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Talk:Catalina González

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Biography- Grammar mistake “ also known as Cata González. Biography- Missing punctuation “ Catalina González also known as Cata González --” Biography - “ She was born in Santiago, Chile in 1979. She was born in Chile -- “ repeated herself. Could have told us what she does for a living without repeating where she was born at.

Education- mistake, missing a letter/word “ Has Bachelors -- “ Education- could tell us what year she received her University diploma Education- Missing punctuation “Along with this she also has a --” Education- Can say all degrees in all universities that were mention -- put together. Ex- Catalina Gonzalez has three different degrees in Fine Arts, Aesthetic Contemporary Thought and a upcoming diploma in Territory Poorness; all from University ARCHIS, Universidad Diego Portales, and Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Which are located in Chile. ( idk tho )

Maybe include a bit more information for the Artworks.