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Talk:Arabs: A 3,000-Year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires

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There is an analysis with a special agenda that you are trying to draw towards a book, that the history of the Arabs begins before Islam is not a harmful thing, Islam did not call the era before Islam the era of jahiliyyah "ignorance", on the basis of a cultural or civilization but only religious, Arabs before Islam are themselves after him, the prophet Muhammad He did not come from Persia or Byzantium with a strange culture. Rather, he was born with the Arabs and it is part of their culture. Hostilities toward

Islam in the early era was based on a tribal society led by sheikhs "tribal chief" who fear losing their authority.Islam did not try to hide the history of Arabs before Islam, according to the book the Prophet was an admirered of Antarah pre islamic arab-hero,

It will be clear the author stated that it is impossible to delete Islam from an Arab identity. Islam is what made Arabs from tribes living in the desert to the largest empires in history and the greatest civilization in medieval times, without Islam, Arabs would only be under Persian, Roman, Ethiopian rule.