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Talk:Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act

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Update upon passage of bill


This page needs to be updated based on content from the final bill. FITARA was included in the FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act around 12/22/14 http://www.federalnewsradio.com/394/3755272/Obama-signs-NDAA-deal-with-pay-raise-higher-co-pays-for-troops , the final bill language is here: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-113hr3979enr/pdf/BILLS-113hr3979enr.pdf

The Co-Author's announcement (http://connolly.house.gov/news/president-signs-issaconnolly-federal-it-acquisition-reform-act/) and https://www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/3979 could be helpful for this effort. --PhotographerTom (talk) 15:31, 11 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]