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This page is an archive of discussions that occurred between user: and user: Johnny Spasm, as well as other users, on the discussion page of the article Everlast (musician).

You Haven't the Right to Remove the Facts You Keep Taking Out.


"Eminem also urged his fans to attack Everlast in public, throwing objects at him and pelting him with blows, noting that Everlast isn't going to hit them back. This part of the song points out how Everlast's album sold 49,000 copies its first week while Eminem's sold 2,500,000."

These factual elements can be clearly sourced to the song in question.

Why have they been removed yet the comment about Everlast insulting Eminem's daughter is still in? -- (talk) 18:23, 5 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Remember when Everlast was going to beat MC Serch on MTV during the SupaBowl? Everlast kept saying, "take your shot, kid" and Serch tried weaseling out of it. --JorK —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:49, 28 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]



This article seems to get vandalized a lot. I wonder why. Is it because of his feud with Eminem? Are Eminem's fans really that pathetic?--Johnny Spasm (talk) 22:14, 3 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Eminem fans do come here because the feud with Eminem is the most notable thing in the last 10 years that Everlast has been involved in. I agree vandalism is a bad thing, but it is funny how you removed the factual information that was from the lyrics of the song saying it was 'opinion.' You even called me 'Slim.' It seems to me that you have a lot emotionally invested in the subject of this page, and maybe you should try to keep your emotions in check when distinguishing between 'fact' and 'vandalism.' Simply take a look at Everlast's album sales and non-entry into the charts over the last decade and you can see why so many Eminem fans are on this page: they are among the only people who even realize Everlast exists in 2009. -- (talk) 15:39, 17 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I probably should have called you "Stan," not "Slim."--Johnny Spasm (talk) 17:16, 17 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
You are being reported as we speak. Do not revert again or that will just be a further strike against you. -- (talk) 17:54, 17 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Listen Stan, I saw all the comments on your talk page. I don't think you have room to report anyone. Take a vicodin, and calm down.--Johnny Spasm (talk) 18:43, 17 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia policy isn't a popularity contest, nor do your repeated rude comments constitute a wikipedia-policy based reason for your edits. You are rude, impertinent, and REFUSE to discuss the actual matter at hand. -- (talk) 14:48, 18 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

49,000 to 2,500,000


You are speaking without knowing what you are talking about. This is an ip address accesible by over a thousand people. Also: the fact that this ip address has had blocks on it doesn't do a thing to change the reality of the edits.

FACT: Sourced fact. FACT: It's from the same song the bit about 'hitting him with rocks' is from, yet that has been in for this entire year. FACT: you say the fact is BIASED but you are the biased one because the ONLY reason to remove it is to protect your precious Everlast from looking stupid. FACT: I can go onto billboard if you want and DOUBLE CITE the fact with actual hard evidence.

Everlast's album sales are even sourced ON THE WIKIPEDIA PAGE. Why do you have such a hard time accepting that this belongs in the lyrical feud section? Because you are BIASED towards Everlast. Deal with the reality: wikipedia guidelines do not allow for you removing facts about someone just to make you feel better. I don't go on John Lennon's page and erase that he was shot to death in an effort to 'bring him back to life,' why can't you just accept that this part of the article is true and leave it at that. It's not as though people are putting in 'Everlast is a big fat loser who couldn't pay people to take his stupid albums,' they are saying 'in this song eminem mentions this.' Since the preceding paragraph consists of the same thing, and the paragraph before that says 'Everlast says (x) in his song,' it is ENTIRELY CONSISTENT WITH THE TONE OF THE ARTICLE AND BELONGS.

EXPLAIN IN SOME RATIONAL WAY THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE A SLIM SHADY JOKE WHY YOU REMOVE IT. EXPLAIN WHY IT IS ANY MORE BIASED THAN SAYING 'CHECK YOUR KID FOR YOUR DNA' EXPLAIN WHY YOU KEEP MAKING RUDE JOKES INSTEAD OF ADDRESSING THE ISSUE. Wikipedia policy isn't whatever you want it to be, and this is a matter of POLICY, not on who has a worse talk page. You -can't- deal with this on its own terms, because you know you are wrong. -- (talk) 14:28, 18 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Speaking without knowing what I'm talking about? OK, how 'bout this: the original comment I made about Everlast's entry constantly being vandalized by Eminem fans was written a month ago before your dumb ass got involved with the site. The feud started with the Dilated Peoples track. That's why I believed that the verse Everlast contributed should be in there (and still do). The jabs taken back and forth after that deserve a synopsis only. Your idiotic little comment about album sales was excessive and unnecessary. It belongs in there no more than the fact that everyone who knows both artists agrees that if they ever got into it, Everlast would knock the living shit outta Eminem. And THAT came off an Eminem fan site.[1]
  1. ^ "Unofficial fansite". Retrieved 2009-04-07.

--Johnny Spasm (talk) 09:30, 19 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

WP:CIVILITY dictates that you leave the "your dumb ass" comments on the other side of your keyboard. Thanks.--SarekOfVulcan (talk) 11:55, 19 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Let me know when 'who can beat up who' would be a wikipedia policy for inclusion. I don't think it is. Who cares what it says on a fan site. This is about the lyrical feud between them. Other statements from the same eminem song have been up there for over half a year. You suddenly want to take this one down. Your feeling that the verse from Dialated 'should be there' is a little odd considering it is a copyright violation AND in violation of wikipedia policy. Wikipedia can't be held responsible for violating copyright law simply because you think that the long list of things he says is interesting. You can summarize his points, which is what I did with the Eminem quote. Your reasons for wanting to edit this have nothing to do with wikipedia policy. You say what eminem says should only be in synopsis? Thank you for agreeing with me: that's exactly what it is. It says 'eminem mentions (thing x).' Thank you for finally coming to consensus! That's what wikipedia is all about. Now that you have stated that you agree this belongs, I think we can finally put this past us.
PS Don't forget, you said "The jabs taken back and forth after that deserve a synopsis only." And since that is what the article in it's current state is, I think we can all agree. You would be hypocritical, biased, and violating wikipedia policy to feel otherwise, so it's a good thing you stated this clearly! For the record, everybody: Johnny Spasm has finally said that he thinks the synopsis of the back and forth jabs is entirely acceptable and is what the article should be. I agree. -- (talk) 13:32, 19 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Johnny, I didn't click that link until now. You do realize that it wasn't an eminem fan or 'everybody' who said Everlast could beat up Eminem, it was DJ Lethal. Everlast's old DJ from house of pain and friend. And for making that comment he got the song 'Girls' by d12 and eminem made about him. Which makes him look stupid.
Also, the 'not knowing what you were talking about' comment had to do with the comments on the talk page for this IP address, not anything else. But seriously: have you heard 'Girls?' If so, you wouldn't be so quick to parade that comment from Everlast's former band member and friend as being indicative of what 'everybody and even Eminem fans' think about Everlast's ability to beat up Eminem. Also: who cares who could beat up who? Fact: one's record career for all intents and purposes ended about a decade ago, the other just came out with an album one month ago today that has already sold over 2 million world wide. With the record industry the way it is right now, that type of success is unmistakable. But it has nothing to do with this article. If you want to bring up irrelevant things in the discussion, even that isn't really ok, but to bring up a quote/fact that actually, if you knew the full story, FULLY EMBARASSES house of pain and dj lethal in addition to Everlast, then you reveal that you really are biased, unknowledgeable, and silly. -- (talk) 16:02, 19 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Fascinating, Johnny. You clearly have no logical argument within the confines of wikipedia policy. You have proven time and time again that you don't care about policy, guidelines, facts, or what should or should not be in the article. You simply want to have the least amount of facts detrimental to your hero 'Everlast' as possible. The album sales aren't FACTS being thrown in for no reason, they are statements from the song that was already discussed in the article before I changed it. You left it there for months, so I don't think that you are arguing that a SYNOPSIS of their feud doesn't belong here. In fact, you argued that a SYNOPSIS of their feud does belong. I think so too. That's why there is a synopsis of that song, and that one fact is part of the song. So you have already stated several times that you feel it's inclusion is appropriate.
You have to accept that it isn't being included because it is album sales that have nothing to do with the segment about their back and forth verbal sparring, it is included because it is a line from the songs they sparred back and forth with, examples and synopsi of which are already included. It has every right to be there. You can't discuss wikipedia policy and you still haven't. Everything you have said simply supports why that sentence SHOULD remain in. -- (talk) 20:19, 19 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Stan, You've gotta admit, the funniest line uttered in this rap war was "With your platinum blonde hair you look like a ho/Like Eminem should stand for 'Marylin Monroe'" You're making me wanna reedit Eminem's site, and mention that line there. It's amazing to me what a biased, little Eminem fan you are. As far as embarrassing goes, did Everlast ever get into it with a puppet? Do comedians dressed as homosexual designers single Everlast out of the audience to pick on? Lethal and Eminem were friends until he made the comment that Eminem would catch an ass whipping if he and Everlast ever got into it. Fred Durst also agreed, and he was never in House of Pain. Regardless, this is Everlast's Wikipedia entry. His album sales belong here AND ARE MENTIONED. Eminem's don't.--Johnny Spasm (talk) 18:55, 19 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
It's a shsme you didn't realize I could read this post of yours in the history and addressed what you say, but then again that would require you thinking about what I say for at least two seconds. The statement isn't just album sales, it's a synopsis of a line of the song already being discussed where he mentions album sales. You have already said the synopsis of the feud and the lyrics belong. Also, the sascha baron cohen thing was known to be staged and eminem was in on it. But you haven't once addressed the issue, you just keep making lame jokes. You are an adult with a government job. You need to try harder to discuss this on wikipedia policy terms. You say yourself the synopsis of their battle is all that belongs, there already was a synopsis of parts of the song the line about sales is from, and then you say 'album sales dont' belong here,' being willfully ignorant of the fact that i have repeated that this isn't just album sales figures, but something Em mentions in the song. Read all the history for this discussion to see what Sarek erased of mine, friend. And again: discuss wikipedia policy, not throw lyrics to a song nobody but you and two other everlast fans have ever heard at me. What color is Em's hair now? You don't know do you. -- (talk) 17:08, 20 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Repeated Vandalism of my talk page and postings


Instead of engaging in any kind of meaningful discussion of wikipedia policy, or even once addressing any of my numerous actual statements regarding this article, Johnny Spasm has instead relied on name-calling, vandalism of my signature, and behavior that is in no way respectful of anybody or anything other than himself. I can tell that his plan is just to wait for June 25th and then revert the page, continuing this endless 'reversion war' without making any effort to actually discuss the matter at hand. I am deeply offended and I think it's sad he is unwilling to actually discuss this. Not one of his posts back seem as though he has read or thought about what I have said. At least he has repeatedly vandalized my signature and insulted me in front of the wikipedia community, making it clear to all that he is not interested in the facts or true debate. -- (talk) 15:51, 22 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Johnny: all that needs to be discussed is if a synopsis of the feud with Eminem is appropriate. Because it is the most notable thing about Everlast by far for the last ten years, of course it is. You don't deny that, and have tried to put more and more of what Everlast said, up to the point of copyright violation, into the article. You then said that after that point a synopsis is all that is required. The part you keep erasing is a part of that synopsis. You keep acting as though it is just random facts about Eminem's album sales: it's part of the lyrical war between them. Everlast is like 'your hair looks stupid' and Eminem is like 'I sold 51.02 times more albums than you in the same amount of time.' Of course, that's not what they said exactly, but this synopsis is fine. Please, instead of changing my signature to 'Stan,' why not address this issue? You have said numerous times a synopsis of their lyrical feud is appropriate. It's not my fault that Eminem made more devastating points about Everlast than Everlast did about Eminem. Note: Eminem is not picked up by the spell check on Google Chrome because he is so famous but 'Everlast' is marked as a misspelling. -- (talk) 13:39, 22 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Things Johnny Spasm Said that weren't erased


"before your dumb ass got involved" "It's amazing to me what a biased, little Eminem fan you are." "Everlast would knock the living shit outta Eminem." and so on...

I said 'his repeat vandalism of my signature has made a mockery out of him in front of everybody.' and my posts are erased... :( a little odd? -- (talk) 15:54, 22 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]