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I was caught unawares when I read this line in the intro:

"The main characters are Bambi, the young homophobic roe deer prince of the forest..."

I thought maybe I'd missed something - is Bambi homophobic? Recurring (talk) 14:43, 2 November 2006 (UTC) It looks like that's some vandalism that occured. That'd be weird if there were homophobic overtones to the film. Benfergy (talk) 04:00, 3 November 2006 (UTC) LOL!That's HILAROULS!Bambi:the deer who's afraid of gay people!Also,another vandalism occured under "Soundtrack Listing":"Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song.Which means Bambi is a gay deer......"LOL,LOL,LOL! (talk) 14:01, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

Too Much Trivia and Not Enough Citations

This article lacks a definite amount of citations, and alot of it seems to be POV. Also, the trivia section really needs to be cut down, added into the article, and is lacking alot of citations as well. Disinclination 05:55, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

Who Killed Bambi?

Who did it? and why isn't it mentioned in the article? - Deathrocker 13:55, 23 February 2007 (UTC) It wasn't Bambi who got killed, it was his mother. He does get shot, but only temporarily. He finally gets to his feet, after some coaxing from his father. MHarrington 22:15, 17 March 2007 (UTC) No one technically killed Bambi. It's the Sex Pistols, remember. Twitterpated. (talk) 22:42, 5 January 2008 (UTC)


Strictly from memory - actually aided memory, I was less than 10 years old at the time. It is my remembrance that Bambi was premiered in the small Lincoln Theater in Damariscotta Maine and I was at that premier. One of the Disney animators was from Maine, and was influential in the selecting of Bambi as an animated production, and 'I have heard' that s was he, as one familiar with white tailed deer, who urged the change of species[Added: and location, to New England, specifically Maine]. The word at least in my area of Maine was that Disney, as a way of thanking that animator [I will get the name] did the Damariscotta Maine premier. Can anyone confirm this or blow away one of my childhood 'memories'?--Dumarest 12:49, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Knew I would remember - the person who talked to Walt was a Maurice "Jake" Day, illustrator from Damariscotta Maine. By the way, my wife also remembers that 'premier'. --Dumarest 14:35, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Trivia Section

Since wikipedia does not advocate lists of trivia in articles, I'd like to suggest that we comb through the list and separate the entries into two catageories: Notable facts which should be facts about the film and, Bambi in popular culture which should be just that, references to Bambi in popular culture. Anything not fitting into one or the other should be deleted or integrated into a section of the article. Anyone agree?LiPollis 22:57, 17 April 2007 (UTC)

That's actually not a bad idea at all.Twitterpated. (talk) 22:43, 5 January 2008 (UTC)

Alleged errors

"The 4th also occurs on the meadow. When Faline and her mother are running away from Man,the other deer in the shot change colors." This is surely not an error but made on purpose. This color-shifting techique was used in "Bambi" to focus the attention of the audience to the main-characters.

About the color thing,if that was the reason than I'm sorry because the DVD came out when I was in 3rd grade and ever seen we moved accross the street last year,I've lost both it and the Masterpiece copies I have.So,now I only have my Classics Video Version and in 4th grade,I stopped watching the movie because I'd watched it a Millon times and I didn't watch it again untill after we'd moved. So that's why I'd forgotten that they changed colors in all versens.

"There is also another error in the scene in 'Bambi' when it's snowing heavily and he has just lost his mother.In that scene, after the Great Prince says 'come, my son' and they are both walking away, you can see the Great Prince's mouth move just a little bit, even though he isn't saying anything.This is because the original script for this scene had more dialog, but was later changed."

No other source about the movie "Bambi" of the last 64 years, only this very new little preview of "Bambi II" on the 2005 DVD-Edition of "Bambi" contains this claim. It was not even mentioned in the "Making of..."-documentation on the second DVD of the Platinium Edition of "Bambi", in spite that this documentation shows us a huge lot of planned, and later cancelled scenes (The bee in Bambi's stomach, the dead hunter, the ants, the cricket and so on...). So why is it that we have no info about this (alleged) important, but later cancelled part of the movie in the DVD-documentation? Even the book "Walt Disney's Bambi - The story and the Film" written by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, two of "Disney's Nine old Man" and two of the most important artists that worked on "Bambi" did not mentioned here something. And this book shows us a huge lot of planned and later cancelled scenes and ideas too. For example:"Did you know, that it was seriously discussed to kill Thumper in an earlier version of the film???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Dialogue and music (this was mentioned in the DVD-documentation too) was planned before the making of the final cel-drawings started. So the cels of the movie are painted after the planned dialogue was already complete. This is sometimes vice versa to the work on life-action movies, but common for feature films.

An animated movie was created in a different way than a life action film. The artists didn't draw and paint complete scenes,dozens,maybe even hundreds or more workers' works for weeks, months, and later it was cut out in minutes and thrown away?! When scenes are cancelled, the scenes looks more like a storyboard (like the two deleted scenes show on the DVD-documentation). In this phase of work falls the decison to cancel or to use a scene. When it shall be used, the workers start now to draw in-between pictures and paint and color the final cels. To cancel a scene when it was completed, is throwing a lot on money out of the window! Far more money than to cancel a scene of a life action film. This was confirmed in the book "Walt Disney's Bambi - The story and the Film" too: Thomas and Johnston mantioned, that all already completed animation work was finally used. Only earlier scenes, still only concept-drawings,are cancelled. But,if you look on the end of the scene,you can really see the Great Prince moving his mouth without saying anything.So what the heck is going on here?!

This had nothing in common with an alleged "deleted dialogue". The moving of the mouth of Bambi's dad without saying something is only about a second. How many alleged dialogue will fit in this time? Here is simply the audio/video unsynchronized. See the end of this seminal scene again: The audio signal starts approx. a second before the video signal. I guess, the sentence "Your mother can't be with you anymore" shall start with the "camera" showing only Bambi, but audio starts already when the Great Prince was still showen approx. 1 second (saying "Your mother...", but without moving his mouth here!! Another proof that only audio/video is unsynchronized), and then follow the cut and the next shot show us Bambi and the audio was completed with "...can't be with your any more".

The unsynchronized audio/video follows up now until the end of the scene. And the great Prince says "Come" (the "camera" already holds on Bambi now, when it shall change to the great prince, or vice versa, tha audio starts 1 second earlier than the changing of the scene). The following "My Son" was now in the mouth-moving that was drawn for the dialogue-part "Come" and the mouth-moving for the part "my son" was now left without any dialogue. This is the claimed "missing dialogue"! Nothing more! After this, both vanished in the snowstorm,saying nothing (and not moving there mouths) more until the end of the scene.

Gender Confusion

I think it's appropriate to add a section to the main article regarding a common misconception that (the young) Bambi was female. Bambi, now a girl's name too, is a reference to the character's gentle nature and delight in playing the fields and with friends. Note the following quote from Stan Grossfield in the Boston Globe 10/12/07, referencing a hunter

He wants a 10-point buck looking for a mate, not Bambi with her babies nearby. "I'd be reluctant to shoot mothers that produce bucks," he says.

Purplemouse 12:22, 12 October 2007 (UTC)

Disney itself acknowledges the gender confusion of Bambi's name in Bambi II when Ronno says to Bambi "I thought that was a girl's name." Lighthope 06:22, 31 October 2007 (UTC)

It doesn't strike me as noteworthy enough for a new section. The movie (and the article) make Bambi's gender clear dozens of times over.Any gender ambiguity comes from pure ignorance. (talk) 02:52, 26 December 2007 (UTC) "Disney itself acknowledges the gender confusion of Bambi's name in Bambi II when Ronno says to Bambi 'I thought that was a girl's name.'"He just said that to make Bambi mad because he's a bully,not to acknowledge the gender confusion of Bambi's name.Also,I agree with quote was:"Bambi?Isn't that a girl's name?Ah,ha,ha!" 19:59, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Re-release in 2012?

I heard that there will be a re-release of Bambi in theaters worldwide in 2012. Can anyone cerify whether this is true? Thanks! User: Ken Seng1991 15:02, 14 June 2008 (UTC)

There was a trailer on Youtube,but it was made by a fan of the film,and the poster said that the trailer was fake.Basiclly,they want Disney to re-release the film,but it probably won't happen,as Disney cancaled the IMAX plan.I,too,am a fan,and,if you're reading this,Disney,I just want to say this:PLEASE RE-RELEASE BAMBI,OR AT LEAST RELEASE IT ON DISNEY BLU-RAY DISK! 19:59, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

The Death of Bambi's mother

An anonymous person re-added the section which discusses the impact of the death of Bambi's mother on the culture. However, the section is poorly written, has no citations, and is more of a personal analysis than an encyclopaedic article, going so far as to draw conclusions without supporting documentation. I have read numerous articles in the past about Bambi and the article is fairly accurate concerning the cultural impact, but it's lack of sources damns the article to the bin of OR. Anyone here want to take a whack at digging up some citations or rewriting the section so it is more appropriate to Wiki? Lighthope (talk) 18:08, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

I'm the one who re-added the section.I did this because it was deleted in September 2007 and I didn't think that was fair.So,by going to the revision that was made right before it was deleted,I found it and cut-and-pasted it to the article.The person who deleted it was also anonymous,but the edit was never undone.Now I know why.Apperenty the other editers thought that the section was so badly worded that it was unneccery to undo its deletion.I think this article needs some serious work!I also posted above the section "Re-release in 2012?"(which is above this section) the following:"==The German Version of this article== This is my favorite Disney movie of all time,and I am super jealous of the German Version of this article!!!!!!It is Featured Article Class!!!!I'm surprised that this version is rated C-Class because I'd rate it Start Class.This article just dosen't do it(the film) any justise!The origanal book was by Felix Salten,who was Austrian,so that could be the reson why the German article is so awesome.(they speak Geman)WikiProject Echo should iditify this article as a foreign languge featured article!We should use info from that version of the article to improve this version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Anyone else agree?(P.S.Here's a link to that version:[1]"Well,now I can remove that section(because now it's right here and because no one replied)that's exactly what I did.When I re-added the section "The Death of Bambi's mother",I also re-added "Errors in Bambi's Animation" "Controversy"(from a revision dated Octobor 2005),the first half of the plot summery,and a "Trivia" section from June 22,2008.I found another trivia section on simple:Bambi,dated April 2008.It was removed but I went to that revison and cut-and-pasted the little fact it had on it onto the current Trivia section for this Wikipedia's "Bambi" article.It's so awesome that we have history pages so that anyone (who knows how) can cut-and-paste old removed sections from old revisions onto the new revision!It's even more awesome that we have talk pages so that whenever there's a problem,we can slove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 19:59, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

I can't read German, so I don't know what the article says. I don't think the English article is too bad.It certainly attempts to stay away from analysis, which is not appropriate in an encyclopaedia unless it is referencing outside sources. Which is what is wrong with the Death of Bambi's Mother section you re-added. Which is probably why it was deleted in the first place. I agree it is necessary to the Bambi page, but really needs reworking.

I'm also not sure I like the simple list of animation errors that was re-introduced, either. Seems trivial even for trivia. And I have no problem with trivia, per se. Perhaps that section can be cleaned up to be more presentable, perhaps? Lighthope (talk) 21:07, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for the reply!I was worried you'd delete this post and say "removed vandalism".I don't know German,either,but Bambi II's talk page says "WikiProject Echo has identified Bambi II as a foreign language featured article. You may be able to improve this article with information from the Russian language Wikipedia.",so that's where I got the idea.Also,the talk page for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) says

"WikiProject Echo has identified Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film) as a foreign language featured article. You may be able to improve this article with information from the Swedish language Wikipedia."All that I meant was when I saw that article I was amazaed and,Bambi being my favorite film of all time,was jealous because Bambi desereves an English article every bit as awesome as the German one.Don't get me wrong,I like the Engilsh one,(especially after I found these new sections)but I think the German one is overwhemingly awesome!When you go to the Dansk(Danish) Bambi,it lists the Deutsch(German)article as a featured good article,or should I say "Denne artikel er markeret som en god artikel".Seeing that made me write about this.Plus, I was bored and noticed that this talk page was in a slump(nobody was starting a new topic)so I wrote about Featured Article Class.I also removed two sections when I wrote that topic:The first I removed was anonther section that was started by me to break a slump was "Bambi/Lion King Simlirites".I removed it because it was no longer neccery.I hope someone else can go to The Land Before Time,The Lion King,and The Fox and the Hound (film) and say they were ispired by Bambi. The second section I removed was an unneccery section called "Bambi:Bambi II".Boy,I talk alot!I jusst have lots to say,I guess.One last thing:I think we need a secction on the reception of the film,like the German one.On that version,it has a quote from Uncle Walt himself:

"I don’t believe in playing down to children, either in life or in motion pictures. I didn’t treat my own youngsters like fragile flowers, and I think no parent should. Children are people, and they should have to reach to learn about things, to understand things, just as adults have to reach if they want to grow in mental stature. Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows. Most things are good, and they are the strongest things; but there are evil things too, and you are not doing a child a favor by trying to shield him from reality. The important thing is to teach a child that good can always triumph over evil, and that is what our pictures attempt to do."

"Ich halte nichts davon, Kindern nur die Harmlosigkeiten zu zeigen, sei es im richtigen Leben oder im Film. Auch meine eigenen Kinder behandele ich nicht wie empfindliche Blumen und ich denke, niemand sollte dies tun. Kinder sind Menschen, und sie sollten die Möglichkeit haben, Dinge zu lernen, Dinge zu verstehen, genau so wie Erwachsene diese Möglichkeit des Lernens haben, wenn sie sich mental weiterentwickeln wollen. Das Leben besteht aus Licht- und Schattenseiten. Und wir wären unehrlich, unaufrichtig und versüßlichend, wenn wir gegenüber unseren Kindern so tun, als ob es diese Schattenseiten nicht gibt. Viele Dinge sind gut, und dies sind die stärksten Dinge, aber es gibt auch böse Dinge und wir tun unseren Kindern keinen Gefallen, wenn wir sie vor der Realität abschirmen. Das wichtige ist, unseren Kinder zu lehren, dass das Gute immer über das Böse triumphieren kann. Und genau das ist es, was ich mit meinen Filmen versuche."

And I know this is an encyclopedia.but I think we should meation how well-recived the film is.On Rotten Tomatoes( that's a movie rating cite,BTW),it has an 87% approval rating.Like the Fantasia (film) article,which has a section about its follow-up,Fantasia 2000,we need a section about Bambi's follow-up,Bambi II. Also,I agree the Errors section is trivial,and it's also OR(even where I found it,it said "Origanal Research")but I wouldn't mind editing and pasting it the trivia,either,as long as you approve. (talk) 00:03, 11 July 2008 (UTC)

This section has gone way beyond it's stated focus. If you want to talk about other improvements to the article, best to keep them in the relevant section or start a new section. Lighthope (talk) 05:09, 13 July 2008 (UTC)

Sorry about talking so much.I have lots to say.I suck,don't I?Whenever I say alota stuff,it means I have alota time on my hands.The more I say,the more time I have on my hands.I had lot to though these past 5 days.I've been going to a music camp at my church,but now it's Friday,so I have some time.Also,the power's been going out at my house,and I had to study my songs for the musical.But now it's the weekend,so I'm back and the power's now fixed. (talk) 21:29, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

I have now figured out how to tag the article as a foreign language featured article.It is now a featured article in Geman. (talk) 20:19, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

Soundtrack info

I'm not sure why some people are saying that soundtrack information for a movie does not belong on the movie page. This is how it is with most movies on Wikipedia, so again I'm not sure how this movie is different from all the others. As for the source material, it was gathered from the DVD itself and from http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Bambi_(film), so either this wiki page is not sourced right or the other wiki page is not sourced right.

Just wanting consistency, that's all.


Kyndcat —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:19, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

A wikia is not a valid source, period, and this is NOT the Disney wikia, it is Wikipedia and we have actual editing guidelines. The stuff being added after the tracklisting has no encyclopedic value or relevance here. Two statements are about other CDs, not this film. The other two are unsourced and require sourcing as they are extraordinary claims. -- Collectonian (talk · contribs) 18:25, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

Mistake in the Plot Section

The first paragraph of the plot section currently reads:


A doe gives birth to a fawn in the thicket whom she names Bambi. After he learns to walk, Bambi befriends Thumper, a young rabbit, and while learning to talk he meets Flower, a young skunk. One day his mother takes him to the meadow, a place that is both wonderful and frightening. There he meets Faline, a doe-fawn, and his father, the Great Prince of the Forest. It is also during this visit that Bambi has his first encounter with man, who causes all the animals to flee the meadow. During a harsh winter, Bambi and his mother go to the meadow and discover a patch of new grass, hearalding the arrival of spring. As they eat, his mother senses a hunter and orders Bambi to flee. As they run, gun shots ring out. When Bambi arrives at their thicket, he discovers his mother is no longer with him. He wanders the forest calling for her, but she doesn't answer. His father appears in front of him and tells Bambi that his mother "can't be with him anymore," then leads him away.

The last sentance should be changed to: His father appears in front of him and tells Bambi that his mother "can't be with you anymore," then leads Bambi away.

When you are quoting one person speaking to another, and you put the text in quotes, you must accurately quote what was said, and in this case, in the movie, the Great Prince of the Forest said to Bambi, "Your mother can't be with you anymore." So that should be corrected in the article. Ckletter (talk) 07:15, 21 September 2008 (UTC)September 20, 2008 Cary Kletter

You know, you could have edited it to correct that yourself, right? :) You are correct that it should match the film, so I've fixed it. -- Collectonian (talk · contribs) 07:16, 21 September 2008 (UTC)


The sentence "That night, Bambi is awoken by the smell of smoke." at the beginning of the third paragraph in the plot section should read sth. like "That night, Bambi is awoken by the sound of hunting horns." (talk) 11:08, 27 September 2008 (UTC)

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