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Talk:Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa/Archive 1

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Shambala vs. Shamballa


I'm curious to know -- how is "Shamballa" the official Japanese name of the movie? I own the Japanese DVD, and it clearly says "Shambala" on it.

The Japanese DVD clearly says Shamballa:
So does the Japanese original soundtrack: Shamballa:
Egan Loo 08:47, 13 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Heh.... then I really wonder what version of the DVD I own. Prototime

Does it play on your region 1 DVD player(or whatever kind of player you own)? Because I suspect that it's probably bootleg.



Shouldn't it be noted that there was a mistranslation in the movie? I think it's pretty important that Alfons said 2 Kilometers in the dub when the original said 11 kilometers when Ed was going to go through the portal. 333cool 06:11, 24 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I still can't believe how no one has replied and talked about this issue, I bet that if everyone has the same issue as me, it should be noted on the actual article page and we would all tell Funimation to exchange our DVDs for the corrected version. 333cool 18:13, 13 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

There are always discrepancies in what is said between dub and sub. It's irrelevant. (talk) 21:31, 9 July 2008 (UTC)Megazilla[reply]



I'm a common unknown contributor, and I just wanted to grant a heads-up to some expansions of the character sections. True to the request, I have not touched the storyline or theme articles, only those pretaining to the characters. This is just an announcement for clarificaiton of my actions.

No Sequel


I dont think there are going to make another sequel, because the director has already mention this will be the last part. So i deleted the line where it said the hitler poster give us a hint for another sequel.

Regardless of what director or producers have said, the movie does leave big openings for a sequel. It seems like when Ed wants to come back to close the gate, he made another decision I would consider stupid. His father, the only one who shows no doubts in the whole story, opened the gate for him to get back, as that is the only path he should follow. Plus, his life is in the alchemy world as both brothers has almost nothing left to do in the other world. Also it never shows if the Colonel Mustang have closed the gate, and it is clear that the gate is still opened at least in one side. Adding to that, it's unclear if a double opening is really needed, since Hoheinheim and Envy did traveled through it without showing an opening in the other side. It is just natural that a third sequel would feature a quest of both Ed and Al setting back home, and making a closure probably before the 2nd war. I think their last quest would be basically just closing the gate, meeting the colonel version in Alaska, recovering Ed's arms and legs (that oddly disappeared) and, just maybe, being able to help Noah's looseness somehow. There might be no sequels planned (or announced), but the brother's story isn't over, just like in the first part (before Shambala). --caue 09:14, 17 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I suppose that's just a matter of opinion. However, the director explicitly said in interview that after Shamballa, he feels his work with Fullmetal Alchemist is complete, that there is no more story to tell. Also, what makes you think they're going to see Earth-Mustang in Alaska? Amestris-Mustang was near Dracma for a time, but that doesn't mean anything. -Mance 20:02, 17 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Just for everybody's info, Directors/Producers usually don't make decisions on whether or not a sequel will be made. Usually, that decision is made by the studios based on ticket/DVD sales. I have to agree with Caue above that this film was left wide open for a(nother) sequel, and I think it just comes down to how much money they make on this particular "episode" of FullMetal Alchemist as to whether or not we see another sequel. Personally, I hope we do. I want to see Ed and Al on their own side of the gate. --Dormous 01:59, 20 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Indeed, director Mizushima has simply said that his work on Fullmetal Alchemist is finished. I'm almost certain he said someone else could work on it (I believe in an Anime Insider interview). Chibi Gohan 05:24, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

We'll just have to agree to disagree. Just because everything wasn't wrapped up in a neat little package doesn't mean it's being left open for a sequel. We don't even know if the boys -want- to go back, and it's arguable that they're happy. Througout the entire series, whenever they're separated, they usually want to get back together very quickly. Edward never said that he wanted to get back to Amestris to see Winry, or to say hi to the Colonel, or check on Rose, or any of that--he only wanted to see if Al is all right. And all Al wanted to do was find a way to find Ed again--the brothers have each other, the movie ended with a bittersweet look to the future (the Elrcis' hope for happy lives together in the new world contrasted with the dramatic irony concerning looming shadow of Nazi Germany). -Mance 13:49, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I think you're all forgetting about the Uranium Bomb still left out there...-- 04:27, 12 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

and that edward have not recoverde his limbs right? you will say but the OVA... the ova nothing the ovas dont interferes with the storyline....User:Envidia

Huskisson,(formerlly, the Masked Alchemist)


It's incorrect to say that the masked scientist isn't named because Edward calls him Huskisson soon after making his(Ed's) appearance. The scienist isn't really an alchemist either, so the bottom paragraph was removed and references to his name have been fixed.

Character to Plot


Lots of info was in the character section that should have been in plot. I moved it there and made some small changes. Hopefully this will help whoever tries to tackle fixing the remainder of the plot section George 19:41, 20 February 2006 (UTC)gmhowell 20 February 2006[reply]

Thanks, a lot. Half the reason I've been procrastinating tackling this is that there was a lot that needed to be done, but that was a big help. Now, however, I no longer have my copy of the movie (I prefer to edit while I have the movie playing, for maximum accuracy), so I want to run the details behind it first. After Edward opens the gate, Dietrich shoots him and says that she has no more need of him, right? And then while she and her men are loading onto the rockets built by Heiderich and his team, Ed comes to with Heiderich strapping him into a one-man rocket, explaining that the bullet hit him in the shoulder where the automail meets flesh. They are discovered as Ed begins to launch, and Heiderich is shot dead. Ed then flies up and through the gateway, as Noah screams for him to take her with him. Dietrich sees this, and immediately takes off after. Then, in the undergroud city, Ed bursts out of the gateway to the amazement of Alphonse, Winry, and Sciezka (the latter two having arrived shortly after the fight between Gluttony and Wrath, led there by Sciezka). His rocket crashes, and Dietrich and her crew make it through, but not without the creatures from within the gate latching onto the ships (and to Dietrich), transforming her and giving her the ability to perform Alchemy. Al, Winry, and Sciezka see Edward climb out of the crashed rocket, and run to him. After a warm but brief reunion, Edward reveals that his prosthetic arm is damaged to the point of non-use; Winry, in a display of ingenuity (and perhaps hope) had brought newly crafted and improved automail she had been building for Ed, and immediately installs it.

Now, the fight scene is going to require some outside help, since I don't remember the exact details--the military, including Havok, Brieda, and Hawkeye are holding them off outside the Parliament building, and then Mustang returns and springs into action, blowing them out? Not sure how he got to the balloon, but I remember that... someone wanna help? -Mance 13:10, 21 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I don't want to crush your fun or anything like that, but I don't think the article should be a plot description. I think it should rather talk about the topics on the movie, let the reader knows what the movie is about and then, maybe and since you seem to have written all the plot already, adding it into some other place, like Fullmetal_Alchemist:_Conqueror_of_Shambala/plot for who wants to go that deep inside. But mostly I believe the more conservative wikipedians would vote for removal on most of the article. That's just my opinion, I personaly only care about the organization and hate deleting stuff, specially text. --Cacumer 04:31, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sigon's Edits


While a lot of the factual content of the edits was true, I removed them for the time being because of several factors--for one, it skips a large part of the movie, specifically the story where Ed sees Mabuse and chases after him--the detailing of how the Society gets control of Envy. Also, the name of the country was changed to Armistice, and I've never seen or heard that anywhere--does anyone else want to back that up, or provide sources? I do think that as long as some of the POV (like the last line about a "great" ending song) and grammar is fixed, it should be put in in some form, it should not go in now simply because it skips a rather large part of the movie--one that I myself forgot about until I tried reading the article and noticed the problem. Mance 06:51, 23 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]



To me, Noah and Rose (from the 51 episodes) are the same person.

Anyone else thinks she is not just anyone? I mean, not only the given name in the "real world", but she seem to be the only character who co-exist in all worlds at sametime while she is also the most lost one in her thoughts or trying to figure out what is her role on the story.

Also, her baby was never explained. It even seems like she was Virgin Mary in "Alchemy World", since we're talking with biblic figures.

She seems to me way more important to the story than it might appear, even while being so naïve.

--Cacumer 03:58, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Rose's baby was explained, they dropped some pretty heavy hints in the anime that she was raped by State Alchemists, and as a result suffered from agnosia, similiar to Misato from Neon Genesis Evangelion. I think Noa (without the 'h') because 'Noah' is a guy's name, is Rose, just without her hair dyed pink.

Actually, it wasn't State Alchemists, just 'regular' ground troops. For the record, the other world's name is Amestris...Noa is not Rose. Have any of you seen the movie? Amestris is a parallel world, so there are a lot of 'doubles' running around on Earth.
Wrong. Amestris is not the parallel world. Amestris is a country in the story. (Where "King Bradley" was Fuhrer-President, where Edward and Alphonse were born, etc.)
Noah cant possibly be Rose because Rose is quite clearly shown back in Lior at the beginning of the movie. There's also no actual proof that the baby is from Rose having been raped, although it is the most likely outcome. (PsyGuy 2nd 20:21, 3 April 2007 (UTC))[reply]
Agreed; Rose is Amestris's parallel to Noa. Willbyr (talk | contribs) 20:39, 3 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In the episode "Holy Mother" Scar states that Rose was captured by the military "and whatever they did to her" left her without the ability to speak. It's implied by his tone that he knows exactly what happened but won't say it outright. Also babies don't just come out of nowhere. I doubt the baby is her dead boyfriend's because a pregnancy would likely have been mentioned in the first episode which occurs almost a full year before "Holy Mother." —Preceding unsigned comment added by SkullyD (talkcontribs)

According to the Voice Actress who played Rose in the English dub, she learned that Noah and Rose are Not in fact the same person. She had assumed they were, and that they'd be VA'd by the same person, but learned they are Not supposed to be the same person. It surprised me. (Ishvarlan (talk) 04:31, 9 March 2009 (UTC))[reply]

"synopses' article?


Someone want to explain why the plot details were moved to a separate article? I didn't think this was standard procedure for a movie. Also, it should be "Synposis," not "Synopses." The former is singular, the latter plural. Mance 04:10, 10 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Agreed -- why is there a seperate article for the story of the movie? Is that the point of having an article on the movie to begin with? Prototime

Which is it MEANT to be, Shamballa or Shambala?


The movie AS IT EXISTS ON MY COMPUTER'S HARD DRIVE reads exactly, and I'll quote "Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie - Conqueror of Shambala", One 'l' not two 'll'. I believe that it should OFFICIALLY be "Shambala" not "Shamballa", that's how the internet prefers it, that's how it should be. Danmeister 07:27, 15 March 2006 (UTC)DanmeisterDanmeister 07:27, 15 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The spellings we use on Wikipedia are the official spellings from the creators, not the unofficial spellings on people's hard drives. As such, it is Shamballa:
While your hard drive may have some significance, Sony's Aniplex DVDs and CDs trumps it.
Egan Loo 08:47, 13 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Again removed the attack. Kyaa the Catlord 07:21, 13 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Someone had Envy down as a female on his character information. I changed all of the gender pronouns to male.

Technically, as a homunculus, Envy might be considered genderless, since homunculi are not capable (in the manga, anyway) of reproduction. It is also a bit tricky with Envy since he can imitate anyone, male or female; this is further complicated by the fact that both his Japanese seiyu and his English voice actor are females. However, in the anime, he was created from the failed resurrection of a male, and the body he usually uses both in the manga and anime is clearly male. Mistamagic28 02:05, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, I always thought Envy was female at the beginning of my scanlation-and-no-anime days...I was rather shocked when the characters made it sound obvious he was a male.—urutapu 02:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I thought he was female to, though his form shifting abilty sorta does make him genderless or both.... Lego3400

Envy should have all male pronouns if his gender is unknown. In the english language, when something's gender is unknown (like in this case) you would use male pronouns. I don't know why, but that is the way it is (ex. saying God is a "he" when there isn't a way to know. Also, please don't start a religion fight, lol I justed wanted to use the ex.) (talk) 14:43, 18 February 2008 (UTC)Tayler Monday, February 18, 2008 (did i do that right?? lol)[reply]

Alphonse v. Alfons


There's an edit war brewing between Alphonse and Alfons, and I think it needs to stop--there's nothing to suggest that the spelling of the name is different, and a google of the names has Alphonse as the current "winner." Until the English release, I think it'd be safer to assume that the names were unchanged, just as Hughes and Gracia were unchanged. Please, do -not- revert to Alfons until we've discussed it here. -Mance 00:35, 20 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Alfons is the spelling used in the official booklet that came with the special edition DVD in Japan, as well as the official English subtitles on the aforementioned DVD. I'm assuming the official movie guides use that spelling as well.

Release Date?


Throughout the article, the release date for the US changes.

In the summary on the right it is listed as September 26th 2006; In the introductory paragraph, it is listed as November 12th 2006; And in the story piece, it is listed as September 12th 2006. I'm rather confused over this, which date is it actually being released on so the article can be corrected?

The Release date for the DVD in the US was officially September 12, 2006. --Dormous 02:00, 20 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Noa vs. Noah


I'm curious on what is the official name, as I've seen both. Plus I notice that its Noa on the main movie page, yet its Noah on the list of characters page. I've looked up Noa here on wikipedia and its states "Noa or Noah (Standard Hebrew נועה Noa, Tiberian Hebrew נעה Nōʿāh)," so it seems like they can be used interchangable. -Davis Lee 17:13, 27 September 2006 (UTC)

On Sony's official site it is spelled "Noah" in English characters; however, the katakana is ノーア, which is "Noa" ("No-A"). I'm inclined to think the katakana version is the "correct" one (furthermore, it's a more feminine spelling). Starlightmusic 21:34, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Every official source I've seen spells it as Noah, such as the movie guides and the subtitles for the special edition of the movie. Chibi Gohan 05:21, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The credits at the end of the movie say Noah Kiffer.geo 23:10, 13 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Our Earth?


Should this article really state that the world Ed travels to is our Earth? From what I've seen of the last episodes, it really can't be, as London was never attacked during World War One. Wolf ODonnell 13:40, 22 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I believe the movie and parts of the final episodes do ostensibly take place in our world, regardless of historical bloopers. Any contrary evidence is welcome. —Frungi 19:01, 29 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, zeppelins did indeed attack London in WWI. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeppelin#Zeppelins_in_World_War_IPrototime (talk contribs) 05:58, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Adult Swim airing?


I seem to remember an earlier version of this article said the movie would air on Adult Swim, and gave a date. Was it just a rumor? —Frungi 19:29, 29 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

MMM...I HEAR THAT..........


i read in one article here that they will continue fma , nothing is sure but did anyone want that fma continue? for my part i want to continue is a great serie with a great pottencial —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Sins (talkcontribs) 04:17, 19 December 2006 (UTC).[reply]

Please see these guidelines.
  1. Wikipedia:Sign your posts on talk pages (traducción española)
  2. es:Wikipedia:Lo que Wikipedia no es#Wikipedia no es una zona de pruebas, ni un foro de discusión (English version)
This page is for the movie, not the whole series. They should know more about any future episodes at Talk:Fullmetal Alchemist.
Also, FMA is continuing. Its manga is still being written. –Gunslinger47 06:30, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Noa's dance


Just to satisfy my curiosity - was the dance that Noa performed at the end of the movie taken from an actual Roma dance, or just something that was made up for the movie? Willbyr (talk | contribs) 14:13, 27 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Removed personal attack. Kyaa the Catlord 07:20, 13 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]



This page needs spoiler warnings, or at least needs to be a bit reckless. I went here to see what the gist of the movie was, and I was greeted with "The Elric Brothers Reunited" as a picture caption (as obvious as it might have been, still a spoiler), and "In the original Japanese version Edward did not gasp at his father's death. Paku Romi's gasp had been recorded but was never used. The gasp is retained in the English dubbed version, however" in the trivia section. These are spoilers, even if not in the usual form, and I think this article should be a bit more careful, rephrase or label the spoiler sections. Philtrauferson 12:23, 30 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Small correction...


Under Trivia: "The English dub supplied by FUNimation incorrectly states 2 kilometers as the speed Edward was going at when he went through the portal while it is actually 11 kilometers on the Japanese version."

Er, 2 km is a distance and not a speed. I assume what's meant is "2 km per hour," but since I haven't seen the movie, I won't edit it. Could someone who has seen the movie please edit this? 02:58, 6 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I just finished watching the movie and it's 2km/s... Kiffer.geo 23:06, 13 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Historical error


In the movie Fritz Lang refers to science fiction. However, in the real world he could not have done so because the term was not invented until 1926 by Hugo Gernsback, editor of Amazing Stories. Whether this would be considered relevant for the article is once again something I'm not sure of. Lee M (talk) 04:19, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

DVD Sales


i can't seem to find the total dvd sales for the movie... were could i find it?? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Search for sales (talkcontribs) 22:18, 8 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

"alternate world Lust"


excuse me but in the article says that the woman that appears with scar at the end is the counterpart of lust, I believe it's the counterpart of the woman scar's brother wanted to revive (don't remember her name), not lust--- homunculus aren't people remember. (Sunsetterxxx (talk) 05:46, 18 March 2008 (UTC))[reply]

Could be either, I suppose; however, I think it's easier to leave the note as it is for Wiki-linking purposes. Willbyr (talk | contribs) 11:21, 18 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Technically you're correct, but like Willbyr said, it's easier to wikilink, plus it doesn't require a long explanation. --Eruhildo (talk) 01:55, 19 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah but at least it should be mentioned that it is either lust or that woman. facts are facts.(Sunsetterxxx (talk) 20:37, 25 March 2008 (UTC))[reply]
I don't think it's really an important enough plot point to note and as Eruhildo mentioned it's too complicated to go into. Anyone who is watching the movie will have probably seen the series and know about the homunculi etc. Besides it's only a five second cameo and lust is close enough to 'the Ishbalan woman' (as she is referred to throughout the series)for wikilink purposes. I think we can just leave it. If it was important to the movie plot I'd consider changing it but because it doesn't matter, let it be. (talk) 10:49, 20 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Side Note


I removed the "side note" section which stated that the Four Seasons hotel wasn't founded until 1960. The Canadian chain of luxury hotels was not formed until 1960. Munich has had a Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten (Four Seasons in German) since 1858. The Thule Society did famously meet there: [15], [16]. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:39, 22 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]