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Talk:List of mammals of Costa Rica

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I am curious about the sources for some of the mammals listed (and not). For example, within primates I have never seen a source indicating Geoffroy's Tamarin, Saguinus geoffroyi being found in Costa Rica but rather that their range ends in Panama. On the other hand some sources note that the night monkey, Aotus lemurinus may extend into Costa Rica (although I have never seen any source be definitive about this). But while the night monkey is excluded from the list, Geoffroy's tamarin is included.

Similarly, the cetacean listing includes some oddities. Humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, are well know to migrate to areas right off the Costa Rica Pacific coast. And while I am less certain, I am pretty sure there are sources for bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus being found off the Costa Rican Pacific shore. But these are excluded from the list while other cetaceans that are probably much less seen near Costa Rica, if at all, are included.Rlendog (talk) 19:46, 23 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]