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Not canon


WTF how can the artical be none canon it the info is from when she frist appeared on the show 2 when he didnt and some stuff about the future. I think it should be deleted User:Srstorey



I don't know that the very brief impersonations by Candice would really qualify as "aliases", as listed in the summary box.--Trystan 23:23, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

yes they should as there new identities she has tooken, shes like a con women.



If her powers a mental 1 and not shapshifting, how comes the illusion fooled the cameras in 5 years gone, when sylar as president nathan came on it?-- user:Srstorey

Perhaps her power isn't just sending sounds and images into someone's mind telepathicaly, but physically altering the light and sound waves around her, somehow. 03:02, 10 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

A few things...


1)The powers section was all plagiarized from Heroeswiki.
2) Her name is misspelled. It's "Candace Willmer", not "Candice Wilmer". EditingManiac (contribs) 21:06, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Heroeswiki is hardly a canonical source - I'll point you to [1] where it even says the official NBC spelling is "Candice Wilmer". Also, Heroeswiki is a wiki, stuff can't be plagiarized from there. --Pentasyllabic 21:33, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
No, I'm not using that site as a canonical source. It is spelled "Candace Willmer" on the list, thus that is how it should be spelled. And NBC frequently gets stuff wrong. Examples: They spell Niki with two "K's", mix up the Haitian with D.L., thought Aron Malksy was the actor's name, and misspelled Eric Roberts as "Eric Robert". They're hardly reliable either. EditingManiac (contribs) 23:36, 3 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
No it's not. It's spelled "Candace Wi" on the list - there's no proof that they're even the same person (unless there's another "list" besides the one in "Homecoming" that I'm not aware of.) And making mistakes doesn't make NBC any less official. (Another example would be the misspelling of "Gitelman" with an extra 't' in the graphic novels.) --Pentasyllabic 02:39, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

See, on this view of the list, it's "Candace Willmer". Doesn't Wikipedia have any sort of canonicity policy? EditingManiac (contribs) 02:29, 5 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Well, that's interesting. I'll put my comments on hold for now - does anyone else have a say on what to do with her name? --Pentasyllabic 02:43, 6 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Candace is the misspelling. In the episode "The Hard Part", when the scene changes to Micah, the subtitle states "Micah and Candice." Since we have both in and out of universe evidence of Candice, I'd say that was the correct spelling. Jacobshaven3 08:51, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

"Landslide" also describes them as "Micah Sanders and Candice". All of NBC's official recaps spell her name "Candice". One typo one "the List" does not override the on-screen and online spellings of her name. The "list" version is the typo. - SigmaEpsilonΣΕ 03:12, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Removal of Power Note

  • In the episode ".07%", the special effect used to show Candice's power has changed. Previously, it was shown as a "shimmery" effect that impacted much of the area around her. Now, it is shown as a "morph" effect that affects only her. Similarly, in the future depicted in the episode "Five Years Gone", Sylar, using Candice's power to pose as Nathan Petrelli, removes his disguise, and a simple morph effect is used.

The above note is, to me, null en void. Candice's power shimmers when she's effecting her surroundings. For instance, when she's hiding a group of people or hiding a dead body. When it's only her she's hiding, her body morphs. Thats not a change of effect, it's just because of the way she's using her power. Jacobshaven3 17:31, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

They have changed in episode 18 when she stops being mrs bennet the same effects happen and the backgrounds the same, so im adding it back. Srstorey

Urm, the background isn't the same. She's hiding Johnson et al from view... I'll wait a day or so before removing again to prevent an edit war. Jacobshaven3 09:14, 6 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ignore comment, just re-watched and she isn't hiding them, my bad. Jacobshaven3 09:19, 6 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Here is a good comparison of the two effects. - LeonWhite 22:47, 3 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]



In Landslide shes talking to Micah and says that she was rejected be other becuase the way she was born, would this ,mean she has a horrible birthmark- RREDD13 23:40, 21 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Possibly, but it is more likely that she was rejected by others because she was overweight or obese. Earlier in that episode, she mentions that she is "huge" too, possibly alerting to the fact that her current image is a false one. - Kmann108 03:29, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • I noticed that an editor removed "speculation" about her appearance, even though the suggestion she might be a) obese or b) African-American is clearly stated in dialogue. 16:34, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It is speculation... and will have to wait for some sort of proof. (Furthermore, don't forget that when she was knoced out by Niki, she retained her "Missy Peregrym look" - despite all of her other illusions disappearing.) --Ckatzchatspy 18:44, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
There is an implication the image that we see is not her natural appearance, and that her natural appearance is "less attractive" than the appearance we see on the screen. It's also possible that it really is her natural appearance, and that she has a distorted view of her own appearance.--RLent 21:10, 29 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
According to my own opinion, I'm obese, however others don't think so... Candice says she's fat, but when knocked out her illusions vanished and she became her, therefore it seems realistic that the Candice we know is the real body. Jacobshaven3 03:38, 30 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Candice states that she is overweight. Going by her statements and the info in the graphic novels, evidence shows that she is obese. It would be speculation to conclude that she isn't. Ophois 19:41, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, but it is actually speculation to presume that she is. The text that was added (and since removed) makes it appear as if it is a fact that Candice should look like a grown-up Betty - girth and all. However, we have no proof of that. As was mentioned earlier, many people consider themselves "fat" even when they are not. Could Candice be perpetuating an illusion to disguise an oversized "Betty-ness"? Possibly. Could she have worked hard to get in shape, leaving behind the look that caused her so much pain in school? Again, possibly. We don't know which one is correct, and as such we have to leave the text in a neutral form, explaining what we do know. --Ckatzchatspy 20:52, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Candice specifically states that she is "huge". Ophois 21:36, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thing is, if we're going to speculate as to what is "under her skin" (so to speak), then we have to question a lot of other things. For one thing, If Candice really is huge (as opposed to "huge"), then how does she move so quickly and fight so well? It is similar to the case of Angela Petrelli - she made broad hints as to being "special", but we have no concrete proof. The same is true in this situation. --Ckatzchatspy 21:43, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
When has she moved quickly? If she has, her illusion powers would allow her to look like she is (cover up sweat and panting). With Angela, she has only hinted that she has a power. Candice has come right out and said that she is overweight. Ophois 23:05, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
The fight with Niki. Again, we have *no verifiable proof* that she is obese and covering it up. We have *no verifiable proof* that she isn't obese. We can only report what we know, and cannot draw any conclusions from it. (Remember the debate over Sylar, Peter, and the fire/ice battle?) --Ckatzchatspy 23:11, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
What we know is what Candice said. If trusting what a character says is speculation, then we're going to have to go through a lot of pages and remove a lot of stuff. Ophois 23:24, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
That's not quite accurate. If Peter said, "I can fly" - but we never actually see him fly - we can't claim he actually has the power of flight. We can only say that he claims to be able to fly. (Unless, of course, Tim Kring goes on record as stating that Peter has the power.) We a) know that Candice/Betty was obese as a teenager; b) know that Candice has the power of illusion, and has used it to disguise herself; c) know that Candice has said she is "huge" (or fat or whatever). We do not, however, know for certain what she meant by that statement - whether it was a fact, a personal feeling, or whatever. We also do not know if Candice is currently using her power of illusion to disguise her true shape. Yes, she was obese, and says that she is "huge"; we could conclude that she is in disguise. Yet, when her illusion collapses when she passes out, her body doesn't change at all. Isn't it just as speculative - if not more so - to conclude that she is able to maintain one particular illusion while unconscious when evidence shows that the others collapse? --Ckatzchatspy 23:54, 3 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Okay. All logic points to her currently being overweight, but I understand what you're saying and can't argue. Ophois 01:33, 4 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Actualy, all logic points to her true form being that of the actress who plays her, as the illusion used to disguise herself would have collapsed with the others when she was knocked unconcious.



As of issue #39 of the online comic, there is widespread speculation that the new character introduced in the comic 'Betty' is a high school aged Candace. Candace has made mention of being overweight, but that alone does not suffice as evidence that Candace & Betty are one and the same. There is no substantial evidence to support this at this time, and as such it should not be treated as fact or canon. Goetzathome 19:00, 26 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

They appear to have the same power. But I agree, it should wait until it's revealed. Ophois 20:06, 26 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
The reality is that it probably is Candace. Appears to be the same power, physical condition has been hinted at, etc. etc. However, what we need is verifiability, which requires waiting until the 'book uses the name "Candace". --Ckatzchatspy 20:12, 26 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
They actually look quite similar, too; Betty seems to be drawn as an obese, goth, acned version of Missy Peregrym. And Betty's violent fantasies, which the comic alludes to, align with Candice's cruel humour and oft-stated desire to create traumatically horrifying illusions. But, agreed, we still need to wait for confirmation. Westacular 02:35, 27 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Agreed. It's very likely her but it shouldn't go in until an interview says so or its eventually reviewed (I assume part 4). (Rekija 05:28, 28 June 2007 (UTC))[reply]
Are we taking bets? Put me down for $200k on Betty is Candice. But the real question is how she got in shape since she didn't revert after being knocked out by Nikki. 09:46, 4 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I believe she is Betty how she is overweight,mentions that she has been rejected,and has the same powers, but there is no conclusive proof.I say we put a speculation section or something and tell how she is thought to be Betty.Parralax 18:39, 4 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Speculation is against Wikipedia, best thing to do is omit it until further proof. As an "against" Betty being Candice, Candice reverted to the form we know her as. If she was only hiding her weight by illusion she'd revert to an Obese Candice form... makes me think she must have dieted and used her powers if they are one and the same... Jacobshaven3 22:21, 5 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Her illusion powers could retain even when she is unconsious, and by speculation i meant something like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impossible_Man#A_Mxy-Up_Between_Universes.3F Parralax 02:23, 6 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Since general consensus is that we ought to wait for proof it's candice I propose we add to the trivia section that her powers are similar to candice's. Let people draw their own conclusions instead of posting speculation. I think this will also deter anyone from adding the information since it shows the similarity is known, just not posted. I myself was moments away from adding it, since nothing showed on the page about betty. Isandriel 04:08, 11 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

<Reset Indent> When knocked out she lost the illusion of Micah dead and of her "Jessica" form. If unconscious she couldn't choose to activate one illusion onto another, since that would require conscious thought... Jacobshaven3 11:04, 10 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

How do you know how here ability works? It's nowhere said that she can't keep up an illusion when unconcious. Betty might be keeping up her Candice illusion for such a long time now, that it became her "default" appearance without the need of thinking about it. aGuest
Could be that she was overweight during her adolescence and as she grew older she lost weight, etc. Just because she (assuming Candace/Candice and Betty are the same) was overweight doesn't mean she still is. (guest)

For those of you who didnt think Betty and Candice were one in the same HA! As revealed in the Betty Part 4 Betty and Candice are one and the same! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

What's your point? It was never a "Yes"/"No" battle, merely an acknowledgment of the need for verifiable proof. Part 4 provides that proof, so in it goes. --Ckatzchatspy 20:53, 18 July 2007 (UTC

Can we get a picture of Betty to put on the page-RREDD13 22:28, 18 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Candice vs. Candace


The latest graphic novel clearly spells it "Candice". Is that enough to settle on that spelling? -dws90 16:53, 17 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I think it is. These graphic novels are made by NBC, so you assume they're cannon. If they weren't cannon, how do we know for sure that Betty is Candice? ThePoorGuy 14:30, 22 July 2007 (UTC

I made this page


months agooooo srstorey



The name of actress who plays Betty (or Candice's true self) should be mentioned in the article. Lore aura 15:38, 9 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Candice's body


This is just a question, since I didn't see the scene too closely--did Sylar "analyze" Candice correctly? From what I saw, it certainly looked like her head was intact. . . . [Whether he did it "properly" or not is worth mentioning, if not here, then in Sylar's article.] Samer 20:06, 10 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I agree. He didn't have his TK though, so he may have to do it differently (we never if he actually removed the brain from his first victim, either).Ophois 20:37, 10 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]
For all we know, the makers of the show could decide down the line to bring her back (Even with another actress, it's not like the character ties them to a single one) and just say that Sylar's whole experience of killing her was another illusion (Hence him not being able to use her power) - Until we see him figure a way to use it, or see him use another power but not manage to use hers, we don't know if he did the job properly or not. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:28, 17 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]
One of the writers stated that she is dead.Ophois 05:06, 18 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Betty Image


This article ought to have an image of Candice in her true form as Betty from the webcomic. I would upload this one but I'm not sure what license would fit it. --Is this fact...? 19:36, 12 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

True appearance


The article states Candice's two forms, one when she was knocked unconscious by Niki and the other when she was killed by Sylar. Is there any explanation about why she looks different in these two situations, i.e., does this indicate something fundamental about her abilities (i.e., her power works even when she's unconscious, but not when she's dead)? Or is this simply a production oversight? — Loadmaster 23:32, 15 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Fair use rationale for Image:Candace.jpgImage-Example.jpg


Image:Candace.jpgImage-Example.jpg is being used on this article. I notice the image page specifies that the image is being used under fair use but there is no explanation or rationale as to why its use in this Wikipedia article constitutes fair use. In addition to the boilerplate fair use template, you must also write out on the image description page a specific explanation or rationale for why using this image in each article is consistent with fair use.

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BetacommandBot 06:21, 27 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Does anyone else think this page should be merged into the List of Heroes characters with special abilities page? I'm suggesting it because I believe this article was created rather hastily- the 19th of March, I believe, only two weeks or so after Parasite aired and her second appearance in the show. Just a suggestion, we'll talk about it. The no erz (talk) 04:27, 20 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

no merge. i dont agree with this merge--Chrisisinchrist (talk) 20:20, 10 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Given that the character honestly played a relatively small role in the series (and one that presumably has run its course), I would say this article probably should be merged. Candice is considerably less important overall than other characters that haven't warranted their own entries. (talk) 01:12, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Merge. She was a plot device, not a really important character. QuasiAbstract (talk) 10:28, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Merge of course. From the 4 photos I think we have to keep they one in which she shapeshifts. This can be put in the main article with no problem. -- Magioladitis (talk) 10:45, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]