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Talk:Battle of Mosul (2016)/map

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Early sources

  • http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/10/17/world/middleeast/iraq-mosul-isis-map.html -- last update : 2016/11/02
  • https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/latest-battlefield-map-mosul/ -- last update : 2016/10/31
  • http://rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/021120162 -- last update for text : 2016/11/22, last update for map : ???
  • Bataille de Mossoul : le recul de l’Etat islamique cartographié jour par jour

Data (major advances)


Please help us to complete this table with key victories. Namely, we need the villages or districts names, dates. If possible with sources. Map makers will use these data to draw dated control-lines.

Front Village / districts[1] Date & reference Event
Generalist Initial positions. 10/17[2] Initial positions.
East Bashika ... Pershmerga victory
South Baghdede ... Iraqi army victory
North Tel Keppe ... Besieged by Iraqi Army
West Western front offensive ... Iraqi Militia victories
West Tal-afar military base 11/16[3] Iraqi Militia victory over ISIS
S.East Qaryat as Salamiyah 11/20 Iraqi Army victory
East? (Muharabeen, Ulama/Ulamaa neighborhoods (adjacent to Tahrir neighborhood)) 11/20[4] Iraqi Militia (PMF) victory
West Raqqa-Mosul road cut
note: 3,000 families left Tal Afar, half to Syria, half northward to Kurds
11/23[5] Iraqi Militia victory over ISIS
South-East Hawsalat; Tawajina, Qarat Tapa,Yarghinti ; not:Julukhan 11/2-23[6] Iraqi Army victories
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