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Talk:Beauce, Quebec

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Whoever wrote the article about Beauce, Quebec should be precluded from having internet access, dangerous weapons, and credit cards because he or she is not only insulting but appears to lack any ability for rational thought. As a Beauceron (and proud of it) I would take offense to being described as having attributes "similar to redneck or white trash stereotypes in the United States" except that I understand that people are unable to describe what they are too intellectually inferior to understand. I would also like to know who or what informed this writer of the strong sense of community that is built around corn festivals. There are few, if any, corn festivals happening in the Beauce and they certainly could not be considered a distinguishing aspect of Beauce culture.

To respond to the implication of the article that the residents of Beauce county consume large quantities of drugs, and that they are tolerated by police is beneath me. This is sheer fabrication and slanderous at best (simply stupid at worst). Before publishing information of this type one should have documented statistics to confirm the information. No sources of this information are given because none exist.

To the author of this article, I say "'tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"

I know where your comming from!!


I know exactly where your comming from I myself am a beauceron (St. Prosper). I currently reside in Van Buren Maine, and am an English teacher. This article is complete bogus. I think they should put a monitor on this site to control what is being posted. I am also really offended by what "crap" has been put on here about Beauce. Thank You For Agreeing. (HaHaHa to the comments made about the sharp objects and internet access)

Beauce Pride!!! EH