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Talk:Iglesia ni Cristo/Workshop

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This page is where substantial edits are being worked on to improve this article. This page should not be considered as definite material until it is moved to the actual article. Each section refers to the section it will appear in the article.

Basic beliefs

  • INC believes the one and only God is the Father; the Creator of the heavens, the Earth and all within them. (Jn 17:3, 1; I Cor 8:6; Nehemiah 9:6) Since God is a spirit, He has no physical aspects (Jn 4:24; Lk 24:39). He is omnipresent, as he has no beginning or end (Ps. 90:2). He is also immortal (1 Tm. 1:17), and He never becomes tired. (Isaiah 40:28).
  • INC believes the Bible is the sole basis of their faith and service to God. The Gospel is God's power of salvation to those who believe, since the righteousness of God is revealed within it (Romans 1:16-17). The Holy Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, doctrine, rebuking, correction, and for instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished for all good works (2 Tm. 3:15-17). God has purposely hidden His words in mystery (Romans 16:25), so those who strive to understand the Scripture through their own knowledge would never know the truth (2 Tm. 3:7). The Gospel preached by those who are not sent by God is what the Apostles call "another gospel" (Gal 1:6-7); using the Gospel to diverge from the truth or from its true meaning will inevitably lead to eternal damnation (2 Peter 3:15-16).
  • INC does not recognize the Holy Trinity. Although the Bible speaks of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It does not regard all of them as gods or combined into one God]. Jesus emphasized the only God is the Father (Jn 17:3, 1), and that He is a man who was given the truth from God (Jn 8:40). The prophets of have also taught that one Father created mankind. (Malachi 2:10; Isaiah 64:4, 8; Isaiah 46:9)
  • INC believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Mat. 3:17). God sent Jesus as our only savior (Acts 13:23). Jesus acts as the only sole mediator to God and only way to Him (1 Tm. 2:5; Jn. 14:6). Although Jesus is the Son of God, he is not God Himself. Jesus experienced human traits such as hunger (Mt. 4:2), fatigue (John 4:6) and death (Mt. 27:50; 1 Cor 15:3). However, Jesus did not sin (1 Peter 2:21-22; Heb. 4:15). Jesus' name is held in the highest regard by God (Philippians 2:9-11); far above anything else (Ephesians 1:21-22). Eventually, Jesus will subject all his power and authority to God (1 Cor. 15:27-28).
  • INC believes the Holy Spirit is the power sent by God, in the name of Jesus, to teach and remind His messengers of what Jesus taught. (Acts 1:8; Jn. 14:26). Jesus also sends this power to assist one's weaknesses and infirmities (John 15:26; Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit strengthens, edifies, and comforts the Church (Ephesians 3:16-17; John 14:26). The Scriptures never refer to the Holy Spirit as "God the Holy Spirit", because it is not a god but one of the spirits sent by God.
  • INC members believe in the Day of Judgment (Heb. 9:27), and when it comes, man will answer for all the things he has done against God (Rev. 20:12-13) and on this day, the heavens and earth will be burned up (II Pet. 3:10, 7) and this will be a day of darkness (Amos 5:18-20). Truly this world is bound to perish and is destined to be discarded and replaced by God (Ps. 102:25-26). On the Day of Judgment, ungodly or sinful people will be consumed by the fire and will be receive eternal damnation in the lake of fire and brimstone, which is much worse than natural death (Rev 14:10-11; 21:8).
  • INC believes that Felix Manalo is God's last messenger. He is the Angel described in Revalations 7:2-3 coming from the east or the Philippines. While the INC teaches that Felix Manalo was instrumental in reestblishing the true Church of Christ or Iglesia ni Cristo, they teach that the INC in the Philippines was nevertheless founded by Jesus through prophesy.
  • A foundation of the belief is that all other churches apostatized and INC is the only way to be saved.



Membership in the INC is conferred through baptism. People who wish to be baptized in the INC must first submit to a formal process taking at least six months. After officially registering, the bible student is taught once a day the 25 lessons concerning fundamental doctrines of the INC. In the US, there are an additional three lessons taught for a total of 28. These lessons are contained in the doctine manual written by Eraño G. Manalo entitled Fundamental Beliefs of the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ). This manual is only given to ministers, evangelical workers, and ministerial students of the INC. Each lesson is usually 30 minutes to one hour in length.

After hearing all of the lessons, the bible students enter their probationary period during which they are required to attend 15 once a week group prayer meetings wherein they are taught to pray and guided in their adjustment to the INC lifestyle.

When the sixth month comes, bible students who have been active in attending the twice a week worship services and whose lifestyles are in accordance with INC doctrines are screened before being baptized. During the screening they are asked questions about the doctrines taught to them. Those who pass the screening are scheduled to be baptized.

Since understanding is necessary before being baptized in the INC, the minimum age for baptism is set at 12 years old. Underage children of members are instead 'offered' during the worship service. The child offering in the INC is done through a prayer led by an ordained minister of the INC.[1]

Members who are not living in accordance with the doctrines taught in the INC are admonished. Those who continue in violation of INC doctrines despite admonitions are expelled from the INC. Certain violations, such as eating blood, marrying non-INC members, and not uniting with the decision of the INC administration concerning voting, usually result in expulsion after the first proven offense.[2]

Former members are allowed to return to the INC if they can prove that they have stopped the behavior that led to their expulsion.



The INC formerly exercised its unity in voting. The INC bases its bloc voting on I Corinthians 1:10, explaining that all Christians should be of one judgment, and that voting is an expression of judgment. This is taught to all who wish to join the INC in lesson 25 entitled 'Unity' (In Filipino, the equivalent lesson 'Ang Pagkakaisa' is number 22). Members who do not unite with the administration in voting are expelled.[3]

Basic Beliefs (2)


The basic teachings of the INC can be found in the book 'Fundamental Teachings of the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ).' This book contains 28 lessons discussing the following topics:



(From lessons 1 & 11)

The Bible or the Holy Scriptures, as the written words of God, is a unique and authoritative book. All it teaches should be believed and followed and, as the record of God's revelation to man, it is the sole basis of the faith for the INC.

From the Age of the Patriarchs up to the Christian Era, God revealed his will through various means and had his words committed to writing (Hebrews 1:1; Jeremiah 30:2). The servants of God who were used to record God's words, though human and prone to error, were inspired by God (II Timothy 3:15-17) and kept from error, like how God kept Apostle John from error in Revelation 10:4. Thus, the original autographs were without error and wholly true and pure Gospel, God's power to salvation (Romans 1:16-17).

In response to criticisms that after 2000 years we no longer have the autographs, we know that the Bible we use at present is truly God's words since the prophecies contained within concerning modern times have come to pass. The following are examples:

The fulfillment of these proclamations thousands of years after they were recorded proves that the Bible we use today contains the words of God that, if spoken, comes to pass (Isaiah 46:11).

Since the 66 books of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, are the sole repository of God's words, no other book should be used as a foundation of faith (I Corinthians 4:6). Faith should not be based on the Book of Mormon, the Catholic Catechism, the Qur'an, or any of the other books or creeds used by other religions.

Since the Holy Scripture contains God's inerrant words and is without contradiction, any apparent contradictions are the result of misinterpretation or mistranslation. To understand the correct meaning of a verse, it should be compared to other verses (I Corinthians 2:13) and explained by a messenger of God (Romans 10:15). Messengers are necessary for us to understand the true meaning of scripture since God's words are hidden in mystery (Romans 16:15). Since the Bible is not an open book, those who are not messengers yet still persist in preaching will never come to the knowledge of the truth (II Timothy 3:7) and their preaching will lead to destruction (II Peter 3:16).

True God


(From lesson 2) https://incmedia.org/knowing-the-true-god-2/ — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2401:7400:6001:D7A2:3133:25E7:EFED:81DE (talk) 03:30, 11 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]



(From lessons 14-16)

True religion


(From lessons 3 & 4)



(From lessons 5-8)



(From lessons 5 & 6)



(From lessons 7 & 8)

Church of Christ from the Philippines


(From lesson 10)

Felix Y. Manalo


(From lesson 11)



(From lesson 12)



(From lessons 9 & 13)

Leading a new life


(From lesson 17)

Worship Service


(From lessons 18 & 28)



(From lesson 19)



(From lesson 20)

Eating blood


(From lesson 21)

Marrying non-members


(From lesson 21)



(From lessons 22 & 28)

Missionary works


(From lesson 23)



(From lesson 23)



(From lessons 24 & 28)



(From lesson 25)

Judgment Day


(From lesson 26)



(From lesson 27)



(From lesson 28)

Christian Family Organizations (CFOs)


The three CFOs, Buklod, KADIWA, and Binhi, were created to meet needs of members at different stages of their lives. Each organization has appointed officers, monthly meetings, and other activites related to health, family, livelihood, and education.


The name Buklod comes from the Filipino phrase Buklod ng gintong layunin, literally translated as 'bond of golden purpose.' All baptized members of the INC who are married or have children are members of this organization.


The name Kadiwa is an acronym from the Filipino phrase KAbataang may DIwang WAgas, literally translates as 'youth with pure spirit or purpose.' If take as a whole, the word kadiwa itself means 'of the same spirit.' All baptized single members who are at least 18 years old are members of this organization.


The Filipino word Binhi is traslated as 'seed' in English. The baptized single members who have not yet reached their 18th birthday are members of this organization. This organization was known as Tambuli ng Silangan in the year 1936

Light of Salvation (Ilaw ng Kaligtasan)


The Light of Salvation or LOS is an organization in the INC that deals solely with missionary works. The officers of the LOS maintain the records of visitors to missionary activities as well as the records of bible students from registration up to baptism.



Religious Organizations


Bro. Eliseo Soriano the minister of the "Ang Dating Daan" or (The Old Path) also rejects the doctrines of INC religion.ADD calls this religion "Igelsia ni Manalo" insted of Iglesia ni Cristo. As they say Christ is not the founder of their Church but Felix Manalo.Still today "Ang Dating Daan" and Iglesia ni Cristo ministers are now arguing for rejecting their doctrines. Bro Eli Soriano challenged the Current Excecutive Minister Eraño Manalo into a debate but Manalo refused to debate him.

From one of the translations in the Holy Bible's New Testament written by Apostle Paul, that is, Romans Chapter 16 verse 16 "Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you." In Tagalog (Philippine's major native language), "Mangagbatian kayo ng banal na halik. Binabati kayo ng lahat ng mga iglesia ni Cristo." made mention of IGLESIA NI CRISTO which appeared first long before Mr Manalo used and had it registered as his organization, who himself claimed and admitted in employing the very same verse. The Bible stated there existed those believers having that group's name as "Iglesia ni Cristo" and pointed that whoever has the same faith is called as such. This is the group mentioned in the Bible as founded by the Lord and not by Felix Manalo. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Lordcenon (talkcontribs) 23:41, 8 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ Eraño G. Manalo, 'Baptism', Fundamental Beliefs of the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ), Leksyon #22 (In Filipino, the corresponding lesson is lesson #19, 'Ang Bautismo'
  2. ^ ‘Ang Pinakamabigat Na Parusa Na Maaaring Igawad Sa Isang Iglesia Ni Cristo’, Leksyon #10, Doktrina 3b (Doctrinal lessons for third year ministerial students), 1998 Iglesia ni Cristo
  3. ^ ‘Ang Dahilan Kung Bakit Itinitiwalag Ang Hindi Nakikipagkaisa’, Leksyon #8, Doktrina 3b (Doctrinal lessons for third year ministerial students), 1998 Iglesia ni Cristo