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Talk:Cantitruncated 5-cell

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Cartesian coordinates


Wow, the coordinate take over the stub-article. Perhaps the fractions can be removed strategic use of a constant? Tom Ruen (talk) 20:24, 16 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hmmm... maybe they could be consolidated with others in a page Cartesian coordinates of 5-cell uniform family? SERIOUSLY, I don't mind data, and it's good to know it's been calculated, but I can't easily call it useful to have 2 printed pages of radialized coordinates. In fact to me, it's useless trivia as-is, even if I wanted to punch all those expressions into a calculator or computer code, since I'd need the edge, face, cell data along with it for rendering. Tom Ruen (talk) 20:33, 16 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Perhaps it's more useful to give the non-normalized coordinates in (n+1)-space (which will only need 1 line to represent)? The currently coordinates are essentially the non-normalized coordinates, which are the positive permutations of the corresponding truncated/bitruncated/etc. 5-cross, multiplied by a transformation matrix that maps them to n-space with a "nice" orientation (nice as in, they are origin-centered, and the 5-simplex they derive from has its apex along the first coordinate axis, with its base recursively bisected by a coordinate plane).
As far as rendering is concerned, a suitable use of a convex hull algorithm along with linear programming algorithms for finding elements of the face lattice makes coordinates extremely useful.—Tetracube (talk) 22:05, 16 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, I don't have a clear opinion what's best, just that what's here now seems excessive to justify in the article. Tom Ruen (talk) 21:31, 19 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

For comparison, the coordinates of the polychoron of this page (cantitruncated 5-cell) in 5-space are all permutations of:
The transformation matrix to map these coordinates to 4-space is:
I have deliberately not simplified the radicals in order to show the pattern: each row begins with a negative term of the form and continues with repetitions of . The values of a and b are (1,2) for the bottom row, (2,3) for the 2nd last row, (3,4) for the 3rd last row, etc.. Furthermore, the same matrix can be applied to all other 5-cell truncates (bitruncates, omnitruncates, cantellates, etc., etc.) to map them from 5-space to 4-space, the 5-space coordinates being the permutations of the non-negative coordinates of the corresponding 5-cube truncate. (E.g., the omnitruncated 5-cell's coordinates in 5-space are the permutations of , which are the non-negative coordinates of the omnitruncated 5-cube. Multiplying these points by this matrix maps them to 4-space in a "nice" orientation).
The matrix is itself is simply the product of 4 plane rotation matrices that successively rotates the 5th coordinate axis into the 4th, the 4th into the 3rd, the 3rd into the 2nd, and the 2nd to the 1st, transforming into , with the first row dropped since all points will end up with the same coordinate (i.e., this projects 5-space to 4-space). This is because a 5-cube truncate's non-negative coordinates always yield points lying in a hyperplane orthogonal to (1,1,1,1,1).
This pattern can be generalized to n-space, in which case the matrix is the product of (n-1) plane rotations that reduce the n-space coordinates into (n-1)-space. This gives a simple derivation method for the coordinates of any n-simplex truncate, including the n-simplex itself.—Tetracube (talk) 22:21, 19 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I like the concept (particularly if it can be clearly and concisely annotated): a readily-understood operation (rotation by a comprehensible matrix) on a readily-understood operand (permutations of a vector) has obvious advantages over a bargeload of coordinates with no obvious structure. —Tamfang (talk) 22:44, 22 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I'm a little scared by requiring a higher dimension. I don't have anything positive to say on any option so far, so I'll continue to be quiet mostly. Tom Ruen (talk) 23:00, 22 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The derivation of the matrix is very simple. Consider how one might rotate the vector to . This is a 45° clockwise rotation expressed by the matrix:

Observe that any scalar multiple of gets rotated into a multiple of . We use this to our advantage in the next step: how to rotate to ? There are at least two obvious ways: one is to rotate directly in the plane spanned by and . There is a formula for doing this, but it is quite convoluted and it turns out that when it applied to n-simplices, the resulting coordinates are not only "ugly", but also don't have a "nice" orientation. The second way is to rotate into , and then rotate this into . When applied to n-simplices, the resulting coordinates have the nice property that one vertex (the "apex") will lie along a coordinate axis, and the "base" will oriented such that it is symmetric by reflection across a coordinate plane, and recursively, the "apex" of the base lies along another coordinate axis, and its base is symmetric across another coordinate plane, etc.. Well, to rotate to is easy: we simply extend our 2D matrix thus:

Then, to rotate to , the following rotation will do the job:

Multiplying B and A (since we perform A first then B), we get the following matrix for rotating to :

A similar line of argument for the 4D case shows that to rotate to , we multiply the following matrix with BA (well, with BA extended to 4D by inserting a left column and top row):

I'm deliberately leaving the radicals unsimplified so that the pattern of radicals is obvious: we're progressing from to to , etc.. Multiplying out the matrices give us, for the 4D case:

I'll just denote these matrices by , for conciseness.

It will not be surprising to you that the next step involves left-multiplying with a 5D rotation matrix with the terms and . (Again, not simplifying the radicals so that the pattern is obvious.) Multiplying this with , we obtain:

At this point, I'd like to point out that:

  1. The first row of can be ignored, because we'll be rotating points generated by permutations of some vector, and all permutations of any vector with non-negative coordinates will always have the same dot product with any scalar multiple of . That is to say, all points generated by permutations of the vector will always lie in a hyperplane orthogonal to (see permutohedron for a prime example). As a result, the first coordinate of any vector on this hyperplane after rotation by will be a fixed constant, which can be dropped to map the vector back to (n-1)-space.
  2. Let denote with its first row dropped. Then the remaining (n-2) rows are exactly with a column of 0's prepended on the left.
  3. From the second row onwards, the first non-zero entry of each row is of the form , and continues with repetitions of until the end of the row. The bottom row corresponds with a=2, the second last row with a=3, the third last row with a=4, and so forth.

This gives us a generic formula for n dimensions.

Now the reason I write all of this, is to point out that a single matrix works for all truncations of the n-simplex in a given dimension n. So it seems that it would make sense to have a separate article that describes what this matrix is, and then in each uniform polytope article simply give the coordinates in (n+1)-space, with a link to this article for how to map these coordinates back to n-space.—Tetracube (talk) 19:20, 23 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

A separate article makes more sense, even to the degree of giving coordinates there by section, and referencing in each polytope article. Tom Ruen (talk) 19:32, 23 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I've made a draft start here: User:Tetracube/Coordinates of uniform polytopes. Still unsure how to list the coordinates, perhaps using tables to keep the page length sane?—Tetracube (talk) 23:04, 23 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]