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Talk:Delenda Est

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Plot Summary is Wrong


This is the current bit of the article, which I object to:

At the time of the story, Britain (Brittys), Ireland, France (Gallia) and Spain (Celtan) are under Celtic control, and the Celts also colonised North America, known as Affalon in this timeline. Italy (Cimmeria) is under Germanic domination, Switzerland and Austria exist within Helvetia, Lithuania (Littorn) controls Scandinavia, northern Germany and much of Eastern Europe, while a Carthaginian successor empire (Carthagalann) dominates much of Northern Africa. The Han (Chinese) Empire controls China and Taiwan, as well as encompassing Korea, Japan and western Siberia. Punjab comprises western India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

What the story actually says is:

North America down to about Colombia was Ynys yr Afallon [not Affalon], seemingly one country divided into states. South America was a big realm, Huy Braseal, and some smaller countries whose names looked Indian. Australasia, Indonesia, Borneo, Burma, eastern India, and a good deal of the Pacific belonged to Hinduraj. Afghanistan and the rest of India were Punjab. Han included China, Korea, Japan, and eastern Siberia. Littorn owned the rest of Russia and reached well into Europe [no part of Scandinavia]. The British Isles were Brittys, France and the Low Countries were Gallis [not Gallia], the Iberian peninsula was Celtan. Central Europe and the Balkans were divided into many small nations, some of which had Hunnish-looking names. Switzerland and Austria made up Helveti [not Helvetia]; Italy was Cimberland [not Cimmeria]; the Scandinavian peninsula was split down the middle, Svea in the north and Gothland in the south. North Africa looked like a confederacy, reaching from Senegal to Suez and nearly to the equator under the name of Carthagalann; the southern part of the continent was partitioned among minor sovereignties, many of which had purely African titles. The Near East held Parthia and Arabia.

sorry, forgot to sign this Idontcareanymore (talk) 15:14, 10 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Feel free to fix (except that Ynys yr Afallon just means "Islands of Avalon", and the short form "Afallon is used elsewhere in the story). AnonMoos (talk) 17:20, 10 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Greek error


In two published versions of the story I have (one in 1970, the other 1983), the Greek word is given as Ελλευιξεις (1970) and Ελλευιζεισ (1983). Both seem to be mistakes for Ελληνιζεις hellēnizeis, ancient Greek for "you (sing.) speak Greek". Not sure whether these are entirely typos, or partly a mistake by Anderson, etc. AnonMoos (talk) 19:19, 7 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

In the "Gollancz SF Gateway Omnibus" edition, it's Ελλευιζεις, which is less erroneous than the two above, I guess... AnonMoos (talk) 00:56, 25 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]
In ISBN 0-523-48510-7, it's also Ελλευιζεις. I'm guessing that υ for ν was probably a printer's error in the first printing, while ε for η may have been a mistake by Anderson... AnonMoos (talk) 11:01, 30 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]