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Talk:Hugh Bigod, 3rd Earl of Norfolk

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Found this reference while researching my pages on William Devereux, Baron Devereux of Lyonshall, that thought you might find useful. It indicates that Roger Bigod is his uncle, and therefore his mother is another daughter of Hugh Bigod. James Conway Davies (editor). The Welsh Assize Roll, 1277-1284. (Cardiff: University of Wales, 1940). Page 341 Membrane 44. Pleas at Montgomery before Walter de Hopton and his Fellows, A Fortnight from St. Hilary, 10 Edward I William, son of William Devereux, claims against Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, Marshal of England, half of one knight’s fee in Runston and the vill of St. Petr in Netherwent as his right, whereof he says William Devereux, his father, was seised in the time of King Henry III. From William the right descended to William who now claims, as son and heir. And into which as the Earl did not have entry, except by the disseisin, which Roger Bigod, his uncle, did therein to William Devereux, the father of William who now claims. And he asks that inquiry be made thereon. And on this comes the Earl’s bailiff and asks for his lord’s court, because the tenement claimed is within his lord’s liberty of Netherwent. Therefore a day is given them here in a fortnight from Easter to do. Etc. Best wishes, CD Arcussenilis (talk) 18:58, 16 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]