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Talk:György Kósa

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Some material that might help expand the article--

According to a cached page of a radio schedule, he wrote his 8th symphony in 1959. This concert was broadcast or re-broadcast April 11 2002.

A Hungaroton lemezsorozata a XX. század zenéjéből
Kósa György (1887-1984)
Közreműködik: Keönch Boldizsár - ének, a zeneszerző - zongora, valamint a Magyar Állami :Hangversenyzenekar Kemény Endre vezényletével
Decsényi János műsora
I. rész
1./ Négy Csokonai-dal (1954) a.) Tartózkodó kérelem b.) A tavasz c.) Még egyszer Lillához d.) A :boldogság (Keönch, Kósa) 2./ VIII. szimfónia (1959) (Zenekar) (II. rész: április 13. szombat, Bartók :11.21-)

is the description of the concert (on radio.hu) in which the symphony was broadcast or re-broadcast. The years I have are 1897-1984, not 1887-1984 - about this I wonder. Maybe m:de:György Kósa just has his birthyear ten years too late, or the document - a cached copy by Google of this no longer available document (or if available, not at that location!) - has it too early. (Added: Illinet gives 1897 for birthdate, and list a recording of the 8th symphony from soon after its creation - a 1960s recording, indeed on Qualiton (now Hungaroton I believe) SLPX 1297, Endre Kemény conducting as in the above concert (suggesting it's a set of LP plays??, not a live performance, or that the conductor had his longevity..), Hungarian State Symphony Orchestra. ) Other works in Illinois Catalogs include a viola solo work, a cello sonata, etc. ...

(Note before I leave for a bit: other works - some may overlap with de:worklist- include: Easter Oratorio from 1932 premiered 2003? ([1]), four easy pieces for bassoon (1967), Requiem for the Living (1948), symphony no 2 (1927) ([2]), 6 pieces, Kammermusik, and Suite, all for orchestra (same link), trios for 2vn/va and for fl, va and vc, and a partial worklist


showing quite a few operas and music for plays, a fourth symphony called Moses, eight listed string quartets, two piano trios (1962, 1967), a ninth symphony with (for?) chorus, two mass settings, among other works. Schissel | Sound the Note! 04:38, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]