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Shot peening of steel belts

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Shot peening can be used to recondition distorted steel conveyor belts. The process is often considered quick and cost-effective compared to other methods and can be performed without interrupting daily production.[citation needed] A deformed steel belt has the following disadvantages:[citation needed]

  • Exerts uneven pressure on the product.
  • Can cause steel belt tracking problems in the press.
  • The steel belt is exposed to unnecessarily high stress.
  • Increases the risk of accidental damage to the edge of the belt.
  • Reduces the lifespan of the belt.

The shot peening process


Shot peening is a maintenance process for flattening a deformed steel belt in which the surface of the belt is impacted by small stainless steel or carbon steel balls called peening shot. Each ball hitting the belt functions as a small peening hammer, forming a small indentation or dimple on the steel belt surface. For the indentation to be formed, the steel belt surface layer must yield in tension.[citation needed][clarification needed] The compressed grains[clarification needed] help to restore the surface to its original shape by producing a hemisphere[clarification needed] of cold-worked metal highly stressed in compression. Overlapping indentations create a continuous layer of residual compressive stress. It is well known that cracks will not lead up[clarification needed] nor propagate in a compressive stressed zone. Because nearly all fatigue and stress corrosion failures originate at the surface of a part, compressive stresses generated by shot peening provide a significant increase in the lifespan of the belt.[citation needed] Note that:

  • Although it is possible to peen while the belt is in production, great care must be taken to ensure that there is no loss of shot which would contaminate the finished product or the press system.
  • The belt is run at a speed of 15–20 ft/min to start with but this may be increased if leveling function is satisfactory. The faster the belt runs, the less effective the peening process becomes.[citation needed]
  • Start with a low pressure (20 psi) and work up in steps of 10 psi until a noticeable effect is seen in the belt curve. For a precipitation-hardened type of stainless-steel belt, the required pressure could be as high as 90 psi.[citation needed]
  • If the shot becomes contaminated with oil from the belt it becomes less effective as a blasting medium, and the oil also clogs the air blast system. If oil pick-up is unavoidable, then frequent cleaning of the equipment and washing of the shot will be required.
  • Always peen against a solid surface.[clarification needed]
  • Peening starts from the center of a section and progresses towards the edge. Several light passes across the belt are less likely to over-compress the surface than one heavy pass which could distort the belt in the opposite direction.
  • Peening must be applied to the concave side of a curve to stretch the metal on the 'short' side.

Portable shot blasting unit


The main use of the unit is to flatten out deformed press belts whilst simultaneously stress-relieving the belt material. The small size and low weight make the unit flexible and easy to bring into and operate in field situations. All of the equipment needed (excluding the carriage frame and the air compressor) can be packed into a box with dimensions of about: 350mm L × 350mm W × 320 mm. Total weight including a blaster, valve, air hose, and miscellaneous components is around 25 kg and the blasting machine itself weighs only 9 kg. One pair of universal channels (38 mm * 76 mm) must be provided on-site – the length usually being 500 mm longer than the belt width. The channels are welded together so that the blaster can easily run through the frame across the face of the belt. The total installation time, including the manufacture of the carriage frame, is limited to just a few hours after which the peening process can begin.

On the inlet air hose an electric shut-off valve is mounted to protect the belt from over-blasting should the belt suddenly stop during the blasting operation. To be effective, the valve solenoid must be connected/interlocked to the press machine's power supply (240 V). For best blasting results, an air supply of 4,200 liters per minute is required at a pressure of 6 bar. A flexible air hose is supplied with the unit, which is to be connected between the blasting unit and the local air supply. All local supply pipes should have a minimum bore diameter of 1 inch. The recommended shot blasting medium is tungsten shot (beads) with a diameter ranging from 0.2 to 0.4 mm and a hardness exceeding 40 HRC. The machine operates by drawing a quantity of tungsten shot from the bottom of the scroll case into the high-velocity nozzles. The shot is blasted onto the surface of the belt, and most of the shot bounces back into the scroll case. The air is vented through the filter socks, and any shot carried with the air is filtered out and dropped back into the scroll case.

Flattening out deformed belts


Historically (per the 1980s), the common method previously used to solve the problem of deformed belts was to turn the belt over, i.e. what was previously the back of the belt is then used to form the new product side. The belt became flatter when it was turned because of an equalization of the stresses on the two sides. However, the belt usually continues to change its shape so that it eventually acquires the same shape as before being turned but in the opposite direction. Because of this, turning the belt again after approximately one year was often necessary. This method is very time-consuming and thus very costly since it involves cutting the belt, dismantling it from the press, turning the belt, and re-installing it in the press, followed by the belt joining operations (welding and grinding of the joint) and running-in procedures. All these operations also require equipment for handling the belt as well as special welding jigs and skilled personnel for the joint welding. Added to this is the loss of production during the operation – a stoppage in production of one week is not uncommon. The steel belt shot peening process was developed as a superior solution to the belt cross curvature problem.