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Talk:Abuse in gymnastics/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Adding detail - ideas

This page is very brief, so I'd like to add more detail to it and bring more information to the table.

I think a good place to start would be to begin with sections for each of the countries that were listed in the introduction, and report on what happened in each of these countries. AJay9509 (talk) 04:24, 7 June 2023 (UTC)

Australia - Research

Research topics:

  • 1995 inquiry, cover up
  • 2018 inquiry, cover up and corruption
  • 2020 inquiry
  • 2021-22 inquiry into WAIS

Research sources to take notes from

Similarly, two girls said their coach had called them “fat” and “ugly”. The report claimed the terms were not used to cause psychological humiliation and that these terms were often used in high-performance training centres. Finally, the report stated: “No systematic or widespread abuse of AIS female gymnasts has been found to occur at any time. Major change at the AIS is not necessary.” This left gymnasts and parents seething, but a later report in 2018 didn’t offer any more comfort. The 2018 report stated that the allegations were incomplete, and the investigation took longer than expected. They claimed an extension would have “increased the burden placed on all parties involved”. Again, no wrongdoing was found following the investigation."

AJay9509 (talk) 05:01, 7 June 2023 (UTC)

Brazil - Notes/Research

AJay9509 (talk) 05:30, 7 June 2023 (UTC)

Portugal - Research Notes/Sources

AJay9509 (talk) 05:32, 7 June 2023 (UTC)

United Kingdom

Whyte Review: https://www.sportengland.org/guidance-and-support/safeguarding/whyte-review


  • British Gymnastics: Claims athletes 'beaten into submission' amid 'culture of fear'- Martha Kelner - Sky News - 6 July 2020
    • British gymnasts, including Olympians and elite competitors, reveal widespread cases of physical and emotional abuse in the sport.
    • Complaints about welfare issues were not taken seriously by the governing body, according to the gymnasts.
    • A former elite artistic gymnast shares her experience of sustained abuse and being "beaten into submission" by her coach.
    • Fat shaming is described as routine in the sport, even for younger athletes.
    • An athlete who represented Great Britain at the Rio Olympics has lodged a complaint about abuse at the hands of their coach.
    • Gymnasts were subjected to an abusive environment, including extreme panic attacks and being denied access to their phones to seek help.
    • Training on existing injuries was encouraged, leading to long-term damage for some gymnasts.
    • British Gymnastics encourages athletes to report abuse to their integrity unit and claims to take disciplinary action.
    • The welfare of participants is emphasized, and British Gymnastics aims to create a culture where concerns can be raised.

  • British Gymnastics admits 'error' for not telling girl's parents about abuse claims - Martha Kelner - Sky News - 7 July 2020 - https://news.sky.com/story/british-gymnastics-admits-error-for-not-telling-girls-parents-about-abuse-claims-12023055
    • British Gymnastics admits to not informing the parents of a child about allegations of physical and emotional abuse by her coach.
    • Witnesses reported that Catherine Lyons, a former gymnast, was allegedly hit by her coach, leaving a hand print on her thigh.
    • The allegations were not disclosed to Catherine's parents until years later.
    • The coach was briefly suspended but reinstated, and it wasn't until 2017 that they were suspended again after additional allegations.
    • Lyons claims she was punished by being dragged into a store cupboard, had her calories restricted, and was beaten with a stick.
    • British Gymnastics acknowledges the failure to notify the family in 2012 and admits the error in not following protocol.
    • Witnesses from multiple gymnastics centers reported being "fat-shamed" and verbally abused by coaches.
    • British Gymnastics announces an independent review and expresses the need to understand the barriers preventing gymnasts from raising concerns.
    • Gymnasts describe experiences of fear, panic attacks, food monitoring, and public embarrassment for unhealthy food choices.
    • Nottingham Gymnastics Academy acknowledges the concerning allegations and emphasizes athlete welfare as a priority.
    • UK Sport is working with British Gymnastics to establish facts before deciding on a response.

  • 'I was terrified to put on weight' - the 'culture of fear' in British gymnastics - By Natalie Pirks, Kate McKenna & Katie Falkingham - 7 July 2020 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/53290256
    • Former England gymnast Nicole Pavier reveals her ongoing struggle with an eating disorder, which she developed during her career, and speaks out about the "culture of fear" and emotional abuse in gymnastics.
    • British Gymnastics announces an independent review in response to recent allegations of mistreatment by athletes.
    • Gymnasts were allegedly subjected to weigh-ins twice a day, and Pavier claims that her coach, Claire Barbieri, would discuss and display athletes' weights publicly.
    • Barbieri denies any formal complaints against her and states that she followed British Gymnastics' best practices.
    • The independent review will be conducted by Jane Mulcahy QC, aiming to understand why gymnasts felt unable to raise concerns within British Gymnastics.
    • British Gymnastics emphasizes the importance of athlete welfare and vows to create a culture where concerns can be openly raised.
    • Testimonies from various gymnasts and parents recount incidents of mistreatment, including being made to sit in cupboards, physical punishment, intense conditioning exercises, and training through injuries.
    • Psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, and night terrors persist among many gymnasts, leading some to avoid having their children pursue gymnastics.
    • British Gymnastics condemns harmful behavior, conducts investigations through their integrity unit, and encourages those with concerns to come forward.
    • Former gymnast Jennifer Pinches initiates a support network to stand against damaging behavior and advocate for a safe and healthy environment in gymnastics.
  • Becky and Ellie Downie say abusive behaviour in gymnastics has been 'completely normalised' - BBC Sport - 9 July 2020 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/53357280
    • British gymnasts Becky and Ellie Downie speak out about the ingrained abusive behavior and culture of fear in gymnastics training.
    • They admit to not realizing the wrongness of the abusive behavior at the time and express their support for previous gymnasts who have bravely shared their experiences.
    • British Gymnastics announces an independent review in response to recent allegations of mistreatment from multiple athletes.
    • The governing body acknowledges that gymnasts did not feel comfortable raising concerns and emphasizes the need to understand and remove barriers through the review process.
    • Ellie Downie opens up about being made to feel ashamed of her weight, causing deep scars and contributing to eating disorders and mental health problems in gymnastics.
    • Becky Downie asserts that they are no longer routinely weighed and highlights the importance of prioritizing the well-being and safety of young gymnasts.
    • The Downie sisters share their concerns and experiences with British Gymnastics to promote change and safeguard the well-being of future gymnasts.
    • UK Sport, the organization funding Olympic sports, reportedly knew of abuse allegations in gymnastics in 2019, according to emails seen by the BBC.
    • UK Sport acknowledges the seriousness of the allegations and states its commitment to ensuring a safe environment for athletes. However, they note their limited authority in employment matters within sports.
  • British Gymnastics: NSPCC says abuse claims are 'extremely disturbing' - Sky News - 20 July 2020 - https://news.sky.com/story/british-gymnastics-nspcc-says-abuse-claims-are-extremely-disturbing-12032452
    • Allegations of bullying and abuse within British Gymnastics have been described as "extremely disturbing" by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
    • The NSPCC is launching a dedicated helpline to support anyone who has suffered abuse within the sport.
    • It comes after Olympic bronze medallist Amy Tinkler claims she was forced to retire from gymnastics over a "culture of bullying".
    • Athletes from junior level to those in the current GB squad have spoken out against British Gymnastics in recent weeks.
    • The NSPCC's chief executive Peter Wanless said the new helpline is a joint project between the charity and the British Athletes Commission (BAC). He said: "The reports emerging from gymnastics in recent weeks have been extremely disturbing, so we've launched this dedicated helpline as it is absolutely vital that anyone who has suffered abuse has the opportunity to speak out and get the help they need.
    • "The helpline could also provide evidence for the upcoming independent review into British Gymnastics, he added.
    • It will be carried out by UK Sport and Sport England after British Gymnastics relinquished its role to avoid any potential conflict of interest.
    • Witnesses from centres across the country have told Sky News they were so scared of their coaches they would have panic attacks.
    • Catherine Lyons, a former British and European gymnast, claims she was beaten with a stick, and also dragged into a store cupboard, as a form of punishment at the age of 10.
    • The BAC's head of athlete support, Sam Little, said: "Bullying and abuse have absolutely no place in modern-day sport, and that's why, with the launch of the helpline today, we are unveiling what is just the first step in our ambitious package of athlete support measures.
    • The NSPCC helpline will be available 8am to 10pm on weekdays and 9am to 6pm on weekends on 0800 056 0566.
  • Amy Tinkler criticises British Gymnastics for time taken to investigate complaint - BBC Sport - 28 July 2020 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/53566002
    • Amy Tinkler, Olympic medallist, criticizes British Gymnastics for the time taken to investigate her complaint of bullying and abuse within the sport.
    • Tinkler submitted her complaint in December 2019 and urges British Gymnastics to take proactive action on the allegations.
    • British Gymnastics states it has been in regular contact with Tinkler and the investigation has now moved to the next stage of procedures.
    • South Durham Gymnastics, implicated in Tinkler's complaint, denies any allegations of abuse and has cooperated with the investigation.
    • Tinkler, the youngest medallist at the Rio Olympics, retired from the sport in January due to her experiences as a club and elite gymnast.
    • Tinkler reveals her complaint was related to South Durham Gymnastics Club and part of the British Gymnastics coaching team.
    • She expresses disappointment with the length of time taken for the investigation, which could still take four more months, leaving vulnerable gymnasts at risk.
    • British Gymnastics announced an independent review following allegations of mistreatment from multiple athletes.
    • The organization defends its procedures and asserts that immediate action is taken if there is evidence of harm to gymnasts.
    • South Durham Gymnastics denies allegations of abuse, and the investigation is nearing completion.
    • NSPCC Helpline encourages those with concerns to contact them, emphasizing the importance of Tinkler's bravery in speaking out.
    • FIG President Morinari Watanabe applauds the athletes' bravery and expresses support for change and the importance of their voices.
  • British gymnastics coach Claire Barbieri is suspended - BBC Sport - 7 August 2020 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/53670076
    • British gymnastics coach Claire Barbieri has been suspended amid an ongoing investigation.
    • Barbieri is the director of Robin Hood Gymnastics Club and a national technical advisor for Scottish Gymnastics. She previously worked as the director of coaching at Notts Gymnastics Academy.
    • Former gymnast Nicole Pavier, who previously shared her experiences within the sport, was coached by Barbieri.
    • British Gymnastics confirmed Barbieri's suspension and emphasized that suspension is a protective measure during the investigation process.
    • Scottish Gymnastics is also aware of Barbieri's suspension.
    • Barbieri, in a statement, acknowledged the ongoing investigation and stated that training elite gymnasts can be tough but she has always prioritized the welfare of the gymnasts she coaches.
    • She expressed confidence in following British Gymnastics' best practices and procedures, maintaining that her coaching team has not acted outside recommended practices.

  • Nile Wilson: British gymnasts are treated like 'pieces of meat' - Dan Roan, BBC Sport - 10 August 2020 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/53727425
    • Nile Wilson, an Olympic bronze medallist in gymnastics, criticizes a "culture of abuse" in British gymnastics, stating that athletes are treated like "pieces of meat."
    • Wilson voices concerns that speaking out publicly may affect his selection for the Tokyo Olympics.
    • He filed a complaint with Leeds Gymnastics Club regarding an altercation at a social event, but his grievance was dismissed by the club and upheld by British Gymnastics.
    • Wilson believes there is a culture of fear and control within the sport, where athletes are afraid to voice concerns due to potential consequences.
    • He references the documentary "Athlete A" as a catalyst for allegations of mistreatment in gymnastics worldwide.
    • Wilson describes a culture of pushing athletes through physical pain in pursuit of medals and emotional manipulation.
    • He claims to have experienced emotional abuse and considers it a culture of abuse that he has lived with for 20 years.
    • British Gymnastics defends its processes and encourages athletes to report mistreatment.
    • Wilson expresses dissatisfaction with the handling of his complaint and the pressure and stress it caused him, leading him to leave the club he had been with for 20 years.
    • He hopes that sharing his story will contribute to driving change in the gymnastics culture.
    • Wilson acknowledges his fear that speaking out may jeopardize his selection for the Tokyo Olympics and calls for a change in the way gymnasts are treated.
    • He emphasizes the importance of athletes being able to voice their opinions and concerns without fear of negative consequences.
  • British Gymnastics chief admits it fell short following recent mistreatment claims - Dan Roan, BBC Sport - 13 August 2020 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/53773899
    • British Gymnastics chief executive Jane Allen says the governing body has "fallen short" in protecting its members. She is backing the idea of an independent sports ombudsman.
    • The national governing body announced an independent review would be launched last month, but Allen has been under mounting pressure over the crisis. She wrote in the Daily Telegraph that changes must follow if bad things happen in the sport.
    • A government-appointed sports ombudsman was first recommended by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson in 2017 after a series of athlete welfare scandals. Allen says the time has now come for it to be adopted.
    • Nile Wilson criticised a "culture of abuse" in British gymnastics and said he felt "worthless" after a complaint was "brushed under the carpet". Amy Tinkler also criticised the governing body for a lack of urgency.
    • Some gymnasts believe they have not been "backed" by the system, and have made complaints through the media that have never been seen by the Integrity Unit. Allen says the governing body cannot be pulled into a public debate with individual gymnasts.
  • Independent review into allegations of mistreatment in gymnastics formally starts - BBC Sport - 25 August 2020
    • The independent review into mistreatment allegations within British Gymnastics has begun under the oversight of Anne Whyte QC and is named the Whyte Review.
    • Gymnasts, including Olympians, have recently spoken out about a culture of mistreatment in the sport, prompting the review.
    • The terms of reference for the review have been published, and it will commence with a call for evidence.
    • The review will assess the centrality of gymnasts' wellbeing and welfare in the culture of British Gymnastics, the handling of safeguarding concerns and complaints, and the reasons behind gymnasts' perceived inability to raise complaints.
    • The investigation will focus on the period from August 2008 to August 2020, examining the nature and volume of complaints received by British Gymnastics, the organization's response to the complaints, and its overall culture and practices.
    • Mike Cave and Tonia Couch have been appointed as advisers for the review.
    • British Gymnastics chief executive Jane Allen acknowledges the need for improvement and states that the review will ensure that valuable lessons are learned.
    • UK Sport and Sport England express their support for the review and encourage individuals with relevant information to come forward.
    • The final report will inform necessary recommendations and reforms to protect participants in gymnastics.
    • The NSPCC has set up a helpline for individuals to report abuse or mistreatment allegations and participate in the inquiry.

  • Amanda Reddin: British Gymnastics head national coach steps aside amid claims about conduct - BBC Sport - 25 August 2020
    • British Gymnastics' head national coach, Amanda Reddin, has temporarily stepped aside while an investigation into claims about her conduct takes place.
    • Olympic medallist Amy Tinkler has stated that part of her formal complaint against the governing body was related to her experiences with Reddin and the national performance coaching set-up.
    • Two other gymnasts have made allegations of mistreatment by Reddin, including accusations of physical mistreatment and creating a culture of fear.
    • British Gymnastics has agreed to conduct an investigation by an external independent expert, and the outcome will be acted upon immediately.
    • Reddin has refuted the historical claims and called for the allegations to be submitted to the independent review into abuse in gymnastics.
    • British Gymnastics recently announced an independent review following a series of allegations about mistreatment within the sport.
    • Tinkler expressed frustration at the time taken by British Gymnastics to respond to her complaint and criticized the handling of the matter.
    • She plans to complain to the independent review and highlights the fear among gymnasts about speaking up due to concerns of career repercussions.
    • Tinkler, who won bronze at the 2016 Rio Olympics, has a successful career with various medals and British titles.
  • British Gymnastics chief executive Jane Allen to retire in December - BBC Sport - 13 October 2020 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/54525021
    • Jane Allen, the CEO of British Gymnastics, will retire in December despite the ongoing investigation into allegations of mistreatment within the sport.
    • Allen had planned to retire after the 2020 Olympics, which were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • She believes it is appropriate to allow a new CEO to lead the organization forward after a decade in charge, despite the turmoil surrounding the sport.
    • The decision was made by Allen herself, with the support of the board, and was not influenced by external factors.
    • Allen acknowledges the challenges faced by the sport and expresses her commitment to addressing the outcomes of the ongoing independent review led by Anne Whyte QC.
    • She acknowledges that British Gymnastics has fallen short in protecting its athletes and takes responsibility for the organization's failures.
    • Allen emphasizes the need to remove barriers that prevent athletes from speaking out about abuse and calls for unity between athletes and coaches to address cultural issues within gymnastics.
    • Under Allen's leadership, Great Britain's gymnasts won 11 Olympic medals.
    • The retirement announcement has received mixed reactions, with some athletes welcoming the change while others believe more significant changes are necessary.
    • The ongoing independent review continues to investigate allegations of mistreatment within British Gymnastics.
    • The sport has faced numerous allegations of abuse and a helpline set up for gymnasts has received over 120 calls in its first five weeks.
    • Allen believes an independent process should be established to handle athlete complaints in the future and calls for the establishment of a sports ombudsman.
    • Allen expresses her regret for the athletes who have suffered and apologizes for any actions that have hurt them.
    • She acknowledges the bravery of athletes who have spoken out and believes their voices will lead to positive change for future generations.
    • Allen believes British Gymnastics is a strong organization with dedicated and skilled staff working for the good of the sport.


  • British Gymnastics: Group of 17 women and girls taking legal action over alleged abuse - 26 Feb 2021 - BBC Sport - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/56203877
    • A group of 17 women and girls, aged 15 to 43, are initiating legal action against British Gymnastics over alleged physical and psychological abuse.
    • The claims target coaches and individuals employed by clubs across the UK.
    • The investigation into abuse allegations at British Gymnastics is ongoing, including an inquiry into the conduct of head national coach Amanda Reddin.
    • The law firm Hausfeld is representing the claimants, and they assert that the issue extends beyond isolated incidents.
    • British Gymnastics has refrained from commenting until the matter has been fully considered.
    • The allegations involve inappropriate physical force, failure to address injuries, inadequate supervision, abusive coaching techniques, harmful weight management practices, bullying, and lasting psychological effects.
    • The claimants seek improved safeguarding, transparency, and a departure from a "winning at all costs" mentality.
    • Financial compensation is deemed significant as it would enable access to necessary therapies and physical aids.
    • Some gymnasts have chosen legal action due to their lack of faith in British Gymnastics taking the matter seriously.
    • The group aims to bring attention to the widespread nature of the problem and demands sweeping changes.
    • Former Olympic gymnast Jennifer Pinches, founder of the Gymnasts for Change campaign, highlights the harm caused by prioritizing success over athlete welfare.
    • Jane Allen, who had been the chief executive of British Gymnastics for nearly a decade, retired in December.
  • British Gymnastics: Whyte Review into abuse allegations receives almost 400 submissions - 9 March 2021 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/56334002
    • The independent review into mistreatment allegations within British Gymnastics has begun under the oversight of Anne Whyte QC and is named the Whyte Review.
    • Gymnasts, including Olympians, have recently spoken out about a culture of mistreatment in the sport, prompting the review.
    • The terms of reference for the review have been published, and it will commence with a call for evidence.
    • The review will assess the centrality of gymnasts' wellbeing and welfare in the culture of British Gymnastics, the handling of safeguarding concerns and complaints, and the reasons behind gymnasts' perceived inability to raise complaints.
    • The investigation will focus on the period from August 2008 to August 2020, examining the nature and volume of complaints received by British Gymnastics, the organization's response to the complaints, and its overall culture and practices.
    • Mike Cave and Tonia Couch have been appointed as advisers for the review.
    • British Gymnastics chief executive Jane Allen acknowledges the need for improvement and states that the review will ensure that valuable lessons are learned.
    • UK Sport and Sport England express their support for the review and encourage individuals with relevant information to come forward.
    • The final report will inform necessary recommendations and reforms to protect participants in gymnastics.
    • The NSPCC has set up a helpline for individuals to report abuse or mistreatment allegations and participate in the inquiry.

  • British Gymnastics: 20 more gymnasts allege abuse after group legal action

- BBC Sports - 25 March 2021 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/56478588

    • A group of 17 gymnasts has launched a legal case against British Gymnastics, alleging physical and psychological abuse.
    • An additional 20 gymnasts have now come forward with similar complaints, according to a spokesperson for the gymnasts.
    • The number of complainants is believed to be just the beginning, with more expected to speak out.
    • An ongoing investigation is looking into the allegations of abuse at British Gymnastics.
    • The law firm Hausfeld, representing the group, has requested a response from British Gymnastics to a letter before action by 19 June.
    • If a substantive response is not provided by that date, the law firm intends to pursue the matter through the courts.
    • British Gymnastics has asked for an extension until 19 December, which the group finds unacceptable.
    • The group is concerned that the delay is putting current gymnasts at risk of similar harm.
    • British Gymnastics has not provided any further comment on the matter.
    • The governing body previously stated that it would not comment until the case has been fully considered.
  • Child gymnasts abused and denied water, food and toilet breaks – the damning report on British Gymnastics - Sean Ingle (The Guardian) - 17 June 2021 - https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/jun/16/british-gymnastics-report-anne-whyte-review-uk-sport-gymnasts-abused
    • British Gymnastics allowed a culture of abuse and mistreatment of young gymnasts in pursuit of medals, according to an independent report by Anne Whyte QC.
    • Gymnasts as young as seven were subjected to physical and mental abuse, including being sat on by coaches while stretching and being deprived of food and water.
    • Coaches checked hotel rooms and bags for hidden food, and gymnasts were forced to hide food in unconventional places.
    • Girls experienced some of the worst treatment, attributed to cultural problems and the influence of Soviet-style coaches.
    • UK Sport, the funding body for British Olympic sports, admitted that athlete welfare was not prioritized until 2017.
    • The report describes instances of coaches causing injuries and emotional distress, including making gymnasts stand on beams or be strapped to bars for extended periods of time.
    • The pressure to maintain specific weight and appearance led to eating disorders and mental health issues among gymnasts.
    • More than 40% of submissions described physical abuse, while 30 submissions related to sexual abuse, which was not deemed systemic.
    • British Gymnastics failed to keep records of complaints between 2008 and 2016, and a culture of fear discouraged many gymnasts from coming forward.
    • The pursuit of Olympic medals and a "cash for medals drive" may have contributed to the mistreatment.
    • British Gymnastics' new CEO, Sarah Powell, apologized for the abuse and acknowledged the need for change.
    • The report criticized UK Sport's oversight and questioned its focus on medals over athlete welfare.
    • Former British Gymnastics CEO Jane Allen expressed remorse for not doing more to support athletes and create a different culture.
    • Gymnasts for Change called for stronger actions to address the safeguarding failings and recommended parents reconsider placing children in British Gymnastics clubs.
    • The NSPCC's child protection unit and other organizations condemned the mistreatment and expressed concern over the revelations.
    • The report provides 17 recommendations for the sport, with a focus on children's welfare, complaints handling, standards, education, governance, and oversight.
  • Sarah Powell appointed new British Gymnastics chief executive - BBC Sport - 18 June 2021 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/57527300
    • Sarah Powell, the new chief executive of British Gymnastics, acknowledges the need for significant cultural change within the organization.
    • Powell takes over from Jane Allen, who retired amid allegations of mistreatment within the sport.
    • The ongoing investigation into abuse allegations in British Gymnastics continues.
    • Powell, currently the CEO of Sport Wales, will assume her new role on October 4th.
    • She recognizes the challenges facing the sport and emphasizes the importance of creating a culture where the voices and experiences of gymnasts, parents, coaches, and stakeholders are valued.
    • Powell is committed to listening to and collaborating with the wider gymnastics community to improve the sport's environment and ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
  • British Gymnastics: Chairman 'deeply sorry' for athlete abuse - BBC Sport - 18 August 2021 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/58243350
    • British Gymnastics chairman, Mike Darcey, has issued an apology to the gymnastics community for the organization's failure to address allegations of mistreatment within the sport.
    • Darcey acknowledges the existence of a "culture of fear" reported by ex-gymnasts and emphasizes the need for change and the eradication of abusive practices.
    • An independent review into the allegations is underway, but Darcey emphasizes the importance of implementing changes before the review's completion.
    • Plans include appointing new members to the executive board, focusing on safeguarding, integrity, and athlete representation, along with the recent appointment of chief executive Sarah Powell.
    • British Gymnastics is facing a legal claim by 37 former athletes alleging systemic physical and psychological abuse.
    • The safeguarding team will be expanded, reshaped into regional teams, and a national welfare officer will be hired to improve communication with complainants.
    • A new feedback pathway for athletes and parents will be established.

The executive team is committed to a cultural shift within British Gymnastics and acknowledges the anger expressed by members of the sport.


  • Liz Kincaid: Gymnastics coach was pulled from Tokyo Olympics squad after serious allegations made - BBC Sport - 25 April 2022 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/61193111
    • Liz Kincaid, a leading gymnastics coach, was removed from Great Britain's coaching squad before the Tokyo Olympics due to a serious allegation made against her regarding the mental health of one of her former gymnasts.

British Gymnastics had already received other complaints about Kincaid almost a year prior to her removal.

    • An independent investigation into abuse within British gymnastics is ongoing, and the final report is expected to be published at the end of May.
    • Two former gymnasts, Poppy Wynn and Sophie Jameson, have made additional allegations of serious injury mismanagement and mistreatment by Kincaid.
    • Wynn recalls an incident where she tore her perineum and was not properly attended to by Kincaid, who allegedly dismissed the injury as menstruation.
    • Both Wynn and Jameson describe training with broken injuries and experiencing mistreatment and weight-shaming by Kincaid.
    • Kincaid denies all the allegations and emphasizes the importance of the health and safety of gymnasts under her care.
    • British Gymnastics expresses its commitment to reform and learning from those who have come forward with concerns.
    • Wynn and Jameson are part of a civil claim against British Gymnastics and urge for serious investigations and faster processes.
    • BBC Sport has revealed numerous stories of mistreatment in gymnastics since July 2020, leading to an independent review and a legal claim against British Gymnastics.
    • Support helplines have been established for affected gymnasts, and coaches have been suspended pending investigations.
    • British Gymnastics' former chief executive, Jane Allen, retired in December 2020 amidst the ongoing investigation.
  • Amanda Reddin: British Gymnastics head national coach steps down with immediate effect - BBC Sport - 26 May 2022
    • British Gymnastics' head national coach, Amanda Reddin, has resigned from her position with immediate effect.
    • Reddin had previously temporarily stepped aside in 2020 during an investigation into claims about her conduct, which were not upheld and her suspension was lifted.
    • Another independent investigation is currently ongoing into further historical complaints against Reddin.
    • British Gymnastics stated that her departure from the role with the women's artistic team has been mutually agreed upon.
    • Reddin continues to cooperate fully with all investigations, according to British Gymnastics.
    • Reddin had faced allegations of mistreatment by gymnasts, including claims of physical mistreatment and creating a culture of fear.
    • A wider independent investigation into abuse allegations within British gymnastics is ongoing, and the final report is expected to be published soon.
    • British Gymnastics is also facing a legal claim raised by 37 former athletes who allege systemic abuse.
    • The organization has acknowledged the need for change to improve the culture within the sport.
    • Various individuals, including Olympic medal-winning gymnasts, have made allegations of mistreatment within British gymnastics since 2020.
  • Gymnastics abuse: Eloise Jotischky becomes first to win a civil case against British Gymnastics - 12 June 2022 - BBC News - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/61604571
    • Eloise Jotischky, a former elite acrobatic gymnast, has won a civil case against British Gymnastics for the abuse she experienced in the sport.
    • Jotischky alleges that her coach, Andrew Griffiths, subjected her to inappropriate weight management techniques and verbal harassment during her time at Heathrow Gymnastics Club.
    • British Gymnastics has admitted full liability, reached a settlement, and issued a full apology to Jotischky.
    • Griffiths had previously served a suspension for inappropriate practices but was allowed back into the sport after appealing.
    • Jotischky's case comes as an independent investigation into allegations of abuse within British gymnastics is about to release its findings.
    • Jotischky, who trained 25 hours a week between the ages of 10 and 14, quit the sport as a result of her experiences.
    • She alleges that Griffiths put her on a restrictive diet, publicly weighed her, and subjected her to verbal abuse.
    • British Gymnastics stated that there is no place for abuse of any kind in gymnastics and mentioned the expansion of its safeguarding team.
    • Heathrow Gymnastics Club confirmed that Griffiths no longer works for them and highlighted the participation of many children in gymnastic disciplines at the club.
  • British Gymnastics braces for publication of damning report on abuse - Sean Ingle (The Guardian) - 15 June 2022 - https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/jun/15/british-gymnastics-braces-for-publication-of-damning-anne-whyte-report-on-abuse
    • British Gymnastics is anticipating the release of a comprehensive 300-page report on its abuse scandal, which is expected to strongly criticize the organization's previous leadership.
    • The independent review by Anne Whyte QC investigates allegations of mistreatment of gymnasts across all levels of the sport.
    • In her interim report, Whyte revealed that she had received nearly 400 submissions, with 39 cases considered severe enough to be referred to local authorities due to child safeguarding concerns or ongoing criminal conduct.
    • British Gymnastics received an average of 300 complaints per year between 2015 and 2020, involving over 100 coaches and 90 clubs.
    • The full Whyte review is expected to propose significant cultural changes in the sport, while acknowledging that British Gymnastics has already made reforms and has a new leadership team in place.
    • The report was delivered to UK Sport and Sport England last week and shared with British Gymnastics on Monday, prompting the organization to engage in discussions with coaches, gymnasts, and parents and commit to implementing the recommendations.
    • The publication of the report coincides with the news that a former national acrobatic gymnast won a civil case against British Gymnastics for the abuse she experienced, with the organization admitting full liability and reaching a settlement.
    • Over 40 gymnasts have made claims against British Gymnastics, alleging systemic physical and psychological abuse.
    • UK Sport and Sport England expressed gratitude to everyone who shared their experiences and thanked Anne Whyte QC and her team for their work on the review.
    • The full review will be published on Thursday afternoon.

  • Gymnastics abuse: Whyte Review finds physical and emotional abuse issues were 'systemic' - Katie Falkingham (BBC Sport) - 16 June 2022 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/61796129
    • The Whyte Review, commissioned by UK Sport and Sport England, found that gymnast wellbeing and welfare were not prioritized in British Gymnastics' culture.
    • Athletes experienced training on injuries, punishments for needing the toilet, physical abuse from coaches, verbal abuse, and intrusive measures like bag searches for food.
    • The review attributed the problems to inadequate practices, condoning of abusive behaviors, and a lack of leadership and appreciation for athlete welfare.
    • Former British Gymnastics CEO Jane Allen was criticized for a lack of leadership and failure to prioritize athlete welfare.
    • UK Sport and Sport England welcomed the report and endorsed its recommendations, stating that funding for gymnastics would depend on significant changes being made.
    • British Gymnastics apologized to affected gymnasts and expressed a commitment to making necessary changes.
    • The recommendations of the review included mandatory safeguarding training for club owners and managers, independent investigation of welfare-related complaints, and the appointment of independent board members with relevant expertise.
    • The review highlighted abusive behaviors such as physical and emotional abuse, sexual abuse, excessive weight management, and the impact on gymnasts' relationships with food and body image.
    • The review received over 400 submissions, conducted 190 interviews, and covered the period from August 2008 to August 2020.
    • The report did not name individual coaches or athletes but emphasized the need for public recognition of the unacceptable culture.
    • The Whyte Review was commissioned in response to allegations of mistreatment in British gymnastics and aimed to assess the welfare, safeguarding, and complaints handling within the sport.
  • Whyte Review: Gymnasts 'heard and vindicated' - Becky Downie - By Katie Falkingham, BBC Sport - 17 June 2022 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/61834703
    • The release of the Whyte Review detailing systemic abuse in British gymnastics has been met with relief and validation by gymnasts.
    • The report exposed incidents of physical and emotional abuse, including training on broken bones, punishment for bathroom use, and coaches sitting on athletes.
    • More than 400 submissions of evidence were received, with over 40% describing physically abusive behavior and over 50% reporting emotional abuse.
    • The report also highlighted allegations of sexual abuse and excessive weight management in gymnastics.
    • Gymnast Becky Downie expressed her gratitude for finally being heard and stated that she has seen positive changes in the sport.
    • The review, costing £3 million and led by Anne Whyte QC, received support from the international gymnastics federation (FIG) regarding British Gymnastics' reform efforts.
    • Gymnasts' agents confirmed their clients' feelings of vindication but expressed concern about the presence of abusers in gymnastics facilities.
    • Former gymnast Nicole Pavier characterized the abuse as child abuse and emphasized the long-lasting physical and mental impacts on athletes.
    • Jennifer McIlveen, part of the Gymnasts For Change campaign group, described the report as validating and encouraged by the review's recommendations.
    • However, Gymnasts For Change expressed dissatisfaction with the recommendations, calling for maximum training hour limits and government legislation on child abuse.
    • Anne Whyte suggested the establishment of a sports ombudsman and emphasized the need for independent resolution of complaints in the absence of a central regulator.
    • Calls for a sports ombudsman had been previously made in 2017, with the aim of holding governing bodies accountable for their duty of care.
    • The cost, both human and financial, of addressing these issues highlights the urgency for an independent body to oversee responsible sport.
  • 'Gymnastics abuse report again shows darker side of sport' - By Dan Roar, BBC Sport - 17 June 2022 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/61837245
    • The report by Anne Whyte reveals "systemic" physical and emotional abuse of young athletes in gymnastics, damaging the sport's reputation.
    • Other British sports, including cycling, swimming, canoeing, judo, bobsleigh, and archery, have faced similar allegations and inquiries into their cultures.
    • The pursuit of Olympic success and the linking of medal potential with funding may have compromised the duty of care for athletes in gymnastics.
    • The slogan "cash for medals" and UK Sport's "no compromise" approach to funding athletes may have contributed to a culture that prioritized performance over athlete welfare.
    • UK Sport's evaluation and monitoring process did not accurately reflect the state of athlete welfare and culture in gymnastics.
    • The call for an independent sports ombudsman, proposed by Baroness Grey-Thompson, is seen as a necessary step towards improving athlete welfare.
    • UK Sport maintains that the duty of care lies with national governing bodies, but it admits that its assurance systems failed to identify long-standing cultural problems in gymnastics.
    • The government believes that the new independent disclosure and complaints service by UK Sport is sufficient, but critics argue that a pan-sport ombudsman or regulator is needed.
    • The problem of prioritizing medals over athlete welfare extends beyond sporting authorities and involves media, sponsors, and government priorities.
    • The report highlights the need for a shift in defining success in sports to prioritize excellence across all aspects of a World Class Programme, not just medal hauls.
    • The revelations come at a time when British sport is reflecting on the 10-year anniversary of the 2012 London Olympics, raising concerns about toxic cultures and the neglect of athlete welfare.
    • The focus on welfare in sports should be given as much attention as winning, according to many observers.
  • British Gymnastics rocked by abuse report | 'Starved, thirsty, body shamed and punished' - Tom Parmenter (Sky News) - 17 June 2022 - https://www.skysports.com/more-sports/other-sports/news/29877/12635046/british-gymnastics-rocked-by-abuse-report-starved-thirsty-body-shamed-and-punished
    • The Whyte Review reveals an abusive culture in British Gymnastics, with over 400 complaints of physical and emotional abuse.
    • Gymnasts were subjected to punishments such as starvation, hanging from rings, and prolonged balancing on beams.
    • Coaches publicly shamed young girls over their weight, and gymnasts were prevented from using the toilet or drinking water during training sessions.
    • The report highlights an unhealthy obsession with weight and appearance within the sport.
    • Recommendations include improving safeguarding measures, handling complaints effectively, enhancing education for coaches, and ensuring independent oversight.
    • British Gymnastics is criticized for its insular and disconnected approach, and the chief executive offers a full apology.
    • The lack of independent oversight in sport and the need for an ombudsman are raised as concerns.
    • UK Sport and Sport England express regret for the failure of assurance systems and emphasize the importance of implementing necessary changes.
    • Tom Parmenter describes the review's findings as staggering and calls for permanent change in the sport.
    • The new leadership of British Gymnastics receives a vote of confidence from the FIG, the sport's international federation, despite the damning findings.
    • The FIG acknowledges the need for reforms to prioritize athlete welfare and mentions previous initiatives to promote youth protection.
    • The review calls for raising the minimum age for senior women's competition to reduce training pressures and risks.
  • Report into abuse in British gymnastics is 'too little, too late' - France 24 - 17 June 2022 - https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220617-report-into-abuse-in-british-gymnastics-is-too-little-too-late
    • The Whyte Review, commissioned in 2020 after complaints from high-profile British gymnasts, revealed "systemic" abuse in the sport. Over half of the submissions reported some form of emotional abuse, with nine percent involving sexual abuse.
    • Gymnasts for Change welcomed the review, but said the recommendations fell far short of what was needed to change a culture of mistreatment.
    • Whyte accused Powell's predecessor Jane Allen of a lack of leadership and a failure to appreciate the importance of athlete welfare. She called on the governing body to ensure its complaints system was "fit for purpose".
    • Louis Smith said British gymnastics had plenty of work ahead of it before it could rid itself of its association with a "culture of fear".
    • Earlier this month, Simone Biles, Aly Raisman and other star US gymnasts filed a $1 billion claim against the FBI for alleged mishandling of the investigation into sexual abuse by predatory former team doctor Larry Nassar.
  • How ‘systemic’ abuse within British Gymnastics was allowed to continue for decades - Chas Newkey-Burden (The Week) - 17 June 2022 - https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/sport/957105/how-systemic-abuse-within-british-gymnastics-continued-for-decades
    • A review of British Gymnastics has found that young gymnasts were starved, body shamed and abused. A seven-year-old girl was "sat on" by her adult coach.
    • In the review, gymnasts described being made to stand on a beam for two hours because they were frightened to attempt a particular skill, and being sworn at regularly from the age of nine.
    • The review found that girls were subject to some of the worst treatment, often concerning regular weigh-ins.
    • The Telegraph said Britain's "ruthless Olympic medal drive" since 2008 may have contributed to welfare failings. It concluded that "medals mattered more than... athlete welfare" and that UK Sport and British Gymnastics kept no records of complaints from 2008 to 2016.
    • Whyte's report recommends that the sport improve welfare provision for high performance gymnasts and their parents, and appoint a Director of Education.

  • ‘I had PTSD’: Culture of abuse in British gymnastics leaves lasting legacy on its victims - Amy Woodyatt and Amanda Davies (CNN) - 21 June 2022 - https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/21/sport/british-gymnastics-abuse-intl-spt-cmd/index.html
    • Claire Heafford, a former gymnast, experienced symptoms of PTSD after enduring physical and emotional abuse in British gymnastics in the 1990s.
    • Heafford co-founded Gymnasts for Change and feels vindicated by the release of the independent review conducted by Anne Whyte, which revealed a culture of abuse and lack of safety for gymnasts in British Gymnastics.
    • The review found that British Gymnastics should have been aware of bullying, harassment, and excessive control in training clubs from 2008 to 2020.
    • Coaches from the former Soviet Union and Soviet bloc were recruited, and their autocratic and dismissive attitudes made gymnasts feel like commodities.
    • Whyte's report received over 400 submissions and interviewed 190 people.
    • British Gymnastics CEO Sarah Powell admitted that the organization failed gymnastics and apologized for not meeting the expected standards.
    • Claire Heafford, who now coaches adults in gymnastics, campaigns for change and recognition of historic abuse.
    • Two-time Olympian Becky Downie supported the report's release, expressing hope that the recommendations would protect future gymnasts.
    • Whyte recommended systemic changes, including improving the complaints system, reassessing responsibility delegation, and implementing mandatory safeguarding training.
    • UK Sport and Sport England accepted and endorsed the recommendations, but funding for British Gymnastics depends on significant changes being made.
    • Eloise Jotischky, an 18-year-old former elite acrobatic gymnast, won the first civil case against British Gymnastics for abuse she experienced.
    • Jotischky expressed concern about the need for a register of coaches to prevent abuse and called for further reform in the sport's culture.
    • Gymnastics institutions worldwide have faced claims of abuse and safeguarding failures, similar to the Larry Nassar case in the USA.
    • Over 70 former and current gymnasts in Canada called for an investigation into toxic and abusive practices in the country.
    • GymCan and its Provincial Member Organizations face a proposed class-action lawsuit in British Columbia.
    • Attorneys for over 90 women and girls abused by Nassar have submitted claims for over $1 billion to the FBI, accusing mishandling of the case.

  • ‘My daughter had no life, no friends outside gymnastics’ - Anna Moore (You Magazine) - 31 July 2022 - https://www.you.co.uk/sport-gymnastics-abuse/
    • A damning review exposes "systemic" abuse in British gymnastics.
    • Nikki Kimpton shares her daughter Aasha's experience as an elite gymnast on the GB team.
    • Nikki recalls a day when Aasha and her friend were too upset to have dinner after training.
    • Despite moving Aasha to different clubs, Nikki struggled to find a healthy environment for her daughter.
    • Nikki's time revolved around driving Aasha to school, training, and back home, leaving little room for communication.
    • Nikki's identity as a parent became closely tied to gymnastics for a decade.
    • On July 10, 2020, the British Athletes Commission chair calls for an independent review following allegations of mistreatment by gymnasts.

  • British Gymnastics: There will be 'zero tolerance' to abuse in the future - ITV News - 18 October 2022 - https://www.itv.com/news/2022-10-18/british-gymnastics-there-will-be-zero-tolerance-to-abuse-in-the-future
    • British Gymnastics announces an action plan with "zero tolerance" for abuse in the future.
    • The plan follows an ITV News investigation and a subsequent 300-page report on widespread abuse in the sport.
    • The report describes a coach-led culture of fear and abuse within British Gymnastics, with physical and emotional mistreatment of gymnasts.
    • More than 40% of gymnasts reported physical abuse, including inappropriate training on injuries, excessive training hours, and denial of basic needs during sessions.
    • Over 50% reported emotional abuse, including shouting, belittling language, and gaslighting.
    • The "Reform '25" document promises transparent complaints procedures and the disclosure of coach names, but it does not reveal the names of previously banned or suspended coaches.
    • Chief Executive Sarah Powell assures that coaches posing a risk to children will be suspended and removed from coaching environments.
    • Former Olympian Jennifer McIlveen criticizes the slow progress, stating that only a small percentage of coaches named in the Whyte review have been banned.
    • Concerns remain among gymnasts about ongoing abuse, with the need for more work to prevent further mistreatment.
  • British Gymnastics to name banned coaches as part of abuse investigation - Rob Harris (Sky News) - 18 October 2022 - https://news.sky.com/story/british-gymnastics-to-name-banned-coaches-as-part-of-abuse-investigation-12723726
    • British Gymnastics to name banned coaches as part of abuse investigation
    • A 40-point action plan has been unveiled after a review which examined 400 complaints found young gymnasts in Britain had been left humiliated, shamed and permanently psychologically or physically damaged.
    • British Gymnastics will name coaches who have been banned as part of a response to an investigation exposing the sport's abusive culture.
    • A 40-point action plan is intended by the governing body to create "safe, positive and fair experiences" for gymnasts.
    • It follows more than 400 complaints to the Whyte Review that was published in June and found young gymnasts in Britain had been left humiliated, shamed and permanently psychologically or physically injured.
    • Coaches who are suspended pending the outcome of an investigation will also not be named - opening up the possibility of them working in other countries in another sport.
    • The aspiration to improve welfare, safeguarding and complaints is for "zero tolerance of abuse - whether that be emotional, physical or sexual" and more specialist staff to handle complaints.
    • A challenge for gymnastics officials is determining the proportionality of sanctions based on the scale of misconduct - from sexual and physical abuse to bullying and malnutrition.
    • While British Gymnastics will publish lists of banned coaches online, their names will be removed once a punishment has been served.
    • It leaves open the possibility of coaches returning to the sport with athletes and any guardians never knowing about past misconduct.
    • On the education priorities, the "Reform '25" action plan highlights the need for "a cultural understanding that creating a fear of coaches has no place in gymnastics.
    • British Gymnastics wants the reforms implemented by 2025 - a year after the next Olympics in Paris - but with regular updates on progress in improving the environment that is focused on high-performance, while eradicating risks.
  • British Gymnastics to name banned coaches in 'zero tolerance' plan on abuse - BBC Sport - 18 October 2022 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/63298671
    • British Gymnastics will disclose the names of banned coaches and prioritize athlete welfare over winning medals.
    • The decision comes after the Whyte Review revealed systemic physical, emotional, and some instances of sexual abuse in gymnastics.
    • An independent expert will monitor reforms, and banned coaches will be named on the British Gymnastics website.
    • By the end of 2022, membership requirements will be expanded to include choreographers, physios, and masseurs.
    • The 40-point action plan, called 'Reform 25,' will focus on culture, welfare, education, and performance.
    • British Gymnastics acknowledges past mistakes and aims to create a new generation of coaches.
    • The publication of progress updates every six months and involving parents and gymnasts in decision-making are part of the plan.
    • The Whyte Review covered a 12-year period and revealed numerous complaints and a culture condoning abusive behavior.
    • British Gymnastics received over £38m in UK Sport funding during this period.
    • Claire Heafford of Gymnasts For Change calls for greater oversight and an independent ombudsman, expressing concern over delays in resolving legal claims.
    • UK Sport and Sport England view the response and action plan as important initial steps toward long-term change.
  • British Gymnastics launches new action plan to combat abuse - Reuters - 19 October 2022 - https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/british-gymnastics-launches-new-action-plan-combat-abuse-2022-10-18/
    • British Gymnastics has launched a new action plan to provide a safe environment for its athletes after a damning report was published in June.
    • The new 40-point action plan aims to reform the sport over the next two years, and will publish a list of banned coaches and allow parents and gymnasts more say in training.
    • Through Reform '25, British Gymnastics will focus on the care of everyone involved in gymnastics as well as developing participation and performance.
    • The Whyte report, which examined 400 complaints, found that British gymnastics suffered from a cultural problem where young athletes were shamed for their weight and others were handed harsh punishments for the slightest mistakes in training.


  • Gymnastics historical sex abuse case: Survivor claims 'catastrophic failures' - Natalie Pirks & Sarah Dawkins (BBC Sport) - 17 February 2023 - https://www.bbc.com/sport/gymnastics/64647237
    • A survivor of historical child sexual abuse by a former trampoline coach accuses British Gymnastics of "catastrophic failures."
    • The survivor, named Emma, recounts being raped and molested by the coach, Brian Phelps, starting from the age of five in the mid-1970s.
    • Emma emphasizes the need to redirect the shame felt by trauma survivors towards those who were complicit in the abuse.
    • In 1979, Phelps became a finalist on the BBC show Superstars.
    • The Whyte Review, commissioned by UK Sport and Sport England, released in June 2022, concluded that gymnast wellbeing and welfare have not been prioritized in British Gymnastics' culture.
  • No coaches banned after gymnastics abuse investigation - Molly McElwee (Telegraph UK) - 20 March 2023 - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/gymnastics/2023/03/20/no-coaches-banned-gymnasticsabuse-investigation/
    • Nine months after the Whyte Review exposed a "culture of fear" and abuse in British gymnastics, not a single coach linked to the review has received a ban.
    • The review implicated 90 clubs and 100 coaches, detailing cases of mental, physical, and sexual abuse of young gymnasts.
    • The speed of the safeguarding processes and the delays in publishing a list of banned coaches have raised concerns.
    • British Gymnastics CEO Sarah Powell stated that implementing systemic change takes time and that they are working on resolving the cases.
    • BG's list of banned coaches and members, including historic cases, is expected to be published within the next two months.
    • BG has made significant recruitment decisions and implemented cultural changes within the organization.
    • The organization launched a new vision for the sport, focusing on inclusiveness and enjoyment rather than medals.
    • Critics argue that while cultural improvements have been made, abuse survivors continue to face delays and there is frustration with the slow progress.
    • Gymnasts for Change, a lobbying group, highlights the lack of settlement and support for abuse survivors.
    • Powell calls for the establishment of an independent body for sports safeguarding in the UK to address the volume of abuse complaints and safeguarding scandals.

Abuse in gymnastics - timeline & BBC reporting on this story Note - The Whyte Review report did not mention individual coaches or athletes.

July 2020: Nicole Pavier is among a number of gymnasts to make the first allegations of a "culture of fear" within the "mentally and emotionally abusive" sport of gymnastics. Olympians Becky and Ellie Downie say abusive behaviour in gymnastics training became "ingrained" and "completely normalised", and then-British Gymnastics chief executive Jane Allen says she is "appalled and ashamed" by the allegations. Olympic bronze medallist Amy Tinkler criticises British Gymnastics for the time it has taken to investigate a formal complaint she made in 2019. A helpline is launched by the NSPCC and British Athletes Commission to support gymnasts. It receives more than 120 calls in its first five weeks. August 2020: The Whyte Review is formally started. Pavier's former coach, Claire Barbieri, is suspended, while British Gymnastics' head national coach Amanda Reddin steps aside after allegations are made against her. Both denied the allegations made against them. Olympic bronze medallist Nile Wilson alleges gymnasts are "treated like pieces of meat". September 2020: Two further coaches - Helen Potter and Rory Weavers - are temporarily suspended pending investigation. Both denied the allegations made against them. Their temporary suspension has since been lifted. October 2020: British Gymnastics chief executive Allen announces she will retire in December. November 2020: British Gymnastics sets up an independent complaints process to oversee allegations of mistreatment by athletes. February 2021: A group of 17 start legal action against British Gymnastics. A further 20 later join the group claim. June 2021: Sarah Powell is named British Gymnastics chief executive, and says she is "under no illusions about the scale of change needed" to improve the culture at the organisation. August 2021: British Gymnastics chair Mike Darcey apologises to the gymnastics community for failing to act on allegations of mistreatment. April 2022: BBC Sport reveals leading coach Liz Kincaid was pulled from Great Britain's coaching squad just weeks before the Tokyo Olympics after a serious allegation was made against her. She denied wrongdoing. May 2022: National head coach Reddin steps down from her position with immediate effect. Previous claims against her were not upheld and her suspension was lifted, but another independent investigation is ongoing into "further historical complaints". June 2022: BBC Sport reveals ex-acrobatic gymnast Eloise Jotischky is the first to win a civil case against British Gymnastics for the abuse she experienced in the sport, with the organisation admitting full liability. The Whyte Review is published. British Gymnastics said it is "monitoring" a gymnastics club after Jotischky's former coach Andrew Griffiths was hired to work with children. October 2022: British Gymnastics issues 40-point action plan as it pledges "zero tolerance" on abuse.

Canada - Research Notes

AJay9509 (talk) 05:46, 7 June 2023 (UTC)



May 14 2023 - Gymnastics: former athletes of the French team denounce acts of abuse - FranceInfo: Sport - https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sports/gymnastique/gymnastique-d-anciennes-athletes-de-l-equipe-de-france-denoncent-des-faits-de-maltraitance_5824283.html

  • A survey conducted by Stade 2 reveals instances of harassment and violence in French gymnastics, as former athletes speak out about their experiences.
  • Six former athletes, including Valentine Sabatou, disclose abuse, violence, and harassment during their time in the French team, emphasizing the disregard for their health and treating them solely as performance objects.
  • Coaches and a supervisor from the French Gymnastics Federation are specifically mentioned for actions ranging from comments about appearance to physical violence and abuse.
  • The athletes who share their stories have all left the France team but still carry the lasting impact of what they endured.
  • Minister of Sports, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, announces the initiation of an investigation in response to the revelations.

May 14 2023 - Gymnastics: Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra announces the opening of an investigation after testimonies of abuse - FranceInfo: Sport - https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sports/gymnastique/gymnastique-la-ministre-des-sports-amelie-oudea-castera-annonce-l-ouverture-d-une-enquete-apres-des-temoignages-de-maltraitances_5824487.html

  • Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, announces an investigation into reported mistreatment of former gymnasts after a broadcast on the Stade 2 program.
  • Six former gymnasts, including Valentine Sabatou and Marine Petit, denounce physical and psychological violence by a senior leader and a coach of the French artistic gymnastics team.
  • Oudéa-Castéra expresses her commitment to open an investigation with the Ministry of Sports and invites the president of the French Gymnastics Federation and the national technical director for discussions.
  • Oudéa-Castéra calls for "zero tolerance" and a more humane approach to sports performance, urging athletes and federations to report violence and abuse to the Ministry of Sports.
  • James Blateau, the president of the French Gymnastics Federation, expresses support for the victims and announces an exceptional meeting of the federation's executive office to discuss measures to address the situation.

May 14 2023 - Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra will “open an investigation” concerning the French Gym Federation - Romain Desarbres (Europe 1) - https://www.europe1.fr/sport/la-ministre-des-sports-amelie-oudea-castera-va-ouvrir-une-enquete-concernant-la-federation-francaise-de-gym-4183146

  • Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra opens an investigation into the French Gymnastics Federation following the broadcast of a report on the Stade 2 program.
  • Several former gymnasts from the French team testify about abuse, denouncing physical and psychological violence.
  • The coach mentioned in the testimonies has been publicly denounced for his methods in the past and was implicated by a Mexican gymnast in 2019.
  • A senior official of the French team, who has been involved for fifteen years, is also accused of abuse.
  • The gymnasts describe instances of forced participation in demonstrations despite injuries and verbal abuse about their weight and performance.
  • The coach defends himself, denying some claims but admitting to making hurtful remarks.
  • The French Gymnastics Federation has not yet responded to the report, but the Minister of Sports plans to summon its president and the national technical director for further action.

May 18, 2023 - French ex-gymnasts testify about abuse, investigation opened - Clemence Apetogbor (Le Monde) - https://www.lemonde.fr/en/sports/article/2023/05/18/french-ex-gymnasts-testify-about-abuse-investigation-opened_6027145_9.html

  • Six former French gymnasts testify about verbal and physical abuse they experienced from coaches during their careers.
  • The Sports Minister, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, announces the opening of an investigation into the "particularly serious" allegations and bans the technical director of the national gymnastics center in Marseille from practicing.
  • The abuse case came to light after a TV program, Stade 2, broadcast testimonies from the gymnasts, who were minors at the time of the abuse.
  • The gymnasts describe instances of forced participation in demonstrations despite injuries, psychological violence, body shaming, and pressure to lose weight through extreme diets.
  • The coach implicated in the allegations denies some claims but admits to potentially making hurtful remarks.
  • The senior official from the French team accused by the gymnasts remains in her position, and neither she nor the coach face legal or disciplinary proceedings at the moment.
  • The Sports Minister expresses support for the gymnasts and denounces practices that confuse strictness with violence and discipline with abuse.
  • The investigation will be conducted by the departmental service for youth, commitment, and sports, which may disqualify the accused coach if necessary.
  • The French Gymnastics Federation's president convenes an executive board meeting to discuss measures in response to the allegations.
  • The FFG was previously under pressure due to the conviction of the technical director of the Marseille gymnastics center for psychological harassment, resulting in a ban on coaching and advising athletes.
  • Another former coach from the center is also set to be tried for psychological harassment, and a Ukrainian coach from the French men's team was fired for inappropriate behavior.
  • The FFG president emphasizes the need to differentiate between strictness and violence.

AJay9509 (talk) 10:47, 19 June 2023 (UTC)



November 2, 2022 - Rhythmic gymnastics hit by emotional-abuse allegations - ANSA - https://www.ansa.it/english/news/sports/2022/11/02/rhythmic-gymnastics-hit-by-emotional-abuse-allegations_1fa4a07e-b3c3-43d7-bcff-718ee8c65a5a.html

  • Sports Minister Andrea Abodi met with Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) President Giovanni Malagò and Italian Gymnastics Federation (FGI) Chief Gherardo Tecchi.
  • The meeting was held in response to accusations of emotional abuse in Italy's rhythmic gymnastics discipline.
  • Prosecutors in Brescia are investigating allegations of psychological abuse against two sisters who left the sport, based on their weight and physical appearance.
  • Former national team members Nina Corradini and Anna Basta recently spoke out about humiliation and pressure they experienced regarding their weight at a rhythmic gymnastics academy.
  • Minister Abodi emphasized that medals cannot compensate for inappropriate behavior and expressed the importance of addressing such issues.

November 2, 2022 - Italy investigates pressures put on young women gymnasts - Reuters - https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/italy-investigates-pressures-put-young-women-gymnasts-2022-11-02/

  • Italy's sports authorities are investigating reports of psychological pressure placed on young women gymnasts regarding their eating habits.
  • Sports Minister Andrea Abodi emphasized that while medals are a source of national pride, they cannot compensate for inappropriate behavior.
  • A complaint was filed with a prosecutor in Brescia by the mother of two rhythmic gymnasts regarding their treatment, particularly in relation to maintaining a specific weight.
  • Minister Abodi met with Giovanni Malago, the president of Italy's Olympic committee, and Gherardo Tecchi, the head of the national gymnastics federation, to address the issue.
  • Gherardo Tecchi highlighted the importance of taking care of young athletes, emphasizing that the athlete's well-being is a priority.
  • The complaint aligns with previous allegations made by former rhythmic gymnast Nina Corradini, who spoke out about quitting the national team due to abuse over her eating.
  • Italy has a strong record in rhythmic gymnastics, including winning a bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics.
  • British Gymnastics recently launched an action plan to address abuse in the sport, including the reporting of banned coaches' names, aiming to create a safe environment for athletes.

November 3, 2022 - Italy investigating abuse in gymnastics - RNZ Sport - https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/sport/477948/italy-investigating-abuse-in-gymnastics

  • Italy's sports authorities are investigating reports of psychological pressure placed on young female gymnasts regarding their eating habits, following a complaint to a prosecutor.
  • Sports Minister Andrea Abodi emphasized that medals cannot justify inappropriate behavior and expressed concerns about the treatment of athletes, particularly teenagers, by coaches.
  • A complaint was filed by the mother of two rhythmic gymnasts in Brescia, highlighting concerns about weight management and mistreatment. The identities of the mother and daughters have not been disclosed.
  • Abodi held meetings with Giovanni Malago, president of Italy's Olympic committee, and Gherardo Tecchi, head of the national gymnastic federation, to address the issue.
  • Tecchi emphasized the need for care and protection of young athletes, stating that the well-being of the athlete is of utmost importance.
  • Former gymnast Nina Corradini's claims of abuse related to her eating were echoed in the complaint, drawing attention to the issue.
  • Italy has a successful record in rhythmic gymnastics, including winning a bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics.
  • Other countries, such as Britain and Australia, have implemented measures to address abuse in gymnastics following investigations and complaints.
  • In the United States, a settlement was reached with hundreds of women abused by former national team doctor Larry Nassar, who was convicted and sentenced to jail in 2018 for his actions.

November 4, 2022 - Italian gymnasts demand 'cultural revolution' - The Express Tribune - https://tribune.com.pk/story/2384606/italian-gymnasts-demand-cultural-revolution

  • Italian gymnasts are calling for a "cultural revolution" in response to revelations of psychological abuse by national team coaches.
  • The demand for change was made by athletes' representatives at Italy's gymnastics federation after former rhythmic gymnast Nina Corradini spoke out about severe bullying during her time with the national team.
  • Corradini, who quit the team in 2021, described the "violence and humiliating treatment" she endured to prevent her from eating.
  • Two other former international rhythmic gymnasts, including double world champion Anna Basta, shared their experiences of being criticized by coaches about their weight and diets.
  • Basta, who left the sport in 2020, revealed that she had contemplated suicide on two occasions.
  • Giulia Galtarossa, another former world champion, recounted a degrading incident where she was reprimanded by a coaching assistant for eating a pear and received a diet sheet with derogatory comments.
  • The athletes are speaking out to protect young people and expose the truth.
  • Italy's sport minister Andrea Abodi, Olympic Committee head Giovanni Malago, and gymnastics federation president Gherardo Tecchi held a meeting in response to the revelations.
  • Tecchi announced that an investigation into the claims will be conducted, urging coaches and athletes to come forward and provide testimony.

November 8, 2022 - Italy's Olympic chief apologizes to gymnasts after bullying claims - The Japan Times - https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/11/08/more-sports/gymnastics/italy-gymnasts-bullying-apology/

  • The head of Italy's Olympic committee, Giovanni Malago, has apologized to a group of former gymnasts who alleged they were bullied by national team coaches regarding their weight and diets.
  • Three former rhythmic gymnastics, including two double world champions, spoke out about the abuse in interviews with La Repubblica.
  • Malago expressed his apology and stated that anyone who made mistakes would face consequences.
  • The gymnasts, Nina Corradini, Anna Basta, and Giulia Galtarossa, shared their experiences of being criticized and humiliated by coaches about their weight and diets.
  • Basta revealed that she had contemplated suicide twice, while Corradini left the national team due to the distress she experienced.
  • Galtarossa, a former world champion, recounted a degrading incident where she was reprimanded for eating a pear and received a diet sheet with an insulting message.
  • Malago acknowledged the importance of weight in gymnastics but emphasized that there is a line between rigor and violence or humiliation.
  • The revelations prompted a meeting between Italy's sport minister, Andrea Abodi, Malago, and the president of the gymnastics federation, Gherardo Tecchi.
  • Tecchi announced that an investigation would be conducted, urging coaches and athletes to come forward and provide testimony.
  • Athlete representatives called for a cultural revolution within the sport.

November 9, 2022 - Italian Gymnastics Federation apologises to gymnasts after they speak out over abuse faced - Neil Shefford (Inside the Games)

  • The Italian Gymnastics Federation (FGI) has issued an apology to gymnasts who have spoken out about abuse and documented their experiences with eating disorders.
  • The FGI stated that it does not tolerate any form of abuse and is committed to the well-being of its members.
  • The FGI has taken immediate action by informing the Federal Prosecutor and the Safeguarding Officer to conduct investigations.
  • The federation encourages all gymnasts, coaches, and managers to come forward with information, assuring confidentiality and support.
  • Gymnasts such as Anna Basta, Giulia Galtarossa, Nina Corradini, and Ilaria Barsacchi shared testimonies of abuse, including eating disorders, psychological abuse, humiliation, and suicidal thoughts.
  • President of the Italian National Olympic Committee, Giovanni Malago, also apologized to the gymnasts and acknowledged the need for a balanced approach to weight in gymnastics.
  • FGI President Gherardo Tecchi stated that no medal is worth compromising a person's well-being, and the goal is to eliminate such cases entirely.
  • The apology and actions follow similar revelations of abuse in British and American gymnastics.


January 11, 2023 - Coach of rhythmic gymnastics team denies abuse - The Italian Insider - http://www.italianinsider.it/?q=node/11554

  • A decision is pending regarding the future of Emmanuela Maccarani, the technical director of Italy's rhythmic gymnastics Butterflies team, following reports of abuse by former gymnasts.
  • Maccarani denies all allegations of abuse and suggests that the accusers were gymnasts who did not make it to the Olympics.
  • The Monza prosecutor's office is investigating Maccarani and her assistant Olga Tishina for mistreatment of gymnasts.
  • The federal council will meet to decide whether to renew the contracts of the two coaches.
  • Change the Game, an organization dedicated to protecting athletes from abuse, emphasizes the right of athletes to have their mental and physical health protected.
  • The legal proceedings are still in the preliminary investigation stage, and the federal prosecutor's office has requested a referral for Maccarani and Tishina
  • The FIG will hold an emergency council meeting to address the situation.
  • The decision is urgent due to upcoming sporting commitments, including the World Championships in August.
  • Maccarani claims there is a media bias and denies using derogatory language or engaging in mistreatment.
  • Maccarani defends herself by stating that successful results with different gymnasts over time indicate their well-being.
  • Maccarani responds to specific allegations regarding Anna Basta and Giulia Galtarossa, stating that the issues were related to technique and personal matters.
  • Maccarani suggests that envy from other coaches at Coni may be behind the case.
  • Maccarani asserts that there has never been a collective weight ritual and defends the team's winning track record.

January 13, 2023 - Italy's gymnastics technical director suspended after bullying claims - Wanted in Rome - https://www.wantedinrome.com/news/italys-gymnastics-technical-director-suspended-after-bullying-claims.html

  • Emanuela Maccarani, the technical director of Italy's rhythmic gymnastics national team, has been suspended following allegations of bullying by former athletes regarding their weight and diets.
  • Gherardo Tecchi, the president of Italy's gymnastics federation (FGI), announced that Maccarani has been relieved of her role within the governing body while investigations are conducted into her behavior.
  • Maccarani, who has been in the position since 2018 and also serves as the team's head coach, will be temporarily replaced by Tecchi.
  • Both Maccarani and her assistant, Olga Tishina, are under investigation by the FGI and prosecutors in Monza over allegations of mistreatment of young athletes.
  • Maccarani will continue to coach the team until a decision is made by the sporting tribunal.
  • Former gymnasts, including two double world champions, made allegations of abuse in interviews with La Repubblica, with one athlete revealing thoughts of suicide and another quitting the national set-up due to distress.
  • Giulia Galtarossa, a former world champion, shared an incident where she was insulted by a coaching assistant over eating a pear and received a diet sheet with derogatory comments.
  • Maccarani denied the claims of psychological abuse in an interview, attributing the accusations to disgruntled gymnasts who were not selected for Olympic squads.
  • Parents of gymnasts training at the national center expressed support for Maccarani through a letter addressed to Giovanni Malago, the head of Italy's Olympic Committee.

January 13, 2023 - Italy's rhythmic gymnastics coach to keep job despite abuse claims - Reuters - https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/italys-rhythmic-gymnastics-coach-keep-job-despite-abuse-claims-2023-01-12/

  • The coach of Italy's female Olympic gymnastics team, Emanuela Maccarani, will retain her position despite ongoing investigations into allegations of psychological abuse and mistreatment of young athletes regarding their weight and eating habits.
  • Sports authorities confirmed Maccarani as coach but removed her from the additional role of technical director of Italy's women national rhythmic gymnastics training center.
  • Both sports and civilian prosecutors are investigating Maccarani and her assistant Olga Tishina based on allegations made by former team athletes who claim they were bullied and mocked.
  • Gherardo Tecchi, head of Italy's national gymnastics federation, stated that the decision was made in consultation with Giovanni Malago, the head of Italy's Olympic committee, expressing full trust in the sports judiciary and the public prosecutor's office.
  • Accusations reported in the media state that Maccarani compelled underage rhythmic gymnasts to weigh themselves in front of teammates, with coaching staff insulting athletes if they appeared overweight.
  • Maccarani, who was indicted by the national gymnastics federation's judicial body, denied any wrongdoing, attributing the scandal partially to the amplification of reports through social media and claiming that most of the accusations came from former athletes excluded from the Olympic teams due to poor performance.
  • Some athletes and parents have supported the coach amidst the allegations.
  • Italy has a strong track record in rhythmic gymnastics, including winning a silver medal in 2004 and two bronze medals in 2012 and 2020.
  • British Gymnastics implemented an action plan in October, including the reporting of banned coaches' names, in response to a report exposing a culture of abuse in the sport, aiming to ensure a safe environment for athletes.

January 24, 2023 - Coach banned in new rhythmic gymnastics abuse case - ANSA - https://www.ansa.it/english/news/sports/2023/01/24/coach-banned-in-new-rhythmic-gymnastics-abuse-case_d6c5c8ab-3f12-4bde-ab8c-522fbd81caff.html

  • Stefania Fogliata, a coach in rhythmic gymnastics, has been suspended from coaching throughout Italy due to allegations of abuse.
  • Fogliata is accused of abusing eight athletes aged between 10 and 14 at a gym in Calcinato since 2017.
  • The preliminary investigations judge found that the athletes were subjected to daily insults, humiliation, and physical violence.
  • Emanuela Maccarani, the former technical director of rhythmic gymnastics for the Italian Gymnastics Federation (FGI), was dismissed earlier this month due to allegations of bullying from young athletes.
  • Maccarani and her Russian assistant Olga Tishina are under criminal investigation by prosecutors for allegations of psychological abuse of athletes.
  • Prosecutors in Brescia are investigating a complaint filed by the mother of two sisters who left the sport, alleging psychological abuse by coaches regarding their weight and appearance.
  • Former national team members Nina Corradini and Anna Basta had previously spoken out about humiliation and pressure related to their weight at a rhythmic gymnastics academy.
  • Maccarani claimed that the accusations came from athletes who were bitter after not being selected for the Olympics.

January 30, 2023 - The claustrophobic reality of Italian gymnastics - Anja Gogo (The Cambridge Language Collective) - https://www.thecambridgelanguagecollective.com/politics-and-society/gjnvsyiap98ol5km8dmo8huk7khxm6

  • The author expresses the curiosity about leading alternative lives and reflects on their regret of not pursuing gymnastics earlier.
  • Gymnastics was not a popular sport in the author's province, but its popularity grew after the reality series "Ginnaste Vite Parallele" showcased the world of gymnastics.
  • The show portrayed the disciplined athlete world alongside their everyday lives, highlighting the sacrifices and pressures they faced.
  • Carlotta Ferlito, a two-time Olympian and a leader in the show, reported the abuse of power in Italian Gymnastics, shedding light on the undesirable consequences faced by young athletes.
  • The author admired Carlotta's determination and fell in love with the sport through her perspective.
  • Carlotta revealed on the show "Le Iene" the psychological abuse she and her teammates endured, including weight comments, demeaning language, and disordered eating.
  • The toxic environment led many gymnasts to denounce the systematic abuse they believed was normal due to their early immersion in the sport.
  • The focus on results and the obsession with maintaining a specific body image overshadowed the values and creativity that sport should foster.
  • Speaking up against the abuse resulted in defamation charges for Carlotta initially, but she chose to break her silence for the sake of future generations.

AJay9509 (talk) 11:39, 19 June 2023 (UTC)