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Dhanvanthari or Dhanvantari is the god of ayurvedic medicine. Why is there a picture of Brahma on this page?? Removing picture of brahma and replacing with dhanvantri. This page makes no mention of dhanvantri which is very very strange --Kaushal mehta 09:40, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

wrong sentence

"Several renowned practitioners of Āyurveda who follow the traditional system of Āyurvedic sciences exist in India. But it is still practiced today."

This sentence appears to be wrong... shouldn't it be "Several renowned practitioners of Āyurveda who follow the traditional system of Āyurvedic sciences exist in India AND it is still practiced today."

POV charges

Hindu medicine is archiac and Ayurveda is Buddhist?

I have removed the reference to Hinduism from Ayurveda. Ayurveda has nothing to do with it. It was developed under the patronge of Emperor Kanishka who was a Buddhist ruler. The comments I have added regarding the development and the death of Ayurveda are taken from the introduction of the book "Preventive and Social Medicine" by Dr Park. It is a standard syllabus book for those Doctors pursuing MBBS in India.

I request Wiki to remove this Topic from WikiProject Hinduism. Usurping Ayurveda and calling it a Part of hinduism is a cunning tactic of the Bhramins to cover their crimes. - Yeditor

Yeditor, please sign your comments using two dashes (--) and 4 tilde (~). I think your recent edits are very strong point of views, I would recommend considering Wikipedia:NPOV, Wikipedia:Citing sources as you edit some articles. As for your delinking Hinduism from Ayurveda and ascribing Buddhist patronage to it, it is a theory at most. Please see [1] for theories about Charakas identity (even if he was 'possibly' under Kanishkas patronage, he was still Hindu). See [2] for pre-Charaka history of Ayurveda and its mention in the Vedas. --Pranathi 18:37, 4 April 2006 (UTC)

Reverting back to Ayurveda development and death

I am reverting back to ayurveda's development and death. Pranathi in his/her zeal to usurp medicine and make it a part of the Hindu religion forgets that Emperor Kanishka and his doctor Charaka belonged to the Kushan dynasty. There is no relation of the Kushans with any vedic people. Please remember that the word 'Hindu' did not exist at that time. You cannot find the word 'Hindu' in any indian literature before the Mughal invasion.

Moreover, you cannot dispute that Ayurveda system in India died before its revival by Govt of India. One dosent have to be a student of history to understand the reasons for the Death of medicine. They are common all over the world --YeditorYeditor 14:51, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

Traditional name is Vedika Dharma and Sanatana Dharma, today it's popular modern name is Hindu Dharma. What's the problem here? -Holy Ganga 17:28, 9 April 2006 (UTC)
Yeditor, instead of assigning motives to other editors, please show references for your statements. Also, you have not commented on my references or comments. I am placing a POV label on the page until we can civilly reach an agreement, backed up with references.
The death of Ayurveda section is highly speculative, unencyclopedic and at most a single point of view (for instance see [3] for british records of education in 18th century India). Literacy rates were low even in Europe before industrial revolution & start of public education changed that in the mid-19th century. For example, in England in 1841, 33% of men and 44% of women signed marriage certificates with their mark as they were unable to write, leave alone learn medicine. The section rambles on with possible reasons most of which are unreferenced and POV. I think the whole section can be replaced with one sentence about how Ayurvedic practice declined in the past few centuries until its revival by the Indian govt. --Pranathi 18:33, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
Since there is no response (and no references), I am reverting Yeditors changes.--Pranathi 03:14, 24 April 2006 (UTC)
Good move. I applaud my "fellow Hindu vandals".Bakaman Bakatalk 19:03, 17 August 2006 (UTC)

Expanding the article

How does one expand the article, with new sections, pages etc?

The article have many lacunie and many important contents have been left and not included honestly. Misunderstanding and question of the scientificity of the AYURVED is arosed by the sincere persons are obvious. "AYURVED is a complete science" and this fact should be accepted. I am practicing Ayurved since 40 years with great success. My patients are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikkha and others, taking regular treatment without any hesitation. The fact is that Ayurved have its own "AETIOLOGICAL" consideration, which is actually, known as TRIDOSHA,which are three in numbers. The equivalent and exact term of the TRIDOSHA is difficult to translate in English language. Tridosha are mainly three and in total combination makes seven, which is for the DIAGNOSIS and treatment purposes, according to the philosophy of Ayurved.Again Each Dosha have five kinds, which is total makes Fifteen. These Fifteen kinds makes "PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF DISEASES" of Human Body. Again SAPTA DHATU is considered. Sapta Dhatu are seven in numbers. The Concept of Sapta Dhatu is considered equivalentto "PATHOLOGICAL BASIS OF DISEASES".Again Three MALAS are taken into consideration, which is considered eqvivalent to "KETABOLIC PRODUCTS". Consideration of Agni [Digestive fire], Prakrati, Oaj, Sampoorna Oaj [Vital Force or Vital Power] etc taken for help in diagnosis and treatment of the disease.Few years back, a High-technology come in existence to Quantify the Status of TRIDOSHA,TRIDOSHA-BHED,SAPTA DHATU, OAJ, AGNI etc, known "ELECTRO-TRIDOSHA-GRAM/GRAPH", Ayurvedic whole body scan and which is prooved the ultimate Ayurvedic Diagnosis solutions in evidence based medicine form with diagnosis of the disease conditions.This technology have prooved the scientificity of Ayurved. It provides Diagnosis of the existence of TRIDOSHA, TRIDOSHA-BHED, SAPTA DHATU, MAL, AGNI, OAJ report in Data form, Graphically presentation, Original Trace records taken by ETG machine, Modern western diagnosis and summery of the case etc.


5 fundimental spins

Does anyone have any support for this claim?Geni 17:25, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)

"More than 6000 years old" - fact or fiction?

What do secular historians say to the claim that Ayurveda is 6000 years old? Fact or fiction? -- 12:51, 1 Oct 2004 (UTC)

I believe, Ayurveda originated with the Vedas but was consolidated and separated later. So I guess the age came from the age of the vedas.--Pranathi 00:41, 10 November 2005 (UTC)


I am not an expert of ayurveda... that is why I want to place a comment. What is the meaning of the word "humours" in the sentence: "but the formal doctrines of the three humours and other key ayurvedic ideas are first mentioned in the Buddhist Canonical literature."

Probably someone made a change.


 (from dictionary.com)
 Main Entry: hu·mor
 Variant: or chiefly British hu·mour /'hyü-m&r, 'yü-/
 Function: noun
 1 a : a normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid (as the blood or lymph)
   b : a secretion (as a hormone) that is an excitant of activity
 2 in ancient and medieval physiology : a fluid or juice of an animal or plant;
   specifically : one of the four fluids that were believed to enter into the
   constitution of the body and to determine by their relative proportions a
   person's health and temperament —see BLACK BILE, BLOOD 3, PHLEGM 1, YELLOW BILE

Humours is a British spelling...

Ideology defferences in Humor and Tridosha

One should keep in mind that Ayurvedic tridosha is very differ to the concept of humor. Unfortunatly tridosha is understood and translated as humor. Let us see the exact meaning of the humor in Stedman's electronic medical dictionary:

""humor; 1- any clear fluid or semifluid hyaline anatomic substances 2- one of the elemental body fluids that were the basis of the physiologic and pathologic teachings of the Hippocratic school, blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm

Humoral Doctrine: the ancient Greek theory of the four body humors [blood, yellow and black bile and phlegm] that determined health and diseases. The humors were associated with the four elements [air , fire, earth and water] which in tern paired with one of the qualities [hot, cold,dry and moist]. A proper and evenly balanced mixture of the humors charecterized health of body and mind, and an imperfect balance resulted in disease,Temperament of body and mind also was supported to be determined e.g. sanguine [blood], choleric [yellow bile] melancholic [black bile] or phlagmatic [phlegm]"".

From above dictionary statement clears about the misconception of humor and tridosha.Humor is concept of the Europeans, while Tridosha is the concept of the Indians.Hippocrates first introduced the philosophy of humor in Europe. Now the concept is only alive in Unani system of medicine, which consider humor in the same way as Hippocrates percieved.

The concept of Tridosha is concieved by the sages hundred thousands of years ago, when the knowledge was transferred by brain to brain and no written language was in existence.The philosophy of tridosha and the philosophy of Humor is very diffrent entirely and there is no co-relation because the basic approach is differ from the start.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:45 IST 18 June 2006

There is substantial evidence that the Greek medicine is an evolute of Ayurveda or perhaps that both are children of a "mother" system." Regardless, the use of the term "humor" is to elucidate these concepts within the "humoral" theory, to differentiate it from for e.g. the "biomedical" theory of modern medicine. What actually comprises a "humor" is best understood by those who practice this medicine, rather than quoting stedman's dictionary. I am sure there are better sources to understand what the term "curry" means than the Joy of Cooking. In Ayurveda rakta (blood) is sometimes considered to be a fourth dosha (humor), and therein lies the relationship between greek/unani and ayurveda. Lastly, one cannot understand what is meant by humor without understanding samkhya. But this article isn't about samkhya and so we are stuck with using a poorly defined english term.

  • First of all correct your knowledge about Tridosha. You have wrong concept of humor in your brain. You have not used your branial capacity to understand the Ayurvedic tridosha. It is the Unani medical system, which considers fourth concept of Rakta (Blood). Perhaps Unani have penetrated in your brain. In Ayurveda, only and only three doshas are considered. The Rakta (Blood)is a part of the SAPTA DHATUS (Seven Vital elements), which is related to the Ayurvedic Pathology and makes a concept of the Pathological basis of diseases. To undestand Ayurveda, one have to go for serious study of Ayurvedic Maulik Siddhanta, (Ayurvedic philosophy), then they will be able to understand and capable to compare, what is Tridosha and what is humor.

user:debbe 02 January 2007, 05:45 UTC


Can someone please write an article about Abhyangam (its an ayurvedic massage) - it would be useful to the ayurveda category (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Ayurveda).

Abhyang / Maalish / Massage

A disciplinary pressurised movemental rubbing of the body parts by hand is known abhyang. Abhyang is done by the plain hand with or without oil / fat / alcohol / medicated oil or by any other means. Almost the oil is used due to its easeness in movement by hand smoothly.

By use of massage, the blood circulation is increases. Thus the process of oxidation is increases in the tissue and cells of the body or body parts. The main effects of the massage especially is in the muscles, joints, circulatory nerves and arteries and autonomic nervous system. Massage reflects the strongness of muscles, increases skin texture, happyness in mood, increases Vata-nadi strength. Abhyanga is a sort of physical exercise, by which the benefit of exercise is obtained.

Use of Abhyang in diseases

There is several disease conditions where abhyang is very beneficial. Some of the disease conditions can be well managed for total cure by use of abhyanga.

In loss of blood / aneamia, whole body massage or part of the body or visceral massage is very beneficial. By massaging in these disease condition, Heamoglobin increases. Those who are suffering from muscular pain, aching, coldness of the extremeties, loss of flesh , emaciation abhyanga is beneficial to lessen the problems.

Those who are suffering from digestive disorders or digestive problems, like Mucous colitis, looseness of diaphragm, looseness of abdominal muscles, after abdominal surgery, after pregnancy, can be benefited by massage.

It is observed that in Emphysema, asthma, chronic bronchitis like disease conditions massage is helpful if it is done by the specially trained massage practitioner.

In Vatik Vikar massage is very beneficial. In Paralysis, infantile paralysis,neuritis, arthritis, fibrositis, any painful condition can be managed to get towards cure by massage therapy. But the massage should be done by the expert and tactful massage practitioner.

Prohibition of Abhyanga

Abhyanga is prohibited in some disease conditions. So massage should be avoided for the treatment or management purposes. In acute fever, nausea, vomiting, after enema, acute inflammatory conditons, acute emaciative disorders, severe skin disorders, phlebitis, lymphangitis, bonemarrow inflammation, gastri and dueodenal ulcers, nephritis, swelling of kidney, acute intestinal problems, these conditions should be not treated by the massage therapy.

Methods of Abhyanga

In olden time only oil is used prominently for massage. The practical approach and tactics of the massage therapy is transfered by family tradition passing one to others. However the description and details are not much available in Ayurvedic literature, except the direction of the uses of Ayurveda Oil. Abhyang is a subject based on the practical practice, in which the movement of the hand, posture of the patient, specific and individual technique of massage by the pressure of hand, which is individualised and changed from person to person experiences.Olden time the family tradition makes them experts for the massage therapy and therefore it seems that there is no need to tell the technique of massage, much depending upon the practice and experience.

Now today the condition is changed. Every subjects are seems to be evaluated on the logic and scientific backgrounds. Today the massage is directed by a difinite framed rules and technique, but it is very difficult to write the experiences in words. However a few techniques is as below:

  • Effleurage: Palm surface of the hand is used. By this frequent and fast movement of the hands in up and down / rounded movements are used. In one minute, 15 to 20 shakes should be given.
  • Petrissage: Griping up the muscles by the fingers, pressure them, tighten them and expand the muscles.
  • Friction: By palm surface is done. It is an easy way for massage which is used by the ordinary persons. But the massage therapist used this technoque in most effective way. Fingers, thumb is uses.
  • Percussion: Clapping, Tapping, Cupping, Hactking technique are used
  • Vibrations: vibration is produced from the use of shoulder of the therapist. Now electric vibrators can be used.

The massage should be started slowly and gradually, then speed of the massage gradually increses and similarly when finishes finally, gradually reduces. Sudden reduction may cause harm to patient. The body should be in the relax position and there should be no mental and physical tension.

Ayurvedic Oils

Ayurveda provides so many oils for the curing ailments of the body by use of massage. These oils are made from the best quality of the Black Til Oil, with the selected herbs according to the classical formula, written by the master mind of Ayurveda.

The followings are the famous oil, which are using in the treatment of the various ailments

  • Maha Narayana Tail: uses in all kinds of muscular problems, paralysis, joints pain, spondylitis and all nature of pain and painful conditions
  • Chandan Bala Lakshadi Tail : for Emaciation, weakness of the body etc.
  • Maha Vishagarbha Tail: useful in severe painful conditions, muscular, nervous, joints etc.

Over 500 varieties of Ayurveda Oil descriptions are available in the classical books of Ayurveda, which cover a very wide varieties of diseases to cure.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:20 PM IST 26 August 2006


A whole block of text in what looks like Turkish has turned up in the middle of the article. Could someone who can read Turkish translate it if it's useful? 07:42, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

Is there no shelf life for Ayurvedic medicines? In India at least, I see manufacturing date, without any expiry date.

I remember a Link TV program in which the doctor says that some ayurvedic medicines can still be used a thousand years after manufacture. It may/may not be true for all Ayur medicines though.. don't know. --Pranathi 00:40, 10 November 2005 (UTC)
You have false picture of the Ayurvedic medicine's shelf life in your mind. Many literature writes about the shelf life of Ayurvedic Medicines, for example: decoction of the Ayurvedic herbs should be used when in lukwarm stage, Powder should be used within three to six months,Bhasma should be used within two years, Rasaushadhi should be used within one to two years and so on. User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 22:10, 10 June 2006


Abyangha means to massage.

It’s an ancient Indian art used for healing, relaxation and for treatment of various diseases Abyangha is a full body massage, which is usually done by medicated sesame oil.

In Ayurveda the word for oil is taila. Taila is originated from the formal word tila. Tila means sesam. This base of hebal (or medicated oils) which are used in Abhyanga is sesam oil.

Why Ayurvedic massage is so unique? It’s based on the five elements (pancha mahabuthas) Biological humors (tridosha) Concept of agni and pitta Marma therapy Status of toxins or ama in the body Substances used for Ayurvedic massage: Plain oil (preferbally sesamoil) Medicated oil Some facts about Abhyanga: Always use unrefined oils, this because refined oils have been processed so heavily that they loose their potency. (refined oil -> an oil that is virtually colorless, odorless, and tasteless – that can last for years in a bottle with no danger of spoilage. On the other hand, it has virtually no connection with the beneficial oil that was originally contained in the seed or coconut. It is now a “plastic fat” that offers no benefits to the human body and the potential for much harm.) Also in vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited replication of human colon cancer cells (Anti cancer research 11: 209-216, 1992. In vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited the growth of malignant melanoma (a skin cancer): (prostaglandin leukatrines and essential fatty acids 46: 145-150, 1992) Research shows that sesame seed oil is a potent antioxidant. In the tissues beneath the skin, this oil will neutralize oxygen radicals. It penetrates into the skin quickly and enters the blood stream through the capillaries. Molecules of sesame seed oil maintain good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL). On the skin, oil soluble toxins are attracted to sesame seed oil molecules which can then be washed away with hot water and a mild soap. Internally, the oil molecules attract oil soluble toxins and carry them into the blood stream and then out of the body as waste. Sesame seed oil absorbs quickly and penetrates through the tissues to the very marrow of the bone. It enters into the blood stream through the capillaries and circulates. The liver does not sweep sesame seed oil molecules from the blood, accepting those molecules as friendly. Sesame seed oil helps joints keep their flexibility. It keeps the skin supple and soft. It heals and protects areas of mild scrapes, cuts and abrasions. It helps tighten facial skin, particularly around the nose, controlling the usual enlargement of pores as skin ages chronologically.


Where should you put the link for this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panchakarma

Classical Panchakarma

The classical Panchakarma is described by some writers. It is not easy as it is understood. Before the start of the Panchakarma, Snehpaan is performed.Snehapaan means the intake of fatty substances. The fat is of four kinds [a] Ghee [b] Oil [c] Animal Fat [d] Bone Marrow fat. It is advised that Snehapaan should be done early in the morning before rising of Sun. This process is repeated upto seven days maximum. The selection of the Sneh is dependent upon the patient likings. But it is indicated according to disease and Tridosha conditions.Sneh is also used for massage, pouring in ears, in eyes, as Nasya, for Gargles.

Those who are not able or interested in this type of Snehapaan, they can take the Sneh [fat] mixing in the food articles. After snehpaan, swedan is done. These are known as Poorvakarma. Snehan is termed Oleation in english and swedan is Sudation.


Five karmas are in total is done for Panchakarma.

  • Vaman
  • Virechan
  • Anuvasan
  • Niruhana
  • Navan

[1] Vaman

It is indicative that the expert Ayurvedic Physician should perform the Vaman in Winter season.Those who are having strong body built, suffering from Kaphha dosha, nausea, patience personal,they should be selected for the Vaman and Virechana. Vaman should be performed in the Vish Vikar, dugdha vikar,mandagni, shleepad, arbud, hradaya roga, kustha, visarpa, prameha, ajeerna, bhram, vidari rog, apachi roga, kaas, shwas, braddhi, apasmaar, jwar, unmaad, raktatisar, nasapaak, taalupaak, osthapaak,karnashrav, adhijvihak roga, galshundi roga, atisaar, pittaroga,kaphha roga, medoroga, aruchi etc. After Vaman, the proper treatment of the diseases should be given.

The followings are not considered for the vaman procedure and these should be avoided for Vaman. Timir Netra roga, Gulma, udar roga,very old person, pregnent woman, very obese, Tuberculer, alcohol addicted, childrens, have not properly fed personals, weak, those who have lossed their blood by bleeding, heptic patiebts, wormicular poatients, etc.

Some medicines are indicative for the use of Vaman according to the Doshas. Some precautions are essential to follow after the Vaman karma.

[2] Virechana

When Snehan, swedan and Vaman karma have done, after that Virechan karma is performed.

Some of the patient are not selected for the Virechn karma. They are childrens, old man, fatty persons, tuberculars, psychofears,very tired, thirsty, obese,pregnent, acute fever, alcoholics etc.

For Virechna karma, sevral medications are used. The medicines are categorised according to the weather conditions.The doses are fixed according to the strength of the patient. Some food intake is specially indicated.

Adverse effects may happen, if the instructions will not followed accordingly.


This is also known Enema therapy. In Anuwasana, oil enema is given. Those who are Old maniacals, thirsty,edematous, epileptic, hyteric subjects, comatic patient,fearful, loss of taste, asthamatics, chronic bronchial affections, tubercular, emaciated subjects etc. should not be selected for the Anuwasana treatment.

Those who are suffering from Vata doshas, have teekshagni digestive fire and rough skin subjects, they should be selected for the treatment.

In anuwasana basti, castor oil is used for enema and the quantity of the oil is varied according to the doshas, age and nature of problems, which is decided by the Ayurvedicians.

A Basti yantra is used by which the Oil or medicated oil is introduced through anorectal, urethral or vaginal route.

[4] Niruhana

Niruhana is also known as Asthapana Basti. In Niruhana/Asthapana basti, the decoction of the herbs are used as enema material and herbs are selected according to the nature of the patient and his complaints.

Niruhana Basti is restricted to those who are not constipated, doshas which can be easily removed by purging, pulmonary tubercular subjects, emaciated, weak,flatulent, edematous, diarrheal subjects, cholera affected, leprotics, dropsy, anasarca subjects, dibetics,pregnent women etc. These subjects should be avoided for Niruhana treatment.

[5] Nasya

The medicines are used through nasal route. The same precautions are taken in selection of patients for treatment and what should be avoided, as mentioned earlier.

This is the Ayurvedic Panchakarma methods, which are narrated in the classical book Bhav Prakash.


Kerala style panchakarma is somehow differ from classical panchakarma of the Ayurveda. This is a speciality of the panchakarma of South India. In Kerala Panchakarma the followings are done:

  • Pindasweda
  • Pichchil
  • Shirobasti
  • Shirodhara
  • Shirolepana


Panchakarma is a very sophisticated mode of treatment. It requires a good and practical experienced hand. Suppose if a patient of duedenal ulcer is treated by Vaman therapy, what will happen of his ulcer ? Is it not possible that by purging his ulcer may open again ? If anybody is suffering from sigmoid colon tumour or cancer or intestinal ulcer , what will happen when virechan and basti will be given to him ?

Therefore the Ayurvedicians warns several times, to whom the physician should select for the treatment and to whom the physician should rejects for treatment.

Those who have gone for bypass heart surgery, implanted pacemaker, kidney transplant, joint replacements etc they should not take the any Panchakarma treatment without the consent of the atleast two expert Panchakarma practitioners. However these patients can take the Ayurvedic treatment and medicines without any harm with or without modern western medicines [ Allopathy drugs].

user:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:02 PM IST 04 September 2006

Is ayurveda really supposed to placed as part of hinduism?

Is ayurveda really supposed to placed as part of hinduism? I mean its portrayed as part of hinduism. Its more a form of medicine. Sure its from the vedas, but I think you should change the overall topic and the picture. Change the picture to some ayurvedic treatment thing. Its to know that that people will come to this site. Not mainly to know all the crap written here.

Ofcourse, AyurVEDA is a part od VEDIC religion--Holy Ganga 15:36, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

Of Course not, ayurveda is the science/the knowledge of life and much broader than a religion like Hinduism. There is no dogmatism in it like any religion has dogma.

It is misconcieved that Ayurved is a part of Hinduism. Being a Hindu, I read HOLY BIBLE, HOLY QURAN, NITNEM SAHAB and GEETA. These are the holy religious books, which I keep in my Clinic with great honour and respect. I read these books, when I have time and try to understand the contents. A Hindu respects all religion because it is said in Hindu Religion that there is Crores of incarnation by God himself. May be Holy Sprits , which have been mentioned in these Holy books. That is the reason, every Hindu respects all incarnation given by the God himself to the Humans.

VEDAS are four in numbers RIGVEDA, SAAMVEDA,ATHARVAVEDA and YAJURVEDA. All Vedas have mentioned the natural qualities of the earth and around the earth i.e. AIR,WATER,FIRE,EATHER,EARTH,TREES,VEGETABLES,CREATERS, ANIMALS, MOON,SUN and other celestials. Every religion considers these mentioned matters. Can you say, these are the contents of HINDUS ? So is about the Ayurved. A science or therapy or technology is for the use of the every individual of this globe without consideration of Caste, creed , Religion , Part or Nation ? In fact, the AYURVED is developed by the Hindus for the sake of helping sick humanity of this world, with the moto "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM" philosophy, which means " those who are living on this earth, they are our Families." How this could be blamed that AYURVED is a part of Hinduism ?


Sign your posts on talk pages for meaningful discussions. - Holy Ganga talk 09:15, 1 June 2006 (UTC)


This article seems to me to be unbalanced as it lacks any criticism of ayurvedic medicine.

Indeed, so why not delete all the content and write a balanced article. -good idea. It's an alternative medicine and the article is totally biased.

I agree - this whole article is almost an unsubstantiated ramble.

I agree - this article is really quite poor and definitely not *balanced*, ahem, the restoration of which is the goal of Ayurveda. It relates nicely to systems theory that way.

Tridosha= vata/pitta/kapha

vata=movement in and out of system pitta=transformation or processing inside of system kapha=storage in the system

These roughly correspond to the "humours" of phlegm/bile/wind, but the Ayurved system is very well documented, also in English:


Also see David Frawley.

This holistic approach is the future of medicine as it is fundamentally linked to diet and lifestyle empowers people to take charge of their own health. It is is also integrated with Samkhya philosophy which is a most useful toolbox for exploring the mind/body continuum.

I would requestt the editors to please do not add commercial and promotional links. Adding such links is a really bad idea, and not in conformity with the policies and processes of wikipedia. Please co-operate in building the Project. Repeat violations of policies of wikipedia may require suitable sanctions. Thank you. --Bhadani 13:23, 17 June 2006 (UTC)

I would like to discuss and add the following non-commercial external link about the holistic way in which Ayurveda treats erectile dysfunction: http://content.msn.co.in/Contribute/Sports/UCStory811.htm This article, titled 'NPT - The Unknown Side of Erectile Dysfunction', is about a scientific but not much highlighted link between the absence of Nocturnal Penile Tumescence (NPT) and development of physiological Erectile Dysfunction. The necessity of having frequent erections for maintaining erectile function is discussed. It also highlights the link between testosterone levels and NPT, and how a low testosterone level thus indirectly contributes to ED. Also discussed is the connection between ejaculation frequency and testosterone levels, as well as holistic, non-proprietary, and non-commercial methods from Ayurveda to restore testosterone levels and thus restore NPT and erectile function. Each of these aspects are independently verifiable from research studies published at PubMed. Healthbuff 04:56, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

The article is only tangentially related to the topic of the article. Links must be directly related to the topic of the article - per the external link guidelines: WP:EL. Nposs 05:01, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the feedback. Though this external article appears to be only tangentially related to Ayurveda, it is not so. In fact, it is one of the innovative articles available on the web that shows the prowess of Ayurveda in a specific context. For example, no other treatment methodology stresses the importance of NPT, testosterone levels, ejaculation frequency, erection frequency etc in treating erectile dysfunction (ED), as Ayurveda does. In fact, this holistic approach is what sets apart Ayurveda. On the other hand, each and every scientific statement made in this article is independently verifiable from modern research studies, as can be found by browsing authentic sources like PubMed. Besides, the article is totally non-commercial, and non-proprietary. Lastly, with ED affecting a significant percentage of adult male population, this link that explains Ayurveda's holistic approach to ED, is relevant. Healthbuff 07:14, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

It sounds like a fine article - but it isn't directly related. This is a general article about Ayurveda and should links to websites on the general topic of Ayurveda. The article is about the treatment of Erectile dysfunction and belongs on the Erectile dysfunction article - probably used as a reference rather than an external link. I notice that you have already posted the article on that article - so there is no need to post it here where it doesn't belong. I will also say that the page will not load for me which suggests there is a problem with the link - another reason not to add it. Nposs 10:41, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

Rather long

While I appreciate the efforts to update the page, it has become more than double than the eecommended page size. The page should be made compact and additional pages relating to the topic may be created. Thanks. --Bhadani 13:44, 26 June 2006 (UTC)

Transfer the matter to new pages

Some matters should be transfered to new pages i.e. description Of Vata Dosha etc Vata Bhed, Sapta Dhatu, Herbs and Mineral and others. Matters can be compacted but the original sense should be preserved, otherwise it will creat controversy. Better to creat new pages. Thanks. User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com10:35 AM IST 28 June 2006

Introductory Part

Much of what is said in the Intro and the next few sections seems to be lacking any sort of citation therefore, I'm unsure of how to begin cleaning it up as the actual meaning seems a bit opaque in places. I'm a little uncomfortable with keeping some of the assertions, particularly in the Development of Ayurveda in Ancient India section. --Kaushik twin 17:24, 3 July 2006 (UTC)

dear me, most of it doesn't even parse. what a mess, be bold please, sentences both unsourced and opaque are better out than in. dab () 18:18, 3 July 2006 (UTC)


How do you pronounce this word? There should be one of those dictionary-style pronunciation things after the first word...


This page is one of the worst cases of POV I have seen on Wikipedia. Shock full of fantastic claims with no useful references. Yet another partisan job done only too well. Also, why Deepak Chopra is not mentionend even once I can't even begin to understand. Sigh. Emanuel1972 13:09, 8 July 2006 (UTC)

Quite. It reads like a pro-ayurveda pamphlet.-- 05:27, 20 July 2006 (UTC)
I have made a few edits to improve the NPOV of this article, but it needs more work. I've tried to be as impartial as possible.--Myk 16:31, 23 July 2006 (UTC)

True information and true contents : Useless blames

One should use his brainial capacity to understand the Ayurveda page. The information and contents are as true as it can be and there is no any fantasy in the provided matters.It is as correct as it should be. Who is Deepak Chopra, I do not know and why the gentleman is particularly want to include his name in the Ayurveda page? In India, here is a very large number of the master mind's Ayurvedic practitioners and scientist. If the Ayurveda page will be used for the inclusion of these so called personalities numbers, what will be of the policy of Wikipedia. I am totally against for inclusion of any personal name in the page. Only Historical facts and Ayurveda related material should be included.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 08:30 PM IST, 09 July 2006

evidence for Ayurveda's claims?

What about NNT's of Ayurveda's practices? What about scientific studies of its claims of understanding what is really happening?

Anything? Has anyone asked this? I cannot understand that this article has grown so large without anyone adding a paragraph saying that Ayurveda practicioner's claim in regards to understanding and effectivity are moslty ignored in the scientific community and mostly lacking in evidence (by scientific standards).

I insist with the question, i have added {{disputed}} until there are anwers.

Some Edits

  • As stated by many other editors, there is a serious problem with lack of references. Most of the content is of a nature that should be referenced, and almost none of the page is. Some statements especially need to be referenced or deleted.
  • I have deleted or revised many statments that were confusing or redundent. Many of these statements were also not NPOV. "Ayurvedic doctoros practice Ayurvedice medicine" need not be said, nor does "Ayurvedic remedies are real ultra-evidence based medicine"
  • On some of the sections, I have simply added tags, as the statements are confusing enough that I cannot fathom what the author was trying to say, and do not know where to begin editting them. It seems indicitive of a language barrier issue, the author may need to inlist help. This may also be coming from an excessive use of jargon, or non-english words. Many terms used are not explained.



The page carries above tag. I would request the editors concerned to please list the points so that they may be take care of. In case, it is not done, the presumption may be that the edits after this tag have taken care of the POVs, if any. --Bhadani 16:16, 21 July 2006 (UTC)

How common is its usage?

How widespread is ayurvedic medicine's use in India. Is it used like and as much as Traditional chinese medicine is used in China?

Quantum bird 00:00, 22 July 2006 (UTC)

Yes, Ayurveda is pretty popular in India. If I am correct, more people (especially in remote places) use Ayurveda than the allopathic medicine. -- thunderboltza.k.a.Deepu Joseph |TALK11:44, 22 July 2006 (UTC)

Every Indian is taking Ayurveda treatment

I would like to clear to all concerned that every Indian is taking the benefit of the Ayurveda as much as possible in his daily life and routine from centuties and even today and the process will be continue in future in innumerable comming centuries. As it is said earlier that Ayurveda is related with the life style to gain the full age of 100 years. Ayurveda teaches, how a person can achieve the target of 100 years life. Which science teaches to achieve this target ?

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 09:00 PM IST 22 July 2006

Sorry, but I quite simply do not believe you. If for no other reason than you said "every Indian". Such absolute statements about the actions of humans beings are almost always wrong. Given that you are clearly willing to make completely preposterous statements in support of Ayurveda, I therefore doubt that you can be trusted to provide a neutral point of view in this matter. --Myk 16:35, 23 July 2006 (UTC)
Please see my comments above. -- thunderboltza.k.a.Deepu Joseph |TALK04:33, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
Which is the sort of statement I am willing to accept at face value. Saying that "every Indian" uses Ayurveda all the time is an obvious falsehood, though.--Myk 22:56, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
  • Everyday use of Ayurveda and the herbs : Ayurveda is divided in two parts. First it teaches you the way of being healthy throghout your life time, every year's season, change of weather, what you have to do daily that is Dinacharya, provides you the rule to keep youself fit and healthy, tells you what you have to eat according to the seasons and your lifestyle to maintain the health, so that the man should prevet himself from diseases. Ayurveda teaches what you have to eat for proper nourishments to human body. For that in Ayurvedic materia medica there is lot of information based on the time based experiences of the food articles and crude food material qualities and charecteristic of the cooked and non-cooked food.
  • The second part of the ayurveda teaches , when you becomes sick, you should take the appropriate medicine for cure. Every Indian is daily taking Ayurvedic medicines with his food. What is Turmeric, what is jeera, what is asafoetida, what is dalchini, what is lavang, what is tejapatta, what is dhaniya, what is capsicum,what is garlic, what is pyaj, what is kala namak, what is sandhav namak, what is ginger, what is tulasi, what is kalimircha, what is peepal, what is methi, what is ajawayan, what is lemon juice ? Are they not Ayurvedic medicaments ?

Actually one should first go through seriously to study the Ayurvedic classical literature and try to understand them.Merely seeing superficial study will always creat controversy. My advice is first to those who are willing to know about the Ayurveda, they should study seriously classical literature of Ayurveda, because this is complete medical science, which is traditionally, psychologicallly, knowingly or unknowingly is adopted by the every Indian. Ayurveda developed in India, so it have the Indian value. Those who are not Indian, they can not understand the soul of Ayurveda.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:32 IST, 24 July 2006

So you are saying that people are using Ayurvedic "medications" without even being aware of it? That is a ridiculous claim and robs Ayruvedic medications of any useful properties. Saying that "<This new medicine> claims people should eat lots of rice to stay healthy." Does not mean that most people in Asia are using <this new medicine>.

Is every Indian eating garlic, capsicum, turmeric, etc in the exact proportions and preparations sepcified by an Ayurvedaic practitioner? No, they're just making food.--Myk 22:57, 25 July 2006 (UTC)

"Those who are not Indian, they can not understand the soul of Ayurveda." This is Ayurveda for everybody?

Yes, to understand the philosophy of Ayurveda, which is hidden in between "Prakruti" and "Purush", one should be gone with the philosophical background of Indians.This is the soul of Ayurveda. But in case of treatment purposes, philosophy have some role in the treatment related to severe Psychological or severe mental disorders. Otherwise, for bodily or mild psychological treatment this is not applicable and Ayurveda is beneficial universally and globally.user:debbe, 28 January 2007, 05:30 UTC

Ayurveda is complete medical science, which is traditionally, psychologicallly, knowingly or unknowingly is adopted by the every Indian. When they add Garlic , Turmeric etc to food they may unknowingly adding ayurvedic medicines to their food which may not be required to add in the exact proportions and preparations sepcified by an Ayurvedaic practitioner. The tolerance of these substances on humans are so wide that they do not cause any side (adverse) effects. Except novice or non Indian cook may use them in quantities beyond common sense incase the person has not experienced Indian Cooking or not seen the ingredients in its lifetime. So , Yes "Those who are not Indian, they can not understand the soul of Ayurveda." Ulhas - 31 August 2007 , 16.30 NZT

"Those who are not Indian, they can not understand the soul of Ayurveda." Beyond being a weird form of racism, what does this sentence actually mean? I know people who are half-Indian, do they count? How long does one's blood-line have to be India for? Which borders are you using? I rather suspect that it boils down, with the other statements, as "Indian" being defined as someone who uses Ayurveda medicine with intent, and thus they have nullified all outside criticism.

Such attitudes are reminiscent of religion, and really ought not to be allowed near people requiring medical attention. Wee Jimmy (talk) 17:41, 1 July 2008 (UTC)

I just noticed that Indian traditional medicine redirects to Ayurveda. If I am correct, Ayurveda is not the sole traditional medicine from India. What about Siddha, Yoga, Unani etc? I'm not quite knowledgeable in this domain, and would like to get inputs on whether these too would come under the purview of "Indian traditional medicine". Thanks. -- thunderboltza.k.a.Deepu Joseph |TALK04:38, 24 July 2006 (UTC)

  • Siddha, Yoga and Unani system of medicine have separate identity as medical sciences. They have no direct relation to Ayurveda because their fundamental principals are very differ to eachother. So these medical sciences should not consider to a part of Ayurveda.--User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:45 PM IST 24 July 2006
So do they come under "Indian traditional medicine" ? Or is Ayurveda the only Indian traditional medicine? -- thunderboltza.k.a.Deepu Joseph |TALK01:54, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
  • Ayurveda is the only Indian traditional medical system. While Yoga [correct word is Yog] is a part of Yog Darshan or Yog Philosophy. Yog philosophy is developed in India. It have eight folds in philosophy, which are known 1-Yam 2- Niyam 3- Asan 4- Pranayam 5-Pratyahar 6- Dhyam 7- Dharana 8-Samadhi. Unfortunately the philosophy of Yog is known worldwide by Yoga as a means of exercises and postures of body and breathing exercises. This is wrong and absolute wrong concept about yog.Actual yog is something else. Unani system of medicine is developed by the Hippocrates and came to India by Mughals. Though Unanani medical practice is almost ended in the land of Hippocrates but it developed in India during Mughals period. Its philosophy and theory is more away from the concept of Ayurveda.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 10:15 PM IST 25 July 2006

Hang on, make up your mind. Are they systems of medicine or not?--Myk 23:00, 25 July 2006 (UTC)

- likewise, I don't have a broad knowledge of Indian Traditional Medicine. The Indian Government, though, seems to see things like Siddha (http://indianmedicine.nic.in/html/siddha/siddha.htm#intro) and yoga (http://indianmedicine.nic.in/html/yoga/yoga.htm#con) as traditional Indian medicine. I think this means that there is at least enough dispute as to what 'traditional indian medicine' is that this should not just forward to Ayurveda. jon_m

Okay, I've changed Indian traditional medicine so it is no longer a simple redirect to Ayurveda. It could use some work, though.

Cleaning up

I've done a clean up of the article. (Article is now over 30 kbs lighter diff) A number of sections were moved (to other pages) as well as merged during the clean up. I request someone experienced with the topic to check if I've made any mistakes during the process. The article now needs copyediting, referencing and addressal of the POV issues. The "teachings of Ayurveda" as well as the "Saftey issues" section needs to be expanded with some more data. -- thunderboltza.k.a.Deepu Joseph |TALK06:42, 24 July 2006 (UTC)

Also, pictures would make a good addition to the article. I've added pictures to a few of the sections. -- thunderboltza.k.a.Deepu Joseph |TALK06:46, 24 July 2006 (UTC)~

merge from Gurukul system of Ayurveda

i suggested that Gurukul system of Ayurveda be merged into this article as perhaps a new section, as it doesnt seem to merit its own article. Benji64 18:51, 24 July 2006 (UTC)

New Pages and NPOV

Most of the page now has been purged of it's NPOV and unclear statements, but this seems to have mostly been done by moving the worst offenders into other pages. Now we have 3 additional unclear, unreferenced, NPOV pages. List_of_herbs_and_minerals_in_Ayurveda, seems to be okay.

All need work still, or could be better served by shortening and moving back to the main page.

History section - alternative transfers

The part of the history section detailing different paths of students seems pretty irrelevant to me

Hinduism attributes the genesis of Ayurveda to several theories in which the knowledge is believed to have been passed on from person to person . According to Charaka Samhita, the Hindu God Brahma transferred the Ayurvedic teachings and knowledge to Jatukarna, Bhel, Parashar, Hareeta and Ksharpani, via the following chronological order: Brahma → Daksha Prajapati → Ashwani kumar → Indra → Bhardwaj → Atreya Punarvasu → Agnivesh → Bhel, Parashar, Hareeta and Ksharpani. However, according to Sushruta Samhita Bramha transferred the knowledge via the following chronological order: Brahma → Daksha Prajapati → Ashwani Kumar → Indra → Dhanvantari → Aupdhenav, Vaitaran, Aurabhra , Pushklavata, Karveerya, Gopur Rakshit and Sushruta. In another view, accroding to Kashyap Samhita, Brahma transferred the knowledge to via Ashwini Kumara to Indra, thereby to Vashishta via Kashyapa and Atri, Bhrigu etc; lastly among them Atri transferred the knowledge to his son and his pupils subsequently.

Is there any point to these histories? Some indication of how Ayurveda's historic development is affected by the different paths?

If there is no good reason for including them, I think they should be deleted, since they seem to be largely repeated sequences of irrelevant names. --Myk 16:59, 2 August 2006 (UTC)


The question raised by the editors of the Ayurveda section about the genesis of the Ayurveda, is thought to be wrong. The fact is that the author or compilers of the Ayurveda classics, say Charak Samhita, Sushruta samhita , Ashtanga Sangraha are written in the different and remote parts of the country and hundred thousand years before, at that time no means of communication was possible due to demographic conditions. So the writers have written the genesis of the Ayurveda according to their knowledge, which they have got from the Guru or teacher in Gurukul, as was the tradition of that time. The soul of the genesis is to understand the development of the Ayurveda teachings and transfer of the knowledge from one generation to another generation and further. The writers of these classics had mentioned the genesis according to the data, whatever they have, at that period.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 08:55 PM IST 15 August 2006

Ok, I understand that you feel there is some value to this data. As it is, it doesn't seem to actually impart any useful information to someone not highly knowledgeable in the field of Ayurveda. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, and the information in it is supposed to be accessible by everyone. I will try to rewrite what you have said in a way that makes sense, and remove the long, mostly meaningless sequences.--Myk 22:57, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

The Question of whether the names of those who may have transmitted information over many years have value is not, in my opinion, up to the compilers of the information. That the information is valuable to those who are/were involved in the actual practice is the important thing. If wikipedia is to be unbiased then the cultural opinion that ancestors are irrelevant cannot be part of the spirit of wikipedia. All or any information pretaining to the development of a subject may have usefulness at some future date to someone who has more respect for their ancestors. If they were irrelevant then what would be the point of geneology or history for that matter? Just because you do not recognise the format of the information does not mean it is invalid..

Mercuric-sulphur combination based medicines

"Ayurveda was practiced during the time of the time of the Buddha (around 520 BC) , and in this period the Ayurvedic practitioners were commonly using Mercuric-sulphur combination based medicines.[3]"

This citation isn't valid. Let's have a citation from the extant literature, not commentaries. There is NO mention of bhasmas in Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata etc., and its it is not until Nagarjuna, (NOT the mahayanist buddhist scholar Acharya Nagarjuna), born in the 10th century CE/AD, that toxic metals like mercury are given any prominence in Ayurveda. As a result, the image of Acharya Nagarjuna is WRONG!! and needs to be removed.

Even the much vaunted antiquity of bhasmas in the Siddha tradition appears to be relatively recent, according to "A History of the Tamil Siddha Cult" (1990) by R. Venkatraman. In this text Venkatraman suggests with much certainty that alchemy was incorporated into during the 12th by the nathasiddhas of present day Madhya Pradesh.

All of this supports the contention that (1) bhasma use in India is not as venerable as is claimed, and (2) that its use was originally not as widespread as claimed.

I will give the author a couple weeks to clear this up and then I will do it myself and delete that section.


Take the reference of Charak Samhita's Chikitsatsthanam, Saptamoadhyay verse -70 says that " Mercury Bhasma prepared in combination with Sulphur or Swarnmakshik should be taken by the person suffering from Leprosy. The Mercury [Parad] Bhasma cures all disease conditions."

In the same section, verse 69 says for use of Sulphur and Verse 71 says use of Vajra [Heera, Diamond] Bhasma. Verse 167 says for the use of Mainsil and Kashish.

In Khodashoadhyay verse-69 instruct for use of Loha [Lauh] Bhasma for Hepatic/ Liver ailments. Verse 69 and 70 says formula of Navayas Lauh, which is a combination of Lauh Bhasma and herbs.Verse 72 to 76 mentions Mandoor Vatak, which is another combination of Lauh Bhasma with herbs. In Saptadashoadhyay verse 124 mentions the formula of Muktadyam Churnam which is including Moti Bhasam, Prawal Bhasam, Vaidurya Bhasam, Shankha Bhasam, Sphatika Bhasam, Anjan Bhasam,Kach Bhasam,Tamra Bhasam, Lauha Bhasam, Rajat Bhasam, Padmarag Bhasam with herbs.


In Chikitsasthanam, Navamoadhyaya verse-6 mentions Swarnmakshik with other herbs. In Dashamoadhyaya,verse 11 and 12 tells the way of preparing Lauh Bhasam.Ekadashoadhyaya verse 10 recommends Lauh Rasayana, which is prepared by mixing Lauh Bhasam in herbs. In Dwadashoadhyay verse 11 formula of Navayas Lauh is given.In trayodasho adhyaya verse 17 and 18 tells about Swarnmakshi and Raupya makshik bhasama. In ashtavinshatitamoadhyaya verse 10 to 12 tells to take Suvarn Bhasamwih other herbs.

In Susrut samhita, Tutiya, Hartal, Mainsil, Kashish and other metals uses are mentioned.

'IN VAGBHATTA' Vagbhatta Astang Sangrah have many formulea in which Bhasma have used. In Raktapitta chikitsa tratiyodhyaya verse 38 mentions Shankha Bhasam, Shambook Bhasam,Surma bhasam. Verse 76 tells for Shankha Bhasam with other herbs. In chapter Shwashidhma chikitsa, khastoadhyaya verse 42 and 43 instruct to use Mukta bhasam, praval bhasam, vaidurya bhasam, shamnkha bhasam, surma bhasam, marakat bhasam, sphatik bhasam, tamra bhasam, loha bhasam, rajat bhasam with other herbs.

In prameharoga chikitsa, chaturdasho adhyaya verse 67 mentions Loha Bhasam and Tamra Bhasam. In chapter Panduroga chikitsa, ashtadasho adhyaya verse 13 tells Swarn makshik bhasam, rajat mal bhasam, mandoor bhasam, verse 48 swarn makshik bhasam. In chapter Kustha rog chikitsa, ekvinshoadhyaya verse 31 mentions rajat,loh, kantloh, abhrak bhasmas.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 04:45 IST 08 August 2006

REGARDING NAGARJUNA By the name of Nagarjuna, several Nagarjunas names are comes up and are taken into consideration. If careful studies of Sansakrit Language Literature, Pali Language literature, Tibbatian Language literature and translated literature of Chinese Language are done, several Nagarjunas names comes up.Among these names, "Ras siddha Nagarjuna Third" seems fit for innovation of Ayurveda in total of followings eights:

  • Ras siddha Nagarjuna
  • Bodhisatva Raja Nagarjuna
  • Sushruta pratisansakarta Nagarjuna
  • Anandkar Nagarjuna
  • Bhadanta Nagarjuna
  • Rassiddha Nagarjuna second
  • Ras siddha Nagarjuna Third
  • Nagarjuna - Nagesh

1- Nagarjuna First- The description of the Nagarjuna is seen in Brihat Katha, Kathashloka sangraha, katha sarita sar. He is understood to be amshawatar of Bodhi satwa.Bodhi satwa is known as minister. He is not having knowledge of Ras siddhi.

2- Bodhi satwa raja Nagarjuna - He is a avatar of Bodhisatwa and as king, but he was not having knowledge of Ras siddhi.A discription of the nagarjuna is seen in Raj Tarangini, verse 172-173.

3-Ras siddha Nagarjuna third - He was known as Loha siddhi, in Bhont Language of Harihar Nath Shastri composition, description of Nagarjuna is written. He was well known to Ras siddhi.

4- Sushruta Pratisanskarta Nagarjuna - Dalhan have described about the Nagarjuna in the commentaery of the essays on Susruta.

5- Anandkar Nagarjuna - Dalhan have described the Nagarjuna.

6- Bhadant Nagarjuna - He was the composer of the Ras Vaisheshika and expertise of Ayurveda. The description of Nagarjuna is well given in this book. This is an excellent book on the khadaras, vipaka, veerya, gunadi gyan and the treatment by the khadaras.

7- Nagarjuna Nagesh- he was producer of Ras Kachcha put and was a master of Ras shashtra.

8- Ras siddha Nagarjuna second - The description of nagarjuna is seen in the classical book like Prabhavak Charita,Vividha Teertha Kalpa, Prabandha Chintamani, Prabandha kosha etc. He was known ansavatar of Bodhi satva.

Inbetween these eight Nagarjunas, description of Ras siddha third is available as an authority of Loha and Deha siddhi. Anandkar Nagarjuna was a master of Visha tantra [toxicology] and Nagarjuna Ganesh was also master of Ras tantra. The description of these nagarjunas are available in very brief. Loha siddhikar Nagarjuna description is available sufficiently and possibility of this Nagarjuna can be clearly workouted.Other Nagarjunas are related to Ayurveda, but their descriptions are not clearly available.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:05 PM IST 12 August 2006


It is believed that Nagarjuna Third was born in a Bramhin rich family in Kanchi Nagar of Barar [Vidarbha]. The family was very deppressed because they are not having any child.A dream seen by the one of the family member, hundreds of bramhin fed by the family and by the grace of god ,they got the male issue. Some astrologers suggested that the child will not survive after the age of seven years, this came in notice, the gaurdians left the child in a lonely temple. By the grace of God Bodhisatva Avalokiteshwara the child was brought to Nalanda , Bihar, a state of India. The head of the Nalanda Shri Sarah Bhadra adopted the child and make a follower of Budha and arranged for his education etc.

After accepting Budha religion, he became a notable maestro of Ras Tantra, the description is available. After his completion of education, he engaged himself to prepare the new mercury-sulpher based medications.

Nagarjuna got education and training of Ras Tantra by Vashshtha and Mandavya, who were the famous Ras Tantragya. It is believed that he studied the available Ras Classicals of that time, which are Shambhav Tantra, Shaiva Tantra, Rudrayamala Tantra,Shakra Tantra, Maula Tantra,Kuleya Tantra, Damar tantra, Swachchand Bhairav Tantra, Nakul Tantra, Vatul Tantra, Kakchandeeshwara tantra, harmekhala etc and make himself expert of the Ras subjects.

The time of Nagarjuna Third is seems to be of round about 8th century.He broke the ideas of Adya Shankaracharya. The period of the Adya Shancharacharya is round about 788 AD. Shri Sarah Bhadra was the chief of the Nalanda University. Nagarjuna and Shabasidhdha were two famous Ras siddha of his time. Shabar Siddha belong to the king Dharam Pal of Gaur Desha. The period of the Kinh Dharam Pal is 760 to 809 AD. In this way the calculation of the period is matching. The name of Ras Siddha Nagarjuna Third is mentioned in the classics of the Ras Ratna Pradeep, Rasendra Chunamani, Ras Prakash, Sudhakar, Kakchandeeshwar Tantra, Kalpa Tantra, Lauha Sarwashwam,Rasopanishad etc. Brand Madhav and Chakradatta is also mentioning the Nagarjuna.


The Ras siddha Nagarjuna Third was follower of Buddha and a master of Sansakrit and Magadhi Language.He has written a Ras Vidya book named Kachchaput.He was follower of Mahayan Buddha religion, therefore he have written many books on Vajrayaan and Mahayaan, which is said to be available in Tanjaur Library. Nagarjuna have also written the following classical books: 1- Nagarjuna Tantra 2- Nagarjuna Siddhanta, 3-Lauha shashtra 4-Ras Ratnakar 5-Yoga Ratna Mala 6-Rasendra Mangal 7-Rudrayamal Tantra 8-Siddha Nagarjuneeyam [Kachchaput] 9-Yog shatakam 10-Chintananad Pateeyashi 11-Arogya Manjari

Besides these literature,he mastered some foolproof formulea of Ayurveda and established Urine examination theory for diagnosis of diseases and doshas. Many Yogas are seen in the classical books of Mercury-sulphur based formulations collections titled Ras Padhyati, Ras sanket Kalika, Ras Ratna Samuchchaya, Yoga Ratnakar, Ras Kamdhenu, Kakchandeeshwar, Ras Ratna Pradeep, Aushadhi Kalpa etc.

Some famous Ayurvedic Yogas of Nagarjuna is below, all of them are still using today:

  • Kanak Sunder Ras, used in severe diarrhoea
  • Laghu Siddhbhra Ras used in Inflammatory condition of bowels and irritable bowel syndromes
  • Arogyavardhini Ras used in Gout, Hepatitis of all kinds, Hepatospleenomegaly etc
  • Nagarjunabhra Ras used in all kinds of Cardiac, heart, cardiovascular problem
  • Khageshwara Ras used in leprosy, leucoderma and all kinds of Skin disorders
  • Shleshma Shailendra Ras uses in Asthama, pulmonary disorders, laryngotracheal problems
  • Agrasayana uses in digestive disorders, ailementary problems

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:45 PM IST 15 August 2006 Krishna-Janmashtamy

Safety concern: mischievious propaganda against Ayurveda Medical science

It is highly objectionable that some concerns are propagating against Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine. They are raising questions that heavy metals which are used in the Ayurvedic formulea , is dangerous to the health. Before independance, Britishers were ruling on India round about 250 years. This was the period of Kings and Nawabs. Earlier to Britishers, Mughals were ruling on India. Every Kingdoms have their own Ayurvedic practitioners to provide the health services to the public through Ayurveda because at that time no medical system was in existence. The Vaidya provides the medical treatment using these Ayurvedic medicines.Britishers have also taken treatment of the Ayurvedic practitioners during their ruling periods. Not a single evidence is available that any Britishers or foreigner have gone through with any serious problems , as it is said about kidney and liver etc. Even then Bhav Mishra in his Bhav Prakash Classical book mentions the accurate and foolproof treatment of the Syphilis and Gonorrhoea, the diseases spread in India by the contact of the Europeans.Heavy metals are used in the treatment for total cure of thiese diseases.

Regarding use of Lead,Arsenic, Mercury, these metals are used after a process of purification. By the process of purification, the toxicity of the metals becomes very less and is used for the preparation of the drugs. In Ayurvedic formulary few medicines are containing Lead,few medicines are containing Arsenic and no medicine of only [single] Mercury which have mentioned in the Ayurveda page. Mercury is always used after purification process with purified Sulphur. Without mixing Sulphur, Mercury can not be used in any formula because it will never mix up with any herbs. Only Sulphur have the power to mix and assimilate Mercury and provides a black powder forms, which is known "Kajjali".

Those who are talking for steroid in the formula, they should clear it up, what brand they have examined,whether the formula is classical or proprietory, who is the producer of the drug etc. Merely saying that the Ayurvedic drugs are poisonous, is not justifiable.

In my opinion, these are the mischivious attacks on Ayurveda done by those who have never used Ayurvedic medicines in the treatment and is opposing Ayurveda for the opposition only.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 05:50 PM IST 14 August 2006

With respect, there is convincing evidence that consuming heavy metals carries health risks (see the links in the article). The article does not say that ayurvedic medicines are poisonous; it does say (and provide evidence for the fact that) medicines containing heavy metals carry health risks. These metals have been found in about 20% of ajurvedic medicines sold in the US (see citacion in article) - this carries health risks, and it is appropriate to mention these in the article. The article does provide evidence that ajurvedic treatment has caused health problems for Indians, including "kidney and liver damage due to mercury deposition, nerves and abdominal problems due to lead." [4] Even if ayurvedic medicines have not harmed 'foreigners' and have 'only' injured Indians (something I find unlikely), this is not exactly an argument in their favour.

Re. the 'purification' of ajurvedic medicine, this has not been shown to be reliable (and the fact that heavy metals are found in the medicines suggests that it is unreliable). As Meera Nanda puts it "We constantly hear assurances from the proponents of Ayurveda that the traditional process of turning heavy metals into bhasams "detoxifies" them and makes them harmless. The message is that if the manufacturers faithfully followed the instructions in the classic Ayurvedic texts, there would be no problem of toxicity...But we are supposed to accept these assurances of faith alone, for they are not based upon any actual research." [5] Jon m

Surely people who have never used Ayurvedic medicine, and never intend to use Ayurvedic medicine, should be considered by default to be more neutral regarding Ayurveda than someone who is a practitioner of Ayurveda? Dbbajpai1945, you have made several statements that are patently false and impossible for anyone to know. Your word alone cannot be trusted, since you have lost the assumption of good faith edits. Provide evidence to back up your statements and do not present your opinions as fact.--Myk 03:20, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

Mercury: as uses in Ayurveda

The use of Mercury as medicine in Ayurveda is centuries ago. First of all it should be known to all that Mercury is naturally founded in the unpurified form and is never used as medicine both internally and externally. This fact was observed by the Old age Ayurvedicians as it is mentioned in the classical book RAS TARANGINI written by Shri Sadanand Sharma. Ras Tarangini, Pancham Tarang, verse 5 and 6 narrates the charecteristics of the unpurified Mercury. Verses 7 to 9, narrates the Unpurified Mercury's bad effects, which are eight in numbers.

Unpurified Mercury contains eight abnormalities, which causes severe and serious problems of human health. These eight abnormalities are: 1-Nag, 2-Vang, 3-Vahin, 4-Mala, 5-Chapalya, 6-Visha, 7-Giri, 8-Asahayagni.

1-Nag's bad effect causes wounds and absecess, 2-Vang's bad effects causes Leprosy, Leucoderma and anomalies of blood , 3-Vahin causes Hyperpyerexia,high fever, increases body heat, 4- Mala causes rigidity, motionless body, 5-Chapalya causes abnormality of reproductive systems, 6-Visha causes loss of life, death, 7- Giri causes severe skin disorders, 8-Asahayagni causes mental disorders, mental diseases.

The Ayurvedic practitioners, hundreds thousands years before, observed the bad effects of the Mercury and they warned in the verse 9 last line that Mercury should be used after the purification of these abnormalities.

Verse 14 to 16 tells the need of Mercury purification. Verse 17 to 18 tells the quantity of Mercury taken at a time for the purification. The process of the purification is given in the verse 22 to 26, in which the herbs are used to eradicate the all eight abnormalities of Mercury.This is known first process of the purification. The second process is given in the verses 27 to 30. The third process is given in verse 31. The fourth process is given in the verse 32 to 33. Two more processes of the purification is given in the verses 34 to 37.

Apart from this, Asta sansakar and Sixteen samsakara of the mercury purification is also given in the Ras Tarangini.

After passing from these purification processes, Mercury is used in the preparation of the Mercury-sulphur based medicaments with herbs, minerals mixture etc. It is observed by the Ayurvedicians that mixing Mercury with purified sulphur, the combination is suitable to human consumption without any harm.

GREY POWDER This powder is used by the British Doctors. They named it 'Grey powder'.The internal use of the Gray powder cures Diarrhoa, Vomitting, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis. It is particularly beneficial to childrens. The method of the preparation is very easy. One part purified Mercury and two parts of purified Chalk [Calcium Carbonate], mix both with the help of Mortar and Pestal. In Khasta Tarang of Ras Tarangini verse 9 to 19 tells the preparation, doses and uses. The adult dose of this powder is 50 milligram and for children 5 to 10 milligram. When the symptoms of disease subsides or cured, the gray powder should withdraw immediately and the doses should not be used frequently. This formula is also find in some Allopathic Pharmacy books.

In books of toxicology, over 15 kinds of Mercury preparation is founded. But in Ayurveda only Quick silver or Mercury is used, which is after the vigourous process of purification.

One Mercury-sulphur based medicine:

Sootshekhar Ras

Contents: One part each of the followings: Purified Mercury, Purified Sulphur,Phoola of Suhaga, Purified Vatsanabha, Suwarn Bhasam, Tamra Bhasam, Ginger, Black pepper, Peepal, Shuddha dhature ke beej, Tej patra, Nagkeshar, Elaichibeej, Belgiri, Shankha Bhasam, Kachoor [total 16 herbs and minerals] should be taken in equal quantity of eachone. Mix all with the help of mortar and pestal, grinding all by mixing Eclypta elba {bhrangraja} fresh juice. When juice dried again mix juice and grind. Repeat the process total 7 times.

The dose of this medicine at present is 100 milligrams to 200 milligrams with honey one or two times a day, morning or evening or both the times with Anupan according to the disease conditions.

Indications: This medicine is covering the wide varieties of the disease conditions.The medicine cures Hyperacidity, Vomitting, Nausea, Abdominal Intestinal colic, Abdominal Tumours, Bronchitis, cough of all nature, Dysentery, Burning sensations, Diarrhoea, complaints arising from Tridosha, Asthama,Diminished Hunger, Very acute hiccough, Flatulence, Frequent Eructations,feeling of temparature, Tuberculosis, pathophysiology of ailimentary canal etc.

The above formula contains the purified Mercury only 06 to 12 milligrams per dose.

The fatal dose of Unpurified Mercury is 03 grains [about 200 milligrammes] to 20 grains according to the book of toxicology.

The difference is that Ayurveda uses mixture of the purified Mercury with the purified Sulphur and not alone. Purified Sulphur assimilates the therapeutic and curing properties of Mercury in itself and when this mixture is mixed with the herbs, it becomes an assured medicaments.

Now evaluate whether the Ayurvedic Mercury-sulphur combination Medicines are toxic ?

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:45 PM IST 17 August 2006

Could you please clarify - are you saying that British doctors today are prescribing mercury-based medicines to children? If so, could you give a reference for this, or an example of British doctors who are doing this? Thanks Jon m

  • Better to enquire from British Medical Association. Thanks. user:Debbe 02 November 2006, 20:00 PM, IST

Lead : uses as Ayurvedic Medicine

Lead is used as medicine in Ayurveda. But the Lead is used as 'Bhasma' after purification process of the metal. Let us know, what is Bhasama ?. It is similar to when wood is burnt and the wood is lastly converts in ash. Ash in english and Bhasma in Sanskrit / Hindi language, both have similar meanings.

Likely to this, Lead is first purified according to the process of purification, narrated in the classical books of Ayurveda and then it is converted in the Bhasma form.

Masters of the Ayurveda of olden times observed and experienced that Lead can not be used as medicine, as it is found in the natural state. In Ras Tarangini, the classical book of Ayurveda, in chapter Ekonvinshastarang, verse 4 to 6 narrates that use of impure or unpurified Lead causes anomaly of blood, produce Leprosy, Leucoderma and several Skin disorders, joints problems, paralysis, tumours, anomaly of urine, diabetes,tympenitis of Abdomen, dropsy, fistula, anus problems, Digestive disorders, Cervical spondylitis,frozen shoulders, abdominal colic, tuberculosis etc. The masters of Ayurveda warned the Vaidyas that purified Lead should be used for medicinal preparations. In verses 7 to 10 the process of purification of the Lead is given.

The Bhasma process of purified Lead is several and they are given in verses 11 to 45.

The dose of the Naag [Lead] Bhasma is 30 milligrammes to 120 milligrams, as advised in verse 46 to be taken one or two times with the Anupana according to the disease conditions.

Indication of Naag [Lead] Bhasama

The indication and therapeutic uses of this bhasama is narrated in the verse 47 to 55. Some uses of Bhasma are as follows:

  • cures diebetes and anomaly of urine
  • Bleeding per vagina and uterus
  • Bleeding Heamorrhoides
  • Tuberculosis and intestinal tuberculosis
  • Hydronephrosis state of kidney, swelling of kidney
  • Paralysis and trembling of whole body
  • Revitalise Muscular system in condition of whole body paralysis

The fatal dose of unpurified Lead is 300 grains according to the books of toxicology.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:45 AM IST 19 August 2006

Aresenic : uses as medicine in Ayurveda

Arsenic is a fatal poison. The fatal dose of Unpurified Arsenic is 200 milligrammes and more. This fact is known to the Ayurvedicians since hundred thousands years before, that's why they warned to use Arsenic [Sankhia/Malla in Sansakrit and Hindi language] after purification processess as mentioned in the Ayurvedic classicals accordingly strictly. In Ras Tarangini classical book, chapter Ekadashtaranga, verse 133 to 137, the process of purification is given. After purification, Arsenic is ready for Bhasama procedures. In Ayurveda Sar Sangrah, a book of pharmacy and pharmaceutical preparations, tells the process of the preparation of Malla Bhasam. The Bhasma is useful in Malaria fever, Infectious fever, infections of different varieties, Arthritis, Gout, joints problems, Anomalies of Blood, Cough and Asthama of all nature, Leprosy, Leucoderma, Paralysis of all natures, Male infertelity and male sexual disorders etc etc.



Ingredients: Purified Arsenic 100 milligrams, Black pepper powder 03 Grams, Ras-sindoor 03 Gms, Purified Dhatura-beeja 02 Grams, Pippaly Churna 02 Grammes. Mix all with the help of Mortar and Pestal, pouring and mixing with Lemon juice, grind all three days continuously. Dry it in room temperature.

Doses: Above prepared medicine should be taken 100 milligrams to 150 milligrammes, morning and evening with honey or milk.

Indications: The remedy cures all kinds of Malarial fevers, Infectitious [Bacterial, parasitic,fungul,Viral] fevers and allied syndromes etc.

Now estimate and calculate, how much quantity of the Arsenic will be in each dose in this Ayurvedic preparation ?

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 07:35 PM IST 20 August 2006 Sunday

<rollseyes> You do know that heavy metals, such as arsenic accumalate in the human body, right? 06:00, 14 September 2006 (UTC)

In this world, there is some downtroden fools, some childish behaviour fools, some great fools , some king of fools and some half mind fools. The great Poet of Sansakrit language, Bhartahari says about fools that Learned person should save themselves from the society of fools.

user:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 06:45 PM IST 15 September 2006

And how does that relate to scientific evidence of dangerous levels of heavy metals found in ayurvedic medicine?Naroays 14:17, 15 September 2006 (UTC)

Puff not against the wind. Throwing pearls before swine.

user:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:23 AM IST 16 September 2006

Consume not the toxic heavy metals. Doing so is death. 09:28, 17 September 2006 (UTC)

"Excuse them, they do not know, what they are doing ?"

Mercury single or alone never uses

Mercury is never used in its natural forms in any Ayurvedic medicines. After vigorous purification process, purified mercury is mixed with the purified sulphur in ratio of [1] One part of purified mercury and one part of purified sulphur or [2] one part of purified mercury and two parts of purified Sulphur or [3] one part of purified mercury and six part of purified Sulphur.

When purified Sulphur assimilates purified mercury, mercury converts in a black powder, kajjali. Take the reference of Sulphur from the book Foods that harm, foods that heal published by the Readers Digest Association , 1996 edition writes about the Sulphur : although sulphur is preserve in the cells of human body, but it mostly accumulated in hair, skin and nails. Sulphur mostly recieved as part of the protiene intake, which are amino acids, cysteine and methionine. Three B Vitamines thiamin, Pantothenic acid and biotine are also part of sulphur. The sources of sulphur is proteine from animal and vegetable sources. In Onion, sulphur compounds are founded and researchers believes that onion prevent the growth of cancer cells.

The black powder of the mixture of Purified Mercury and Purified Sulphur makes a new compound in which the nature of purified mercury is changed. When the herbs are mixed with this compound, the purified mercury works better and becomes more effective in healing of disease conditions.

User:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:32 PM IST 21 August 2006 Monday

Comprehensive treatment and management of Ayurveda

Ayurveda provides comprehensive treatment of the diseases / disease conditions / disease syndromes. The Ayurvedic treatment and management of the patient is differ to the other medical systems. In Modern Western Medicine [Allopathy] the treatment is basically given by the part of the body accordingly, while in Ayurveda the treatment is given according to the patient complaints. The whole body is treated and not the particular organs as in Allopathy.

Suppose a person is suffering from the Asthmatic problems, Skin rashes, fever, abdominal pain,Irritable bowel syndromes, Arthritis, backache etc. If he desire to consult the Allopathic physicians, he have to go for the Skin specialist, Pulmonary specialist,Gastroenterologist,Orthopeadics and other physicians. He have to take the huge numbers of medicines of his diseased conditions simultaneously. While comperatively, if the patient consult the Ayurvedicians, the Ayurvedic physician will solve his whole problems, because he will provide the patient comprehensive treatment at a time and will provide the treatment according to the sick persons conditions and the syndromes.

No side effects of Ayurvedic medicines

It is misconcieved by the so many people that Ayurvedic medicines are dagerous to health. These peoples are making mistakes to understand the Ayurveda medical science. In Ayurveda about 95 percent medicines are prepared from the herbal resources. Only about 5 percents are prepared from the mixture of herbs into metals, minerals and animal kingdoms. The metalic medicines are known Rasausadhi or Lauh, in which the contents of the metals are very very low. The classical Ayurvedic medicines are consumed by the Indian masses everyday.

Most of the westerners can not understand the efficiency of the Indian traditional system, because they are fail to understand the basic philosophy of life existed in the nature and environment Ayurveda begins with the nature and environment. The science progresses step by step to understand the motive behind it. Westerners only talks of the Infections and Bacteria now, while in Ayurveda the concept of the infection was concieved by the Ayurvedicians hundred thousands years before.

In Madhav Nidan, which is a book of the collection of the symptoms, syndromes of the diseases for disgnosis purposes, is seems to be the oldest book on disease diagnosis. The book provides the knowledge of the diagnosis, which is as true as observed hundred thousands years before. Now the descriptions of the diseases which was in nutshell at that time written in Madhav Nidan, is expanded because of the introduction of the microscopes, pathological examination, scanning facilities etc. In olden days the diseases were diagnosing on the clinical syndromes and sympatomatology and so was the tradition before 40 or 50 years. Today there is no changes at all in the olden concept, because the procedure of the disease diagnosis is the same as it was thousands years before. What happened today, our knowledge about the disease diagnosis is increased because of the research in the field, but the treatment is same with little changes except the introduction of the new chemical medicines. If one go through the history of medicine before 100 years, nobody will be able to find the description of Microscopes. Bacteria, pathogens, infections came in existence after the invention of Microscope. Earlier to that there is no description of Infection, but in Ayurveda, the practitioners oberved that there is some morbific agents, who grow themselves in a certain period of the year and creat a certain syndromes, when wheather changes. They called it "Agantuk jwar" or Ahantuk Vyadhi". Ayurvedic physician observed that at the change of weather in the month of "Basant" or "Vasant" [round about February/ March], there is a disease condition appears every year and affects the masses simultaneouly. They named it Vasant Rog/Masurika/chechak [Chicken pox, small pox, measles]. Ayurvedicians finds out that the disease spreads due to polluted air, polluted atmosphere, polluted environment. They also found that by contact of the sick persons, the disease affects to the contacted personals.Ayurvedicians also observed that in a certain period of the year, Typhoid fever grasps the population particularly youngesters. They also observed that Malaria fever is happening in the period of rain and in raint seasons. Ayurvedicians formulated herbal drugs for the cure of malaria and they treated successfully malarial fever, when there was no preparation of Quinine was found. Likewise in the same line of the treatment of Malaria, even todays patients are treated with these medicines, when Quinine fail to recover the patient or without quinine.

Tridosha principles and Pulse examination

Ayurvedicians diagnose the disease condition by Pulse examination. They also goes for the Astawidhi examination with Urine and stool examination. Actually they developed the diagnosis technique for determination of the disease condition based on the Tridosha principles. With the conclusion of the diagnosis, the prescription is given by the Vaidya. So the theory of the comprehensive treatment is translated into total care prescription with Ayurvedic medicines.

Now with the help of the invention of the new technology, which is evidence based, Electrotridoshagraphy, gives foolproof Ayurvedic diagnosis with the concept of the comprehensive treatment of whole body at a time, without any mistakes.

user:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com, 01.30 UTC, 24 December 2006

That is blatantly wrong and your POV. There are many side effects associated with ayurvedic medicine. Read [6], [7]
Ayurvedic medicine has very little scientific standing. The majority of the scientific community beleives that this is a form of quackery. 03:53, 14 September 2006 (UTC)

Those who are saying quackery, they are mentally cracs themselves. Those who are followers of these mentally cracs, they are more than that.

user:Dbbajpai1945@sify.com 11:31 AM IST 16 September 2006

Quite true, the entire claim of quackery is rubbish. All the refs claiming "Quackery" pointed to Homeopathy, not Ayurveda. The basic precept of Ayurvedic medicine is strong and sound. Just that because Ayurveda does not have a fixed set of standards, there is greater opportunity for fraud. Ayurvedic concepts are very useful for the treatment of many mild illnesses and allergies, though they fail for more serious cases where modern medicine is the only realistic solution. Those who insult Ayurveda are ignorant people with no knowledge of the sound empiricism behind the discipline.Hkelkar 06:16, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
Woah, cut the attacks. Many people consider that certain forms of ayurveda is indeed quackery. It's got no scientific basis whatsoever. The link which you removed from the article indeed verified that about ayurveda (not homeopathy). I don't have the time or energy to enter into a revert war, so I'll leave this article as such in the hope of NPOV in the future. 09:28, 17 September 2006 (UTC)
Read Research and innovations in Ayurveda where there is cited information about institutions such as the Bhabha Atomic Research Center and other prestigious academic institutions are doing mainstream scholarly research into Ayurvedic medicines before making baseless statements about which you don;t seem to have much knowledge. The article contains citations of peer-reviewed medical journals from academia only. Please do not violate WP:OR and put unsourced nonsense into wikipedia articles unless you have specific sourced information to the effect that academia debunks Ayurveda as "quackery". So far, all you have advanced is your opinion, which is not a candidate for a wikipedia edit and I suggest you keep it to yourself. Thanks.Hkelkar 10:04, 17 September 2006 (UTC)
Nowhere in your refs is the pejorative "quackery" mentioned (not in the ones where Ayurveda is even discussed) and some of your refs did fail verification wrt Ayurveda and, in fact, mentioned homeopathy. Before you put in bogus edits with false refs, please

Scientific Critiscim

This article is heavily POV and biased! Maybe the worst article on wikipedia. Where' the scientific Critiscim of ayuervedic treatment? I can find sources for - The fact that ayurvedic treatment is thought of pseudoscience, and has very little scientific standing. - shortcomings of the supposedly huge body of experimental and clinical data supporting alternative medical theories. In fact, outside review has discredited all their work. - scientific criticism of the questionable techniques. We really need it to make this article NPOV59.92.55.140 02:08, 14 September 2006 (UTC)

There I did a major rewrite of the article and added a science and ayurveda section. What do you think? 05:59, 14 September 2006 (UTC)

The edits had a lot of failed verifications. Many of the sources pointed to criticism of homeopathy and the general precept of "Holistic Medicine" and were not specific to Ayurveda. Homeopathy is a western pseudoscience, not an Indian one. If you read the refs, the criticism is specific to a lack of modern standards in Ayurveda which leads to fraud, exaggerated claims, poor quality etc. However, Ayurvedic medicine is sound for treating and partially curing many ailments (uaually minor ones). Obviously, the Vedic Rishis did not possess the technology or the means to study or cure more sophisticated diseases

(many of which evolved during more contemporary times) such as Diabetes, Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimers etc. Plus, drastic medical treatments requiring sophisticated surgery or powerful antibiotics etc will not work Ayurvedically. However, Ayurvedic medicine can treat mild allergies (through Herbal antihistamines), it can supplement diets (multivitamin herbs, preparations, mineral sources like calcium etc.), it can enhance some neurological abilities through extended use (Vishwanathan Anand, India's Chess master and possessor of the highest IQ recorded in India in recent years, enhanced his memory with Ayurvedic regimen that lasted years).It's all about the right dosage and the right kind of treatment, which often doesn;t work because of the lack of organization in the field, the lack of a medical standards baseline, and the lack of objective testing that leads to exaggerated claims, fraudulent practices etc.Hkelkar 06:30, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

Yes, I agree. Nice neutral edits Hkelkar. 08:30, 16 September 2006 (UTC)
Looks great. Your rewrite was very much needed. The article was rampant with linkspam and is much better now with your cleanup. It really needed a science section. On the other hand, I think you're barking up the wrong tree with the skeptic angle. I understand that there may not be much out there in the way of research supporting this topic, but Ayurveda is much bigger than evidence-based and scientific methods. There will be plenty of published work in the years to come, as the NIH/CAM institute is in the middle of the largest study ever done. Keep in mind that it's 3300+ years old and it may take time for westerners to understand it.
Let's toss the tags {verify} {totallydisputed} and [Category:Pseudoscience] and keep {OR} in two places to encourage practitioners to add their knowledge. Let's discuss here for future changes in this direction. I’ll check back daily.
Maybe get a username too..? so people can get an understanding of your motives, expertise, etc? I would enjoy working with you to make it a better article.
Thanks! --Travisthurston 02:13, 15 September 2006 (UTC)?

I am going to delete the line saying that ayurveda goes against modern scientific beliefs of disease such as pathogens, genetics etc. Ayurveda believes that an imbalance in tridoshas reduces the immunity and makes one susceptable to the attack by pathogens resulting in disease. The sentence is completely wrong. Both Charaka and Sushruta (ancient authors of Ayurveda) have written about pathology in their books (samahitas).

Why the foreigners are interested in patenting Ayurvedic herbs and drugs?

If Ayurvedic science is so bad for some criticisers, commenting that they have not yet seen the worst page in the whole Wekipeadia articles [ now they have seen ] and according to them , this is the worst and worst article they have read. Whether they have thought over it, if Ayurveda is so bad, why Americans and other foreigners are interested in the patenting of the Ayurvedic herbs and Ayurvedic formulea? There is a big list for obtaining the patent in various countries patent's offices for patenting the Ayurvedic herbs.

Some years ago, Turmeric and Azadiracta Indica was patented by some Americans. The patent was challenged by the Indian Government to quash the patent. Now Ashwagandha and other herbs are patenting by the foreigners. What is it? At one side, they are abusing and defaming Ayurveda and other side they are wanting benefit from Ayurveda. It shows, they are playing the double game and showing their double personality. Their intentions seems bad, unfair and dishonest. user:Debbe, 27 October 2006, 07: 50 PM IST

Hey I found references that attest to this:
  1. "Turmeric Patent Overturned in Legal Victory." by Johnston, Barbara A., Webb, Ginger, HerbalGram; Fall1997 Issue 41, p11, 2p
  2. This archive of a Times of India article.Hkelkar 08:12, 31 October 2006 (UTC}
Firstly, some 'treatments' are completely ineffective but still very profitable (e.g. homeopathy). Patents on this type of thing can be valuable, even if the treatment is useless. The fact that something is patented (or that people have tried to patent it) doesn't prove it works.
Secondly, it's feasible (very likely, I'd say) that some ayurvedic treatments are effective; however, this doesn't mean that other ayurvedic treatments aren't ineffective and/or dangerous. The wikipedia article should include both 'sides' of this story. Jon m
Er, dude, get your facts straight. homeopathy has nothing to do with Ayurveda. Homeopathy originated in Europe, not India. Plus, the article DOES present both sides of the story.Hkelkar 20:41, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
I was using homeopathy as an analogy (I know it was developed in Europe). I don't think I was entirely clear - apologies for that. Where do you feel that the article fails to present both sides of the story (if you wanted to add information on patents that would be interesting). Jon m

I already did that to some degree.Hkelkar 22:35, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
yeah, just noticed that when I was looking back through the article - thanks. Largely looks good. The one nit-picking complaint is that some of this info could use updating (e.g. the Neem campaign has, thankfully, had substantial success in blocking patenting) [8]. If you don't have time to update this, I'll have a go when I've got a minute.
I think we were editing bits of the article simultaeneously. I therefore may have everted one or two of your edits - sorry about that. If you think the edits are appropriate, feel free to reincorporate them.
In terms of heavy metals and safety, the risk comes from using (not just misusing) contaminated remedies. The JAMA article found that "A total of 14 (20%) of 70 HMPs contained heavy metals...If taken as recommended by the manufacturers, each of these 14 could result in heavy metal intakes above published regulatory standards. [9] Consuming heavy metals in these amounts is not safe (they accumulate in the body, so can still cause damage over time even if the effects are not immediate). Jon m 23:01, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
  • If any body is addicted to consume regular huge amount of liquor, what you will say about the consumption of alcohol which damage the Liver, Kidney,Heart, Brain,Intestines and other Vital organs, producing Cirrhosis of Liver, Kidney failure, Brain Heamorrhages, Heart attacks, Asthmatic attacks and several severe health problems after some time? What you will say about the Common Salt, which creates High Blood pressure and other health problems? Are they not collecting inside the body and producing damage?. What you will say, those who are consuming bore water and after some time they have excess calcium level in their blood, muscles and suffered from Renal stone and Gall Bladder stone, excess excretion of calcium crystals in urine? Every day we consume water,which passes from the metalic pipe. It eroses slowely and gradually inside the bore. The water is polluted due to oxidation reacted meterial overnight in the pipe. We consume it daily. Will the water is good for health according to your opinion? Why Ayurveda is blamed repeatedly for the toxic materials drugs, which is already in the mind of the consumer that the Ayurvedic medicine is totally and absolutely safe for health and do not create any harm to Humans?

user:Debbe, 01 November 2006, 23:30 PM IST

Sure- drinking alcohol to excess, for example, is dangerous. However, this does not change the fact that studies have shown that ayurvedic medicine contains toxic heavy metals in overly high quantities. Ayurveda is therefore often blamed for toxic materials because it often contains toxic materials - seems fair enough to me. The dangers associated with the heavy metals in ayurvedic preparations should be covered in this wikipedia article (just as, for example, the alcohol article discusses the potential toxicity of ethanol). Jon m

  • Have you used Ayurvedic medicine, which one? Have the Ayurvedic medicine damaged your liver? Have you gone for the biopsy examination of your Liver , where you founded the deposition of Mercury along with the quantity? Have your Kidney damaged after taking Ayurvedic medicine? Which medicine shrinkage your Kidney after taking medicine? How much time you have consumed the Ayurvedic medicine, which damaged your vital parts? Which problem you have faced after taking Ayurvedic medicine and who was treating you? For what physical or mental problems, you was taking regular Ayurvedic medicine, open the name of the drugs, which you have consumed?

user:Debbe , 02 November 2006, 12:55 IST

More information

I am a little busy with another article right now but I would appreciate if somebody looked at these references to expand the Ayurveda and Research and innovations in Ayurveda:



In case you don't have jstor subscription, I do and can get a copy of the article for you to read. Please notify me in my talk page if anyone has the time to do this. Thanks.Hkelkar 11:13, 2 October 2006 (UTC)

Miraculous cure : Ayurveda under scanner

Meera Nanda's article Ayurveda under scanner is less than half, devoted to Baba Ramdev. Some part of the article is with the opinion of few doctors. Some part is to communist. Some part is to Government. But no part is seen to Ayurveda. It is very easy to critisize over any thing. The article is nothing and not written seriously acording to the caliber of Meera Nanda , who is perhaps research scholar in United States somewhere, researching in religion and science. No body knows about her medical qualification or medical knowledge, because the article is full of cricism and shows the negative attitude of the writer. The article is lacking nutrality. The Journalists are said to be, the jack of all trades but master of none.

Few years back, in a Televison interview, while one of the senior most Journalist of India was inteviewing to Kashmir's Chief Minister Abdullah, the journlist asked, why you are not solving the problem of Kashmir, now is the time the central government is with you and this is the best time to solve the Kashmir's problems? . In reply to question, Chief Minister Abdullah asked question to that journalist, whether he can solve the problem of the Kashmir?. The journalist replied that Yes, he have solution of the Kashmir problems, but he is not the chief minister of the state and without being the CM, how is possible to solve the problem ? Abdullah replied that National conference is in majority at the movement, if you have any solution of the solving of Kashmir problem, I will depute you Chef Minister within few hours and you can solve the problem very easily. The next movement, most senior journalist shamefully geared back and told to Abdullah that he is having no solution of the Kashmir problem.

Nanda is a reserch fellow in the field of religion, we should await about her unique contribution in religions, which is a necessity in the present era. The world is being divided in the different ideology in Christianity and in Islam. If she should work on these important topics, her share and contribution will be more appreciated.

User:Debbe 11:48 PM 14 October 2006

I have tried to neutralize that bit by writing about the other side of the story. Basically the Baba Ramdev thing was just a smear campaign by that commie Brinda Karat that was so obvious that even other commies condemned her for it.Incidentally, my father had been following the controversy and he told me that Baba Ramdev's did not reveal the fact that he had been following normative ayurvedic practice of using deer horns to boost the Calcium content of his medicines. He didn;t do this because he didn;t want to piss of his more finicky Jain followers.Brinda Karat got wind of this and exploited the situation to her advantage, spreading absurd nonsense about Ramdev using "Human Body parts" (she obviously saw too many reruns of "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", lol!), then got thoroughly thrashed by both left-wing and right-wing politicians.Her credibility is shot to nothing as far as I can see.Hkelkar 07:41, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
  • Deer horns are, now, not available due to ban on the hunting of the deers. In Ayurveda deer horn is known as "Mrig-shrang [Deer Horn]". Nowadays Ayurvedic Pharmacies are manufacturing "Shrang Bhasma [Horn ashes]", by using Buffallows, Cows, Goats etc. horns.user:debbe, 01 November 2006, 12:50 PM IST

Developmental History of Ayurveda

Take the reference: Acharya Pandit Vishwa Nath Dwivedi, Ayurveda Brahaspati, ex-director, IASR, Jamnagar, Gujarat, now presently associated with the Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, writes in his book "Bharatiya Ras Shastra", that at the very beginning of the Ayurveda, when no written words were invented, at that time the Guru-Shishya parampara was persisting. Guru transferes the knowledge through shruty-smraty [listening and memorising] traditions. Some times after, these words were engraved on the stones of the caves. The disciples were memorising the words and sentences according to their capacity of storage of memory. Later when literature increases, the division of memorising of the words and senetences, had been segregated to different groups. Thus the tradition of Ayurveda was alive by this methods.

After that when script came in existence ,the sentences were written on the stones,woods,taalpatra, bhojpatra and copper sheets.

Reference from the book title: Bharatiya Ras Shastra, Sachitra, Kriyatmak Aushadhi Nirman Sahit, authour: Ayurveda Brahaspati Acharya Pandit Vishwa Nath Dwivedi, Ayurveda Shashtracharya, BA, Ex-director: IASR, Jamnagar, Proffessor and Vibhagaadhyaksha, Snatkottar Shikshan kendra, Jamnagar, Dean of the faculty of Ayurveda, Gujarat University, Ahamdabad,Pracharya, Sansakrit Vishvavidyalaya, Varanasi, Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Gujarat Ayurveda Vshwa Vidyalaya - Jamnagar:Publisher: Shri Sharma Ayurveda Mandir, Datiya, Jhansi, Varanasi, Nagpur, edition; 1987, Hindi Language

user:debbe, 31 October 2006, 06:50 PM IST

Verses from Atharvaveda including Rigaveda

Take the reference from Atharvaveda:

The fourth kanda of Atharvaveda, 13 sookta and Dasham Mandal of Rigvada, 137 sookta is famous for the "Roga-Nivarana sootra". It is believed that the originator of these sookta are Rishi Santati, Devata Chandrama and Vishwadeva. While in Rigveda the first mantra is written by the Rishi Bhardwaj, Second Kashyapa, Tratiya Gautama, Chaturtha Atri, Pancham Vishwamitra, Khasta Jamadagni and Saptama Rishi Vashistha and Devata Vishvodeva. By chanting these verses continuously normal health is assured, it is believed. The Rishies have prayed to dieties for providing cure to sick.

The followings are the seven verses from Atharvaveda in Sansakrit Language;

1- Uta Deva avahitam deva unnatha punah, Utagashrachkrusham deva deva jeevayatha punah:

english translation: O god, o god, those who are fall down, give them strength to up. O god , o god, and those who have done sin, alive them alive them

2- Dwavimou vato vata aa sindhora parawata, Daksham te anya aavatu vyanyo vatu yadrapah ;

english translation: There are two Vayu. One from the side of oceans and other from the far away from earth. In these two Vayu, one provide you strength and other provide you cure from sickness.

3- Aa Vata Vahi Bhesajam vi vata vahiyadrapah / twam hi vishwabhesaj devanam doot eyase /

English translation: O Vayu, bring medicine here. O vayu, remove our Dosha, O Vayu, the keeper of all medicines, certainly you come like angle, moves and goes.

4- Trayantamimam devastrayantam marutam ganah / trayantam vishwa bhootani yathayamrapa yasat /

English Translation: O god, save this sick, O groups of Marut, save, all beings save, by the act the sick became normal

5- Aa twamagam santatibhiratho aristatatibhi / daksham ta ugramabharisham pram yakshamam suwami te /

English translation: Came to you with immortal basics and peace. Fills with the great strength. Removes your all sickness

6- Ayam me hasto bhagwanayam me bhagawattarh / ayam me vishwabhesajoyam shivabhimarshanah /

English translation: my this hand is lucky. My this hand is very very lucky. My this hand is containing all curable medicines and the touch of my hand is pious

7- Hastabhyam dashshakhabhyam jivha vachah purogavi / anamayitnubhyam hastabhyam tabhyam twabhi mrashamasi /

English translation: My both hand have ten branches [fingers] and have tongue to produce speech. I touch you to give you cure for your ailments

user:debbe 01 November 2006, 06:45 PM, IST

Ayurveda New Discovery: Electro-tridosha-graphy [E.T.G.]

The ultramodern discovery of Ayurveda information, Electrotridoshagraphy [ETG] was mentioned on the main page of Ayurveda upto July/August 2006. When pages of Ayurveda were splitted in the few sections, another page was fabricated and the information of the Electrotridoshagraphy was transferred to new page "Research and innovation in Ayurveda".Which is as under:

Electro-Tridosha-Graphy (ETG)

About 10 years ago, an Ayurvedic practitioner in Kanpur, India claimed to have invented an "electro-tridosha-gram/graph". The device is designed to measure the levels of the Ayurvedic Basic Principles (i.e. tridosha, tridosha-bhed, sapta dhatu, malas, agni, oaj, etc) in the human body. An electro-tridosha-gram report can show the levels of these doshas in a variety of formats (i.e. data sheet, graphical) along with traces of ETG readings. Medicine. The technology is supposedly very simple to use.

This is the first and only Ayurvedic whole body scan, with the Ultimate Evidence Based Ayurvedic Diagnosis Solution.


The Basic concept of the technology is based on the Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, Biophysics, Biotechnology,Electrophysiology, Action potential, Signal transduction,Electrolytes, Membrane potential, Biomedical Engineering etc. The ETG produces signal traces from electrodes placed at 21 selected sectors and points on the patient's body. The traces are fed into a computer which processes them.

The traces produced by the ETG are collected to produce seven waveforms, creatively labeled "ABCDEZF". A high LEFT KAPHA reading in the 'E' wave is an indication of cervical spondilitis. 'F' wave presence almost seen in the patient suffering from any fatal diseases conditions i.e. Cancer, Kidney failure, Incurable disease conditions etc. Deppressed waves at RIGHT PITTA sector signifies Hepatitis and pathophysiology of Liver. In this trace, if 'E' wave is horizontal signifies presence of Gall bladder stone. 'E' wave downward signifies that Gall bladder is operated. Deppressed 'B' wave in RIGHT VATA signify colitis and Inflammatory condition of bowels.

If the electro-tridosha-gram actually works as advertised, it would have tremendous implications. It may advance the field of Ayurveda by giving researchers the ability to see precisely how various stimuli affect dosha levels in the body.

Development of the ETG

Central Council for Research in Ayurved and Siddha, Department of Ayurved [AYUSH], Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, is trying to develop this technology. NATIONAL INNOVATION FOUNDATION, AHAMADABAD, INDIA, well appreciated the technology. An International research center KERI is established for the research, training and development of the technology. It is believed that with the help of this technology, Ayurved will be more evidence based medical system and will proove its scintificity.

  • This information was on the main page of the Ayurveda upto the formation of the new page as earlier said.Some newspapers and magazines published articles and news on this Ayurveda discovery, which can be seen and brows by anyone interested in the Ayurveda and want to see Ayurveda progressess with the modern Hi-tech.

Unfortunately some persons, it seems to me they are prejudice about this technology and does not want to keep on the pages of Ayurveda. They removed the entire information and made mockery of the technology, as if some thing have been done wrong by the Indians. What is motive behind it, cannot say? The ETG technology is practicing today in its established centers at Kanpur and in their branches. Its popularity is increasing day by day.

The news and the articles, which have published in the news paper and magazines in Hindi Language, because the Ayurvedic Literature is in either in Sansakrit language or in Hindi Language. English is spoken and understood in entire globe and is a global language for communication. So, to introduce with this technology to all persons of the globe, the articles and the news have been translated into english language, so that every person could understand the benefit of the technology.

English translation: Article published in Hindi Language, The Moral weekly newspaper, Kanpur, India :[title] An Ayurvedic Invention - Electro-tridosha-graphy [E.T.G.]

The Indian system of medicine is considered to be about 5000 years old medical science. The complete Ayurveda is based on the basic principles like Tridosha, Tridosha-bhed, Sapta-Dhatu, Mala, Oaj, Agnibal etc.

To quantify the status of these principles, stages of Dosha presence in human body, radial pulse examination is the only way, which is known Nari Pareekshan [Pulse examnination]. Pulse examnination is dependent upon the qualification and experience of the Ayurvedic physician. The process of Pulse examination and their results are experienced and concieved by the brain and mind, depending upon the capacity of the Ayurvedic physician, but cannot be seen physically.

How Ayurvedic physician accepts the state of the presence of the Tridosha, Tridosha-bheda,Sapta Dhatus, Mala etc himself and how they estimate the intesity of the dosha-dhatu-mala and how they express the intesity of these principles, this is not possible in evidence form. For example in modern medical science, as they talks of the "Evidence Based Medicine", i.e. Xrays,CT scan, MRI,ECG,Pathological examinations.

In the history of Ayurveda, probably this is the first time happens that after the invention of the Electrotridoshagraphy machine, with this technology all the basic principles of the Ayurveda is produced successfully in the evidenced based form.

It is believed that with the invention of this technology, Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine will proove its scientificity. The Ayurveda will be more scientific. The technology will open new doors for research in the field of the Ayurveda, Ayurveda basic principles, Ayurveda philosophy, Maulik Siddhanta and new innumerable concept in the Ayurveda research. At modern time, Ayurveda have a scientific tool and scientific approach with this technology.

Utility of the Technology

1- The ETG technology scans the whole body. It detects the most sick parts to the lesser sick parts of the human body. The technology is very cheap. The expences of the single examination is worth Rs. 10/=IC [equivalent to less than quarter [1/4] US dollar]

2- So many diseases / disease conditions are not tracable from Xrays, Ultrasound, Scans and other Pathological examinations. ETG traces these complaints.

3- Monitoring of the sick persons health are easily possible. The effects of the treatment, the effects of the medicines, the effects of the managements can be examined and monitered.

4- This technology is for the use of all medical sciences practitioners, physicians practicing in their diciplines i.e. Modern western medical practitioners, Yoga , naturecure, Unani, acupuncturist etc etc. The technology is very easy and simple and can be performed anywhere, any place, any time, any condition, in clinic, in hospital, in home. The technology is very easy and no need of any prior medications and preparations.

The technology is invented by Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai,Kanak Polytherapy Clinic and research center, 67/70, Bhusatoli Road, Kanpur.

[This article contains two photographs, [1]Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai is showing the location of Pitta dosha for recording the tracings and [2] Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai is showing the trace records with the Electro-tridosha-graphy machine including computer softwares]

[Published in "The Moral", Hindi language weekly Newspaper, issue 09 August 2005, Publisher's Office: Aditya Prakashan, 26/16, Karachi Khana, Kanpur-208001, Uttar Pradesh, India, Telephone: 91-512-2312332 / Editor: Shri Shiv Saran Tripathy. Those who are interested for an original copy of the printed article newspaper in Hindi Language, they can write request for obtaining the copy to the office directly. The copy will be provided free of cost and without any obligation.]

English translation: article published in "The Moral" weekly newspaper: [title] New invention in Ayurveda world : Reader's curiosity increases on Electro-tridosha-Graphy technology

Many curious reader's reactions about the invention of Electrotridoshagram technology have been recieved after the publication of the article in the 09 August 2005 issue. The curious readers have asked several questions regarding the ETG technology, which are common, uncommon, serious and very serious.

1- The development of the ETG technology came in existence slowly and gradually by the continuous efforts since 10 years to the present state.

2-The scientific presentation of this technology have been successfully done before the high level expert committee set up by the Department of Ayurveda [AYUSH], Ministry of Health and Family Welafre, Government of India, New Delhi on 23 December 2004.

3- The Institution set-up by the Government of India for Grass root innovation recognition, National Innovation Foundation, Ahamdabad, India accredited the technology as " extraordinary combination of Ayurevda and modern scientific technology", believing with the fact that the technology will be foolproof for the dianosis of the ailments.

4- The ETG technology is selected as competition entry for Asian Innovation Award 2005, Singapore and international "Global Entrepolis Singapore Award 2005.The competion is organised by the famous Hongkong newspaper The Wall Street Journal with Do-Jones inc.

Reply of some questions

Readers of The Moral is questioning that ETG technology is useful for the all practitioners and all physicians Modern western medicine practitioners, Ayurvedicians,Hakims, Naturopaths, Accupuncturist etc. can use the technique. On the other side the technology is specifically for the use of the Ayurveda and quantify Maulik siddhanta of Ayurveda and propagated that the technique is useful for the Ayurveda, there is controversy in the statements? Which two statement are correct?

In reply of the question, it is better to say that both the statements are correct. For recording the tracings, the whole body is divided in the 21 sectors mainly and few sectors in options, which are known additional sectors. In fact in this technology the modernisation is included and at one side the data obtained is analysed in view of Modern western medicine, at the other side the data is analysed in view of Ayurveda Dosha-dooshya-mala-oaj. Thus the Ayuveda physician have advatages of the disease dagnosis in both way.

The body is a single unit. The body cannot divided into the separate parts. The technology gives the indication of the [a] Physiological basis of the diseases [b]Pathological basis of the diseases [c] Metabolic basis of diseases [d] Psychological basis of diseases. All the four divisions are represented to Ayurveda.Which quantify the status of the seven doshas, 15 doshas kinds, Seven dhatus, three Malas, two oajas, four Agni etc etc.

For example, if in the tracings of the Vata and Pitta, the B wave is 4 e.v.,Ras dhatu is below 50 percent, Mans Dhatu is 160 percent, Pureesh, Mootra and Swed is below 50 percent, Oaj and complete Oaj are less than normal level. In ETG B wave signifies the Saman Vata and Ranjak Pitta.

This details signify the diagnosis according to Ayurveda is "Yakrat janit Vata-Paittik shotha" or "Vata-paittik yakrat shotha" and in the view of Allopathy Modern western medicine the disease condition will be "Hepatic Oedematous condition" or "Hepatic Edema."

[The article containing [1] One photograph, Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai is showing the paper stripe of the trace record with the ETG machine [2] Letter of the reply from R.K. PRASAD, Private secretary to the President of India, july 4, 2005 to Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai, Kanak Polytherapy Clinic and Research Center, 67/70, Bhusatoli Road, Kanpur-208001]

[The article published in The Moral weekly newspaper, in Hindi Language in 13 September 2005 issue: Publishers : 25/16, Karachi Khana, Kanpur-208001, Editor: Shri Shiv Saran Tripathy. The editor is willing to provide the original newspaper copy of the above published article on demand without any obligations, free of cost. Interested person may send the request for original newspaper copy directly to office.]

English translation: article published in The Moral weekly newspaper: [title]New invention in the Ayurveda world : Possibility of the testing of Ayurvedic Bhasma and Mercury-sulphur combination medicines by Electro-tridosha-gram technology

The Ayurvedic Research is being published since last two issues of The Moral newspaper. A large number of the readers of the newspaper from the different states all over India welcommed the research work done by Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Many questions were asked for.

1- The research work is carried with the financial help from the patients and donations from the patient's family and the admirer of the Ayurveda. Therefore it is decided by the inventor Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai that the Electrotridoshagram technology should be dedicated to the entire community of the patients, all over the globe. Dr. D.B.Bajpai is dedicating his entire ETG research work to the patients.

2- This is known to be all concerned to Ayurveda that in future Ayurveda should be ready to face the possible challenges standed by the Modern Western Medicine. The target is straightly towards the Ayurveda.Foreign Multinational companies are in mal-practices to sell their products in India. They are using mal-tactices to sell their products by hooks and crooks. These multinationals directly or indirectly is advertising that Ayurvedic medicines are containing toxic materials and herbs and those will use these medicines, they will be poisoned and their body parts will hurt by using these Ayurvedic medicines. By using Ayurvedic Bhasma and Mercury-sulphur based medicines causes to fail kidney and liver and many Vital Parts of the body is affected. This type of the news published and broadcasted by the media, now a days the American, British, Canadian, German, Francicy governemt banned on the use of Ayurvedic medicines in their respective countries.

This is a direct attack to defame, on the 5000 years old timely developped Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda and an insult of the Indian traditional medical system. The foreigners why forget that the development in the Modern western medicine is not very old and the progress which have in the Allopathy that is 40 and 50 years old. In Indian during the regime of Britishers, the overall British families taking the treatment of the Ayurveda which was provided to them by the King and Nawabs of the respective states by their Rajvaidya. At that time there is no complaints done by any Britishers to failure of Kidney or Liver damages.Years and years Britishers uses theses medicines. Why this propaganda against the Ayurveda is at this time?

3- However a famous Ayurvedic Medicine Arogyavardhini Bati has been tested by the Electrotridosha graphy technology on human body. In this Vati medicine the Mercury, sulphur, herbs , minerals, metals are used for the preparation. The medicine is tested on the patients of Hepatitis, Enlargement of Liver, Swelling of Liver, Gall Bladder inflammation and time to time monitored their health conditions. After testing this medicine on the human body, no side effects or adverse effects are not observed and patient safely got cure. All the body parts did not shown any abnormality.

4- The technology is not yet Patented, so that the details will be provided to the readers with limitations.

Analysis of some tracings

The tracings are collected from the Pitta-sthan. All patients operated their Gall-bladder.

[a] the tracing is of the 40 years old lady, who operated her Gallbladder four years before. Ther trace line are not regular and in zigzag lines. D wave is not clear,A wave is absent, B wave is not upto the normal limit, C wave is turned sharply and Z wave is downward. The type of trace pattern shows swelling of the Liver. The Lady is suffering from Jaundice and Liver function is not normal. Downward Z wave is seen those patients who have operated their Gallbladder.

[b] the tracing is the record of a 46 years old lady from Right sided pitta-sthan. The gallbladder is operated few years before. D wave is not normal, awaves are not WNL. Z wave is downward. The trace pattern shows swelling in Liver with operated bladder.

[c] the trace record is of 55 years old lady. The gallbladder is operated. The pathophysiology of the Liver is present. Due to pathophysiology of liver, patient is suffering from the swelling of the wholebody but it is much more from epigastrium upto the both lower limbs. In ETG Z wave is significate the LOCHAK PITTA. The lady is weak eyesight and using spectacles. She is having ophthalmic problems and the white part of the eye is pale in color.

[The article contains [a] three Pitta-sthan tracings pattern with introductory lines [b]Publication of the Letter: ref: NIF/P42UP31A0056, Dated: November, 02, 2004 to Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai, Kanak Polytherapy Clinic and Research Center, 67-70, Bhusatoli Road, Kanpur-208001, Uttar Pradesh, Phone no: 0512-2367773 from National Co-ordinator, National Innovation Foundation,Bunglow No. 1, Sattelite complex, Jodhapur Tekra, Premchand Nagar Road,Ahmedabad-380015, Gujarat, India, Phone: 91-79-2673 2095/2456 Fax:91-79-2673 1900 www.nifindia.org E-mail:info@nifindia.org]

[The article is published in 11 October 2005 issue of The Moral weekly newspaper in Hindi language. Publisher Office: Aditya Prakashan, 25/16, Karachi Khana, Kanpur-208001 / Editor: Shri Shiv Saran Tripathy. Those reader wants the original copies of this newspaper, they may request to the office. The copies will be provided free of cost without any obligations]

English translation: article published in "The Moral" newspaper: [title] Evidence based presentation of Ayurveda Tridosha's Vata-dosha by the help of Electro-tridosha-graphy E.T.G. technology

Ayurvedic physicians from all over India welcommed, by heart and soul, the invention of the ETG technology.

1- It should be well noted to all that Electrotridoshagram technology is the First, only, alone Hi-tek of Ayurveda, which is in existence. This is the only indigenous technology, which is developed in the country, without any external supports. The technology is a boon of Ayurveda, which is giving by the Ayurveda to the whole world. It should be noted here that all the scans, examinations are came from the Modern Western Medicine [Allopathy] sides.

Electrotridoshagraphy is came from Ayurveda, complementary medicines and Holistic healing medicine sides.

2- Many Ayurvedic practitioners shows interest in the E.T.G. machine and the technology. To understand the ETG and the interpretation of the recorded tracings are the essential part of the technique. One have a good knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Practice of medicine etc along with the Ayurvedic Dosha-dhatu-mala and other Ayurveda basic principles. Because the interpretation of the data will be based on the Ayurveda side diagnosis and Modern Western Medicine sides both. So without having a good knowledge of the mentioned subjects the interpretation will be difficult.

3- It is observed since long experience that Ayurvedic treatment based on the Electrotridoshagram diagnosis and findings, cure is ascertained. The reason is, all the comprehensive disease picture comes before the physician in data, index, graphical forms of Tridosha existence, Five kinds of the Tridosha, Sapta Dhatus including Vata affected sapta dhatu, pitta affected sapta dhatu, kaphha affected sapta dhatu, Three malas - stool, urine, sweat, Agnibala, prakrati etc. The data also provides that which side, right or left, is affected or which part of the body is more or less sick.

This data provides physician the diagnosis ability and the physicians finds the exact location of the problems in the body. The physician came to know where and what treatment should be given to patient with the management.

Estimation of the normal and abnormal Vata-dosha

It is very easy to estimate the presence of Vata Dosha in the human body by the help of ETG technology. Hundred thousands Electrotridoshagram trace record's pattern shows that ETG records are identical and individual. It is impossible that similar pattern of one person will tally with the other person in the same way. This fact came after studying hundred thousands recording. Therefore recording of the ETG is said to be identical and individual.

Before recording , a normal parameter is seted to the sick. This parameter is came from the IEC and CEC. The parameter can be changed and will not remain same.

Analysis of some tracings

Tracing no:1- this is record of a 58 years old male. The normal parameter is 25.44 e.v. The person is having 16 e.v. from Vata-sthan. Thus he is having presence of Vata in his body 62.89 percent. The normal should be 95 to 99 percent.

Tracing no:2- this is record of the 38 years old male. The normal parameter is 12 e.v. In the tracing 8 e.v. is present. This person is having vata presence 66.66 percent.

Tracing no:3- this is record of a 50 years old female. The normal parameter is 14 e.v. The tracing shows 10 e.v. She is having presence of Vata 71.42 percent.

Tracing no:4- this is a record of the 71 years old male. The normal parameter is 26 e.v. The tracing is 28 e.v. The person is having presence of the Vata 107.69 percent, which is above from normal 95 to 99 percent.

Tracing no:5- this is a record of 22 years lady. The normal parameter is 20 e.v. She is having 20 e.v. She is having normal presence of Vata.

{The article contains [1] five trace records pattern taken from the Vata-sthan [2] Original record of a patient, named Sajjan Tewari, 22-10-05 at 01:50 PM, Diagnosed Acute Filariasis Right Lower Limb with Hyperpyerexia. Ayurvedic diagnosis is Dwidoshaj jwara vataj-pittaj with Pheelpawn.

The introductory line contains:

Example of the 15 sector recording of the Electro-tridosha-gram. This is a record of a young 35 years old male patient, which is sick from the Dwidoshaj jwara [Vataj-pittaj]. The patient is suffering from the right lower limb swelling with acute burning sensation. The patient lives in countryside and this is the first attack of the Filaria. The 11 sectors of the records are abnormal out of 15 sectors records.}

[This article is published in the 29 November 2005 issue of The Moral weekly newspaper in Hindi Language. Publishers: Aditya Prakashan, 25/16, Karachi Khana, Kanpur-208001, UP, India / Phone: 2372332. Editor: Shri Shiv Saran Tripathy. Those who are willing to obtain copy of the original newspaper of this article, they may contact to the office. Copy of the newspaper will be sent free of cost without any obligation.]

Ayurveda Invention: Electro-tridoha-gram [E.T.G.]

Article published in Hindi language: The Moral weekly newspaper, 20 December 2005 issue

Title: Disease Diagnosis by Easy Technology

English Translation:

In connection with the publication of news and details about the invention of new technology of Ayurveda in weekly newspaper The Moral, physicians and medical practitioners have taken it with great enthusiasm and applaudes expressions.

1- Dr. S.K. Gupta M.B.B.S.,M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Chacha Neharu Children's Hospital, Cooperganj, Kanpur have gone through with details of Electro-tridosha-gram technology, expressing his view that the technology can provide good diagnostic ability in early detection of cancer, of the body-parts.

2- Ayurvedic treatement experiences, which have been gained with those disease conditions, which are chronic in nature and is going parrellel with the life spawn, can be treated by taking the base of ETG findings. ETG findings makes easier the comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment classical concept, which have been said in the classical books of Ayurveda without any doubt and mistakes, because the technology provided the internal organs sickness stage foolproof and no chances of any mistakes in the provision of treatment. The Ayurvedic physician have thus confidence in himself and his Ayurvedic treatment and medicine/drug prescribing. ETG avoids the risk of wrong diagnosis. What is to be cured in the sick? this target is provided by the technology. The technology avoides confusion of Physician and opens the target for treatment, on the other side the technology provides confidence in the mind of the physician and save from any deviation before, during and after treatment.

3- The technology is easy for the doctors and the patient. Any place, any time, any circumstances the recording can be done. There is no need of any premedication or pre-preparations.It is a very easy technology. There is no torturing medications, no blood lettings, no injections no pain. When patient is Hospitalised or on bed or in emergency and if physician feels for regular monitoring of the patient's conditions, electrodes can be fitted in the proper place and thus the condition can be monitored as desired interval quickly. The psychological aspect of the regular monitoring will provide patience in patient's mind that the physician is watching regularly his/her condition and they are doing something.

Disease Diagnosis

As already said that technology provides diagnois of diseases also apart from the Ayurvedic principles. Some of the examples tracings are for the readers.

These are the trace records of the patients who are suffering from the Cervical/ Thoracic spinal problems and syndromes. All the sick have Cervical spondylitis disease conditions but they have pain in between scapular region or the upper part of the back is painful or rigidity in the chest muscles with pain, in some the pain spread in the both upper limb upto ankle joints or numbness sensation in the upper hand fingers or pain or skin eruptions , dermatitis. Some have missed diagnosed Cardiac diseases, angina etc.

Tracing's analysis

The tracings no. 1 to no. 6 are of those patients who are suffering from the Cervical spondylitis disease syndromes. Some have painless problems while some have no direct syndromes of the cervical problems.

The Z wave becomes peaked or exagerated in the tracings of the Kaphha sectors.

All the patients were advised to go for the Cervical X-ray examination for counter check-ups. The X-rays confirmed the Cervical sponylitis in these earlier ETG examined patient.

{The article contains Six numbers Tracings}

[Editor: Shiv Saran Tripathy,The Moral weekly newspaper, Publisher: Aditya Prakashan, 25/16, Karachi Khana, Kanpur-208001, Uttar Pradesh, India, Phone: 91-512-2372332. Those who want original copy of the published newsaper, they can write directly to the publishers office]

Scientific Journal of Panchakarma, issue July, 2005

article in Hindi Language: [title] Electro-tridosha-graphy, E.T.G.

  • The Electrotridoshagraphy is reliable to proove the efficiency and effectiveness of Ayurveda's Panchakarma Treatment.
  • Definitely new invented technology Electrotridoshagraphy is encouraging to the Ayurvedic Physicians for quantificating of Ayurvedic Principles, management of the cases, disease diagnosis, research in the treatment methods, testing of the medicines and innumarable uses gone afar.

[Editor: Dr. Vinod Vairagi, Publishers: Scientific Journal of Panchakarma magazine, National Academy of Panchakarma Research {NAPAR}, All India Association of Panchakarma Physicians, M-160, Indira Nagar, Agar Road, UJJAIN, State Madhya Pradesh, India]

Those who want to obtain a copy of the SJP magazine, they should write to the office directly with their complete address. The magazine will be sent without any obligation and free of cost.

Mystic India magazine, New Delhi, January 2006 issue

English translation; [article published in Hindi Language]

Title; New discovery in Ayurveda - Electrotridoshagraphy

  • Today Ayurveda have a scientific technology and scientific base. Ayurveda medical science will enter into a new era of research by this hi-technology at present period. There is unaccountable and innumarable possibilities of research in the different branches of the Ayurveda is hidden. In future Ayurveda shall have many paths and branches of its developments, which have never been explored earlier.
  • The Electrotridoshagraphy [ETG] technology is useful for all systems of medical practitioners i.e. Modern western medical practitioners,Allopaths, Homoeopaths,Unani Medical practitioners, Yoga practitoners, Naturopaths, Accupuncturists, Accupressurist, Herbal healers, Magnetotherapist,Faith healers, Reiki healers, Holistic healers, Dietician etc etc etc, because the technology scans the whole body and it detects the normal and abnormal parts of the body with their working capacities, pathophysiology and pathology. The technology is cheap, very easy and the test can be performed any where, any place, any time.
  • The technology can help to those patients, who are suffering from the incurable, undiagnosed, difficult to cure disease conditions. Regular monitoring of these patients can show the effect of the treatment given by the doctors, whether patient is improoving or declining health.

[The published article contains two photographs - [a] photograph's introductory line: Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai with Electrotridoshagraph machine, showing recorded tracings [b] photograph's introductory line: Dr. Desh Bandhu Bajpai with patient, recording traces from "Vata" sector]

[Editor: Suneel Babel, Publisher: Mystic India Publications, 69, Bagh Deewar, Second floor, Fatehapuri, Delhi-110006, India / Registered office: 108, Anand Lok, Second Floor, New Delhi- 110049, India, Phone: 011-23931393 / 23923300 Fax: 011-23986100. Those who want the copy of the Mystic India magazine, January 2006 issue, they should write directly to the office.]

  • Those who have removed the entire information about this Hi-technology, why they have done this malign act, is very objectionable.

user:Debbe 04 November 2006, 23:12 IST

Regarding details of the ETG technology [10]

Diet restrictions during the course of treatment

It is observed that most of the research work have not been done in the proper way. The details are yet not available about the researchers and they have concluded according to their own way. I have gone through to some of the research report. They are seems to be doubtful because of the lack in the proper restriction in the diet, which Ayurveda restricted during the treatment. If Gugal is used for the diminishing of the body fat, Ayurveda restricted to not to take the Fatty substances like butter milk, Ghee, Oil and other fats which can increase the level of the fat in the body, or the fat level, say cholesterol. The restriction of the diet, which can trigger the problem, is suggested by the Ayurvedicians according to the personal temeperament and diseases conditions. It is not permissible for a patient of Suppurative bilateral Tonsillitis to use icecream and chilled cold water or cold drinks for intake, because it will never cure the diseases and will inhibit the curing process. Even the researchers may trial for any best of the Ayurvedic medicaments for judging the effective of any medicine without inhibition of the diet. So is of the life style.

If researches on the Ayurvedic medicament is to be performed, they should performed in the Classical Ayurvedic way and should follow the basic rule for the maintenance of the health and restrictions i.e diet, proper fooding, life style etc.

user:Debbe 06 November 2006, 11:15 IST

citations for the efficacy of Panchakarma, Kshar Sutra and Triphala treatments

I've reinserted the 'citation needed' tag for this claim. Although these treatments are mentioned in the [research and innovations in ayurveda] page, the citations in this page don't provide (nearly enough) scientific evidence of efficacy. The citation for Kshar Sutra links to a brief article on how it takes place (not a description of a scientific clinical trial)[11] and a very short biog of a researcher [12]. The section on Panchakarma just links to a short journalistic piece describing a machine [13] - again, without a clinical trial to show if the machine does anything useful. The section in [research and innovations in ayurveda] dealing with Triphala is most promising - but just shows promising trials on cell cultures and in animals: there is nothing close to a clinical trial in humans cited (and cell cultures and animals' bodies often behave differently to human bodies). It may be that there's better evidence to support the efficacy of these treatments: if so, it would be great to include it in the article Jon m 23:36, 11 November 2006 (UTC)

Al of your counterclaims above are a violation of WP:NOR. No original research must be allowed. Right now, the references support the text per WP:RS. If you can find counterclaims then by all means cite them. The ref cited is not a blog. Where does it say that it is a blog?Hkelkar 23:53, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
The claims I make are not original research: all I've done is check some of the citations from the [research and innovations in ayurveda] section, to see if a) they cite sufficiently reliable sources and b) if the sources say what they are cited as saying. This is simply good practice.

The disputed sentence is "The efficacy of certain Ayurvedic regimens have been established by medical research, such as the Panchakarma, Kshar Sutra and the Triphala209 herbs". Being as this is at the start of the "Modern scientific research" section, I would read this sentence as a claim that research using the scientific method has a) shown that certain ayurvedic regimens is effective and b) that this includes the Panchakarma, Kshar Sutra and the Triphala. The citations in the [research and innovations in ayurveda] section are not sufficient to show this. If you meant something different by the sentence, perhaps it could be rewritten/qualified?

Firstly, even if the sources were utterly reliable, some do not say what they are cited as showing. For example, although there are reliable journal articles that show triphala having interesting effects, these effects have only been shown to take place in cell cultures and non-human animals (rats and mice iirc) - these articles should therefore not be cited as showing that ayurvedic treatment (of humans, I presume) is effective.
Secondly, some of the sources are not reliable enough *and* do not say what they are cited as showing. The references to Kshar Sutra, even if one accepts the sources as reliable, just say that a researcher is working in this area [14] and give a description of how one practitioner uses this technique [15] The sources do not even claim that research using the scientific method has shown Kshar sutra to be effective.
Moreover, the sources cited re. kshar sutra are not sufficiently reliable to back up the claims made made. The WP:RS policy states that "All reports must be evaluated according to the processes and people that created them....Reliability is a spectrum, and must be considered on a case-by-case basis. Typically peer reviewed publications are considered to be the most reliable, with established professional publications next. Government publications are often reliable, but governments vary widely in their level of reliability, and often have their own interests which will explicitly allow for withholding of information, or even outright deception of the public. Below this are sources which, while not tangible, can be providers of reliable information in some cases, for example websites associated with reliable publishers." While the sources you cite aren't blogs, the sources for Kshar sutra are one website selling ajurvedic treatments [16] and an arjurvedic community site [17]. The latter even has a big disclaimer, saying that "is not intended to treat, diagnose, prescribe or heal any health condition" - not a good sign of reliability. Given the claim for scientific proof of medical efficacy, one would want a citation from a reliable peer-reviewed scientific journal (for each of the regimens for which efficacy is claimed), or at least an article from a RS which reports on a peer-reviewed journal article that proves efficacy.
I have re-added a citation needed tag to the sentence in question: if you want to claim that science has shown efficacy, better citations are needed; if you did not mean to claim that, the sentence should be reworded Jon m 13:09, 12 November 2006 (UTC)

Merge with Ama (Ayurveda)

I vote NO because this article is already too long. Instead, I propose we add new sub-topics with wikilinks embedded.
Proposed new article suggestions: Scientific Criticism of Ayuveda and Current Status of Ayuveda.--Travisthurston 16:50, 16 November 2006 (UTC)

I'd also be reluctant to add more to the article (though not sure is Ama is notable in the first place - deleting the Ama article would be one option, or perhaps cutting it down to a short sentence for inclusion in the ayurveda article?) More subtopics is a good idea, although perhaps moving 'history' or 'development' of ayurverda to another page would be a better idea - imo, one of the most notable aspects of ayurveda is how widely practiced it is (and it would therefore be important to keep info on current status, practice and criticisms of ayurveda in the main article) Jon m 19:07, 16 November 2006 (UTC)

Classical sources of Kshar Sootra Therapy

Kshara sootra therapy is not new Ayurvedic discovery. Classical Ayurvedic books i.e. [a] Vrihat yoga tantra verse no.69 [b] Brand Madhav, [c] Vanga Sen Arshodhikar, [d] Chakradutta chapter Arshodhikar verse no.5 [e] Ras Tarangini and others, have mentioned the method of the preparation of thread, Herbal formulea and use of the thread in the treatment of Heamorrhoids / Piles / Fistula either blind or open along with the follow-ups. No doubt, Kshar Sootra is a foolproof and sureshot treatment of the Fistula, Piles, Heamorrhoids etc.

user:Debbe 22 November 2006, 13:17 UTC

Historically Incorrect information being dumped in Encyclopedia.

Section 4

During the regime of Chandragupta Maurya (375-415 AD), Ayurveda was part of mainstream Indian medical techniques, and continued to be so until the invasion of Alexander, the Mughals and the English.

Alexander arrived earlier then Chanragupta Maurya. So how is this statement substantiated "and continued to be so until the invasion of Alexander". Please take some care and look for some reference books before using this forum for propaganda. Unsuspecting people refer to these articles for references.

First correct your knowledge about Alexander

Better correct your knowledge about Alexander, the great. Alexander- Sikander in Hindi and Urdu language] invaded India in year 326 BC.

Anybody can go for Wikipedia articles for improoving their own knowledge about Alexander reference.

User:Debbe, 03:30 UTC, 21 December 2006

Unidentify users

I have seen that many unidentified Wikipedia users, creating Vulgarity, unneccessary absurd talks, useless blames on talk pages. Not on this Ayurveda page but in so many talk pages. Most of them have false identical names or their signatures are in red,not in blue link. These persons have no link to any users pages.

I will request to Wikipedia editors, management and technical staff to stop these unidentified links. They are headache.

user: Debbe , 02:20 UTC, 24 December 2006

Eight arms of ayurveda - completely unreferenced, and not NPOV

- this section is completely unreferenced. It also asserted (without citations) some controversial medical benefits for ayurveda as fact. I've added an 'unreferenced' tag, and qualified some of the more controversial claims. However, I'd suggest this needs to either be referenced and rewritten (more completely than I've got time or knowledge for) for NPOV, or removed. Jon m

Just a reminder: I asked about this about a week or so; I'd suggest I give it another week or so and then remove this section. If someone wants to sort out this section before then, it'd be great if you could do so :) Any objections to the deletion, let me know Jon m 17:06, 15 January 2007 (UTC)
This section should be transferred to some other place/pages or a new section should be formed.user:debbe,22 January 2007, 12: 30 UTC
Debbe, feel free to have a go at revising this for NPOV and referencing it. However, in its current form I think it needs to go - there's no point in removing unsuitable content from this article, just to put in in a new wikipedia article, in my opinion Jon m 22:40, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

Modern Scientific Research - reference medical claims, or remove them

This section has, for quite a while now, made strong medical claims for ayurvda and not provided adequate references. I'd argue that either proper references (e.g. to peer-reviewed journal articles describing blind [RCT]) need to be provided, or this section needs to have the unreferenced claim removed: wikipedia shouldn't make claims re. medical benefits which can't be backed up. Jon m

Another reminder - it has been a week or so since I asked about this. If this isn't revised in accordance with Wikipedia:Verifiability and Wikipedia:Reliable_sources, I'd suggest removing the offending claims in a week or so. If anyone wants to revise this before then, that'd be great, or if anyone wants more time to work on this let me know :) Jon m 17:10, 15 January 2007 (UTC)
Deleted this section - only one claim in it could be verified, and this was for a study that hasn't been peer reviewed/published, and where it's hard to tell what methodology was used Jon m 22:39, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

Who isJon m this unidentify fellow

I have already written a complaint in this page that some unidentify users particularly of the red links, are creating unnecessary arguments without understanding the subjects matters. These peoples are creating disturbances for dusturbances, opposition for opposition, vulgarity for vulgarity. There is no creativity or positiveness in their arguments. I will request to wikipedia officials that they should take some hard steps against these nonsense creating peoples.

user:debbe 08 January 2007, 05:45 UTC

- Hang on 'debbe' - I'm as (un)identified as you are. Anyway, it's wikipedia policy that articles should be verifiable: see Wikipedia:Verifiability. I checked to find any reliable sources for certain claims, couldn't find any, and am therefore asking that the more significant claims are either verified or removed. It's very undesirable - and potentially dangerous - for an encyclopedia to include unverifiable (and therefore perhaps false) medical claims Jon m

Doubtful Qualifications of the editors

I have seen in Ayurveda page along with the other so many Wikipedia articles pages that many editors are doing blunder corrections. In my opinion, these editors are not having well recieved knowledge about the subject matters and thus their editing capability is doubtful.It is like that a Ph.D. student's capability is examined by the High school student or a High school student is guiding spacecraft engineers, how they should take precautions to moove on the Saturn's surface.

user:Debbe 18 January 2007, 05:40 UTC

Debbe, please remember that Wikipedia:No_personal_attacks are allowed on wikipedia. If you disagree with some of the content of the article, please discuss the relevent content - don't attack the (unknown) qualifications, or lack thereof, of the editors. Jon m 22:59, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
I am completely in favour of your view. But the fact is fact and this should not be ignored.I will appreciate to the editors, if they will try to make the Ayurveda pages more encyclopeadic. The article is a haphazardous, irregular, unsequential collection of information. It does not look encyclopeadic due to corrections.user:debbe, 22 January 2007, 12:20 UTC
I think a lot of the problem is that there's too much on the page, and most of it's unreferenced. This makes it much harder to edit - it's hard to figure out what's relevent and what isn't. Cutting down the section would be a good idea, but it's hard to figure out what to cut... Jon m 22:34, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

Ayurveda and Infectious diseases

There is great controversy in modern time that Ayurveda have no mention of Bacteriology as it is talks in the sense of Modern western medicine. In the main page of the Ayurveda questions have been raised about the Bacteria, infections etc. Let us see that Bacteriology came in existence after the invention of microscope. Microscope in invented by a French person, who was a “Kabari” , round about 200 years ago. Bacteriology came in existence round about 100 years ago. Before that no mention of Bacterial causes disease in any pathology or physiology books or practice of medicine except few like Malaria. Clinical pathology and testing of blood, urine etc. came in existence within 100 years.

Those who are raising questions, they should go for the history of Ayurveda, how much it is old. Scientist say that tiny creatures was in existence since thousands of thousands years, when earth separated from the celestial body. Ayurveda came in proper existence after the collection of the experiences gained by the practice in different part of the land some how before 5000 years. When writing came in existence, this collection was written on the wood, metal, leaves, stones and finally on paper. Earlier to it, the knowledge was transferred by memorizing the youngsters by the teachers.

One should go with a serious thinking before commenting Ayurveda, how this scientific knowledge was saved by the Indians. Why people forget the invasion history by the foreigners. This is a fact which should not be forgotten. These hurdles in view of the scientific progress, development and researches in Ayurveda, should not be over looked by anyone. In between these high crisis situations, Ayurveda was alive because of the Ayurveda have provided the living style, the life style, which every Indian has adopted since centuries even today.

If anybody will go with the literature of the Ayurveda classical, he will find the mention of some hidden creatures, like fungus, spores that can damage the human system under the Bhut Vidya and Vish vigyan [Agad Tantra]. It seems that at that time the sharp vision of the Ayurvedic practitioners observed that there is some factors which damages the normal health. These Ayurvedic practitioners naturally shall have the capacity to invent and recognize the bacteria and bacterial originated diseases, if they have invented microscope in their time.

However these Ayurvedicians have given foolproof treatment to over ride the consequences as result of bacterial infections with a concept of total cure. If anybody talk of the infectious disease conditions, they should first go to study seriously Bhut Vidya, Kay chikitsa and Visha Vigyan. They will get the answer as they want.

User:debbe, 23 January 2007, 05:00 UTC

Ayurvedic cure of some Surgical disease conditions

Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine have so many advantages to cure of certain surgical disease conditions, where Modern Western Medicine suggests only surgical interventions. These Surgical conditions are may be as under:

  • 1-Glands, Adenoids, Lymph adenoids, Tumors, cysts etc
  • 2-Sinusitis, Nasal Polypus, fleshy growth inside the nose
  • 3-Tonsillitis, suppurative tonsillitis, pus pockets in mucous surfaces, sub-mucous ulcers, Oral ulcers, Vocal cord problems, throat problems, initial stage of Leucoplakia cheeks etc.
  • 4-Lungs disorders which require surgery
  • 5-Some nature of cardiac problems including Blood Clotting of cardiac arteries
  • 6-Articular joints, Joints which deposited calcium etc
  • 7-Kidney problems including raised serum creatinine, Renal Calculus of any size, calcium deposit in kidney, Gall Bladder calculus below 5 mm, sludge deposits, cholecystitis,
  • 8-Some kinds of cancer
  • 9-Ulcers, Abscess, which are not healing
  • 10-Benign or malignant stage of disease
  • 11-Uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes problems, salpingitis etc
  • 12-After surgical intervention, those diseases are not relieved or cured and reappear again
  • 13-Those diseases which require treatment after surgery
  • 14-If your surgeon prefer for a disease condition which require surgery, before that it is better to consult an Ayurvedician. There is so many conditions which can be cured or treated by the Ayurvedic medicines

In my 40 years of Ayurvedic, Homoeopathic and Modern Western Medicine [Allopathy] practice, I have observed that many conditions, which require surgery according to the opinion of Surgeons, can be treated successfully by Ayurvedic medicines. But Ayurvedic treatment needs very skill, experienced and expert hand. Novices or those who have little experience in the Ayurvedic practice, may feel difficulty to cure these disease conditions.

User:debbe, 10 February 2007, 13:10 UTC

MBBS curriculum does not include Charak Samhita or any other Ayurveda texts!

As per the curriculum prescribed by Medical Council of India, there is no mention of Charak Samhita, Susruta Samhita or any other texts pertaining to the Ayurveda in MBBS!

The M.B;B.S. curriculum entails the Modern Scientific System of Medicine and there is no inclusion of any other systems of medicine!

The syllabus is uniform throughout the country in all the colleges recognized by the MCI and there are no variations in this regard! If a certain college teaches some aspects of Ayurveda as an extra-curricular subject, (I am certain this is not the case as the MBBS course in itself is very vast!), it certainly doesn't constitute MBBS curriculum.

Although research and trials involving certain Ayurvedic drugs may be a part of higher doctorates and research fellowships, there is no teaching of Ayurveda or texts related to it in the first professional doctorate degree of MBBS!

Please do not quote unsubstantiated facts! It only misleads people!