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Raider Battalion

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Raider Battalion
Batalyon Raider
Insignia of the Raider Battalion
Country Indonesia
Branch Indonesian Army
TypeArmy Special Forces
BaretMoss Green
Mascot(s)Commando's Knife and Lightning

The Raider Battalion is one of the elite infantry battalions of the Indonesian Army. The ten raider battalions, which were inaugurated on December 22 2003, were formed by liquidating 8 regional military commands infantry battalions and 2 Kostrad infantry battalions. This infantry unit is based on the "Raid" battle tactic.



Initially, raider educational materials was only intended for the airborne battalions of the Kostrad. The combination of Raider and Para qualifications produces a new type of combat skill, namely the Para Raiders. This is very suited to the characteristics of Kostrad soldiers and units who are known to be fast, hard and mental in every battle. But in fact, Raider education was first tested on personnels of Infantry Battalion 401. The results were satisfactory as each operation showed a very significant increase in the troops' fighting prowess. After going through several innovations and improvements, Raider education began to be adopted by Kostrad for Airborne troops. Because it was considered quite helpful in combat tactics and battle results, the Raider qualification is then accessible to non-airborne infantry units and outside of Kostrad from 1967 to the 1970s. Raider is a special troop qualification that emphasizes the ability to hit the enemy quickly with minimal weapons, protracted warfare in the forest, close combat, aquatic combat operations (in swamps, rivers, sea and coastal warfare) and espionage. Troops are moved in teams of 10 people. The composition is similar to 1 regular Infantry squad only with the addition of raid/demolition experts.[1]

This change created a fact that all the equipment including uniforms, berets and brevets of a modern Indonesian Army infantry soldier today are the equipment and uniforms of the Raider Infantry of the past. The Yudha Wastu Scout Brevet, the green beret with the crossed rifle logo, the symbol of the Infantry Corps, was the uniform equipment of a raider infantry in the past. The field uniform of the raiders in the past are in the striped leopard motive. Kostrad and non raider infantry units did not use this uniform as they have their own field uniforms, while regular infantry units under regional military commands still uses field uniforms of standard green color without any camouflage. It was only in 1970 that the field uniform "IFGABA" (New Style Infantry) actually existed and was used by Army combat units. The field uniform “IFGABA” was then replaced by the Malvinas stripe from England which applies to all forces to this day.

The Raider Battalion is an elite TNI Army force which is under the Commando Force. In general, Raider battalions are no different from infantry battalion soldiers, but individual abilities of the Raiders are better than infantry soldiers. The idea to form elite troops in all Kodam was put forward on December 22 2003, by TNI General Ryamizard Ryacudu, who at that time was Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army. General Ryacudu's efforts were then followed up by upgrading the qualifications of 10 regular infantry troops to become Raiders, in which one qualification includes counterterrorism qualifications in the Special Forces Training and Education Center (Pusdikpassus) owned by Kopassus. The raider battalion was formed to increase the TNI's deterrent power. This is because Raider battalions are capable of operating in small, discreet and sudden units. In one Kodam, there is usually one raider battalion unit.

Training time


Raider infantry training is conducted for 84 days in which trainees will gain raiding capabilities. They will have operational capabilities in all battlefield terrains such as in urban, jungle, mountain, river, swamp, sea, coast and airborne warfare.

Para Raider Infantry units are trained in three stages, which are basic stage, mountain-river stage, and the amphibious stage

  1. On the basic stage, troops will be trained in urban warfare, close quarters combat, and topography. Field destruction and prisoner release are taught in this stage. They will be trained hard at this stage.
  2. On the mountain-river stage, troops will be trained in wilderness survival and mountain warfare. In 3 days, troops are not supplied with food nor water, only salt and matches. They are tested to survive in the most minimum conditions.
  3. On the amphibious stage, troops will be trained in amphibious warfare.

The Raider training is intended for Indonesian Army infantry units have the same and balanced capabilities in the sense that all Raider and Paratrooper Raider units in the Indonesian Army will have the same capabilities as other Infantry Brigades that has their own Raider Battalions as a strategic striking force that can operate in any situation.

Each raider battalions consist of 747 personnels. They will receive training and special exercises for 6 months on modern combat, counterinsurgency and protracted warfare. Every raider battalion are trained to have more military capabilities than the regular infantry battalions. They are trained to carry out ambushes and airborne operations, such as jumping from helicopters. 50 personnels of the 747 men strong battalion have counterterrorism and other special capabilities. They gained these skills after attending education organized by the Special Forces Education and Training Center located in Batujajar, West Java. This aims to increase the strength of the raider troops.


Raider Badge
Raider Badge
Brevet Pasukan Udara
Para Raider Badge
Brevet Airbone
Airborne Badge

Raider Battalion is a qualification for Indonesian National Army soldiers who are trained to master 3 skills. These capabilities are:

  1. Ability as an counterterrorist force for close combat.
  2. Ability to act as a guerrilla fighting force with high mobility.
  3. Ability to conduct long attrition battles.


  1. ^ Purwanto, Purwanto; Sutikno, Sutikno (2018-05-10). "Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Calon Penerbang TNI Angkatan Darat Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Pada Pusat Pendidikan Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia". Jurnal Masyarakat Informatika. 9 (1): 50–60. doi:10.14710/jmasif.9.1.31521. ISSN 2777-0648.