propaganda. The Gordon Hall and Grace Hoag Collection of Dissenting and Extremist Printed Propaganda, Part I. 1950.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Third Stage of Imperialism. New York: West Village Committee for Independent Political Action, 1967.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Lyndon LaRouche File of Clippings and Miscellanea. 1970.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Marxist Political Economy An Overview. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Laws of Invariance. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Productivity, Creativity and Identity. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How the International Development Bank Will Work. New York City: Campaigner Publications, 1975.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Presidential Campaign White Paper on Agricultural Production. New York: New Solidarity International Press Service, 1975.
  • United States Labor Party, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. [1976 Presidential Election Campaign Literature]. 1975.
  • MacBride, Roger Lea, Pedro Camejo, Tom Anderson, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Nat Hentoff, James Jackson Kilpatrick, Tom Pettit, Marianne Means, and Bill Monroe. [Meet the Press (Television Program)]. 1976.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Constitution of the U.S. Labor Party. New York?: U.S. Labor Party, 1976.
  • MacBride, Roger Lea, Pedro Camejo, Tom Anderson, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Nat Hentoff, James Jackson Kilpatrick, Tom Pettit, Marianne Means, and Bill Monroe. [Presidential Candidates on Meet the Press]. 1976.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Rothschilds, from Pitt to Rockefeller. 1976.
  • Luxemburg, Rosa. The Industrial Development of Poland. New York: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • Fusion Energy Foundation, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. [Miscellaneous Publications]. Washington, D.C.: Fusion Energy Foundation, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Case of Walter Lippmann A Presidential Strategy. New York: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • Zepp-LaRouche, Helga, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Das Geheime Wissen des Friedrich Schiller. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Gegen ein neues "finsteres Zeitalter". Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications, 1979.
  • Citizens for LaRouche, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Geoffrey Cadbury, and Hezekiah Micajah Jones. [Miscellaneous Publications]. New York City: Citizens for LaRouche, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Was ist eine humanistische Akademie? Mit e. Bericht u?ber d. Ta?tigkeit d. Privaten Akademie fu?r Humanist. Studien e.V.. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications (Deutschland), 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. LaRouche to Develop New Calculation of Agricultural Parity. Detroit, Mich: s.n, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. What Every Conservative Should Know About Communism. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Die Macht der Vernunft die Labor-Committees heute. Wiesbaden: Campaigner-Publ, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Lyndon H. LaRouche. 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Why Revival of "SALT" Won't Stop War A Special Memorandum to Explore Whether a Basis Exists in Potential Common Perspectives of Atlantic Alliance and Comecon Powers for Pursuing Effective War-Avoidance Measures. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Was ist eine humanistische Akademie? Mit e. Bericht u?ber d. Ta?tigkeit d. Privaten Akad. f. Humanist. 1980.
  • La Rouche, Lyndon H., and David P. Goldman. The Two Faces of Milton Friedman. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Rebuilding the Democratic National Committee Around a Keystone Posture of Proposing : a Bi-Partisan Economic Policy. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and David P. Goldman. The Ugly Truth About Milton Friedman. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Kreditscho?pfung ohne Inflation. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications Deutschland, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Urgent Reform of Congress Restore the American System. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Pestilence of Usury. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Go?ran Haglund. Hur Sverige kan o?verleva Olof Palme. Stockholm: Europeiska arbetarpartiet (EAP), 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Won't You Please Let Your Grandchildren Have a Drink of Fresh Water? New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Olof Palme and the Neo-Nazi International. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Conditionalities" Are a "Nuremberg Crime" With Foreword to NDPC Members. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Final Defeat of Ayatollah Khomeini A Doctrine of Constitutional Law for the Iranian Renaissance from the Dark Age of Neo-Asharite Irrationalism. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. There Are No Limits to Growth. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The EIR's Policy of Republican Grand Strategy of the United States. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Design for a Leibnizian Academy of Morocco. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Fifty-Year Development Policy for the Indian-Pacific Oceans' Basin An EIR Policy Research Study. EIR special report. [New York, N.Y.]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • La Argentina industrial eje de la integracio?n iberoamericana. Buenos Aires: Pen?a Lillo, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Will Moscow Become the Third and Final Rome? How the KGB Controls the Peace Movement : an EIR Multi-Client Report. New York, N.Y. (304 W. 58th St., New York 10019): Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche Campaign, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. [Miscellaneous Publications]. 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How to Eliminate the Threat of Nuclear Holocaust A Policy Proposal by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. for the Development of Anti-Missile Beam Weapons. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Policy Crisis Facing the Presidential Campaign of 1983-84. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. La bomba econo?mica mundial y el genocidio de Ame?rica Latina. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. ADL, Heritage Foundation, Linked to Indira Gandhi's Assassins. Baltimore: Independent Democrats for LaRouche, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Imperialism The Final Stage of Bolshevism. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Es gibt keine Grenzen des Wachstums. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publ. Deutschland, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Draft Constitution of the Commonwealth of Canada Projet De Constitution Du Commonwealth Du Canada / Par Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Montreal: Distributed by the Committee for the Commonwealth of Canada, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Mathematical Physics from the Starting-Point of Both Ancient and Modern Economic Science. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Why Judge Cacheris's Position on "Confidential Sources" Is Unconstitutional. New York, N.Y.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Report by Former U.S. Presidential Candidate LaRouche on the Motives and Perspectives of His Public Life. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1985.
  • Horeis, H., and Michael Liebig. Strahlenwaffen Milita?rstrategie im Umbruch. Mu?nchen: Verlag fu?r Wehrwissenschaften, 1985.
  • Executive Intelligence Review (Firm), and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Ephemeral Materials. Wilcox Collection of Contemporary Political Movements. 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. AIDS Is More Deadly Than Nuclear War With a Special Statement. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Leading Economist LaRouche Proposes Emergency Action against U.S. Banking Collapse. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Vote for Proposition 64 Could Save the Life of Someone in Your Family With a Special Statement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1986.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. La Integracio?n iberoamericana cien millones de nuevos empleos para el an?o 2000! Nueva York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1986.
  • Heydte, Friedrich A. von der. Der moderne Kleinkrieg als wehrpolitisches und milita?risches Pha?nomen. Wiesbaden: Executive Intelligence Review, 1986.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "The Science and Technology Needed to Colonize Mars." Fusion. -. /Dec (1986): 36-61.
  • Papert, Tony, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Mass Strike. New York?: SDS Regional Labor Committee?, 1968.
  • Papert, Toney, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Mass Strike. Ottawa: Canadian Union of Students, 1968.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Philosophy of Socialist Education. [New York, N.Y.]: National Caucus of Labor Committees, 1969.
  • United States Labor Party, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Draft Constitution of the U.S. Labor Party. New York? N.Y.: U.S. Labor Party, 1970s.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Mass Strike. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications], 1970.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Uwe Henke von Parpart. Centrism As a Social Phenomenon How Not to Build a Revolutionary Party. The campaigner, v. 3, no. 1. New York, N.Y.: National Caucus of SDS Labor Committees, 1970.
  • National Caucus of Labor Committees (U.S.), and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Tasks & Perspectives 1971 Strategy for Socialism. New York: The Caucus, 1971.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Education, Science and Politics. New York, N.Y.: National Caucus of Labor Committees, 1972.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Breakdown Crisis. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Myth of Free Choice. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Creative Mentation. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Dynamics of Depression. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Philosophical Roots of Marxism. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Dialectical Economics An Introduction to Marxist Political Economy. Lexington, Mass: Heath, 1975.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Question of Stalinism Today. New York: Campaigner Publications, 1975.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Trilateral Commission's Coup D'etat. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Hostile Fantasy-World of Zbigniew Brzezinski. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Sputnik of the Seventies The Science Behind the Soviets' Beam Weapon. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Kennedy Murder Conspiracy Out into Open. Campaigner special report, no. 20. New York: Campaigner Publications], 1978.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How to Defeat Liberalism and William F. Buckley 1980 Campaign Policy. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. What Are the Labor Committees Today? New York, N.Y.: Issued by the International Caucus of Labor Committees, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Power of Reason A Kind of Autobiography. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. House, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980's. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A "Gaullist" Solution for Italy's Monetary Crisis. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. National Security Doctrine for the Philip Agee Case. New York: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Why Credit Can Be Greatly Expanded Without Adding to Inflation. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Basic Economics for Conservative Democrats. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Next Fifty-Year Economic Boom. New York: Citizens for LaRouche, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Save Africa from Volcker's Genocide An Emergency Bulletin of the Committee for a New Africa Policy. New York, N.Y.: Committee for a New Africa Policy, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The New Standard American English Curriculum for Effective U.S. Public Schools Reform of Public Education. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Democratic U.S. Defense Policy. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Principles of Statecraft for Defining a New "North-South' Order. New York, N.Y.: National Caucus of Labor Committees, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Jacques Cheminade. La France apre?s de Gaulle. Paris: Parti ouvrier europe?en, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Only Beam-Weapons Could Bring an End the Kissingerian Age of Mutual Thermonuclear Terror A Proposed Modern Military Policy of the United States. New York City: NDPC Advisory Committee, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Toynbee Factor in British Grand Strategy. Executive intelligence review. [New York?]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Russian History Briefly, from an American Whig Standpoint. EIR Special report, spring 1982. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Harrimanite "Peace Movement" Pushes U.S. Military Policy Toward "Population Wars" against Latin America, Asia and Africa Written Report to the Washington, D.C. EIR Conference of May 19, 1982. Executive intelligence review. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Conceptual Outline of Modern Economic Science. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Operation Juarez Mexico/Ibero-America Policy Study. EIR special report. [New York, N.Y.]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Role of a Debtors Cartel in Bringing President Franklin Roosevelt's Anti-Colonialist Policy into Immediate Actuality. New York City: [Executive Intelligence Review?], 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. ¡Alto al genocidio del Club de Roma! la ciencia de construir naciones. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Implications of Beam-Weapon Technology for the Military Doctrine of Argentina. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Grand Strategy Behind the Beam-Weapon Doctrine. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1983.
  • Veteran of the War, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and Karl Marx. Dr. Karl Marx Refuted The Attack to Which Karl Marx Could Not Have Replied! Campaigner, Oct. 1983. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Religion, Science and Statecraft New Directions in Indo-European Philology. Executive intelligence review, January 1983. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Briefingate The KGB-FBI-Manatt Plot to Destroy the U.S. Presidency. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Saudi Arabia in the Year 2023. EIR special report. New York, N.Y.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Will Moscow Become the Third and Final Rome? How the KGB Controls the Peace Movement. New York, N.Y.: EIR Research, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Dante Alighieri. The Science of the Human Mind A Treatise on Fundamentals. Campaigner, Feb. 1984. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? A Text on Elementary Mathematical Economics. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. What Really Are the Labor Comittees? The Lessons of Erasmus and Franklin. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Applying the Precedent of Walter Reuther's Defense Mobilization to the Mobilization of Unemployed Potential Today. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Papandreou's Re-Election The "Sarajevo" of World War III. Executive intelligence review. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Was Sie schon immer u?ber Wirtschaft wissen wollten!" Lehrbuch fu?r elementare math. O?konomie. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. An Open Dialogue with Leonid Brezhnev The Content of Policy Is the Method by Which It Is Made. New York, N.Y.: New Solidarity International Press Service, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Certain Difference between the Great Jesse Owens and the Present Jesse Jackson. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Recovery That Never Was. Executive intelligence review, 1985,[1]. Washington: EIR Research, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Economic Blowout in 1986 The Real State of the Union. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1986.
  • White, Carol, Carol Cleary, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Libertarian Conspiracy to Destroy America's Schools. EIR special report. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1986.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Draft of a Proposed Revision of NATO Doctrine. Executive intelligence review. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1980s.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. America Must Go Nuclear! Special Report from Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1980s.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How to Survive the World's Biggest Stock Market Crash. Executive intelligence review. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1987.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Pavlov Is a Russian Soldier's Weak Flank." EIR (Washington, D.C. : Quarterly). (1987).
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Die Macht der Vernunft - 1988 e. Autobiographie. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1987.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Power of Reason, 1988 An Autobiography. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1987.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Vin Berg. Global Showdown Escalates The Zero Option and the Berlin Crisis of 1987. EIR special report. Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 17390, Washington 20041-0390): Executive Intelligence Review, 1987.
  • Hamerman, Warren J., and Lyndon H. LaRouche. AIDS Global Showdown Mankind's Total Victory or Total Defeat : Featuring Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.'s Plan for Victory. EIR special report. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Solving the Crash of 1987-88 Emergency Action Plan to Save the U.S. Economy : Featuring an Open Letter by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1988.
  • Instituto Schiller. (Estados Unidos), and Lyndon H. LaRouche. La Integracio?n iberoamericana cien millones de nuevos empleos para el an?o 2000! Washington: Instituto Schiller, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Mastering the Grave Crises of 1989-1992 "The LaRouche Atlanta Platform" Draft. Washington, D.C.: LaRouche Democratic Campaign, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Global Showdown Escalates. EIR special report. Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 17390, Washington 20041-0390): Executive Intelligence Review, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The LaRouche Record Selection of the Candidate's Policy Statements, 1986-87. Washington, D.C.: LaRouche Democratic Campaign, 1988.
  • La Argentina industrial eje de la integracio?n iberoamericana. [Buenos Aires?]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. AIDS Global Showdown Mankind's Total Victory or Total Defeat : Featuring Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.'s Plan for Victory. EIR special report. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Edward Spannaus. Railroad! USA. Washington, D.C.: Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. El poder de la razo?n autobiografi?a de un prisionero poli?tico. Washington: Executive Intelligence Review, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. In Defense of Common Sense. Washington, D.C.: Schiller Institute, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H, and Edward Spannaus. Railroad! U.S.A. V. Lyndon LaRouche, Et Al. [Leesburg, Va.]: Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Great Crisis of 1989-1992 Foreword to the LaRouche Congressional Campaign Platform. Leesburg, VA: LaRouche for Justice, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Fidel Castro. Deuda externa la esclavitud del siglo 21. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Pen?a Lillo, 1989.
  • White, Carol, Jeffrey Steinberg, Hector Apolinar, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Satanism Crime Wave of the '90s. EIR special report. Washington, DC: Executive Intelligence Review, 1990.
  • Paranhos, Ma?rio Se?rgio, Geraldo Lino, and Victor Grunewaldt. A integrac?a?o ibero-americana cem milho?es de novos empregos no ano 2000. [Brasil]: Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Fi?sica, 1990s.
  • King, Dennis, Chip Berlet, Chip Berlet, and Joel Bellman. Nazis Without Swastikas The Lyndon LaRouche Cult and Its War on American Labor. New York, N.Y.: League for Industrial Democracy, 1990.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Verteidigung des gesunden Menschenverstandes. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1990.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Facts About Bush's Gulf War Policy Featuring the Only Real Basis for Middle East Peace. Leesburg, VA: New Federalist, 1990.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Jonathan Tennenbaum. Ein Wirtschaftswunder fu?r Osteuropa Das "produktive Dreieck" Paris-Berlin-Wien als Lokomotive der Weltwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Dr. Bo?ttiger, 1991.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. In Defense of Common Sense ; Project A ; The Science of Christian Economy. Washington, D.C.: Schiller Institute, 1991.
  • Tennenbaum, Jonathan. Das "produktive Dreieck" Paris-Berlin-Wien ein europa?isches Wirtschaftswunder als Motor fu?r die Weltwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: EIRNA, 1991.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Christentum und Wirtschaft die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen einer neuen, gerechten Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1992.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Paul Gallager. Cold Fusion Challenge to U.S. Science Policy. Washington, D.C.: Schiller Institute, 1992.
  • LaRouche, Lynden H. La ciencia de la economi?a cristiana. Washington, D.C.: Instituto Schiller, 1993.
  • Seineldi?n, Mohamed Ali?, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Gretchen Small, Dennis Small, and Joseph Brewda. El complot para aniquilar a las fuerzas armadas y a las naciones de Iberoame?rica. Washington, D.C.: Resumen Ejecutivo de EIR, 1993.
  • Seineldi?n, Mohamed Ali?, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Michael Billington, Gretchen Small, and Dennis Small. The Plot to Annihilate the Armed Forces and the Nations of Ibero-America. Washington, D.C.: EIR News Service, 1994.
  • Brewda, Joseph, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Assault on the Presidency! Campaign White Paper. Leesburg, VA: Committee to Reverse the Accelerating Global Economic and Strategic Crisis, 1994.
  • Spannaus, Nancy B., and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Solution to the Pardox of Current History. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1994.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Russia's Future Dictatorship, Chaos, or Reconstruction. EIR special report, 94-004. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1994.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. So streng wie frei Gesetzma?ssigkeiten scho?pferischen Denkens in Wissenschaft und Kunst. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1994.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Duk? iskapes kkamenayik? imanal amen inch? tntesagitutyan masin. Erevan: Hayastani "Sahmanadrakan iravunk?" Miut?yun, 1995.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The LaRouche Case, 1995 Hearings on Justice Department Misconduct Lyndon LaRouche, November 19, 1996 : Reality Strikes, the Crises Following the US Elections. S.l: s.n, 1995.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Varfo?r flertalet nobelprisekonomer a?r kvacksalvare. Bromma: Europeiska arbetarepartiet (EAP), 1997.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The LaRouche Program to Save the Nation Reversing 30 Years of Post-Industrial Suicide. Leesburg, Va: LaRouche's Committee for a New Bretton Woods, 1998.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Astrid Sandmark. Historia som vetenskap. Bromma: Ny solidaritet, 1998.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon. Alors, vous voulez tout savoir sur l'e?conomie? Paris: Editions Alcuin, 1998.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Der Weg zum Aufschwung die globale Krise und wie sie gelo?st werden kann. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1999.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Road to Recovery. Leesburg, VA: Committee for a New Bretton Woods, 1999.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Now, Are You Ready to Learn About Economics? Washington, D.C.: EIR News Service, 2000.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Terror contra el Estado Nacional. Washington D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), 2001.
  • Medvedeva, Irina, Tat?i?a?na Shishova, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and A. P. Parshev. Logika globalizma stat?i ; interv?i?u? s A.P. Parshevym, interv?i?u? s Lindonom Larushem. Moskva: Izd-vo khrama Trekh Svi?a?titelei? na Kulishkakh, 2002.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Real Democratic Platform for November, 2004. [Leesburg, Va.?]: LaRouche PAC, 2004.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Ryu Ota. Jujin (bisutomen) neokon tettei hihan. Tokyo: Seiko shobo, 2004.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Our Economics Policy Animation and Economics. Leesburg, Va: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2004.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Earth's Next Fifty Years. Leesburg, Va: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2005.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Pulling This Nation Together Now! Leesburg, Va. (P.O. Box 6157 Leesburg 20178): LaRouche PAC, 2005.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Astrid Sandmark. Jordens kommande femtio a?r. Bromma: Ny solidaritet, 2006.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., Jessica Tremblay, Jonathan Tennenbaum, and Debra Freeman. Organizing the Recovery from the Great Crash of 2007 Lyndon LaRouche's International Webcasts. Leesburg, VA: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2006.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Die kommenden 50 Jahre Dialog der Kulturen Eurasiens. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 2006.
  • Steinberg, Jeffrey, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and Anton Chaitkin. Is Joseph Goebbels on Your Campus? Leesburg, VA: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2006.

List two, trimmed


(items that appear in "List one" above are marked in bold. So are items that appear in this list of online books by LaRouche:[1]. So are items described in WorldCat as a "book" and having over 100 pages. Only items that have ISBNs are included.

  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Dialectical Economics An Introduction to Marxist Political Economy. Lexington, Mass: Heath, 1975. ISBN 0669853089
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Case of Walter Lippmann A Presidential Strategy. New York: Campaigner Publications, 1977. ISBN 0918388066
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How to Defeat Liberalism and William F. Buckley 1980 Campaign Policy. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1979. ISBN 0933488033
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Power of Reason A Kind of Autobiography. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. House, 1979. ISBN 0933488017
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Will the Soviets Rule During the 1980's. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1979. ISBN 0933488025
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Basic Economics for Conservative Democrats. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1980. ISBN 0933488041
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. What Every Conservative Should Know About Communism. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1980. ISBN 0933488068
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Why Revival of "SALT" Won't Stop War A Special Memorandum to Explore Whether a Basis Exists in Potential Common Perspectives of Atlantic Alliance and Comecon Powers for Pursuing Effective War-Avoidance Measures. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House Pub. Co, 1980. ISBN 0933488084
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and David P. Goldman. The Ugly Truth About Milton Friedman. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1980. ISBN 0933488092
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. There Are No Limits to Growth. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1983. ISBN 0933488319
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. So, You Wish to Learn All About Economics? A Text on Elementary Mathematical Economics. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1984. ISBN 0943235138
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Imperialism The Final Stage of Bolshevism. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1984. ISBN 0933488335
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Power of Reason, 1988 An Autobiography. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1987.ISBN 0943235006
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. In Defense of Common Sense. Washington, D.C.: Schiller Institute, 1989. ISBN 0962109533
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Science of Christian Economy. Washington, D.C.: Schiller Institute, 1991. ISBN 0962109568
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Paul Gallager. Cold Fusion: A Challenge to U.S. Science Policy. Washington, D.C.: Schiller Institute, 1992. ISBN 0962109576
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Now, Are You Ready to Learn About Economics? Washington, D.C.: EIR News Service, 2000. ISBN 0943235189

EIR special reports

  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Will Moscow Become the Third and Final Rome? How the KGB Controls the Peace Movement : an EIR Multi-Client Report. New York, N.Y. (304 W. 58th St., New York 10019): Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • White, Carol, Carol Cleary, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Libertarian Conspiracy to Destroy America's Schools. EIR special report. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1986.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Vin Berg. Global Showdown Escalates The Zero Option and the Berlin Crisis of 1987. EIR special report. Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 17390, Washington 20041-0390): Executive Intelligence Review, 1987.
  • Hamerman, Warren J., and Lyndon H. LaRouche. AIDS Global Showdown Mankind's Total Victory or Total Defeat : Featuring Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.'s Plan for Victory. EIR special report. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Global Showdown Escalates. EIR special report. Washington, D.C. (P.O. Box 17390, Washington 20041-0390): Executive Intelligence Review, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Russia's Future Dictatorship, Chaos, or Reconstruction. EIR special report, 94-004. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1994.

Articles and pamphlets

  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Third Stage of Imperialism. New York: West Village Committee for Independent Political Action, 1967. (46 pages) (moved from "books")
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Toynbee Factor in British Grand Strategy. Executive intelligence review. [New York?]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982. ISBN none
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The LaRouche-Bevel Program to Save the Nation Reversing 30 Years of Post-Industrial Suicide. Leesburg, Va: LaRouche's Committee for a New Bretton Woods, 1998. ISBN none
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Road to Recovery. Leesburg, VA: Committee for a New Bretton Woods, 1999. ISBN none
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Children of Satan. Leesburg, Va: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2004. ISBN none

("A compilation of three "Children of Satan" pamphlets issues by Lyndon LaRouche's presidential campaign between April 2003 and June 2004.")

  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Earth's Next Fifty Years. Leesburg, Va: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2005. ISBN none

  • Papert, Tony, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Mass Strike. New York?: SDS Regional Labor Committee?, 1968.
  • Papert, Toney, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Mass Strike. Ottawa: Canadian Union of Students, 1968.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Philosophy of Socialist Education. [New York, N.Y.]: National Caucus of Labor Committees, 1969.
  • United States Labor Party, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Draft Constitution of the U.S. Labor Party. New York? N.Y.: U.S. Labor Party, 1970s.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Mass Strike. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications], 1970.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Uwe Henke von Parpart. Centrism As a Social Phenomenon How Not to Build a Revolutionary Party. The campaigner, v. 3, no. 1. New York, N.Y.: National Caucus of SDS Labor Committees, 1970.
  • National Caucus of Labor Committees (U.S.), and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Tasks & Perspectives 1971 Strategy for Socialism. New York: The Caucus, 1971.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Education, Science and Politics. New York, N.Y.: National Caucus of Labor Committees, 1972.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Question of Stalinism Today. New York: Campaigner Publications, 1975.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How the International Development Bank Will Work. New York City: Campaigner Publications, 1975.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Presidential Campaign White Paper on Agricultural Production. New York: New Solidarity International Press Service, 1975.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Constitution of the U.S. Labor Party. New York?: U.S. Labor Party, 1976.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Rothschilds, from Pitt to Rockefeller. 1976.
  • Luxemburg, Rosa. The Industrial Development of Poland. New York: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Trilateral Commission's Coup D'etat. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Hostile Fantasy-World of Zbigniew Brzezinski. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Sputnik of the Seventies The Science Behind the Soviets' Beam Weapon. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1977.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Kennedy Murder Conspiracy Out into Open. Campaigner special report, no. 20. New York: Campaigner Publications], 1978.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. What Are the Labor Committees Today? New York, N.Y.: Issued by the International Caucus of Labor Committees, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A "Gaullist" Solution for Italy's Monetary Crisis. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Draft of a Proposed Revision of NATO Doctrine. Executive intelligence review. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1980s.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. America Must Go Nuclear! Special Report from Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1980s.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. National Security Doctrine for the Philip Agee Case. New York: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Why Credit Can Be Greatly Expanded Without Adding to Inflation. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Next Fifty-Year Economic Boom. New York: Citizens for LaRouche, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Save Africa from Volcker's Genocide An Emergency Bulletin of the Committee for a New Africa Policy. New York, N.Y.: Committee for a New Africa Policy, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. LaRouche to Develop New Calculation of Agricultural Parity. Detroit, Mich: s.n, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Lyndon H. LaRouche. 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Rebuilding the Democratic National Committee Around a Keystone Posture of Proposing : a Bi-Partisan Economic Policy. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Urgent Reform of Congress Restore the American System. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Pestilence of Usury. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The New Standard American English Curriculum for Effective U.S. Public Schools Reform of Public Education. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Democratic U.S. Defense Policy. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Principles of Statecraft for Defining a New "North-South' Order. New York, N.Y.: National Caucus of Labor Committees, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Only Beam-Weapons Could Bring an End the Kissingerian Age of Mutual Thermonuclear Terror A Proposed Modern Military Policy of the United States. New York City: NDPC Advisory Committee, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Russian History Briefly, from an American Whig Standpoint. EIR Special report, spring 1982. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Harrimanite "Peace Movement" Pushes U.S. Military Policy Toward "Population Wars" against Latin America, Asia and Africa Written Report to the Washington, D.C. EIR Conference of May 19, 1982. Executive intelligence review. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Conceptual Outline of Modern Economic Science. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Operation Juarez Mexico/Ibero-America Policy Study. EIR special report. [New York, N.Y.]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Won't You Please Let Your Grandchildren Have a Drink of Fresh Water? New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Olof Palme and the Neo-Nazi International. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Conditionalities" Are a "Nuremberg Crime" With Foreword to NDPC Members. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Final Defeat of Ayatollah Khomeini A Doctrine of Constitutional Law for the Iranian Renaissance from the Dark Age of Neo-Asharite Irrationalism. New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1982.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The EIR's Policy of Republican Grand Strategy of the United States. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Design for a Leibnizian Academy of Morocco. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Fifty-Year Development Policy for the Indian-Pacific Oceans' Basin An EIR Policy Research Study. EIR special report. [New York, N.Y.]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How to Eliminate the Threat of Nuclear Holocaust A Policy Proposal by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. for the Development of Anti-Missile Beam Weapons. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Policy Crisis Facing the Presidential Campaign of 1983-84. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1983.
  • Veteran of the War, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and Karl Marx. Dr. Karl Marx Refuted The Attack to Which Karl Marx Could Not Have Replied! Campaigner, Oct. 1983. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Religion, Science and Statecraft New Directions in Indo-European Philology. Executive intelligence review, January 1983. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Briefingate The KGB-FBI-Manatt Plot to Destroy the U.S. Presidency. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Saudi Arabia in the Year 2023. EIR special report. New York, N.Y.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Will Moscow Become the Third and Final Rome? How the KGB Controls the Peace Movement. New York, N.Y.: EIR Research, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Dante Alighieri. The Science of the Human Mind A Treatise on Fundamentals. Campaigner, Feb. 1984. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. ADL, Heritage Foundation, Linked to Indira Gandhi's Assassins. Baltimore: Independent Democrats for LaRouche, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Draft Constitution of the Commonwealth of Canada Projet De Constitution Du Commonwealth Du Canada / Par Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Montreal: Distributed by the Committee for the Commonwealth of Canada, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Mathematical Physics from the Starting-Point of Both Ancient and Modern Economic Science. EIR special report. New York: Executive Intelligence Review, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Why Judge Cacheris's Position on "Confidential Sources" Is Unconstitutional. New York, N.Y.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1984.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Report by Former U.S. Presidential Candidate LaRouche on the Motives and Perspectives of His Public Life. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1985.
  • Executive Intelligence Review (Firm), and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Ephemeral Materials. Wilcox Collection of Contemporary Political Movements. 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. What Really Are the Labor Comittees? The Lessons of Erasmus and Franklin. New York, N.Y.: Campaigner Publications, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Applying the Precedent of Walter Reuther's Defense Mobilization to the Mobilization of Unemployed Potential Today. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Papandreou's Re-Election The "Sarajevo" of World War III. Executive intelligence review. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. An Open Dialogue with Leonid Brezhnev The Content of Policy Is the Method by Which It Is Made. New York, N.Y.: New Solidarity International Press Service, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Certain Difference between the Great Jesse Owens and the Present Jesse Jackson. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Recovery That Never Was. Executive intelligence review, 1985,[1]. Washington: EIR Research, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Economic Blowout in 1986 The Real State of the Union. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1986.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. AIDS Is More Deadly Than Nuclear War With a Special Statement. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Leading Economist LaRouche Proposes Emergency Action against U.S. Banking Collapse. Washington, D.C.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Vote for Proposition 64 Could Save the Life of Someone in Your Family With a Special Statement by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1986.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "The Science and Technology Needed to Colonize Mars." Fusion. -. /Dec (1986): 36-61.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. How to Survive the World's Biggest Stock Market Crash. Executive intelligence review. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1987.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Pavlov Is a Russian Soldier's Weak Flank." EIR (Washington, D.C. : Quarterly). (1987).
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Solving the Crash of 1987-88 Emergency Action Plan to Save the U.S. Economy : Featuring an Open Letter by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. New York, N.Y.: National Democratic Policy Committee, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Mastering the Grave Crises of 1989-1992 "The LaRouche Atlanta Platform" Draft. Washington, D.C.: LaRouche Democratic Campaign, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The LaRouche Record Selection of the Candidate's Policy Statements, 1986-87. Washington, D.C.: LaRouche Democratic Campaign, 1988.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. AIDS Global Showdown Mankind's Total Victory or Total Defeat : Featuring Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.'s Plan for Victory. EIR special report. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Edward Spannaus. Railroad! USA. Washington, D.C.: Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H, and Edward Spannaus. Railroad! U.S.A. V. Lyndon LaRouche, Et Al. [Leesburg, Va.]: Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Great Crisis of 1989-1992 Foreword to the LaRouche Congressional Campaign Platform. Leesburg, VA: LaRouche for Justice, 1989.
  • White, Carol, Jeffrey Steinberg, Hector Apolinar, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Satanism Crime Wave of the '90s. EIR special report. Washington, DC: Executive Intelligence Review, 1990.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Facts About Bush's Gulf War Policy Featuring the Only Real Basis for Middle East Peace. Leesburg, VA: New Federalist, 1990.
  • Seineldi?n, Mohamed Ali?, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Michael Billington, Gretchen Small, and Dennis Small. The Plot to Annihilate the Armed Forces and the Nations of Ibero-America. Washington, D.C.: EIR News Service, 1994.
  • Brewda, Joseph, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Assault on the Presidency! Campaign White Paper. Leesburg, VA: Committee to Reverse the Accelerating Global Economic and Strategic Crisis, 1994.
  • Spannaus, Nancy B., and Lyndon H. LaRouche. The Solution to the Pardox of Current History. Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1994.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The LaRouche Case, 1995 Hearings on Justice Department Misconduct Lyndon LaRouche, November 19, 1996 : Reality Strikes, the Crises Following the US Elections. S.l: s.n, 1995.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. A Real Democratic Platform for November, 2004. [Leesburg, Va.?]: LaRouche PAC, 2004.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Our Economics Policy Animation and Economics. Leesburg, Va: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2004.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Pulling This Nation Together Now! Leesburg, Va. (P.O. Box 6157 Leesburg 20178): LaRouche PAC, 2005.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., Jessica Tremblay, Jonathan Tennenbaum, and Debra Freeman. Organizing the Recovery from the Great Crash of 2007 Lyndon LaRouche's International Webcasts. Leesburg, VA: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2006.
  • Steinberg, Jeffrey, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and Anton Chaitkin. Is Joseph Goebbels on Your Campus? Leesburg, VA: Lyndon LaRouche PAC, 2006.

Foreign language and miscellanea

  • Hall, Gordon, and Grace G. Hoag. LaRouche Groups Printed Propaganda. The Gordon Hall and Grace Hoag Collection of Dissenting and Extremist Printed Propaganda, Part I. 1950.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Lyndon LaRouche File of Clippings and Miscellanea. 1970.
  • United States Labor Party, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. [1976 Presidential Election Campaign Literature]. 1975.
  • Fusion Energy Foundation, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. [Miscellaneous Publications]. Washington, D.C.: Fusion Energy Foundation, 1977.
  • Zepp-LaRouche, Helga, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. Das Geheime Wissen des Friedrich Schiller. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Gegen ein neues "finsteres Zeitalter". Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications, 1979.
  • Citizens for LaRouche, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Geoffrey Cadbury, and Hezekiah Micajah Jones. [Miscellaneous Publications]. New York City: Citizens for LaRouche, 1979.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Was ist eine humanistische Akademie? Mit e. Bericht u?ber d. Ta?tigkeit d. Privaten Akademie fu?r Humanist. Studien e.V.. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications (Deutschland), 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Die Macht der Vernunft die Labor-Committees heute. Wiesbaden: Campaigner-Publ, 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Was ist eine humanistische Akademie? Mit e. Bericht u?ber d. Ta?tigkeit d. Privaten Akad. f. Humanist. 1980.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Kreditscho?pfung ohne Inflation. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publications Deutschland, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Go?ran Haglund. Hur Sverige kan o?verleva Olof Palme. Stockholm: Europeiska arbetarpartiet (EAP), 1982.
  • La Argentina industrial eje de la integracio?n iberoamericana. Buenos Aires: Pen?a Lillo, 1983.
  • LaRouche Campaign, and Lyndon H. LaRouche. [Miscellaneous Publications]. 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. La bomba econo?mica mundial y el genocidio de Ame?rica Latina. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Es gibt keine Grenzen des Wachstums. Wiesbaden: Campaigner Publ. Deutschland, 1984.
  • Horeis, H., and Michael Liebig. Strahlenwaffen Milita?rstrategie im Umbruch. Mu?nchen: Verlag fu?r Wehrwissenschaften, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. La Integracio?n iberoamericana cien millones de nuevos empleos para el an?o 2000! Nueva York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1986.
  • Heydte, Friedrich A. von der. Der moderne Kleinkrieg als wehrpolitisches und milita?risches Pha?nomen. Wiesbaden: Executive Intelligence Review, 1986.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Jacques Cheminade. La France apre?s de Gaulle. Paris: Parti ouvrier europe?en, 1981.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. ¡Alto al genocidio del Club de Roma! la ciencia de construir naciones. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1983.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. "Was Sie schon immer u?ber Wirtschaft wissen wollten!" Lehrbuch fu?r elementare math. O?konomie. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1985.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Die Macht der Vernunft - 1988 e. Autobiographie. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1987.
  • Instituto Schiller. (Estados Unidos), and Lyndon H. LaRouche. La Integracio?n iberoamericana cien millones de nuevos empleos para el an?o 2000! Washington: Instituto Schiller, 1988.
  • La Argentina industrial eje de la integracio?n iberoamericana. [Buenos Aires?]: Executive Intelligence Review, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. El poder de la razo?n autobiografi?a de un prisionero poli?tico. Washington: Executive Intelligence Review, 1989.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Fidel Castro. Deuda externa la esclavitud del siglo 21. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Pen?a Lillo, 1989.
  • Paranhos, Ma?rio Se?rgio, Geraldo Lino, and Victor Grunewaldt. A integrac?a?o ibero-americana cem milho?es de novos empregos no ano 2000. [Brasil]: Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Fi?sica, 1990s.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Verteidigung des gesunden Menschenverstandes. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1990.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Jonathan Tennenbaum. Ein Wirtschaftswunder fu?r Osteuropa Das "produktive Dreieck" Paris-Berlin-Wien als Lokomotive der Weltwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Dr. Bo?ttiger, 1991.
  • Tennenbaum, Jonathan. Das "produktive Dreieck" Paris-Berlin-Wien ein europa?isches Wirtschaftswunder als Motor fu?r die Weltwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: EIRNA, 1991.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Christentum und Wirtschaft die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen einer neuen, gerechten Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1992.
  • LaRouche, Lynden H. La ciencia de la economi?a cristiana. Washington, D.C.: Instituto Schiller, 1993.
  • Seineldi?n, Mohamed Ali?, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Gretchen Small, Dennis Small, and Joseph Brewda. El complot para aniquilar a las fuerzas armadas y a las naciones de Iberoame?rica. Washington, D.C.: Resumen Ejecutivo de EIR, 1993.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. So streng wie frei Gesetzma?ssigkeiten scho?pferischen Denkens in Wissenschaft und Kunst. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1994.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Duk? iskapes kkamenayik? imanal amen inch? tntesagitutyan masin. Erevan: Hayastani "Sahmanadrakan iravunk?" Miut?yun, 1995.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Varfo?r flertalet nobelprisekonomer a?r kvacksalvare. Bromma: Europeiska arbetarepartiet (EAP), 1997.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Astrid Sandmark. Historia som vetenskap. Bromma: Ny solidaritet, 1998.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon. Alors, vous voulez tout savoir sur l'e?conomie? Paris: Editions Alcuin, 1998.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Der Weg zum Aufschwung die globale Krise und wie sie gelo?st werden kann. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 1999.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Terror contra el Estado Nacional. Washington D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), 2001.
  • Medvedeva, Irina, Tat?i?a?na Shishova, Lyndon H. LaRouche, and A. P. Parshev. Logika globalizma stat?i ; interv?i?u? s A.P. Parshevym, interv?i?u? s Lindonom Larushem. Moskva: Izd-vo khrama Trekh Svi?a?titelei? na Kulishkakh, 2002.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Ryu Ota. Jujin (bisutomen) neokon tettei hihan. Tokyo: Seiko shobo, 2004.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H., and Astrid Sandmark. Jordens kommande femtio a?r. Bromma: Ny solidaritet, 2006.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Die kommenden 50 Jahre Dialog der Kulturen Eurasiens. Wiesbaden: Bo?ttiger, 2006.


  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Marxist Political Economy An Overview. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Laws of Invariance. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Productivity, Creativity and Identity. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Breakdown Crisis. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Myth of Free Choice. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. Creative Mentation. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Dynamics of Depression. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • LaRouche, Lyndon H. The Philosophical Roots of Marxism. Flushing, N.Y.: Living Library, 1974.
  • MacBride, Roger Lea, Pedro Camejo, Tom Anderson, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Nat Hentoff, James Jackson Kilpatrick, Tom Pettit, Marianne Means, and Bill Monroe. [Meet the Press (Television Program)]. 1976.
  • MacBride, Roger Lea, Pedro Camejo, Tom Anderson, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Nat Hentoff, James Jackson Kilpatrick, Tom Pettit, Marianne Means, and Bill Monroe. [Presidential Candidates on Meet the Press]. 1976.