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Talk:List of The Andy Griffith Show episodes

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All potential editors please note two important facts before making changes:

1) These episodes are listed in the production order, not their original air-date order. For reference, episode #4 is correctly listed as "Runaway Kid" because it was the fourth episode produced. Episode #4 is not "Ellie Comes to Town" in this particular list. Feel free to contribute as appropriate but please do not alter the episode numbers or order - they are correct!

Not only that, but the person who keeps changing it (assuming it's the same person, since they keep making the same changes, including removing the same info every time) messes up the table every single time.

2) Aunt Bee is most definitely spelled correctly. Yes, her name was Beatrice but her name was shown many times spelled "Bee".

DVD Numbers


Now that the production/airdate battle has subsided, somebody seems intent on removing information from the episode descriptions and adding the "disc number." I personally could care less which disc an episode appears on--we're not selling DVDs here--and it hardly seems relevent to a list of episodes in the order they were produced. Furthermore, why take out the airdate number, guest stars (e.g. "James Best" info was removed from "The Guitar Player" desc.), and other notable info, which as far as I'm concerned, is more important than the disc number? My guess is somebody's trying to make the list match the descriptions on their DVDs, not realising they're removing relevent info. Very unnecessary.

They did it again... I reverted it. --rogerd 23:04, 20 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
And again today. I reverted it Ee60640 23:55, 3 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dear fellow editors, DVD Disc numbers do not belong in this article. Please stop adding them (and removing important information too).

  1. As stated earlier, Wikipedia is not a DVD store.
  2. Much more importantly, DVD disc numbers are not relevant to the subject of this article. This particular article is on the episodes of TAGS themselves, not where you can see them. Perhaps you can justify a seperate article on TAGS DVD's but please re-read point #1 again.
  3. Most importantly of all... your disc numbers are incorrect! I say this because there are at least two, possibly several more different sets of DVD discs available for sale in the United States (not counting elsewhere in the world). Most of you are familiar with the official DVD's released by Paramount Pictures and you are probably referencing those disc numbers. However there are definitely at least 3 discs from the Public Domain episodes which have been sold in dollar stores for years. Therefore stating that episode 14 is on disc 1 (or whatever it is) can not be a universally true statement without specifying which disc set you're talking about.
  4. And finally, I can't figure out why most of the time somebody decides to add DVD Disc numbers to the list, they always seem to remove the original broadcast number in the process. Please do not remove relevant factual information without good reason.

Fife Club 22:27, 5 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

He sure seems intent on getting those disc numbers in there. Seems like a lot of work to have to keep redoing. Poor guy. It's probably some lowly advertising drone from Paramount's Marketing department whose boss is making him pimp out their DVDs on the Internet. Wavy G 20:28, 6 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Proposal To Revise Article


See Talk:The_Andy_Griffith_Show for the background to this proposal. The main purpose is to add screen shots for each episode, which involves transferring the information into newly restructured table formats. During this process we will also consider episode descriptions from an alternate TAGS episodes list (currently here), using which ever description is better or combining them both into a new, better description if necessary.


  1. Upload All Screenshots
    I have all the screenshots so this will be something I will need to take care of on my own, and it may take quite a while to upload all 249 screenshots. We shouldn't start our revisions until this is done or else there will be tons of broken image links.
  2. Convert all episodic information to new table structure
    1. Divide workload between volunteers. Each volunteer will be responsible for converting 2 or 3 years worth of episodes to the new structure. (Don't change the order)
    2. We'll pick a week or two timeframe to get our conversion work done. This will minimize the possibility of others screwing up our work by editing the live list in the middle of this transition.
  3. Fix the name of this article.
    1. The alternate episodics list will need to be renamed or deleted (after we are done using info from it to help our updated article)
    2. This article will then need to be renamed to the correct article name (with "The")
  4. Congratulate ourselves on a job well done.  :)
I'll help. Why not? Seems like an easy job, at least as far as the rest of us are concerned. I mean, the information is already there. We just need to put into the new format. I like the layout you proposed. I also like the idea of doing the gray shades for the B&W list and the beige/green boxes for the coloured ones. Also, redirect the old list to the new on when it's all completed. Wavy G 03:52, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Since starting this article I had no idea it would end up looking this fantastic. Yes, yes and YES to the way it is going. Thanks to all of you for making this the best episode list in the entire Wikipedia. Ee60640 08:42, 14 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

New Structure


Here's the proposal sample for B&W episodes (gray header, barely tinted blue details background).

Production # Broadcast # Airdate Title Screenshot
1 1 October 3, 1969 The New Housekeeper Episodic screenshot from The Andy Griffith Show

Sheriff Andy Taylor (played by Andy Griffith) and his young son Opie (played by Ron Howard) are in need of a new housekeeper. Andy's Aunt Bee (played by Frances Bavier) looks like the perfect canidate and moves in, but her presence causes friction with Opie.

  • Use bullet points for non-plot notes like guest stars.
1 1 October 3, 1969 The New Housekeeper Episodic screenshot from The Andy Griffith Show

Sheriff Andy Taylor (played by Andy Griffith) and his young son Opie (played by Ron Howard) are in need of a new housekeeper. Andy's Aunt Bee (played by Frances Bavier) looks like the perfect canidate and moves in, but her presence causes friction with Opie.

Here's the proposal sample for color episodes (muted colorbars header).

Production # Broadcast # Airdate Title Screenshot
220 220 September 11, 1967 Opie's First Love Image not uploaded yet

Mary Alice Carter accepts Opie's invitation to a party then decides to go with another boy at the last monent.

  • Use bullet points for non-plot notes like guest stars.
220 220 September 11, 1967 Opie's First Love Image not uploaded yet

Mary Alice Carter accepts Opie's invitation to a party then decides to go with another boy at the last monent.



Please sign your username below if you would like to be contacted when all the screenshots are uploaded, to help convert a few seasons worth of details. Feel free to include your own comments on this proposal.

Fife Club 05:23, 6 April 2006 (UTC) (me first, of course)[reply]
I'm here. Wait. Now, what are we doing again? Wavy G 03:45, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm in. Danthemankhan 14:15, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Okay, I've uploaded screenshots of all 159 black and white episodes. Phew. You can see them all here if you want to see. And I started the conversion to the new format by completing all of season 1. The only difference between the format suggested above and the format I ended up using was that I used a consistant 3 digit episode number format. So how about Wavy G converts seasons 2 and 4, and Danthemankhan converts seasons 3 and 5, which will take care of the black and white years. Sound good? (I should warn you that I found it more difficult than I anticipated to convert everything carefully without forgetting any small details.) On many occasions I used descriptions from Danthemankhan's episode list whenever I thought it was better, so at least be sure to take a look at the other list too. Thanks for the team effort and good luck.
Eventually I'll upload the color screenshots I've got but I must warn everybody that I only have about 1/3 of the color screenshots. Either way they'll need converting too but there will be plenty of missing screenshots.
OK, I've got Season 2 out there, and after that, I'm ready for a drink or a couple of Tylenol, (or both). I tried to incorporate DanthemanKhan's info where ever I could, but I got lazy and just put most of them out there as they are. I can go back and put more in later though. Wavy G 02:04, 13 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Season 3 completed, time for a nap. Danthemankhan 16:43, 17 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Season 5 done. I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome, I think I'll sue Paramount because of their nutty numbering scheme! Danthemankhan 03:00, 20 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Okay. I uploaded the color screenshots I've got but there's only 21. That means that around 68 episodes won't have a screenshot. (Technically I can get them but it's not easy for me to get the color ones). So for all the episodes that don't have a screenshot (missing when you preview), you can substiture this image as a placeholder instead. Episodic screenshot from The Andy Griffith Show (same code as before except the episode number is replaced with the word "missing")
I'll take season 8 (the one with the most missing screenshots). How about Wavy G takes season 7 and Danthemankhan takes season 6. Then we'll be all done. Yea! Thanks in advance, and everybody should be proud of a great job.  :) Fife Club 19:13, 20 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
P.S. If y'all prefer that odd-green instead of the color bars, I can help fix the table headers easily after the fact.
I liked the suggestion of the biege and green colours best. BTW, I'm hoping to get season 4 done sometime today or tomorrow (I've been putting it off). Wavy G 21:51, 23 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I got Season 4 done. I gotta say, it was much easier this time around. Like before with season 2, I incorporated the descriptions from both sets of lists (most of the time, it's pretty easy to tie the two together seamlessly). I also went through and tweaked some minor things (linking names, minor re-wording, and whatnot) as I was going. Enjoy. Wavy G 01:02, 27 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Not 100% done with all the seasons yet but good job everybody.  :) I will try to obtain and upload additional color screenshots if I am able to but that may take a while. Fife Club 21:37, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Done. Let the back-patting ceremony commence. Wavy G 06:53, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Proposal: Break Up This List


Just as we're completing one task I go ahead and make another proposal.

I think our list looks great and has great information but it takes a long time to load, especially on dial-up. Although each of the screeshots are very very small file size, it still takes a while to load all +200 images. Perhaps we need to create seperate articles for each season and cross link between them? What do you think? Hey, maybe it's just me. I know The Simpsons has a single list with over 300 screenshots but that doesn't load quickly either. If nobody objects, I'll make those changes (later). Or I'll leave the list structure alone if nobody likes this idea. Looking for input. Fife Club 21:37, 2 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'm on the fence with this one. Seems to me there ought to be one master episode list somewhere, all on one page. I know other shows have a page for each episode, which is (to me) obviously a stretch in this case. And yet, if we did have seperate pages for each season, along with the main list as we have now, it would leave more room to have minor details that are of interest (like "Clara Edwards was called 'Bertha' in this episode"; "In this episode, Andy says Goober's last name is 'Beasley'"). I don't know, honestly.
Then again, we could have a main page, with a nice table with dates and all that, and a page for each season, with the images. I think there may be an episode list floating around here somewhere without images..... Danthemankhan 03:49, 4 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I like Dantheman's idea. I think the list looks great the way it is, however, breaking it up makes much more sense now that the new layout is in place (only due to the size/speed problems). I like the idea of having one main page, with just the titles, episode #, etc., and then 8 individual pages for each season with the new layout. This will also provide more room for commentary in the description area (think about it--most shows' episodes lists have at least a PARAGRAPH for each episode). The one-or-two sentence "TV Guide descriptions" we have now work well--and is really all we can do--with a page that size. But I like to read more in-depth descriptions, and breaking up the article by seasons can allow that. This has been "My two cents." --Wavy G 04:38, 16 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Split I approve of splitting this into eight new articles.--Jax 0677 (talk) 21:54, 29 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Production order


Who cares about original production order? When the show originally aired it wasn't aired in order of production, so the list should be in order of air dates so that anyone who is watching the show IN ORDER OF AIR DATES (ie: watching it in the same order that it was originally seen), they can follow the list better. Sure, production date is interesting...but it could be a side note, not the order list. If no one else corrects the order, I probably will...because it is the better way to list it. 01:11, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

Apparently, a lot of people care about it, because the subject has been discussed to death, and the general consensus is production order. Wavy G 17:54, 20 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Agree. I don't think production order makes any sense either BUT there's a historic reason why this show uses production order, which is totally against logic and the nearly universal standard of airdate order. For whatever original reason The Andy Griffith Show's syndicator used the production order only for over forty years of locally syndicated rebroadcasts. Because of this, a loyal following of fans and books written on the show all used production order too. (Some written in the past several years have chosen to break with tradition) It may not be logical and it may be the opposite of most other shows, but that is most definitely the most commonly used episode numbers order/list for this particular show. Fife Club 19:06, 23 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Time to rethink this. Production order may have been used in syndication, but who, seriously, watches any show on a regular basis in syndication anymore? Perhaps an episode or two here and there when bored, but anyone worth their weight in salt only watches shows on DVD now...and they use AIRDATES as the order. I think it is time to ignore the past on this one, since most people now discovering this show (as I have) will see the episodes in order of airdate...not production date. Donaldd23 13:31, 30 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Another good reason is continuity...take Season 4 for example. If you go in order of Production, the Gomer joins the USMC in Production # 107...but then he shows up in several episodes after that as still being a civilian. In order of air date, he doesn't join the service until the last episode of season 4...which is how it will be seen when watching it on DVD. Your thoughts? Donaldd23 00:31, 3 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

FWIW some stations still show it in production order. why not add a column with prod order and sort tables and let people sort by that if they want to — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:50, 25 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_The_Andy_Griffith_Show_episodes&oldid=387127338 to access production order — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 03:45, 26 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

First color episode


OK, I am not sure if I am messing anything up (I know how long it has taken this page to get right), but both episodes #160 and #161 have the title :This is the first color episode to be produced.

I am removing it from 161. If I am in error, just fix it.littlebum2002 15:41, 31 May 2007 (UTC)

Inadequate summaries


Wikipedia is an encyclopedia,and does summaries, not teasers: "But Brooke vows to escape again and head straight back to Mayberry to exact his revenge.", "... and creates turmoil with the town's resident hypochondriac." abd the like are teaser--the episodes had a specific conclusion, and it has to be stated--this is the sort of thing that might be in a tv guide. We should of course not have a full article on each episode, but we need more than one sentence. (And we it can all boioled down to one sentence, it has to cover the entire actions). DGG ( talk ) 06:15, 26 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Extremely Minor Trivia Items


I am concerned that this article is becoming overly cluttered with bits of minor in-universe trivia that are really not appropriate for an encyclopedic article. Some examples of what I'm referring to:

  • "On September 14, 1908, Jedediah Wakefield had be taken to the hospital after he was injured by his mule, Emmie."
  • "Dirksen's mug shot number is 74582. His prison uniform number is 26043."
  • "Ed Sawyer was an Army buddy of Joe Larson."
  • "The price per copy of the Mayberry Gazette is 7¢."

I believe that these types of items should be trimmed out of the entries. I'm sure they're being added in good faith, but Wikipedia is not a list of trivia items, and these are too minor to be appropriate. I would like to hear what others think. Ithizar (talk) 01:33, 8 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

No one has yet replied to my concern about the article, so I am beginning the process of "pruning" many of these unencyclopedia trivia entries. I'm also a bit concerned, based on the way some of the episode summaries are written, that these summaries and bits of trivia are being lifted verbatim from the book The Definitive Andy Griffith Show Reference, which would be a copyright violation. Ithizar (talk) 21:55, 9 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Perhaps some of this trivia could be organized. I just noticed that Dud Wash, who's in 2 episodes, is played by 2 actors. Carlm0404 (talk) 00:58, 20 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Final episode of first season summary is way off


I just saw that episode and you got it all wrong. Aunt Bee decided the jailhouse was a bad influence on Opie and convinced Andy of it. Andy told him he had to stay out of the jail. Aunt Bee tried to get him interested in planting spinach in the yard for something to do. He got bored with that and went out looking for something to do. He pried at the boards over the old mine's entrance until one came loose and there was a minor cave-in near the entrance(he just got dusty from it). He then went and traded a can he was kicking for a whole mess of apples this kid was eating sitting on the back tailgate of a truck(I think it was a delivery truck). He ate so many apples he got sick to his stomach-all of them, I believe-and then laid down in the back of the truck to sleep it off. He was NOT attempting to runaway-the truck took off with him in the back while he was asleep. Andy and Aunt Bee-after looking for him until after dark and getting worried out of their heads-got a call from somebody who told them where Opie was and how he came to be there. They then decided that Opie could hang around the jail-except when Otis was making his weekly visit-if some of the bad influence was cut out. Someone else can decide how they want to boil that down to a summary, but you at least ought to get it right when you write the summary. If you last saw the episode 20 years ago, maybe you shouldn't be writing the summary at all(although it might've been just copied from some other site).Ronar (talk) 09:05, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Dud Wash character


That character appears in 2 episodes. It has just come to my attention that 2 acrors play that character. Carlm0404 (talk) 00:55, 20 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]